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Iii C}IARACTERS 'IN TIrE P- :~LA"-' y .. :

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']141·;.ERta, E;y ,Atrus~op~'~,es.

A _Dt,gtre~ds. corn :IlaoQl,k _D'],g,iread~i;c.QutPiJbH&hi:ng P:nnt" ts BN: 1-4209~2643,-,8 'This, edidon .dOP],Eighl © 20091

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Please '\1'rusit .ww!1rt;;,di¢lf'eads. Cf}1H

3~~~~~ ~·[84Q




Lys,rustr8jml .

Ch~ori;Lc'e Myt.r~bJiae La~lp'U():




. ,

Gfun~. of ·.Cblesms

Herald o:f "llhe Lacedaemonlans En~qys: of the.'LaceclaewJo!(]:'wilns· A:n .Atbe]]i~_.c;i;~e:n.

ChoJ!ILIS of old _nleiflr C'Jloru15 of \y.cH'iL1.en.

4:8J~ ~~~ __ ~ __ ~ ~-~4Q


= lEI '

L -stlli3ita - NOOK fu.r PC ·. L __ . . ..





[~leirD(fli:cif!'~ Q![I:ick; 1. wUl ,g1e'~ me a yel]}ow fu;tiic from ·dl.e'dyer:~,s; L;y'S~~it, .. ~ or w'~nt ,3. ~llie.ld.~

IC leD!.D.i.c~. I'llrun ,and ~put iD1n~ a, :flow,il1g gown.,

tJisis,trata.. . ... (]rr _dIrrrayr-:B, S)N~fd. , .

C11~(](fii(!f.. I' ~[l'ha$te and b:u~y", a ~p.a:[~ l?f sllppers tbrlli, .~rutaut.

Lysisl1t.ata .. Now' ten' m.e.; 'WD'l.dd .tt01 -the' \VOll'len have dene bes~. tn tOlJlu~·1 Cleonice. ·Why. ~~~.ey ~hOH~d have flnwn herel

I .. ;ys:ls,tmla,.,Atd my dea!m'. you,in, see ~bat ltke true AtheIiiansi tb~y ·wiJ.I dO"everyti1ling, ton-late .. ,. Why" there's nota woman come .f.f:o~n 'the, :5ho;re~, not one'~frool Salamls.

1[1~o\niCle'. <B'ut I koow for. o~!ajln they ~rn:i)bari.ked. ~,~ dayb.fe~k;",

I .. ,YSi:stf8:·t3:. And the datnes from _A,dhamIEIJe l' why ~'1 :tlto:w.g:J:rt tney would Jutve been tlIp very .fj['~t to arrlve, lC.ll~onlce:.~·th'e~g, ~if~'atany .f,~te' lS"s'Wm ~(;D ,oom,e'''a~le lias ,at~aUy been: ti[l.,~oiilstL[tHIeF~te." .. ,~ut..~o~'ld h~,f:'e'-are'srnne' Mi:v,~ls-.~nd,e, Ble: mpre :tu~~Jn~. Aid .haJ n [l,W 'lVh~lJt ~[)ruu1try-WGnl,en ,l1:l~y t!]ey :be1

Lysisn~ata .. They- a:re"f~om, k:1Zl,gyrB,.

Cleooice. 'Yesl u.pon !my'wo.rd] 'tisa ~:evy en ,11l0SSe af' all [I;le:female population cif',A"fIagyIa,:~

[My,rrmne enters, foU.owoo by other WD,me]]~,] Myrrbine~ Are 'we Iate, tys~~lltrn!ta7 'Ten. 'USt prny~' 'wbat~ .p,[i~ ~('ward?,

L:¥s~sJt,a,ta. l CEJj!nUllot sa)~' much .. (ot ~~,~ .Mp,rbine! .you have, not hestitred ~urs~]f 1[;J'v~tnitlcb for ;mr·affiJ~Lr.- of such :run~ge~ty. My:tdl:i~le" m: :co u~d In!]'t .fi;nd .i".I.iIJy g)rdle lrn ~be daf.:ik:~ ~Haweyer~ .n: tnl~ Im.~~~e~' is, so [Prrtssh~g~ here' we H,e; :so{::spe~",

ICTe:onice: .. :No~ .]:,~~js, 'Walt:.8 momeul"m~::u~t till :th~6 worn,en Dr .m~hje~:rfi~, m:t~iv!~' and !~]n80e -fmom the P,~opoUH~e~.

~L ysisu:a[a .. 'Y:~':~ :th8ljt.~s: [b:e5t .. ~, .Ahf: here ~[Jmes :L~::pltlcJ',; [L~Ul1l~':~;~o:,", a h:u.~kJ :~partan, d:s:mseU, ,e:J1ters 'wub '~ree :otl1ers.;, ~(): from Boeo:lla and one .fnlm, CcuinLh;l Guod. dEtiYI ,Lampil[Oi dea.f., ;[lend, ·:fw.flll Lacedaemon, I~IGw· well, and, hmtdso:me' :YOll took I 'w"hat- '8. ,rusy. cnmplexion I ~ood huw 5;ItO~g' y011lU seem':' w'bylo you ceuld siJ,a:n;g[e a bull ~J!

Lam~litu,. Yes ~ "rundeBd'i' l_rMUy Wok I could:. It's be~1:1Se I: .do gymnasUc$ and: ,pr,a!cmisf:' 'the, bqUom:n-.kiGking' daWl(~~· [1,~o\rd,ce'. [opemipg. ~L~lpi,tri,~s .robe, an.a. bati'mg .he:r l:uJ\S[Rri]] ADd w:bai superb b~a;S~'!

l"a,mpU~O" La:~. y~rut, ,a."Ie '.feeHng, ~jTIie as ~if r.: were: a 'beasffom":.sacr.ifiCIf:.

tJisis,trata,. ~d .. this )l0:U1aig \"VrCulliln~ whe1r'~· rus. s.he::fmm'?1

~L~p;~j[n, ,S:h.e' fs, ,iI ~n{jble lady .frnm, :BD~Utia.

Lysisl1t.ata .. ,An l ,my :ptretty Bo-emrtan fdend.., you, are aSI hlo(lming, as -~ g~dEf:I ..

CI~!eoni.De., :[makfng ,aIHJ~her ,~:I~s;p'elCUonl Ye';S~ ou lDJ{ wnrd'! ,lind ~tef !.i·g.8JFden!' i~s so fho:ro:~:,~h1y weeded too l

, "

l .. ;ys:ls,tmla,., r p'uinUn~ to the C'ol'lixtbblm] .An)~ W'~1,0 is tillS? .

lam~:itu, .. IIT$s 'an ]hnrlle:st'wo'Duui", by nD!Y faith l s_fu,e.'PJlOll~~_ from~ Cu:rw~b. ICt~o\n.t.C1e'. . Oh'f:· 'hofl;~~l; ~o doubt 1ben'-----,8Js h.'Qn~snf: g!1J~-:8i~ Coduih" l"a,mpU~o~ ]j,ut who h.~ called, tog~~ber!-~[bi$ COUJuicil of yk,r;pm,effi)" 'P:fay"? lJ.siB,trata .. T ~~;~,ve:.

~L~p;~j[Q. 'W,ell 1[[c>u~;n(tf~U MS . .'w~h:at yOi~, w~nt of ~.

C Theo,mce ~ 'Ye5~ please [len iwd, 'What. oi5; tb:[S, velY JM1J!p'[)rtoot hus:ln~s~ you 'wish 'Il) inform, lB, ,about? I .. ysis,trala.. ~: wlU tell JlOtL But :nl~Si~ iU1S'WEr me {rne q~(lestihm.

t,II~oni:Cie ~ ,Anythinlg: you 'wish .

.lysls't["E~ta. [)U]]:lt yow: feel. ~B.d"amd sa.~ beC8!1l~ lberf&tbern ory<[i~ :tbil{lre;F.i,-are· tar awa-y' f~[)I11 .ypu 'w:itb fhe '8n:o;,1' For lr.]l 'w,~e., 'd:l~'e' :~s.n[l.~ Olle' of y'oii "WhO.SE' hu~band ES nnl. a)Jf~d '~,t,:'lhru~ n:uJ,meinlL,

IC IBnDic~. ,~e ,has be>e.n the, ~~8J~t fjy'e Iln,oflitbs 11l Tl1r,aq~~Q:[)kjl]!g aLftle~'~E'UcrBt~;

.IScene':-' At the l)'~e of the CtcbesiJ$ are ,two bUJUdi[l~.. the hOU5'e of .. L ySjstrn$B,' and the entrance tOi the ACfOiP0lls;:: a 'w:~;rl{urf[L,g; and ~l,8ErI'UW' ,~th, ]!ead~ up tn th.~ latter" B~lween ~he. tw~ 'b~LtUdmg.~(:rus~ the Qpecitm,g of,"dI,e' 'Cav~ :nf PBttl.. LYS1:5u_a j;5, pa,lcirig up a£i~, dL[J~n in ~;on~ elf her .hpuse.]

~ysi5:tlDl~ta~ Atillf ".nily '~]ey bd heen :ll]:v~'le~l to a Bacchir; r~'v!elDngj or a, f~ast of Pan or. A;pib.r.odlte lOr IGleuetylH~I" 'wh:yt the',em . \~n'UJI~, h:a:ve heen J,ll~pas~a'~le ,f@.r l!:H:~ _:tbIDn~ing ,tanl.boLJrlnes't .N ow '[heres never ~ WOD-ian h\~re~:1 ex£:ep·~ :roy new,a-h hour Cleoniee, whom I see. ~1'~(p;[1oa:.l[h~:rng,' vender. . •. IGoo ~ d:ay,~ C]eoll1Jice.,

n ~ I ...... ; ~

·'C]ie~fJ1'ioe. Go nd dary, LJlsj;s:tn~la,: but piTSlY. ',"vhy' ·~bis ,oork:" for:~\~ddi.n,g: face, my' dear? 'B elleve 'me~. you d[mt~: look a ·6iwl pr,e,t:w

'with those b~~.d( lowe1f:ing bWIWs ..

LyS1sltJ[~:ta. Ob~' Clleo!ni~'~, :my .heart ~s on fire: .l b:hLIS}ru ,£rir 'Our' sex, :Meil' 'WiU have ~l '\ii:e are b'icky 'and. g(y .. "'" IC~,eol1:lEe,. A,Dd IbJey.e lq_lI[ut~ 'ri,gll'~, 'UPQ,n-.lIty wo~t1,,'

Lyststm;ata~ Yet; look.y'Qu", w,llea, lh'e wO~'~!l are st1m:~~ne'~ to' meet Fg[l;' ,8. J1DmUfl{[ of' lfu.'e: ~g;felJt:es~ .~m.pur.~an'Qe:~ dl.~' .lie ill be.~,

., -

~'F1J;:',1rliJ,d', ihI,f- com WDO"

.l~U W~.ll.:.I:!oEJ:ii ) U" !WI, ... libJl.

·[:EelJn.ic;t'~ ObJ ~h~.y wiU come, [Q,Y dear; bur ir~,' fl6~' e~~~l. _YOtlh ,know. fi)t "wanle:n to Ieave dle house, One IDs husy ,paUeri:ng ,,~~ou t: 'her husband: another is :gletUng the servant up:: ,3 thlrd 'is: pu tUng h.8];' chUJd, asleep or w,~s.hing dIle' br,8!~ or f®eding:' ,~t Lys isirat a, Bu~ -.1 'feU you. the busffim,iess; that cidls them, ,hef'e [s faF. arnd.· ,away more ufge;nt

C~eQ~ni,6e:. And 'why do you ,5~l1tm110,n. U:3:~' dear ~Lysi;Stt;a:fa? Whral is lt ;ta11 aboiut?

- -

Lys1s:m~:ta. A,buut a ·big Uwl:n.g.

IC~,eol1:lEe,. [bddttg thi,s, in :a. ldJJ:ffle~e:rnt :5e~e~ with. g"3;~, .i.D.'lerest] A:flcl. is,if. tbt~k :rr(lO 1 ~y;siS:tlDl~ta~ Yes, 'V~~ :tbl,c:k~

'C'·' tr eoni ';'10 A~ '!if] .::1' ''Il:.,;i\;ilo '''=Ii .... .a "fn,lrnitlt di'~rl' .i'")cili'li thiIJi' :S'p. at~' 1m ~,(ji ne II

, JI,IL. ....... ',l~ •. !L IL.... , : I, ,U 'M'r-"_"_ ,~, ""'" ,1lI1:!I:J'l[ ,~1Il1 u,yj,'" '.~.',: ., • . ' ~",' , ,~

,Lysislm-ata.. rweBfUyJ Oh l if jt,. W'eJ'e 'W$.UlIlnt. Y.OU suppGsef dume "would. he' ne,v,er ;~n abSientee·!' No~, ,1l0~ .it tOfu:e:tns; ,a .thing ,[ hav,e" turned 2(boU't and HbO!Ul~ Ulis 'way and !tfu:~1~ so :r;n~'n:y sle~p:I,Ess nfughts.

·JC]ieO!Jl'ioe. [stUI tma~ble to be seii:o:u;s,'- ~It rn,us;t be' ~.o~J]feU~lllg' :mlg,hty" ,fi:ne~:a:rnd .subd,e (Otr' yO'w t{]~ ha:ve JlLUm!ed it ab~u.t .s.-o.l 'LyslsITB,ta: .. Su :f.hJe~ ~:~ .me~m:jll:5t '[m.m j, G,reec~l :5~8i.\ned by ihe, ,wpwl§n~,

~C.IJeo:nic)Ef. B~rthe WOUleri, I' 'W~y~ its, saIDv~,:ti,(l'.n bBihgs 0'1]' 3' poor d:u~eBd '.~~l,~-n:'! .

