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Behavior modification is surprisingly easy for teachers of young children. Most young children
are still motivated by a strong desire to please and will comply with a teacher's rules readily.
Here are some of the more common behavior modification techniques that elementary school
teachers use successfully:

1. Color cards - Each child has three possible color cards for the day: green, yellow, and red. If
the child has a good day, they stay on green, their initial color. If they receive a warning about
their behavior, they may change to yellow. Another infraction or a more serious problem such as
hitting would result in a red card. Most children take these cards very seriously and are very
upset when they change colors so the technique works very well. The idea that all kids start out
on green helps keep the technique focused on the positive, assuming the best until problems
occur. Parents receive phone calls or notes home when the color changes. The very youngest
children often earn something from a treasure box when they complete a week on green each

2. Color-in chart - Similarly, children may be given a chart to color in at the end of each day with
color choices for excellent to poor behavior. Rather than simply giving a green for good
behavior, children can even earn purple for outstanding behavior, whifh increases their
motivation to behave well. Even without prizes, the children are very motivated to do their best
using this system.

3. Points, chips, stickers etc - Some teachers set up a reward system in which students earn
points, chips, or stickers for good behavior which can later be redeemed for prizes.

As with all attempts to teach good behavior, consistency is key. There can be no discussion,
drama, wavering, or indecision on the part of the teacher. With consistency, the children quickly
learn that a certain level of good behavior is expected and most eagerly comply.

Likewise, a focus on positive reinforcement, rewarding the behaviors that are desired, works
particularly well with young children who are so eager to please. By expecting the best from
them we start out from a position of love and acceptance rather than condemnation. It is
important the reinforcement technique teachers use emphasize this basic positive assumption
about each child.

The best behavior modification strategies are used in management as well.

—? a     - In this strategy a "treat" is given for good behavior. On the
other hand, if the behavior is bad, the "treat" is taken away. It is a good behavior
modification techniques for children. This strategy is used a lot in nurseries and
kindergartens too. It is also one of the favorite behavior modification strategies for

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—? 0   0    - This is a positive reinforcement method. It works well for

kids and boyfriends. In this strategy whenever there is good behavior, a reward is given.
It could be something that a person really wants. As such, you can keep it like, if they
behave will, they get the reward. It works as an incentive.

—?      - This is is a completely negative reinforcement strategy for

behavior modification. In this strategy a punishment is given for bad behavior. This
strategy is used, especially, when the behavior is mostly bad. As such, when they don't
get punished, they take it as a reward, making it an incentive for good behavior.

These are mostly the main strategies that are generally used for behavior modifications.
However, you cannot proceed with behavior modification strategies, without first taking a few
initial steps. These steps form the foundation of the behavior modification strategies. The success
or failure of your chosen strategy depends on your ability to take these steps.
The first thing you need to do, is to admit the problem. Face the reality and admit that you have a
problem. Going into denial and avoiding or covering up the problems will not help you solve it.
The problem exists, and you need to face it and deal with it. No matter how difficult it may seem,
no matter how bad you may feel trying to modify the behavior, you will have to do it, for the
sake of the relationship and the person.

Be objective. When observing a person's behavior, be objective about it. Do not let your
knowledge about their nature and moods fog your observation that their behavior is wrong. Make
mental notes of the patterns that are followed. Each person has a behavioral pattern. What is the
pattern, when does he/she behave and how? It is important for you to have a good idea about
that. It is also important to understand the psychology of behavior to help you be as objective as
you can.

Get ready to be tested. It is human nature to test any boundaries or rules that are put on us. It is
pretty much the reason why we are such an advanced species. Nonetheless, in this case do not let
the limits be pushed. Stand on your ground firm and strong. Do not get agitated or angry. Just be
as nonchalant about it as you can. "A no means a NO". All of us look at each other for guidance
and support. So is the case with your loved one. Be there for them and help them be the way you
want them to be. Don't compromise, but help and guide.

These behavior modification strategies work most of the times. However, how long they take to
work varies from person to person. Do not feel lost in the way. Be determined and carry it
through till you get the desired results. This is where I sign off! All the best!!

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