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Representations Of

Dwarfism is a physical disability which refers to abnormally short height in
childhood due to the lack of the growth hormone

We have come to realise how specific disabilities can also have a specific
stereotype attached to them. I.e. Short = Funny

Dwarfism and the Media : Some movies that include characters with
disabilities are Elf and Austin Powers (mini me), the characters in these films
take on stereotypical humorous roles.

Austin Powers (2) :

He is described through the voiceover as “Something small, Something

deadly” - this synchronises with the shot of him attacking Austin in his private
organs. This scene is created to work with the humour in the trailer.

Why is it that they are dwarfs always portrayed as being funny?

Little People Big World
‘Little people big world’ is shown by an American institution TLC. In the American TV reality show series little
people big world, the website provides clips where the audience can view interviews on the subjects of the media;
The Roloffs are a normal sized American family, some of which who are 4 ft tall and suffer from Diastrophic
dwarfism. The interviews contain personal views about the struggles and pressures of being little in an average sized
world. By viewing these, this gives the audience more awareness and a more realistic perspective towards disabled

The representations given are at times of normal behaviour and family relationships which is positive as they are not
seen as any different because of their disability. Like in this episode when the father gives advice to his son about
getting a job, this is pep talk or advice given from your parents is something that most people may come across in
their lives and regarded as normal family behaviour

However examples of other stereotypes like ‘pitiable and pathetic’ and ‘object of violence’ are also shown; this
could be due to the institution who is try to seek attention from their audience to preferably think twice about their
views on disabled people.

The US Magazine ‘Slate’ speaks positively of the show “I welcome media images that portray little people as normal.”

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