·:ly$i~;lWata. Qui: tOUJ]ftry~~: :for.tUm:u;~s, d.~pemd (]I,D U;S~U j $, with tiS,· 'lei undo ut1e.rly thE P~o:p:Olri:a]~:ian$. 'Cl:eD:nk~e. Tlulr-wou]d be ,a :n[¢·~ tru:l~i~,

'l' '-T ~'I "8" I' ,. yS1:S,t~ata.. ' .. n eJ(ter.mlloo:t.e: ~ l.e, 'o.~Qltia:ns '[cr lB, m',an,~

'CEeeniet,! Bu:t,stU:MY' you. would s.par,e' the eeJs"

:LysJs.tIrBta. Hor Atheil](S i sake .I w'~~1J never threaten so fe"ll a. doom,: trtl;S~ [mH for Itfull3Jt, , I-:low.evE<r, If the' -BHeoti:B:I1 ,and P,f;J~oponnesian, 'VO~l1el1. Join rus,~ saved ..

C~jeD(n:ii:~:, B1]J~ how ~h~uld: 'WOUl€n,-.p.erfQ;QtI-SOr'wjse 'anH, g])[)rioUS an t.'i'.;bi~vleme:n,t~ we won1,en who rdlweU im:,tbe retir,em1eQt of' fixe' :fu()ll~ehold, clad hw .d;Lapil:~.wo~s; gialn'hefj,~, of y.~Uo:w .sU.k·~~'nd ~OHg :OolWil]g ,gowr:vs~ decked, out 'wIth· ,8!td shod W;iJh '~m~j~y ~~'1Ue' Sl~;Pfters?

:lysjst~ata. All~. hu~ [[bose 'I. t!]e. vlery'. S~I~etL.aDchor.s of QUi'. sdvatiofi----,'~],ose yellow. I~unk;~~ lh!O'Si~: 'sce:nts. :M1d, slippef".5! Ilhos.e; ,[osJJi,edcs Bna lIal1sp:arent mhas:.

·lClleoniDe:. ,fl'ow :50" prBLy?

Lysisirata:. "n]el)~'"is ·.:ODt ~~, ml8bU willi ·wield ;~ lKue'€' ,~~iDSt af!.mtl:llier .....

~~L- _L ~-[84Q

Lysjstlli3ita - NOO K fu.r PC '. = __ L@'·. .. '.



M.Yi'rbiDEi. :OCt\~ seven :~bng :mOD:n~~ since ,rtii:o.e le:ft for Pylas:

. -

Lnm:pfiQ," As for' 'nnDe" tfhe' e~er does return' fl'Om SfUV~ce'" h~!'s .0.0 seoaer.heme tbaD" be lakes: dOwfl, hls sbie:ld 'B~Bln: and

f.Ue5b~ck Jai the wars,

~y;siS:tm;~ta~ And no't"<;so ,rn~.c;h ',as ''rile .shadoW of a .lO've~'1 SiDiC.ei, t1t~ day' tbei Mnes:~arus fl~h~81y:~d. .ll:S'! l ,have.·.nevef'once. seem~ an

eiaht ,;,,1I'I,If"'h· ~:..l'D'a1~1 100~;I',efn 'ili-n, 'I ... a, a '""li!!IJ<:!i"t'l",aPFIi ;i"'.h'iI"Ii'~n'il:'::!I'''''::'Ritnt I-.,M 'fi'iS" rihn,'j;' 'w"~d'n'w"'''' 1I\,:;rn'w" tell iA"9ia If 111' i,.'di1i;!\Ci ,.l;'I"!I:'C· nvered "" means "Ii!?'

b~b'.lJ.jL·-::~~,ll'lLr.l 1 ;1E:[f . .al~b."""·~ !L.;'r Jjllfl l~U'IUL '_. '.!L.-!tIL_. 'IU;. ..,";~ !L.f!L'dIJI.:;IU\W.i!=II:I[JJJ.UUJ.I. llU ,1l.,J ',II.J!..rlV~Jtl!i ,_'.,ll: , .. ,._dl'!'.I!!11! j.\I~,._ ~L, l Ji~IIII~:l1 .: .IlL l,lI:::Jl'''-:t.- 'J..aL.~- .. U.·.,~,L".ll, t~ _,iII~I}_' ~1IJ .. h:li!, L.i!~:'

lendi.Hg the 'war. ~'1U ~ou aU second _rn~,le.(

'JC]ieO!Jl'ioe. Yes 've[qy~ b)r"_~~ ihe ,go ddesses, I'swear I wUt :tbDiltgh T have to putmy ~~Jw:rn fll, p'ai.Wl]~, and. ddnJ,( the' Dllll1ey the 'same day.

M.Yrr'l]iru,~·. AlL1Jrl sci will I, ~bougtl, l.:[[[ltl~t b~' split :w:n two Hke',;!8J, flB.l~n&bf. and :Ijave .hatr "mly~elf ·remu\l:~d.' Larnpibn, Andll, ~QO';' w:hy tai secuee peace, I wo'uld cU:m:~ to the: to,P of ~R.v[ou.nit T~yg'e'tmts,.

~ysistm;~ta.: 'Then, I w!l'U out with JI" ,ail mstj :my 'IDigih'1i{ siOCie~J D,h 1· sister "wp~lel1:i if' we 'w~a1tld Ico'mpeI o~ husbands to, ,mak.:e' peace I W~ 'mlts~ r,¢:fil"a.l:n,.; ~ .'

Cleanlce, Re:frain frl)nl '~\i']m:t? 11e1] us!' teJ~. 'UlS1

"L' n' .'. '!i~ d '''.,'

.I !ysl5,tirBta. ,nllll1tt win ymru .' :0 ~t.

Myrrldne.. We wi.]J. we witt ~houg.h w:e' mOlt1d di_e .or '~,t

'Lyslska,ta. We f[[1Ufsf.[efEaim:.ftGJm''[ne fn~]:'e ~]to,getheT.: .. "" ,N'a;y~, 'wby do ynu.'t1llJ:rfllt"'Y0!lE' b·at~, on,-me-7 ·\rV.he:re are yCDju.'gi~i[lg'? SD!~ YIJ'l,ID, bite il{lur~ U,:ps, ani !h3k:~ J'Qwt hea.ds~, ,eJD.t Why these p'~'lei' sad IGoks'? \--lihy these ~ears? Come, wIU )lo'n do ·,:it---:=yes. lOt .~UJ l' 'DO!,you. hesitEiite?

. ~

'C~,e"or.n:ltler I wrun, nn~ d:,o .i:~'1 let th~, war go en,

. , '

My,trblne .. · N!Qr;" 'wtm I; let dE' 'war ~g',o .011, •.

:Lys.i,s,trBta. [to 'Myrrih:rnro:e] And you :sajr 'this,. 'nlY pr,etty t:I,at~frusb. who declared Jus~ nuw' they m.igh~ split you Hl Me l' 'JC]ieornic€. Anyt[Thlllg; '~nytlta,n:g'J]iUfJ~ thatl 'Bid -rU€ go throiLiligh ~beJ~·re. if-you wj]jl,~uLto m:~:b us:·u:fthE·~,weete.s.t tID-ng in &illl

'rh.e w.odd, L~i~tr:a:ra·d;~f. ru:rnD-I ..'

;J. ~ to

Lys1s:m~:ta. [tQ '~~yrrhmeJ ~B.d YUt1?

Lys"jstr·ata. 'The:n, 'y[,e~df .tOi' 'Uleim- wIshes" hllLlt"w.i:th abad g[ae~: there' Is 'DOl 'p,l:em$Uie "run It '.fOIF, 'lih,e;m'J w::h"en.·tb~y do l~: biy' tiJ,rue·~ Besides, [there area rb[Hlt~i'alld. 'w~ys of--tormenUng tll~nL Neverifei"~: UFeyj~1 800", We of-the ,pme~' tb~~,e;~8 no ~ti8faC:tit~ij~ :fc!r a, man, unless the 'W1J(ruBn"shm-e~jt:

";. • - I •

Cl'~(](fii(!f,. 'Ve'ry wdI~ ruf y!on m~:st have ,ru:t· so., we ,agr~e.

. . '

Lamp,Uo~ F:aF uurselves, no doubt ',,{e shall ,p·e.tsuade ~u.f.ltnlshands [a 't:,flf.!:rl'iilIde ,~, fair ';8!Ildl honest peace; but tnerre' .is· tile

Athenian ,~oiPlill'la:ce~, h,aw·.~r'e- we, to cure these tou~, of thetr warUke :f~e'RZ;Y'~

I .. ;ys:ls,t-mla .. .Have J10 re,m:~we .. mHd.ert31~' 'to, makeour awn people.Ilsten to te~gfilTh.

lamptiJtu,. Thalt~'$, iJ]]Jpps~ible.1 so.lo:ng as. o.ey, ',h~(!!le U]e.i:r UUs1:Jl ~E.titp$· and lJH~::''V~J1t: roeas'U~,:~to;red m ~be·'I~e:m.ple: of ,A~bene,"

, . -

L;ysjstt,a.:la .. A,~] bu,;t:'we ~,!lIJ:ye ~eL1J. to tbat; :1[1;:[5 v,eOt'ijay the Acropolis 'will be in 'outh~ujdS. That is 'ibe· ~3sk: assign;ed to the'

IOl~eli' '~o(I"ne(lTh~ '~IiU~' ·\!\re~are .. here .in ()JWTh~hl, [hley . are' :go'~ng~ under p'n~~enlce or offering, ;i~,.c,dfic~~ '001 seize '.~he ··citad¢,l., l'am:~~i~o .. W,eIl :said indeedl eV\elry.t["j.s 'rrobl~ .fnr" tbe,. best

l F I ~. b ICI •

~Lys:Hi,tnlla. .. ~C[l]]re!1 qmck~ .lJU!np'i:~o~,ood let .us·bjnd: ourselves by. an j:n;,tctab:l~ nsth,

Lal1lp,UO~ Rec~i[e' th,e' terms; we \viU swear JJO :~he'm"

T ." ~ w ... ·, , ":tr-I -I 'W·"'IL-..· 'C'-~ t-I . ,i·' ~ "N' !f.. * t· ~ 'J" L I,lL" iI!...,=!~ld' 1',1'

"Lys~lS,lInl.'lla..' un p:,e',.·' nere IS our i:!A.y nan poncewnmsnr "OW'. 'W~IlEJju:, :8Ln~'<'you sl3!fwng at, prBy~, -'ay '~JJilS Sulew Ion tne

lear:th, before ws; its hollow upwards'; and mIll.Bone britl,g me the 'id'EUnwls fnw;a:r-cls·.,

[::llelLD(I]ieiE!'~ 'LYSlSn,ata" 'saYn VRh3.t loath are 'W'~ ltD, ~w,~ar?:

L:¥"Sj~ft,3,ta .. Wltu.tUt D~Ltb?' \iVl(y, io ~e&cl~~llu:s,~ th~y 'sadwfi,cf; a ~be~p'~ and 5we~ .o\Y~:r 'a' buckler: we 'wiltdQI the ~,!EUnJe. ICIBnDic~.·NClI Lyststra:mj,.·onec~Jlnot·sw:ear peaeeever a~ bu:ckh:~r"1 L~urBlJy:;

L2i.~jldrat_a,. '~Vbij;l. Qtb~er oath do JO~, p:refer?

Clennice, Le~tls. take ~. \~m~e hllrn,e'~ and. sacriflce fJ[1' and swear on, l~ entralls;


Lysisl1fata .. BtllrJt wfie'l-e- '~ball 'we. _g,el ,3 '~v.llite horse?

I.C. li,Q","",-:'I'~'Ji'"'lipi. ·W"·'I.;Jttl'n ,,~~.L,o'i 'OQ!!:!L i!7 -ll~~11 'W:o!JI take -t h"- 'eiF1I~~

,~,IL:-UI:,Il:UL .. !L..... t.iiL~.1I .!.!~ ,I lh:lI I ' .. u.LJl .• ] ~J", n.tI!J ... J~ loU_I:\... . I.' ,I,J; l~

1 .. p:i~5,tJmta.;Lb;ten ~o m{~ .. Lef:s, set a gw,eatbl~.t:k ~()wl Di,[l. the gruund:: ·le~i's·s~.crir~te'a skin, 0rnUISia]]rwin~',mto ·Ir~· ,~'nd '~ake oatil D!Dt·ttct2l!drll ~:uie ~j:ng~.e·.arop of 'wat~r~

La:lUpUO. A~. 1'ibat"s ;U' oodi ,fJle.~~g fI]~ ,mote lltaii 1 tau say. I""y~dstfa'tB:. 4~ Itbe{[l,~ brJng.m!e iit. bow:~, ~,d B s.k:~:n Of"'WiIH:~_.

