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Johnny Strife 1


is your yen yet slaked?

in distrait straits
I wait
for your dawning

fawning ‘neath your

arboreal awning

corporeal longing
long unsated

I’ve hated you of late

in somber spheres
I saunter
while you jaunt to
vaunted haunts

vexed by your hex

my dextral digits fidget
with wicked widgets

my skin blanches waxen

and sallow

your garden waxes flaxen

and fallow
without your tending

have you found soil

more fecund to till?

will you never return to your kill?

on your serpentine path

you pause only to posit
new clauses in
your sinister laws

your sinistral claw

will rake and harrow

maul me to the marrow

Johnny Strife 2

marry me to crypts of coral

pull a pale pall

o’er the yawning maw
of my narrow barrow

inhume me
in you

I sink deep
where worms creep
and demons sleep

yet another willow weeps

in your cruel keep

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