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Renewable Energy

Brandon Diaz
Lyanet Moran
Pro’s and Con’s to renewable resources
in general
In general the pro’s of renewable resources is that they
do not generate any pollution and release to the air
(except Nuclear energy).
The Con’s to renewable resources is that some times
they won’t function without the proper conditions met
for example: Solar Panels won’t work at night.
Solar Energy
Solar Energy gets its energy from the suns rays and
converting the solar cells into electricity. The way we
capture solar energy is with the use of solar panels
which absorb solar thermal energy. Solar panels are
either 5x magnifying glass or a Fresnel lens.
How does a Solar Panel work?
Pro’s and Cons
Solar energy

 Pro’s: Solar panel’s give off no pollution. When solar panels

produce electricity they give little to no sound. Solar panels
can be installed on top of many rooftops. Another great pro of
solar energy is the cost. Although the initial investment of solar
cells may be high, once installed, they provide a free source of
electricity, which will pay off over the coming years.

 Con’s: The major con of solar energy is the initial cost of solar
cells. Currently, prices of highly efficient solar cells can be
above $1000, and some households may need more than one.
This makes the initial installation of solar panels very costly.
The weather can affect the efficiency of solar cells.
Hydro energy
Hydro energy is the use of water for electricity. We
collect hydro energy by making a dam on a river there
for the flow of the water turns the turbine and produces
electricity for cities.
How does a Dam work?
Pro’s and Con’s
Hydro power

Pro’s: For one Dams can prevent flooding. Dams can

store rain water or water from rivers. If needed dams
can shut down instantly which other plants such as
thermal and Nuclear can take hours or even days.
Con’s: Hydro power requires the flooding of entire
valleys and scenic areas. Dams are expensive. The silt
that flows down to the Beaches or Estuaries is blocked
by the dam.
Wind power
Wind power is the use of wind to create electricity. We
use wind power with a modern version of a windmill
which every time wind blows the turbines turn which
generate electricity.
How does a Wind Turbine work?
Pro’s and Con’s
Wind power

Pro’s: Wind turbines take up less space then the

average power station. New technology allows wind
turbines to collect more energy. Great to be placed in
mountain communities or the remote country side
Con’s: Wind turbines construction is expensive. The
noise it produces. The main disadvantage is the winds
itself wind turbines require wind. Wind is unreliable.
Nuclear power is energy which is produced with the use
of a controlled nuclear reaction. Nuclear energy is the
most used fossil free fuel. Energy produced by Nuclear
plants are cleaner then fossil fuels.
How does a Nuclear Power Plant
Pro’s and Con’s
Nuclear power

Pro’s: For one it produces little pollution. Nuclear

power is a lengthy solution to fossil fuels. Reliability.
Nuclear power requires little fuel. Safety is a pro and a
Con’s: Meltdowns, meltdowns are worst case scenarios
but here is an example 1986 Chernobyl. Radiation can
cause sickness. Waste Disposal we need to be careful
how we dispose of this stuff.
Picture Reference
l (this site had wind power also)
The Science Book

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