'CTIBontce:.~ .Ab'~ .. ~y d~ats ~ W.fuat.,a :noble, biig, bow1-! what 'fml_ it w.W [b;~ ·!tn :e~m,p~y' n~'

~LysiB,ttala .. Se~ [=lIe .b()w~ dnwn jJ(lJ.. l[he g/Oljj]'~,!, :~:nd llay y~OU1" 11~nd:s: jJiIJ..IIilil,e, v'i-ctinl., ' .. ~ . Alm,t,gJIqr· ,goddess~ I ~Persns~i~nl' ,and: tl1lnl~, bp,w~. boon oonuade.orjo,y" and. ,m,erri~o:ruel'ID~f .rete:Mv,e~tbis IOWr. sa,ctifice.~'~Iid .ln~ prqpiUC:i'G1S', to' 115, :pbOf~wonl~n~,

IC1i,Q"'""'n' ]' Ji'"',ipi 'rr"Q~O;:O If .V-~1~ ;;:O*'II'!Oi'~oOI no, ~ 11'1','[': , .. 'L'a 'UTi ne" " n ..... .j-i..'o· ~-tnI'1:~1!'111 O·';[I..! t' k iI:I!' ''¢:['Y!i,Q 'r,'Q,..-i11 b' . !io"od'"I Il-o"'w' 'W' ,Q,I-'i li·t :iIi1'n,u_r;;:o ~

.. ,~,IL:-U, ,1Ldl..;I'. ,~OJi.]J .It..;l;.J' d. . ..:!I'U, U,[_itl. .~.'" !W!J, Qi LIJ!:u Y .. '1!'.I1LlI!,II.' "I, ,LUI flJ;jf'L ID-u '~,""ll ~ ." ,].1. ~ IlL ,rnJ,lIll.'!L! , L lUll ,1.. .. ~ I. .. ',. '1iL:-, _D. ;II . .l1L,I,u.' Y''-'I.3"I:

l .. amniio .. And 'what.,~ de,U,o.iolms bOlil_IT:uet. ~v 'G'as~om"!

l~~ <'~,' ~

ICl~ILD(f.]i:CiE!'~ ~:~ow'~' .my' dea~, le'~ me:·sWle~ ,6[51. fuf Y'DU 'p,lea$e:

L;ysjsft,a.:la .. N'oj by -,Ap~n:u::Ute~ unless It\s: d~¢~ded ·by lOot. But com~i '.~b~D,~ 'lan:1P1tO~,' ,~d. aU of 'yOl]J.~ ,purt your bands, to the' bow[;' .:and dq you I .('],eciriice I f~:p:ea.t Ji;:nr a'J:~ the. ie;.5I~, :1iliu~: sol.emn. ierm:s, J WlJ, _goirug In ,fe6Ue~ Then. ~D:w I!HtI;8:t all.swBM'f :md 'PJ:e~~ y'[M!1I-selws ,by '!he' ~ail1~ IlrOni.ruses',-:~ wiU 'b3!,V~ n8J:uJlht Ln· dio' 'whet~]~r with .']0 ViEF' Oir .l1.usbiIDnd ....

C Thenmce ~ ItatadY]1 wwlt h~,v,e na:~~Lgbm, '[0' do 'whedr:te'x wilD laY'ff: flf ,A~:ushand .. , ., ~

. ;~

:lysis,trala.. ,A:'U:H~it be C01JJIle 10 ~lle 'with an lef'ecmon i, ••

Ic'II~oni:Cie~ J,lter voice qU'8.'ver]llgl·Mbei( .he·, tn, 'me' with, ,8:U'erec[ruatt, .. Jjn'despair] ,O~ ~ ~ysi:sttEIIJta.', I,EJ8![J]UJ[ 'beaTlt'r: .l ysls't["E~ta. '~~,g~,orrung tllis: outbut!rl~: J 'wJU l:i;ve'. ~rhnme tIJJbuUed.." ,.

'Cl,¢o,nioe'. 1 wj]..L live, ·~.tho':IH~ ~wib~1ea ...

I""ysj~.tfa'ta:. BiealruMifm11y d:[es~ed ~uld 'we:m:i~g: a. 5aJIf~;:ri1t"~o'~otlr.ed ·t~OW,1l ~ ... ICTIBonice: .. Be~u.tifuny.dfesse.Gl.:,ood w-~3rlng'a saffron-eulo~J1:ed gown"~,,

M,yj['[bitl~ .. Yle~i~ l ag~'~-~ w~itb 'rh:e)otbews;: m: ~QO '~olJld sOQBe;rJgp fb[i.ougJl_th,e<fif.~'.

L,' .'..... 0.'1 . --' t· ,"' __ .' "' .. ,11 ,i.'ib' .ihr. h' .... . d ,. - "11-'" ill' ... t.:' "II' -' ..:~,:,.. ' . -, -,' . .'" . .::11 ,!if" . ,,'_:h::' . ilik,' b -,j;-y;Slsllm;a[a~ __ _]~ ·wan on! V~CI0~S se.;.l,t,J_ lUe ,pOE!la , ave·" one '\"Vi12', ,dl llli1l\,e, !cragewe:s UI,PrO]] L;(S; we .'e. goo~ .. ,lIlpr ~'lOuJh.dlg IIL"en • ~h.

.. .. . ..". - -.

:~oVe. :md, Iewdn~s! ]lllt~, vou, mv delD'!. VOll r~f)nl hardy' Spm1a~ ,H YI[)U JOlJ1! ,~1.e~, ,all :m~y yff~ 1~be 'weI]; help, lne',; secDnd Ul~" I

~. ~. <t;l' '_. .._ '_ • ~ ....

beor vou~ bl~

LaDi'p:i:~GJ,. '!T'is a bard ,~hmg.! by ~he 1~~1 gpddeoSSe:i" if J:S t . ~or;elJ. 'woman to s:leBp' .ah:m;e: wmllii0ut ever ~. strong' nude' :WJw .. her bad.

':B~"u-'" t'l!;:.lalf'~. Inif.liO,If"'e '-m' .. 'i(J'II!',: iI"!:im.'ll'Ij'1lie:'~I'r.<IZ'ri-

. '., ~,. lU,lCiI! 'IG 1 t~![IJIb.; ,',. J, ~I!L ~'!JlIU, • .,.1.1: .:JilL.

LYS15[t~:ta. Obt Ny d3Jling, my tle~est ~ best fm:m~D,{t yo II, are.Ol.e only or,le· deserving fbe ',D~e ~f :'Y!lom'.,.J

[~~,eolliEe,. B~ 1f-' wh]cb 't!lEe ,gcUi~8,\ye' do , ~J:to,ge[her, :ftr.i:n~1:' '~,h alit you :s'~N! sllJtnud we ,get :p·' ,~Ily ,sn~;:n,e[? Lvsistm;ata. Of- -ooutse. ''\ve' sl~otild~ ~i'J tbe: :~nd:d~se!5' 'bN;WU1.l We' Dl6ed on[~ '~i[ il1ll0DirS. wuh ~;twnte:d cbeeJi;:~! and m'em' our

.J I • _. ."J ~ .. .- ..)' ~ .. ..

mates, Wfg~1illy clad in :traospare~l']~-,gQw:n£s"nfAmorgn~, ~Uk, aDd ~pe,,rfecdy diE.pHa:l:ecl:, they \iV-Ulget th~lr ~Glo"l~, ~p·a:tl.'d,~be l'lind ~o

:tie 'with us. ThJal wrnll ~:~ '~be' ti:nlle 't.o reftlse: ,and: l~hey will IIDas~en I~o Inake' :pea,eEL '1" ,~m conV-]'n.~ed ,of ;tfu:81J1~ I

Lan.ipUcl. 'Y,e:5, j~1i:t.ilts, Me[le~a:U$i 'wben':be! S'a/W B:,@lerrs naked. bosunl, tllre'v;~"w8'~r.his.swo[d' .. :rbe:r~say'.

C~je[udi:~:. But oh, 'fi~ru\ ~m:p.]J{)s,e, ou.r:htlfiib(!\lfDJdls.'gi~: 'away '3:1rid h~~¥~ 1J,$:

LyS1sltJ[~:ta. "Then I ,~g 'PherectatesJ s~y;l)!,· 'we 1ID.'t£s:t" I!:O'ay 18?'skinned dqg" H I~h;~m'r~_ wi..

IC~,eOI1:lEe,. pjdd1esiitJ~ts! tn:ese' PJo'vei~s we all11[][['e 'talk .. ,,, But if ~Ilir tru.~:~,8:nds, tIr,ig us ,:by ~n],am, fo.!' ce- l~IlJl[[I the b~~cin~rf.ll~:e:r'?, Lyststm;ata.'l-IoJd onJn ·tbe ,Qtonr P,!J6:tS"

• • - .". I ,.

78J~ __ ~ ~ __ ~ ~-~4Q

Lysjstlli3ita - NOO K fu.r PC .. ~ 81'· .. '.



·LyslstrB.ta. ·t![) 'Lh,e· et-la. :I rnav :run~pjm ;rny.- ··h.UiS'bB:od- w.Uir tlljer f[[10St :aid.'ent. -~Q,H,i(flrn~., .

J., _ I tJ; lb'f~

~Q.IJeo"llice·. To the end I Ul~J tn~pifle .:ITh1Jl hu.~bm:td. w:.~.tb the .ril~~·, anleifIDt' ·tySi~:lWata. Never ·wi1.["1 ·,gi:ve U1_y:se'if vo;~.u.~~.tar=il.y ...

[:;]JeD:nk~e. N~v,e,r wlll ], :g~'v'l:fnlys~lf vlhiUUl:adl'y,~ , .

'l' i '-~ - • ..:iI' ·'f-·Il;. I - b-' :~~

.- YSlS,tr.ata. ."._,.:lJiu, ru: H;~. ]~S me r - Y ·J.uDC:e •••

,r'u'~",;,n'·L- 1i"!.!J; A·.o;,.-d'- l""f-1-oi'D ill 1''''1 C" lfl'!IB b " 'i:"n>mi,..,.,a

'~~u.j,_" 1 6}~."l; .,f:\J.~ . L_' • .(l~. ~_~~ !(~~~ '~~ ,J.:U.~~ •• III

Liu:~~a~e:m,~,n[a1l 'p~ride'1 '"ha' b~d; '~IJl de·:Hvef me ~p . -.31ndj'slink" off 'willi: ,~ ~l~:ngle. ·,gapnenl·' 'to 11~ ~baiCk., My 'word:~ but he W~8 fi~~~h1:' and ,r,B~~;~d '! aDd wJn~l tI'fI: Jjnkenlpi[: besrd, to be sure I~ He, b~cl, not.bad a: bar,tn for six .tong' :yearS·l·

Leader of·~h![1r~!s ,of"o.h:at men, :Oll:~~, b.41·Cbat: '\V"~ ·8. mDghzy Siege:! Our men, Wre~e' fa:~g~.d.::S!eve-]]J:~,~n ,~e~~p be~Qre the;gia.'te~ Mel ,ne:ver I,~fl :~~eif P.DS,tg~, even to ~l,e;~p·; Tbe,5~ womlJE~~.~;.tbese;e.m~~'des GfE'LU~ip~ides and ,all the.·go~;sl shall - do .P!otiJing to binder thei-~' inoimtmle- insDfID,ence? else .k~ -~hefil .. "teat dawn .. ni.y. ,Y'u,\om1lhies otM:m;mbon ...

:F.i:rsl~ semi-Chorus of o:ld men. [8tngi:~1 ·But .!:~(]:k- I~O fil1J~h this; totlsome dinlb on~~y' this laststeep bit .~s. left" to mount, Truly ,. u~s n'D lea:sy'~ob withCD.iUct. beasts af." burden, '~'oo, ,how these lo~ dn btm~e m,y- ShrOl1lIIDder, i <StUllet us catrry an, and bllOw 'U;p oUr flte and see ~.l-d[U~5. not go! .~~lj'U~t as we :f~rib our dr¢$dn~li.on~, P'he.\v! .p',1ie,W~ ~[B'hJWil]g the [ijle,] -CUll .<lliear-! w:hat a I.ea.~:ftful smokel

Second se~.j:,- ChQru1i 'of old ,men. ~,ijJ!t,gingJ H. b~t~, ro.y eyeS Iikea .. m~d d~,g: U·. i~ tati!mian _Ilre.··fqr 'sure, or .u: .would :ilever lciev'ol.Wr'my IgY1eUds,lrul:e' ,thm" C,[Jme on, Laches, let's .huny, let's bLing ~UC[OU]i' ~D· the gndd,ess,; U.1s.:n:ow' or neeved Ph.e.wl

,ph,ew.~ :rB:luwi:I~.:~ tI1.e·~il~ei~ . Db dear I 'what B conlounded smokel ' .

"leader .o,r chorus of old men, TheT1e.TIOfW i there'seur fti.e all. br.~gbt,wn~1 burning! lhari[c- the- .gods! N'OWi YW·~y no,t :fiist put

;.:iI! . It d 11· - ,.... ,- .. . - - ' . - . .

(~.own our . o~ ; S iere, the1JJ take a' vine-branch, .1 ~.g,~t it ,0:1 the brazier and hurl ru·~ 3,tl ilia' .~te. by 'W'aY:' of 'ba:l.tttrmg-:r&m? ]1" ,lbey

don.'.~ answer: I[)U;r ~ll]j]]i"Oll~ 'by rpu.~1IDn,g ba.r[k tll·e bolts ~ 'tOIEn. we.serffre ~·o the \vood.wntl< i a:rnd the :snl,o~e· wu:~ ch,eke them, Ye ,gnUs',11 what '~, £.,l'"Jmko,e'~ ~ PfH'llligl1!· "[8 ~,ere: fI!~v!e1f' a S~mn. ge:I1!.~rn. ~ilUJ}(~Jp. m~ iio]qa.d .:Ip:y ~urden?·-- ATh1l Jt .S~8U not gall. W)l shaalder :8iny' n1.01:e" '~$e~ti:ng ~owu. '~)H~ 'W'~ndl Corne, :b.:r~:i:err d~. ~:yDurr dU"~y I tnak.~ the embers Ilare, th~~ I n]~y -k:~nd:le a. brand; I WaJl1t to 'be. th.e fust to I hUT;iJ. one, ,Aid me, heavenly 'VIctory ~ ~,et us pU111~sh f;o[ the~r lnsolent auda.c:i:i:y 'tbe·. women who

have.seized j[)m.cit~del, ·and ma~y .. -· ·we·raisea: trorihy nf ~rtUr:JlD];[. for' :su,cces;s~

.,_ .. ~; ... ,r

··rrhe'U· be.g-in tel buftd a fir'e, 'The Chorus: ,or"'warnell DOW'·EUlltte1f,S 'CM rvin ,0' lniiil't~::r .. ef water.l

L,I.-;, ,~!. :_:"_- - ',_-. !" _" - I •. , _ "'."'."~'. _, •• l,·,_'_ .••• --:f.-" M~,)·'·-~b .. r'~·-.'[·:····~'1!!·--': I·~I

Leader.' of :G1~om~s. of" women. Oh] 'm~ ·de.ars.~ nll~~blnks. I se-e' :fire· and smoke,:, eaJi u: be a ita11flagr~.'lit~ia Let us :h~ttry. aU we

:LysJs.trBta. ,- ~U.l be :oold as Ice. and never stir a Umb ... 'JC]ieO!Jl'ioe. I 'will ~:e .cold as toe. ~nd never slit ,~.limb" ..

Lysistrata .. I wiU .. n·either ·extend 'my Perslan :S:~i· l~qWard. the- i~·e.i.;rum;g .

~C.IJeo:nic)Ef. I W:.rnU ne.tber ie:X~D.d .my Pe~~ia:ll s.U:p,p-ews to"w~;-m~··o~IUJ]g; .

·:lySi~:lWata. Nor '~vUI I crotH:h Uke the ,mr\fel1.l1o.ijJ~ pILH .. ~n~.r~-handle. 'ClJegnk~e. N;tJr :w:W]J I ,c,ttamcb like the 'car1jfeH' 110m ,0.0: H, inffe- handle.

. . . .. ,~:rijd ruf I: k'~ep ~y lOa.tb." l11ay I: be sulfered ~o dtruu'k ·nf thls wine,

!Cieenic;t·~ [more ·cem~ag~!)UiS1YJI An:dl tf] keep 'Iny" DBJ:!h.~ Dltlty'1 be suffered JiO drink afth:isl wine. :LysJs.kBta. Blill1~ :i"f I break it~ let .lny bowl. be fnled wuh. water.

'JClieonioe, But jf I b[~ it let my ~u,' .ftl jed~Wi.tb wEIIluef"

·Lyslska.ta. 'Will yOU! ~Jltal«~ ~bi$ ·D(~Ui7

.AJID .. W'e' do.

·:LySl~:l!m'ata.rbeD I'Il tJ16'W t:trQiSUf(.The 'this. remnant, [:S;I:je· drinks.]

'C~,e"o~:ltle. ~.feaC"J:1lll1,g -fow" the CUJp,l Enough,. j~n(nf,ghi.;, my" de;.fJ!~~; nD'W Ie~~ U5, all drink :i~l tum m: 'cl~~me~t tH.wr· frie\Dd:Shi~p·.

'rrbey pass·.JiH;~ ,C[IJ~ 8IDooc:l-;md. ,~]] mink ... A gre~r:oo,m:mBdon :W.s heard. t9r:tt:.st8Jgie~] :Lal1];IP.Uo" ~L15te[']~ 'wha,t do ·those c.ries m,ean1

L~;sis;lfata:. "[es ·w.hat- I ·was.: tdHngyon;, "the ·wonThC1Th bBlve j;ru~t. or:cupl;ed the Actop aUs .. So now i Larnptto. you fetUI~.I] to Spatta, to. O:f'~:DiZe·tI:H~: .pInt·l, white· y-omr C'floIllilra:des her.l~' :l1e~in ,3JS hDs~ag6S~ For QlJlJt.$eJ.vr-5lf. .b~fu8 ,get -aJJd. j p,w nu~ ~r.f.iSt. :run.'t ~!ld let LmS p~h. :~be. b01J1ts;, wen l:[olD.e',:

[:;]JeD:nk~e. Btft. doftt" you, llllnk the· Dle,D mIl mw.c:t,i up. ~gam'8t us? I Ia.u,glw; ant them.~, ,Ne~d1ef·tm.~a .. ~su~or .. :fia· S:~s]jl -{or,ce 'lam" doors:; llI.ey shaD ~pe.~ D;rnly .I;l(l1. :I;he co:ndiJtiQJ1$. [ .have :l'm:D];ed.~

'lCl,eoniDe:. Yes~ yesw. by ,!it~~ [rtber"rise \ve, $,hau I.d be caned cowardJy and wretcbed 'worneil1.,

.ISbe :foHcrm .LY5is~m~.a aut 1 .

[The s>c€;ne· $hif~Jil the~e:[[L"f~te oftbe· AernpoUs. Tbe Cho.rns..IOf,old njein.s:~[)w]y e;lttJarE:Si C8l[ryh'::ug .f~,ggo,ts:,iod pqt$,of:fve.1 Leader,' of .c]l:owu;s lof oJd~ .metti. un e'&S~! Dtf~ces,~ go' e'a'Sy:~ ~hy! youf· !3hoillder is ,~'n cb~ed by 'the(~ie d:a:mne:d ]l;~~·VY· oUv.e st~,c·ks ... Ern. fOrrvil,awd ,sU~L ,fol'Vi/,8Jlfd .n.ThiilD:I!:EIlS need's rnnust.,

. .. -

F:i["s~ se;m-j:~Cb,{)tru;s 'Of old. rnefl .. lsil:1gmgl'\I\fhat :[_uil.~Ok.e~ .. -fo~ tltmgs do ]lapp~~,jo be.·s~re~ ~n ~ .IDP:mlg lif'@! AI]'l Sbym(;Dd:q·[~s~

',*lVho"" \vouJI\i ,e'Vei~ :~B;V~ It:1Ihaugbt .it? H:I~r,e; 'w:a ]la.:v'e '[he· \vom.em~1 who llSI~d!.fnt :our~mis:rotWn,e;, to eat :our , ,and. UVie .i.rt,our J](];u~e-g.1 darh'lg' :~o I:ay 'bands on th,e :ho~-y rum~.l}e-Iof lh'e goddess,. '10 .se:i~e the and dra:w 'bars and bolts ~o ::keep my frorni· e.lliteri[l:g!,

'Leader- o[cl1JJ!n;ts;: of old .[lle;".. Come!, .i?11~.]_uq].~,~ :mar.t, le"t':s .bu~ry t]:u~E,e;: ']er~: ~}8Jjr'(DIU[ ,faggutsl ,aU ·~bout U];e' 'CrultB.lde:~ I~ and Ull 'I:he~ .

. .

b1aziDg ,piha '~um 'With our ""hands; ·th.ese·vne· cO:M:pi:rafres$es;~ one ~d. aU--amd Lyoon'~'wfre: nrs:t ~.d furerl10sd

.Se!'~Olnd se(mJ-C;.IU:lftl$ Of ,old 'men,. [sillgirigl NaYI by .~e:meterl :I1.ev.eF:' w.ilW I thelli.laugh .Btm.e·i I whiles ] hB.~e. B b[t'~itI;thJeft.. lu my· bodY._ GI,EHil'llenes .Jrma;si~:d~~. tile- ,firs~ w bo: ever S6u,ed OU~ citad:61, had to, quit U 1~,O:' :.lJIijs .sore di:sJn:nl.~u,,;, ~:pwm:e hiS,·


1;iJ 141'


'Leader Df chorus oif old men Let 'scu]]pn["JB ~1~'l1nT"~I~ n~l·if·,t·w-··:' n Kr ·t'LiR;ri,~.,It\i!!II.Di~;L'r·'~in.'r··'h·!II.;,£lim. '<'!i~ ... l...~~ did +0" ·B···.'.'i"'I!l.I':!II]'~'Ie~ 'tll'il:iiU' 'W' "lr'IInl:i, ';I-. ... 'U., 'i::""""

',' _. _ _. • £. _ -.' • ~ ., _ ''''- ".i. _ .-' . _. ~ . _~ _ ,J~ tIftL. u.1~~j \.!II1l!.J 1:. .... _.IU \.;I. JJI1I~L!I..... ~~!l...rU'II, o'I'U,_ LJ.~.~ ~ ,.r. ~~_ ,U,Ilk,;,-_r. lJj..... ~. ~.' U,Jj""",[i.IJ ,rI,;;J!.a:l!,p. _ • ,,'-:1 J' "_ U~,I. ~ .U:LI1~. ~u

:~otJd ~bert,

':LB8Jd,~r ,of ohurus nf W,[)]l},ell., Gpn~e'::Ofi rti:llen';: m: wmt you with ul1:fUill.'dlbB18, .foOl I ,~1id ~no~ otber· biJlt,cb win ,ev~ grab .yo,Utlli" ·balls,. Leader ,jJl:-'cb~s. of o]d. ttl~~IJ." s:nE':,n~·l Of tny' ~U£;k, ~J.D cut sb),CJd yqtir da.y;s.!

Leader Df cm}[)E'I1S 'OfWOJJlen" N;ow J~U:s:~ y. ou d~,e to touch StT.ah~tlis, wU~b, 'rfue U'p-' of'y' 'OUt' nn~er!

-. • I • .~. • I! b

Leader o{cho~us of o]~. mien .. ~ And W]I batrer you to' pieces with. Jl~1::nsI5" \,(h~r wiU;. you 'do?

Leader: of chorus o:f women .. ~. will lear QU't your 'III U:HgS and entratls 'with .my teeth,

Leader af.' chorus of' old :DlED; 'Oh! what-a clever 'poe;[. '~S Eurlp~~des! IlOW 'weU be' ·SEtj{£. Qlllt WOlnarn is: the most ;sh~n]el{!ss, elf animals,

Leader '~~f cIB:~tus of W~II:U~i:t Lees; pit;k up' our: 'w,~~e:rjars :.fgarlml'~. ~R~.edj-pp.e-.

':LB8Jd,~r ,of ohurUlS nf:old men, Yon dla.mIH:~d wnaren, what do YQU meaa to do here 'wi(b ynur. '~at~r? Le8d~~',jJl:-'cb~s of~mneU". And, )'o:~'!' uld d~tb-·in.-·~el '~~ith-ytH:m~ ·w~7· c:remate.yO~L1J:S:~lf1 :l~der ~f CII}OE'I1S 'of old, men, ~ ,~ g(}m~ ~crbrrnd: yo:~. a .pyre '~a roas:t.j(Our female .fr.jje:nm upon, ,L~~de[. orcho~us oif VIl0111eJD1. ,A,nd.l,·-M am gnillg "'[D' :pUt eut ,your: firei

Leader: of chorus o:f old men, You .pu t out ,I:ny :Mr.e-you1.

Leader of churns. of womea, Ye15 .. you shall.soon see',

'Leader Dif ~b[)ru~ .0([ fl]JdJ. men.,] d[)]]:~tJuU)W -w,ha~ p'feveoi1tS me from .ro~M~tm,g 'YOU witll.' ilirn;s torch, Leader '~~f c]].'QfUS of W'Q.II::u~i:t I am, g~ttlng yCn!t.'q bath .. r~dy tn clean off ~he fiW~h.

':LB~~I~r ,of ohnrUlS o:f:.old. men .... A. bath f¢rr m:~j'You d:irty.s:~ut? ..

Leader ,Qr:-'cb~s of ~mueU"~ y es, 1n~.!eed.~ a.J~~ .. pn!lb:l! ~].--li:l'~ b~e'!

:leader ~f .ciJ}[)E'I1S '6f old, ,11i!B:n. [tl]r[ll~~~ ~O' 111:5 "fo"lo~rS ~ Do you. ·bear.' '~h~tl Wl1~t 1Ilstit,en.'Le!. .L~8Jde[. of' chorus ()if \VIOmem:t ram B. free' wmarr~, r l~e]J YOLt:

:Le8Jder: of chorus o:f old nllm], .. l 'wiU, m:llak:e you bo~d yorur to Hg.ue I' ne:ve~r fe;8if!

L d- (- iJ.. f' h. 'I,. ltL ~. '1:;. 'lOt ' • - .' " ,. .

_ ea, ,em" 1]._ CllJ.IUruS. ct '. warnell. ftU. ~.I;E!IL, you ·S·.i:~a_. ne:Viel:' srul any :mOf,e' Wllj]i,IJWit. .the H.ieb~srs"

'Leader Dif ~b[)ru~ .o(f eld. Il)Ll!efl: •. [to. .. hlshtorch11 E,1]Ti]lloff 'Iler :bm"fcrr' h.e~d

Lead~r '~~f Ch.'ijfUJS of W'Q:D:U~i:t, [to h!et '-Q~ J A,che~.ou8~ do your duriltyt

IThe 'women '['b .the 'water ~:r:l ·t;h'¢b: wa:tBr -,o~; [crve'f the o~.d" ~l1em, J

La,;a'd"i!JI;r:!' ;F!if!ll."-,,....,f£;.,,rim~,c .....:II':: A~.:iI11 'hf1en '0. "h' da,"-fif;r;,I' ..,.,'il.., dOQ, ... r n~"Ii .,Jeo~~· "~ . ~,!I.~ '~Jl: ual-lw u_~ U.W, uJ,U, i.~ ~'". lIi .. ~'II!. _. _K I~I . ~ CGlIJ ! i[JJl~ I II J!C,a..J. il ~~I-J ,. '~t· -llilU .,

:l~deF ~f cm}[)E'l1s ·ofwo.nle~'~ W'as,'];[" :h.o~?'

.L~~de[. o{cho~us of o]~. mien." I{a~ gteal godsJ 'Enough; ,e.-nBu;gh l

:Lf:i8Jd,er: of chorus o:f w-onl.en .. ~'i m 'wa~eJing :you. bo .make' you. b:~oo.m, ,Bflr'esh.

LeEJlde~' 1]( churns. of old. :men .. Ala51:!~ 1 ,aOl U~U dry!, .Ah, m,e ~blO'¥\d ho:~v I ~m:n, troolblin,g: '\VidlJ c61~d! lAo ,u1lg$St!f'ate" :ente"r,~;. W:iith a'":fe.w· SCjthru~. po.~joe;m"e]'t]

M~g15U~~ei Tb~e :'W'(}i~,en! fuave. I~bey m'a~e· 'dlilil 'enflugh~ I w.~n.derj wItb mil,e-tr··tlEU.n~:bou.rWnes?'· '~ew~pt Ad.onts leDrkUg\b uppn 'lheh: [etr:~l?¢s? I. \1V~5: listel1iug ~'o the. spee¢Jl€s ,.blslrr ~8embly \~a.y i ,~1idl m)-~.m.oslj.a;t:u;s.~ '~V:fuO;nl, .1j·earJil,e:I'1J. CioDroWThc~rr '~~s ~a];yill,g, ~f' mu~t~]] go over ~In!· Si:,cUy'-. ,a:pd In:t hi~ ww·~~ "WaS d:iw.Dting .ro.~d .. f~p ~~tjm,g': ~'AJas,! ,al~~:i. Adru:dlSu, ,,!Vee is 'Q:"IDe fo:f. Ad.cinis I, II, -Uie-m,astm'tus ·was,. sayin,g ,"?e M3JmJS lev.y. ,hopU(es ,a't Zacy:n1h:us-""i8!fld.~th:ete. 'was ·.hiS· ·wite'. :th~n halt drl1l1k. ~rr-eafnjDg' fin thet hou,SJe-roof: IIOWeep:~, 'wee.p :fo[' .Adonisf" -whi,~[e Ilhait ~fllif.8IlB10US Mad JOX, W~: b~Howi'~ a,W,@j'Y IOn his slde.,-lJo yom not

bbJsll,'i' ypu WCnDErnj~, for' your w.ild ;ar-.d 'U pr,[8a.ti.Q~us dp,i:ngS'? ..

Leader '~~f c]].'QfUS of 61d, n1~n. B~tru~,'ylmLt doml k-nq;w' a].~ their"'€:f.fl~ontery y'et!. Tbey b:buse.a. an\d] :iln!iulted. 'us.~ -then .sow;se~l: ~us 'with; 'the 'wate~f' ~~n ~~lelr water -[Jots ~,:B:[[d l]oye Sle:~. US wringing out nur. e:~ottu~.s Jot a~]. the 'woldd as. ·.if'we ]t~d bepi~ecl~tl:rSelves~

Maglsk,81Jte. And vieD: d~,ne.·tO(l! by .POOJdan1: '~e men :IDlUst share tbe' b],am,e' of ~bei:r .iID1'c:anduct:: .It . is, we 'w~bn ·1It~ac:h:·"'thenl·~Ct 't~av~. riot. 'a;nd .dt5~Dh1.te~~85 J3):ltd; Sp'W tlie seeds of W~i.'[J~'ed:D,es~ .~u 'llib;eit ·lfem1S. '~ou see· :a:1IDuSbUl.d go :i:Dl:O :B :s:l11(]iP: ~ILgo:k~.Yo,u,~. jewe.U~f."~ 11! • says. he, !~Y(Ui~r~~~ei~ the ,~l~c'.kl~c.e you :mad~ .Fo·[ my WW.fe.: 'W'e'~J:'1 tbe' other i~vfHMng, when sbe"wi\s, d"a nc in g'; the catch came Ope:l1~ N:ow ~ :m am. 'lJoiU!El.d. ~o start tor Salatis; wtU ·.'!;JoU ma~ke ~.~ convenient 1.1] ,0:'0 un.I~.o-nbJht to" make 'her

. . .. '. ... . ,J.. -. I ,q r t;J, ' •.

f~~te.rrlng secur.e~"r." MnirM,t.' 'wfi11 go to.the 'eob.h],~! a. ~~ s!lt[ong, fellow! 'w:H:h a great~, lo:n,g . tout -and '~eU rum.: "Ute straJl], ·of

one of my w~fe~s, .sandals .p\ress.-es her 'J ~ldie toe, 'w'bl,oh"is; ,extrenlely seus~~UYe: come ·in 'abQiU!,£ mldd~y to .supple the lidDlIJ and stretch it. II .Naw SB~.1tlI.le~·.r.~w.ts" Take .ll:J!y· O'~ C8J8e.-· 'as a Mag~stra;tle~I .ha,va, leriUst!ed. rowers; I: \1Vall,t :m~,ney to 'p8iJ G.em~· ~.1id

. ~

the: women ,s~ :tbe; dour ~.I] :£mJY :ralt~·" B.ul wh.Y' du'we 5.~d here 'with :'?Mwfl1S c~s~1 Btim:.g .me a '~Q:,¥lnlr~ ru 'c~3r5~ttiJSe.' Ol,eJr

~n~a]_~rl;cer-----l)(Jf 11il'~i :t:nJy fine feH.'tIw'] [(,[j que ,of tiI;e Seythians] '·what .:a,e,! yOij, ~apin8 al th.le: ~~,[j~vs :fbi? .~ooltiJlg. ,fOr. a. tavern ~ J. s~p'pn'Si~'~~ el~? Carne.on, ,being trnwlbt.s, here t: and force open, the gates, I 'willi 'ptt~ :3. -]~81Jd ~Q the W(l[~tmys~:l[

I· ... •

Lysislrata.Tnpenil1ttlbe ,gale,and, w.aLl~in,g: on'l],: Nj]i,':fot,ce .. Ule ,ga[;es:;, I am ,eo.rn1ng Dfulll~ere. m am, ~~n,d 'w:h;y bom~,s·and

bars? 'What we ·walJ.~ here .rus .. not boils ;8Jnd barsand locks, ~:nmt oomrnon sense.

'M~~:lstt:Elf)£e. nmnp.rung·lle1VDiUJ~y~ then striv:i:ngman:till'l~l to ~gain hi·&,djgni~] ll;ea1~y" nly:Oue ll3!dyl' Where ~ts, my officer'?'] Vin}:mi· hi'n:=rtQ ~i.le~·tl],~.~. womRO~S ~-';8Jiljd~, 'behll]d her baL[;k.~

L:¥s~~ft,3.ta. By Att~:rnis:~: the ·v.it1gih .,Iodd~s!. jf be ~otu:~e's:. iI11e' w~th Itb~. :U:p of':b~s j:nng~r.; IOfijO~f ofdl,~' public peace O1pug~. ,he' be, Iet :him IDOk~o'iJt·f,or. hhnself.!

[l11e,'fmrst Scytm:aft de:focales [In, [;errDt~ 1

, ... ' .. 11

M~g,]s.ttalJltel, r~a ~1I~il1~ter ·o;ffi,~er.] l-low JIOW ~ ~re. yo:~. afraid,?' Seae; .hef~ 1 .tell y\rJtl~, r(]r~L]]}d Hie: ~ ody, TWo, ,of yo;~.:~. her, and

have do[-u~ \villi, U i:

Cleoaice, By' Pandrososl lf .You ~;ElJy 'a. band on her", 111 trample-you l!Jlllidelfoo~ . HI the crnp; comes out of youJ [1Jle.15i,eoo[lldl Scythian defecates: Jil. terror.]

Maglsk,81Jte. Look a.t ,tt:h.le~·meS$ you l'v,e made::! 'Where is, 'Ij;H~:~''e: ~fJUi;e[f' o,ffi.,cet.? [fl]··tbe:·· third[ S~yibi~:nJ "Bind ·tbaf mlin'~ ~firsr i 'tlle 1[J"ue' :'Who, ~pook;s so ,pr.eflil.y!.

My:][rh:i~le~ ,By 'Pb.otfbe, t[ YO'LUI l:o~¢h. h~e[' Wi.:~b. o:ne :finger~ yo~'d 'b~~ter call,qldc:;k [QT,.a. su:rgeO:~t~ rrl1e ,tllilid Scythian .~.Ie·£ecales .~n. ~,en;,tI~;1

M~g,];s.ttaJ1tel, Wha'~'s tb~~l?' Whereis th~, offi,[er? [T.o: .th.le: fim[(F:t1] Sc:ytm .. 31Il] lay h.o,~.d ,of her.. O:hJ b~t. rill rgoitl.g ;~o g'm~ yOJI!lr

[dol:i:sJmeS8 tor YOll aJl1 ..

C'~.IeOni.De" B~Y' the Taurj,c.A.rte~mis,. '.wfyotl,eo :n.ear her. ru puB ou~ 'your: h"ah\ screarn. as 'yOU Uke.

[TJle. fourtb Scythian defecates til te~or:,]

Mag]s k,8[ill e., All] m~ernhl~ .man !~t 1 am,! .Mr l[Jwn.dfficers~· m,e~ ·Wnra.t ho'~ a'[l~~·wre~·tj)1 'l.let (]ltitse1ve.s: be bested. by ~',m~b, l[)fW'omen? HOi!' Scythi.aos nd~u~~ cloSie, 'Upi y~.~ ~f,'arn'~s~ :m:td fOr\¥a~d;~,

"~' • , 'nl' I: 'h] Ad'" I ... 'J] II.-. .. k ,. . "a;.~" . . f .. d .a:::~. il.L f 'd J .. ",'ysl:stfat3:. ,rjY :b'le'l: !l:Y :g~(J 'eSSI~~., y~JI.W, ... u:ave.'.~() m,a: ,'e .. '8C:quBl'f.I:l:a!il,C~ W,ltu ~L~Q'ur, (;q:m.'aJn~es, d:.~ 1!Iliro:me:n'il rea;' 'j' ·~ur. 'l .. u,e: riI,y:am: I

W,eIl armJe~ t,O' bopt

M~g,l;s.ttaJ1[el, FOr.Nard ~ :Sty~]:dans,!' 3:tl.'d. ~bln.d:tl1fml [Tile SCy~1ruiiUls advance .r,elucta0mly, ]'

I .. ysis,trala.. ~:F orw.d., JJLCIjf ~anaflt ,con.:upBl!n.mons'~ :ru!8Jfch ,ro.rnn.~, ye vendors, O(f g,a~,11 ,~nd eggs ~ g,adii: .andl ',1'eg,etmb.~es,~,, oj[

. .. .. .

ta'veTUs~ and. bakerIes:, w!€J]ch. ,B;n;(I,strike-a-nd tear:: ,'~, a. tDil'Te'l1t ofJElv.e(;ii"ve and :~n's.ult'~ [They bea.1 thE' .Scythi,a;rrus \v'ho

'reru'E' wu' hast,e .. ll el1ou,gb.; e'[to':ug;b now' '~tiJe , .D,ev~t .Iirib tbe· ·va~lqu,i.$!~eClJ

[fh,e' women .W~]j.~1.d.I:~;~~, J

M~gj_s~~~,t.e. H~w oo,FcntuEulte' for my ioffic.e1f:S ~

~L ysisu:a[a .. Ah~, ,fuaJ S(tjou. -1fI,oug~t 'J-nrl~ h,~d (l! dID wnh,~ s:et .of slevle- \~(n]]en I yo:~. did .:ont :~{n D·W' 'lh~· :efc).oUJi' diat. f,fulls the

'bn;!:"i1Irm', hlf·f!!!-Il'ID . .a kj"!j,I""J'Il...l''''I~II':ii!''' ·,ut~]J.' I~ _' ~._ •• m~'~I(!;-UU.l-JJ.ll ~JJ"~i~


"" -.-

________________________________________________________________________________________________ ~-~4Q

Lysjstlli3ita - NOO K fu.r PC '. = __ L@··. .. '.




M:~gisttJlte' .. Ardour! yes; b~c A.pcUo~. ardour ~efl.'D~J~.~:----respeciamy 't;Of' the 'wlne-lcti,p1'

Lead~r 'of 1[]icirH~, of b~d. men, S:ir I' &~.r. V\':b~t ~T~u]d ,~e '"rnr.¢s.? 'Ui;ey . are .of OlO 3:Y,8iU -w~~b wUd. ba~sts:. ef m:~s sQ~i [,I",onl you. ,k;riro,w' how- tbeybayej ust '~*heij us d:pw,li-----arid- ~.i.tll: ~r]ril very' .fr:a,gr~[li~~ L~O.9:·~ 1

Lmd~rr IDf:cho'[~s of w~n:1e.n. 'Wllat V:V'DlI,tIld :you ,bij,v~ 1 'y ou MlCl'UJ.d, never have .Jtic], rash.hands qu us, If you. stwt~~res11.i rJJ ,kIliOtik YDur eye~ Gut My ·,d,e] ig~11 .~s to stay at. D}[}JJ1~ ~~ ooy :35. :8 young mald, 'witll0llli[ 11m:lttm,g; ;~ybb-dy ail" JI~ni\rlb,J~l any' mere

... . . - . ~ . - . - \ . - . . -

than ,9, nl'j.~~.lest@:n)e:· bu~ 'ware 'lbe.'. W,13JSPS - if yom .. ,~"O stirring up' the wasps' l:]eS~ I.

. C·'b...,.f"j'~-e: ef uld meifW 1'';';'iIl"l,Dl·I''Ii[[J1 n!\;. '1"11 ~ rnreil'll:d: D"'" ...a!e,'1 ]1i in''lilll ~'iI· ~~b II:!; 11:-. iDi~·ti!lllll'· of these :CSiRiniif"";,.,.,.,i1lC .-:!~,e'tr~"!'li:!iiC'"1" 'jj.,;.,. east ... °n~' iii-.. i!lI;::r;r;'n,G'~ "B- !IIi'[-'

J '.", _, u .. -~ I~ .. u_ .:: __ ' ;_.i. ~;~~l 'I~:~~~~ _ "l_Jlb 1_' ~ ~-Il~ :b~" .'QI:~ :llU'U~:!I )liU 'I!-~.' bF· ... O~I}~ WJ-"';J~_"~~,. U., "'. ,~,~~. J~a.)(J~r~lI-Il~ IL-,I.;~, LlJJl ~ ~ ~ .. tL: ... U~I" W~, ~-""::QL_ ,,~ .• :~~~. ,_: :-Iu,_-

. . - -",

,[QiHl.e.l, let us 'try [o,"ftrnH. o~d 1tlI.le~·_re~SD1]J 'Df"tber drea,dfuJ :s,, ·W':ijtl1.··W.~t .end jl'ilnt~e\lV" have '!hey '~ized: the .i~i.tad,e'l P([

C~ta~uw:s ".the sacred shtlne :1l1 aJ[' :ts. raised u,un_'~he' i:I.,]~iH;:oe:ss;ilble rnck tif lihe ACliOJp'©liSr

LB8Jd~rr loftlJoJ;M.s uf' old men, [tn the·M~gi~tt,~t:eiJl QU'eSl1.@n:th.e-:m.t be c~ut1.citts an~. not too: cre~.J.rnIcnj;s,. J~ ·'wpuI~. be.;cuj.p3.llb~' .:oogligence not tn pierce tRe{nUilr8,~ef.Y ~ If" W'e.·,D:Thay,

• ... , • •• - I ,l.

Ma"g:jsu'aJ,~,~'.- r a ddlf,essin,g lh'~ wonlmi:1 M 'Would ask you .. fitsl w:hy- ,;Inti have ~i~rred om gale,S'o

. -."

:LysJs,tIrBta. 'To seize the' t.r.e;EiJSllir:y:, .ItO mnre :Iuo.rney, no H]Ore 'war.

~g,1;sttm:e-. the:". money '~S ~he C'8J1l5e .of the' 'war?'

'L' ; .- A-...:I :jl:"]I' . . i.'iIl-.'iV 11:' - 'f]'" ~. .';, . ~,'~ II;... 'no . ,.::I d ·..:.H lei ~,'L' ;' . r'" .

': _YSlska.ta. ,''1]0. O',~. ~. _ our trOIJi1ID',Le5. lLt 'was, to ' Ulllil·iOC:E'a$:~O,1l. 'to s'te'£O.. t~uat ,r'~SROUi~lr an' ~ me ntner 'arg~tat'Ors:: w.e~ : orever

raisim~ Jev.olwtioil1s -. We~J mld' gO(}~~, burt"'Uiey'U n;ever.':"glcl[ ·~~l1othe'rijr.a,cbma ·,

Mlg~tt:aute' .. 'What :db yo~ piopQ<se [I[) ([9 thenj p,r:taly?

~yststm;~ta~ You ~~k:r:ne :thaH VV~Yi w'e p.d~p.o~e' .tq adntl.[trus~'eli' thelre3lS:4f.Y' omselves,. :Magist~,8£~e'., V'ar~ dti7.~

,Lysisuata. '\fVh8J:t.;is, there :m that :~OJ :s;orprffise·~ou? Do ",¥\fe na~ ~he budget of' huusebcd.dl e.xpe'Mes? :M~g];S~E8IJ~'e',~ But Hurt [s, nat t'he·/sal11.e thing.

Lys isirat a: .. lrO'w '8l)-not. 'the san.Th~ thing?

. .

Maglsk,81Jte. StDP ·Y@1ir croa~tD;g f. you pidJ :,(;:[\ow,·j [To LYs;]stl.'atBl N ow you, say what. ycu have tn';s.~y.,

L;y'S~~it, WillIngly .. All Irlll,e._loHgtlnle I~;e, war. b,ais -, 1 as ted] i we .h8:V~ endtu~adJ j:n medest silence aU yl~t:I, .men did; y'~nl' never aUowecl. Hi~ ~o 'OPe.D nur.llps. 'We w,ere EM' from ,satiBfi'~id.f. _(nr we .k~,ew ho,w' tbings 'werejgoJ,1iIg: Drh~n.:rn. ioW" h,ome.s 'W~ "wo~j~ hel!li" y>al11!1 .dis~~s&mg, upside dp'wn and ffiJ]iS:~dlB. out 5Uffle ImpQrtan1~: ttH:f1 n_f afid[s., 'Then 'mdl,y4 he~ts ~ but slnUbl,J~l U~P$~, 'we

. . . - -' .

- - .~]~ ... 1e. - 'W'" I~ .. - - ~·....iil . I - I;; ~,II',.:i.,~, ",H:;.;i tl- - - 't" -. - "') 'H" -~.- ""1i.·'I' .. · td .-,j'" -- 'lL.: - .. 'n Ii 1Ii·l'.... 'b_ •.. bai d - - J..!I

WD'u. _,~ ,a~ you: '. ~ e _ ~. 111 m u~y S ..f:~~&seJH1!lO,ary nmt ::Il~~{ '\,!"'(h€ peaDei- _ --'U~,' ]{U~' own Ull.S'1]1'e8Sl -liue ,nUS, ail . ·V/.OUU:l

I • • - ~ I

Oil"OW"~ "H I old ''IlJ'JO''(]'f' tiAl1."glclla I~l'lil;:;;""'i["a! Ii A-', nd 'II~)\il!j; would C'<:!I''IjJ' no more, !~Jf;aJ- .. ' ,~. ~ In,ILli'''.;r " .. ' _. u.L~,~bU6 iI tf' t~EI:&J!!'-.iI JIHII. , '~v L~ '~". U_!l; ..:!IU j , . .11'61 , .. ·U , ' ~,

i(j,I,~oni:Cie~ I[d, iNJ~: barvre held my ~nl1Jg1Ie' thiD 'ugh Ii' Boll!

Mag]s [r.,8[ill e. ¥ D:U woUWd ~j, ~bBen.-~d:lIDC~d :to~ .sUenae by b~nW~ then,

L;ys~sit,a.:la. Vy-,elt for n~y 'pert, r 'wiotdd. say 'On ,[Q(H~' •. a·~Jl-Pfesen:~y 1 would I()[[ooe.- to ItnoiW' y(}IU bed. arrived at som,~ fres~. d~els~,o:m. nH:i::re'I~~a11y foolish [liUJIn. ever, "·All! .:my deM' 'ma]]' !!'I would !ll,8)y~ rl'lMVo'hat madness nextl" But he would orn~y '~(]:oJ{. at in1~ :aiSkrum:;e' ~nd s.y: I ]Ulst':wMv,e ynur \iVe'fl!!, pl esse; else yOlUi' du~eR;s 'wUl smart for hours .. W:ar Is, menj~ b~~n~ss'l ~!I

I I· • - I

M8gisu~~e., BrAVO r 'w,eU ·said ,indeedl.

I"p~is.trala.. ,H:aw'n(Jw,~ w,[Jeittched: luau? mot to let us contend: ag~Jl1st YDur fnllies W~: bald ,en(].~gh.! Brut presel1d:y WJe he8rd

• i,.- r r'

vou .aski[l;o' ,O'liIJ~ loud J:ru: the :O"lle'n street: "Is there 'never' left in. Atllens?""- and .. "N;o, not one, nllt, ~i vou wef'e' assured

- ./! .__!tj .r~ ; ,J'

'~n J·e,ply.- Then, then w,e;Jllad_e' up our minds- viui];ou.:C- more _dd~y tc make 'qJmnion '[:-~u.~~- ~o ~''f~ GteeCE, Open yOU[",~~,s ,1[0.

I[)U:[ :wise counsels and. bold y!our '~lJfr~,gUJeS:, ·:iu:[lcl. \1Ve .ll13y yet 'INJf Mi:in,g~ Din ab~~f,er fr[USilm,g:,.

M~gjS~~~JLt.e, YtHi pu,rtb~~ irudeed~ Ohl ~is is't{]:~ J][l,'ljcI1!' The: [IJSlole'lt'ce oft[li.e cr:e~tl1[res~'

~L ysis,u:ia[a .. Be. stffill!, _

~ ,;I"!:l'a~'~~CPe(II!"O 'M'r.lIy" 'If .4·:loi!J. a ~'i",;i'1j;U- -I"" ..... 'n..,!j d- a~(ittl'....c DrS --~ n'ba'ti!" ,nne l·ll'h- ni 'W- iI:!ltj,,,,,~~, ~- ,_ .... -,: I n J~\!',lILriltbL-illLL m_ll;C-!J . ''"_'. i!Ji: ... .IL. IW~, .U,ju. ~:~u..: QmlLdLl-il i;;_, 'IG JJj ul• : ,i:;: J'' '""I-i-;~; ~u ',. ,1_ ¢~<~ a :¥·~.1

I,,~~is,tra,ta .. If thars aU ilI)8JJt b:orubt.zs :¥om:~, benL tak,e' :my v.elL, wrnp ru~ :m:orrund yOUI." head· ,tt.nd 'bo:l:d YOUf. I~ongu:e-i ICI,~oni:Cie~. Th,e.n 'ls(k)e dds ~~5ket. put lOll. :a, ,gird.le, ca:Td"·',voo~ .. nl,Unc:h beoos·., tbe 'wcu·· 511aE1 be womJeni:s bU8iuess:"

L~de.~' .oif ~cho-rus, !]if wo.wen:. Lmy ,~~j)de yoUt w,ilIlteF:-.pcm,~ w:e; wilL gUBrd d]e~, we wm ,be~,p our' ftiends' ·at~d< cOn:J,paninns, 'C~ll~) 'Vir ·WOime:rn ... ~~i:ngW:~g] f~n: ltlyse.Jf" l 'will L1ever'w\~'i·.uf '~l:fe!·d~£e!, ~y ,ktI:e~ wUl, neyej·gro,w· ~tH'f 'wi.m f8tlglJ,~·.1

. ~.i~1 br.a:~e ·evetyfuimg: .'w:ith .my dear. , ~ PrJl W'ilOIQ' N mtUfte ~.l:~ la:~i~11B~ ylrtuJ,e~ g~I~,q~', bolrl:l1_esS" ~leve[nessj: aI~:d 'wluJ~e' W]_5ely dlre;(:~e,d. ,energy_ ,i~i guhJg,'to~;s~:V'e '1)I\~ 'S~te:~

L d-' . f 'h'~,i:~ - O· t-'il d· .;0,;,1]' L· ...9i U '.t,i d" b- ] "; .. ,' b- .... 1iI (. ttl' . t

~~-_er;" (]i' ': 1[; ~ ortiS ui '\i\~D:me,:n.._ '. ~u :~.y g(]!EL . g~ '~nt, ·'at:a~ W1.'~ au n~Y·1L.[lell' 5. .8 ever J~e tfI1tlrlJU!Jj,e' (91· )ti@_.,e;s,;:. ~lev;eF _ 8iL

Y'OU![ 3:ng,eir s,'~.acken; the"windis of fo:r~une b:low our 'way.

"l;Y5tS,t~13,., ~y g;entw Love :and. the SlWeet 'Cyp.r~aH Q.u,een :sllluwex S"edf~jTUVe .c'bar[l1S: on IOtiC breasts :W1d ow.' -tlligns:. If nn~y we ~l~y 'sUr .:so "~iEl1UJJn;lUt ,·a: .feelillg ~rn[)Dg the ,~1e:1l. th_af~tbey siand ,~~ fii:rtl ';;.s_ sUcks ~ \\Ve ·shall fut1.eerl. deserve '~he· [(IRme of peac~~.n .. ~akers, ~mor~g the, G~'~-~'ks,.

M~gj_s~~~,t.e" H'~w "wil] 'd~t be ~ pray?:

~L ys:Hi,ttiala. .. Tio 'begin 'Md] I W~ $.lli;111t not 86e YIl'U all]y ,",:bore rUluling like :mad ,~i~l~DWs ;to, '~e M~ar:ket.h,(]' ],oo,ee in ,UsL

• I _ • _ _

CTheQ,mce~-Tb3.t ,1ViM be.:sI0111edl:ing gained', a:D!yvlf~YII' h,y ,the '~phlm1. gonidess. it Winl

I"ysis,trala.. IN'Orw we see the:ln~ mixed IIlJp ~rjth 5,8JU,[epans :fLtncl '~dJlicben s,tllLlff/i m:med to [h,e. 'teeth. Jool~tiflg ~illke' 'wild ICoryballites ~'

Mag]Sk,81ille. WhY'i' pf '[oW."S!e: ~baf!5 wbiIDt briJv~ mllen sboffi.dd do~

L:¥s~sJt,a.ta. OIl i but 'wil:~~ a {fuuny 'sigh~'i to b¢~,old a EM:. w~:i:l]g 3' :Gcifgun'iSj-.b,e~d. bu~klet ccnu:rug' ,iaJ.lon,gJ'Ln~n~y fish'r

Ie IBnD.i.c~. Ihe oth:er day in ;the' .M.m:ket r L~a:~y :3, ,phylarth with- :flo:wing ·.:rjng~~~\: 'he: wa~ on~ horilieb8Jd{ ~ B:'nd' w~,s pClitf~n,g .itlli~o:

Ibis b.~:l.olet" th,e broth .heJ1ad j'LlSl bougj~:d:. ,IJ'~d dame-'"s, £tiu. There· W,3.;s ,8 Ttiiaci:an w,axd[)l' tf)Q;~ "w~ho: 'W~ b,r,an:dis.hing.J11s W_at1ce llke 'TefeM' in too plBy,~ he iJad. Sitared. a good womarn ·~lllng: 'figs rotO a pe"ffeet panic.~, arnd W,a:5,'-8"obbHng ~p 8!1~.1.~er rip'est :£r-uit-,

'M~g·i8ttalte,., And bow. p:r~y. 'wo:Ldtl you pTQ.~ose .tD restnre peace and OCd:~T ill ~11. 'the countties 'Df GreetJ~q

M:~gisttJlte'. :It j~ ·a.,e-1Itreasu.ry S:l]ppUie~ ·a.,e~ ~xpefl5es~ iof 'the. ,~r. Lys1s:m~:ta. "tbafs n.m fbif p,ii:od,plJeL-:n:o, w~!

Mag~tt:aute' .. 'What! :ElJl!l.d Eh¢ :s~fe:ty of the city,?

~y;siS:tm;~ta~ 'W'e ,wtU. :pf.ovide lOr. that.

Magjst~,8£~e'., y'ar~~j?

,Lysis,u\,ata.. 'Ye~., '~ve~

:Mag1;s~E:!IDte',~ "What a sorry . b'U;S~~U~~8S !

Lys l:slrat a'. Yes. '·g;OWg .tD' 's~.vie you ,j 'wheth;el: yU'U: .Iike··n. laf :[JD't~ M:~gtikJ3Ute. Ob ~ the'='~m:p~de;lloe',of the '[1'eaJ~ ~

LYS15[t~:ta. y'ou5ee:m BnrnD~yedl but it'f.J;8!8 to be'do~~!l ne:vedlie].lesS,. Mag#itt:aute' .. Bitt ru~$ ~he vle~~y ]~i"E;~g,ht. of ,~"iiq[rnr~y !

~y;sistlDl~ta.: [t~stil:y] "Wfll.r:e ,gflu:rg tOi sav~' yo:u~, :my goQd t'UBJ:9.', :Magjst~,8£~e'., Bol if ~ dnn.'t. W:O:OJt ~o b~ saved?

,Lysisuata. 'VVhy ~ "aU, [he more "easoll!.

:MEIlg]S~c8IJte-,~ But what :a noU'Ol1. to oOlnce.rn yourseh.res 'wub 'qj1llJ,e.sUOrlS or piEl8Joe andl 'W,8Jf I Lyslslratir. We \viU 'expia.hil our· iidEl~;

M:~giskJlte'. Out wjtb tt-tne;[].; qui.c:kJ Dr~ .. l~l1.rEatem[lg b~r]. LyS1sltJ[~:ta. itsJerrilyl :l+l~ten'~ and fi~ey~r':o. 1ll.ov,e!Mlefll ~ ,p'lease:~

Mlg~tt:aute' .. I::i.~· :I:mpoternt ra,g~J Oil.! ~,lls ttu:(mudl "for: :~ueJ I ta.Dr.i:,Cr~ ,~,e~'p :m:~rtemper ~

LB8Jd~[(' ,Qf.cb~s of ~mueU"~ Then l~O~. @lItIt.':fo,r,'·yourse1f; yeu ha!v~ J][l!~f::6 to ,fear. tba:~ We.Jla,ve,~

17GJ~ ~ ~~ __ ~ ~ ~-~4Q

Lysjstlli3ita - NOO K fu.r PC '. = __ L@··. .. '.



·LyslstrB.ta .. {tis' the' easiest' ~hjng ·UI. the "wurld:~ ,M~g15tt~~e. Corne, tell us _'how~,' 1 mu C'U.[i.IUU~i to :kr;lnw .

·tySi~:lWata. 'W~l.em.· W1e are 'wi~dil]g 'rbr!ea~~, and 1t Is 'ra~g]Jed! we p~s ,d:U2~' s:;p~~'~ j;~[~ ,and the £:kff~]]+ :fta,W' th.ffi 'WDYi .[~Q'VIr;{ that "way; even 8cJ! 'tCl' lln,bi_,b df 'Ole' war i 'we s:hatI· ~i~nd embassies hitlle.r and :thjtl1i.~t',aDd ~eyerywhe'.re~ :,~o dis:e:mtimg-te,' :matlli'eT6.,

:Mag1;s~E8IJte',~ And ISi ,~i'~ 'with your. yarn, ,~I1]d your skems, and 'your: spools, ynu. think to ;81.iPrpe.8J:5e, so n.1B'ny bitter e[lntru~1.les~ you

"' . .

. ;~~I . OJ,

SluY 'wonlffn r

'LyslsITB.ta:., If oldy Y'[)U had commonsense, ypu wcndd aJw,ay~, dp in pOi!fitIDf>~ d]e 'Same as 'we' do with ,qUf y.n:

. . --

M~g15u~~e. Gom.e, .h9W is ma~ eh.1

·:lySi~:lWata. :Firsf W.e: w,aJ~b [tie -y~m 'to ~~p~va:~e (be gr~'Sj~ and fllth .. ~ do the S3U].e wli1itl. all. ·ba~. citizens, S'or.~ them oLJ,t .and ldr:ive· lib.em, forth 'wttb rods-tbe)· thie:' refuse of the dfl;r.· Then for .all stic.h· ,M" ICQrt~' cr:O'w:diru~ 'lI4n, :In search of.

• I .J" . ~J -. .. Iia ~' •

enlP,JI'9Nme:PllS,-,alld. offlees, 'we mustcard theJn-m:hotflugh~y,: then, to bting ~tlenlJ,aU [0.-~he samestandard, pitch'them 'peU-111eM .

. bilit@ the same basket; resident aliens or no, ,al~aes. debtors I~O theState, all Jllfl,m~red: rup together,. Then, as tor our-Co1.on~es. yoru must.think oltheUl as so many ~solated. hanks: find. rue ends of the' se,\~t,at.e 'tbw,egcls, draw them .. to.a centre here, wind them ifHit~} t~lle j,· .o~~e._ g.r~t hallk 'Of [be 10'~ I uut of wh"ich the pubHc can 'vV~.~~ itself a 'g~ed." s'tI1UlttUltl.~C.,

Mlg~tt:aute'.: Is H net ~, sin. !1ID:Dl.d .a :Sh:EUTlE' tel{ see :[beIll tanUm,g am.d. 'WilldiDg the ~ate ~ these wome:rn 'Who: ba.v.e T['erutbe~. Mt nor part im'r_tbe burdens "of lh.te· waf,?'

:lysjs,tr.Bta. Wh;8£~ I w:re~,thed :Q.1alJl 'w'hy I U·s ,~ far ,heavier- burden to. "US' ~~lan .to you. In the -fr[.s~ place, we'· bear :SOHS, w:no go, off to' flg'ht far ,away r+01m A!tM~ml;s;.

:M81g];S~E8IJ~'e',~ En(jru.~:h. ;!HIJid't do not recall sad and: 80(1)f memories!

Lys isirat a, Thoen secuudl.y-;' Iusitead. of lenjoying the pleacs.1JlF,es of love and maldng the best of 'Our ,youfh ,and beauty,' 'we ;~lDe ,~eft ta ~~msb [raw. .fto:m.hnmr·hus'bmials~ w'bo a'f.le:·,3J]J 'w~;th:dl,e:ar:my.. B:u:[~sa,y 'DDi mere Dr 0l1,rnruv1es,: ·wh:a'~. ~ffi]cls~ me is "'~[) see . our ,gjd.Si gtOW.i:ng old in lon_ely gri,ef.

Margi~W8Jt:e'~ ])on"ltt themen. gr{ji~V old :~tao?·

:lysis,tr.ata. 'Tl1~t ,~fS,.]]~lt·~he same.'t)trung" When :I;he soldi)e;r r,ewms~:ffom. the 'W:aI"S, even tJ~l(]rugh,.he :~BS wbh,e;.1]~I".~ pe very'·'sQon 'fin:d!s' 'R yooog, ,¥,U·e.. ,H,.u!~. ,~ wo:m£IJu. has only nile summer: ,if she ,dues not" make hay wruUe. .the '8,00, .shiaes, no nne, wU~ .aiteiWa:rd.S: have~:B:nythwn,g"'to' say' to' her, ,a:nd she ~ erujs her days conEulti;Jl:,8.· .Dr,~tIDe-s that never .send her.a husband, M:~gtikJ3Ute. B1il~ ftrue:"i~ld n~ran who. ,ean,'sUn. get a,n e~ecti(n~", ..

LYS15[t~:ta. B.u:tJI:OUl whry ·no'n~t. you get done 'with. It: .~nd. ru~?' You :are· rich: I~n bm:ly yourself a bi~r.* and I W,Ul,kne~d. you. :8, hJJn'ej<r~ ~al(:e ~~(lr.' ipemerus .. Here, '~l(:e this .g~]\~n'~'i'

__________________________________________________________________ ~~4Q

Lysjstlli3ita - NOO K fu.r PC '. = __ L@·". .. '.


[D'l.' bim:'widl w,~t:e.r~ JI ~GIJeo'llicJe·. ADd d1is one-too.

- _< • - .. - -. -

I Dmml~hin,~: lIh]]:. with \y,aJJter .. ,II M.y[rhine~ .ADd. 'rb:~ef fI[[~ts.

I·D~I!'{lg him 'w'itb ·w~teT.. .. ] __

.Lys.islF.ata.. ·VV.ilitB:I elsedeyeu need? 'Step aboafd..the blOat; Charon.:iB w,a:i'fing for YQUI, Y'Du:'re ,ke~blg',b:i.illfr.anlJ pushiJi.g off.,:

• • • I

:Mag1;s~E:!ID~e,~ To treat me SOl scurvily] Wbat 1311. insult ~ I. will go S!hLfW" :rnyself tto ,I:ny :feJlnw~:mag1:stE:!IDtes just as T am,

Lys l:slrat a, Wha.l~ ilOO_:YOU: b,:~am:uj:nig:'lIs' for not: ha:vmg'I~"poset1, yo'U,a,cconi.i:ng.'to Cns~Gm1' N'ay, 'coI18[lle you:r~;elt 'we 'wi.n not :fa'n,ta o;6e.m~ H,P' the ·lhird.~d'~IY ~Baifi.ic~ ':£rir jlOU~' rust U:DJi~g in 'lb,e nu)r,n.rn~.

, [She. g0~~,-intn tbe- ,A,cliDpoli~'f·'wi.fh _Cle~:"J]i.ce'-,Md, ,Mp,rbine" ] .

"LB8Jd,~r ,of dbowUlS o:f:. old. men. A.w,~.ej friends of freedam; let 'UJS .hcild, oLJr.~¢lv~·~ ':aye ~lWtdJ{ to ,Bct

CII.'... . iIfI' .' - -['''' ~. =~I 'iii - • " m 'iii &. - . 4].. , .. 1..: <fe:' u~:: • • 1-" - . ~,t'~" - ,

, uot~~t o:~ @ld, ~'~~" sm~g~1 ,[K StiSp-~~_ a mlgihty pe~U.; ,lK r(lff'''se.~ ,MDU:ller ~amI,y ,~~e: nlul;PP'J:8S .. _ am . .s~~ -WJ.~ul the'

Laconians assle~l~led 'here' \viiJ]j, Clu;;til}~n'f~S: baNe" :by a 's;~:a:~ge~ df':war I stirr,ed Upl l[[cl,ese wl~me.n. enemies of the gods,! l~p,

,seize'upon OUl[ 'I~a.stl_ry and tl;.teJirnds 'wh.'ere:by I ~i ved, .

Leader g;f".~hQTUs~·nf 0.~d. men. Is ·.it -not~.,sin and: a-shame .. far '(be-m, 'to interfere in, adv,rusing' the' d.uZ'eIlS" OO"pr,m::e of·sli·teIDds a:rtd 14I1t~, and[ .tn ,aUy tbe:mseh"e:5 w~tll: LHCO~IlS,j r~nOr~s I tnJsilt .p,o: UM)ie tb~ml I 'wouid ,SlC) :m~ny' famished '\"loillrve1s? The~ . W-~1.o],,~ 'tblQ,~', my fdemdsi I Is ·no~bing -. else but an a.ttemJ:pt: 'in re-establish ~yr.a'[JjnY'.. But J 'wiU ,neve~SlJb~i,l;" 1. '~Ul b~ on, ,my :g~ •. d [ur ,tbe 'f~lt;l1~; 'm' :wHl ~~w,ays t3rry~ a. '~'I3!de ,hiidd:~l1 uf]~,ler 1i\y~t1e· b~~ugji$; ] wiD post my;sclf-.~lrth~ public' square 'lim,IEWe.r .• fi~I' ~ho~dde-r to SlUJlflder 'wub Ari1it(D!gl~of:l:, ,81u1 iJliOW. tn ln8!k,~ a. start, :m mus~ just bfe,Wt, ~ .[e'w" ,of th:a! cursed uldjade's. 'tee'n. yonder,

Leader of ,[borus, nf 'won~e.Il ... N'ay, '[lever p],~, .the brave ;[llal1f e]:se 'w.ben you ~' 'ba£k bDn}if~ ~ your own 'A]ot'her 'w:onJ:t ltm,lQ'W' y1]I~. But dear fr,~e~d:$ ~.1id ,B1iies ~ frum:s'[ let .us tay OfWi' ~1U!~d.en~ .d.own ..

~C.boro$ of W,9',I]l!faD. [sJ.Q,W:mlg] Then'i, t:iUzeu~, ,aI.L, he. 'viha,i~ I :118Jve ~o .,s·a,y'. "] bav'e u~~ful o,am1Js~l, to' ,gilive 1ijut tity ~ 'wi:l.~th d_~serv~5jl 'wEiU, B't .my l]ands, for th.l~ '~,rilUabt dJsUncliQBs ~l b~s IB.vis_h~ed: IOn ~ny g~rJ]lo,od:, A,~-, s'eveTlJ. y:e;ar~ of ~ge", ,',"ciill~r,ted, _:th'e sacred: 'v1esse']s,;' at; ten, :m, po.UlD!de,d bar.:~ey .fO,f ,the' ,altai' :of. ,Ad~eJ_'u~~ Iru~Jd,~, c]a~ .. [0 a fo;be of YI~U~w sUk,~ I: .pla,yem the 'bear t~l Atl~m:is, ,8L~ . .the 'Btat1f:unm; presently",' wh~n ~: "wa:s, grown uP':~' ,~ taIl.. .11ands_ome· Jnmclen~ they ~p.iJ.t a. ~ne('kloce' {jf dded, :a~~. ,a~ ou t .1111' ,IJBek~ and.l was one' of the. Canephor.j.

LeEJld.e~ 01. chorus 0l" wu:men~ 5,'0 .sore~.y I ann ~uruBd tiQ ,give my ~:est ~dvjGe: to ,Amhem~" What ,maU,e1S ,that I 'wa~ bUr.R :a, 'WOIn~tt; ruf I m¢l,- ClUe your .tn.iosmrmn"esl? :I par my s_hme ~l ·1ItoU& ilnd I~xes i ~Y .. givJmg ,men to. the :Slatle. BUJl1 .Y~}'~ you :niise.rable. g;rey~,ea:rd;s.~ -y~u .:lCon~ibu.t,e ,n,odling ·~o the tnibJ.ic 'cba[-g~s~ :on the coMir~ry i ~ y~Qu b!IrVe WM,t~~ :~e 1b'~e~s:u'f1~ of)~tIr :ron~f~th~rn;.j as ,~11!. w~ ~a1.I:Bd~, -I1ID.e· b_me' aril~d ~11, th'e' dt(~, of. ~l]e 'J?'ers;i:~Hl. ·WM,S,. 'Yo~, pay' ~jl~tbin~ ~m- :aU m, re~1IlJm~, ,and .Wn;~o ,It:1Ih,e. harg~ill you ,end:a:llge;~ ,our 1~:V'e5i, M.d, Hber:t~i:eJS, by yOUJi' 'D];Lstaites!. Ha'w'e: you nne ·:wnf~,:·bO ~Y' :for ,yorIJ[se];vm? ... ~ AhJ' don1t i:r,rimb~!, ,1:lIe., you olr 11] l~y my s~:i:lP'.PElr ;8Jcross you.r jaw:s~ and ]:11& pretty. hea.vy"

l:barns ,ofu~~d roen. [s~n,gf~"1 OUflrag~·'~]Jf]r,1l. ulltmge'l things ~r,e gof[l,glrom b~[G1 tD'1WDise'. LEft IJS pluJisb the. mb]tJ{,e5 •. ev6~ nrIJe of,us Itbrat :has b&].b>~~cr'bo~s:t of .. ·G,ome'~ off. w.1th !Jiur '~w:niilr:5. f(Jf:" ·ii. '[11M, UIUS~.~avo~U" Or.nlan~qoo; OrrIme.;, 'wyfrrulEm.dSI t'el US strru:p .n:a:~~r:ill, fronl. n:e;ad' Ito f@ot. C:(n1riIJg~ .1 my I we' who- :·'rr:cnu: day ,g,8JrrliS~n;~e(l!I1;:, .h~t .ruJS b~ yrnrul.ig, agalfl,~ an,di ~'hake'

off. eJd"

:leader ,Q!f c.bQr.~s of d]d :JDen. If Wtf! ,gi.v;e tIl.em~ llr-h,e' l:e~tS:t .hold eve'F' ,us, Jha~:!i '[he :l\:':HdJ, the.i~. :al,wcl;tlc~ty ':Wum _~'now no: 'IJnrunds,' 'We shaM. Sfie then1 bttlldin@ sbi;P(5:~ and .fig'hUng, Siea:..:n.:gl]l:St .like. Af:00 m:ms],a:, and. lrtlN~Y W,aJ]1r:[IQ n1o.unt'M~. rl,dle' as 'ca,v;;lry ~ WE; :bad besit rnsruer the' kr.i~ghts. for indeecl_ wamen ,exoe1: in titimg. and. have~:a fine. fi~,m 'Sieat frorthe.g~UQ'p~ .JiBt tbink .uf aU fllD~e sq lJad.rofls Oil AmazQr[]S ,M:ioo,n has ,p~i.n~ea :[Of' us ',en,g3l~IEd in hand -~o-,lmn,i :'con:1Jba:£ . '\\fitb. men. Canre" the]]: I 'we.~:m.ust. .:now. fitca.UarS .~o ,~u. th~e W'iUjJl,g'nec~.

'Chorus 'ofw1[;nnert: l~m,gillg] 'By theblessed ,goddesgesll if'you,~rng~r ,me.,:[ 'will, ~tJ,Ioose.·Uu~·~~~l.pflUJ·!eviLpassio[ll5'·, a:ndJ'a

; - . -

ve~ fuaUBlorn[l' gf blows 'wiU :setyO'u 'ye~Hm~ fiJr' bd.lp", ,C{ui:U;~':I' dames, off 'w,itb. yp'W" tun:i(s,I ,~nd, qu~kk:\5., the wooolJ: w.@lflea

must s:~:tl Ute sm,~U of '\lomen ;il1..tb.e, threes "Of l}a~j,on".". N01W'j~r ,you dare·)tto l~~asun~, ·s,b'en~gt.b witl] ~~.~ Oi~.d ,greybe·~'\d ~ M.d, I w.m.li11t Yfj~Lt,'ylatnl'llli, never ,ea~- g,B:dic or b~ac:Jt beans, oo.y more, N,o ~ not ,8, word l, my 1i1.l~r ,~;S, .~[, bonIng: pdin~ '! .i8Jn.d rn do:

. . . .._ '... '

wi~h,you 'WM~ the h~ed~.t:Ud-wUb. the eagle's eggs"

Leader af chosus ofwomen. I laugh ar YOnh[r threats, -so I o~g' 'as I have OJ] mJY side Lampito here, and tile' noble Thebsn, Bl~Y' de~lIi -Ismema. " ~., Pass delEfee on.' de~e .. you: can, ,(1,'0 . 'us no ·.h!:l!t you. 'Wf,etcb a, of all yo~f [eUom~. 'Why I! nn~y yestetday j oon nccasien of the feast' .of .Het;~;~~" 1 ,asked. n~i ne:i~gh:boUrs 'Of Bj05oti:~, for. one IOf;r "[lttlil1ligirte,rs, for. 'w'h,(:".m~·my i~i.r~s ~ha,ve f8I, Jh~~ly B.kiug, '--8, fjnE'~ Ia;i:. eel '[0' wlt;,~:a~d. iJ .lli1ey ,iUdll1at re"~1l1se I all along, of y'~Hr. ~ru:ny decrees I, W'e shall never I[;oose'to-sm:ffer the U;k"e'f·tiU sci!m:e· a.n,le: g~veJS·you. a ,be~.'r-~p:-'u;P1 :~nd ,breaks your oo[]:k :fb,r yard [To Ly~~stmta,~ she.comes I(U1Jl rrnn~ tbe i\Cw.0PD.liS] 'Y OU? ,Lysmsl:ram. you 'wbel ape" ,Theade.r ~f DUl( glor,kulls",e:nref,pdsej why. do I see )lOll 'C;D.nrong [awards,

ith IU • '?'

me, W~,L ~ " so 'gJo{]lmy an !Uf:'.

Lvsistrata '~' .. \"" the b ~I";IIa1l:.F·1·"n~'I,II'" nJi th 1i!:I.""F,ilJi nan cit.:("M" W' omen it 'IS tb! ,J!jJ fem ale lka"Ji~l"" and fem .... ,"11, .... W· reak :"",oS"5, ,I;'L. at eo ,..4 i ~,i[""iI'1iil ~~,O!i!I\e m-, ie-'

. ~ ...... ~. oi:!ll ~J1.'[":I,ID,. i lli.~ ~ U.l -_ G_,;~ __ ·v. _U"I.Q: ~J I~ }l::;~AC '. ~El;U;oJ.~ ~.J' of .u, ~ __ ~.U]_~. _' _. _ _ _,_~ J;'o _. __ }m G ~-l~.uJlJ r~ !I11~~! • J.!~ .. ~ _~ _. _ I!SQ.:_- :Il,~.1G _ U"~IitI,.a. IU~~~ILU l:l~~_~, _ . _ _ ,II

Lesder .oif ~cho-rus, !]if WO.WB]]:. '1'1~U, .USI~ .tell :~ ~ '\"I:bI~J~: :i,~ n.? L:¥s~~ft,3,ta. l nlily tellllie si1D;p~e-'u:u~ttL

I .. eader CJ( chorus 'B{[ w~m,en. .. ~auilJt h:~ ha::plpenedi ,so ~ dli~J~or[u:,'f:~tjJ:~,g? C;r;J.,~)."~e~ te ~J. y{)~J.[ fUen:d$~ L2i.~jldrat_a,. 011.1 the · is sq bBim '~Ol ·h~fj,-c y,~t so iOlipO§!slble ;~o cnrnc:e.m,

. -- , . _..

~le~d~r' '6f _ ~hu.rus of wom.en.,,:N ewer seek '~O bide lar::!Y _iU .tb8it h~, 'b efallen out cause,

Lysisl1fata .. r ~ oU'[ ,m a. wrud-, 'we 'want l[,

Leader o:f chm~ws of women, OJ~ j Zeus, ohl Z~nLls1

"lpi5,tJmta.. 'What use ,calU.I],g ,ruP01l. Ze~:I;5'?" 'ThE' :tlling:'"is: ·,ev.en (is I s~y. [.r.aIlDDt S!top them, '~'l1Y lQ!;I]~r' from lusting after the' :men,: Th,e:Y ,are :Bill :fa.f de~ef.ljt]g'. 'Th.e· fhs:t ~, GamJ,gh.t .was 5lip"mg o!]l I~y 'the p6is~,elrin, gate 'neat' ~he' ,C:al''IIe of P.M,;' anoill~e'r was ,~ettimg :hern~':tr ao;yvm, '~'Y' a .rqpe am:ld: pulle'Y~ a~ tb:i~d '~a'5, -busy prepa; .Jj·er 'es~~pe~" WbU.e ,~, Joul1h:~ ,p~:r~hoo on ~ ·:'blrd.! $, lbac.k.,~ W,3~jw;st:t~lQg '~~i1lgJOT Ors:i1:@ehus" hO:LtU.~i W:b'E:ffl_I ~:i.zed .. her 11:1 'ilieJu~:it, 0l!~' ,and:aJj,. Ul'~f ,me' m.vIBlIth;l,g ~¥~~es to be off h!lDl~',. [~Gtmii1:g: ~m~ <~h.e ,galJeJ L_9,Qi:k-i there ,goe;s, Jmle, tfy~ng to ge~- out! lH:hllo;a, there'!: 'wh:itller 8,~.a_.y ~QrJast?'

Fh'S' 'WOflJ8J] .. ] W.ant liD .,go h!]n['e~, m MV1e s_ome' MUesi_8fl. WiQO~ m:l1lllthe hou'S,e-" \~hid:1L is, g~uing all eaten IIp, by 'me 'WOf'lI!S,.

T '~ji'~lI= r~'M-<:Ii 'n ol!!...1 "nu' (]j n..l V.n;~'1 r U!.M"'i;If.!!t.'li"lIC i DO -b<:!i ... 1., 'lIieov II IILj~~'WI ,u,lo .• :Dbl.ll.1l ~'UU a:lI',IU ,J lUlU. ·~!/..611l·!If'I:Ji31l b .: . a'L.~;al ,tIL aitl:i~ Ii

!F.h'St '¥VOH]art I wi.n f.e'[um,jJllm,e,diah:~:lv.·r ~~ar 'I. '~m bv. ,~be ,tw'o. 'CJioddesses~ l' Dll]".,hB;v,e~J· ,mr-ead H, !JiUCt, 0:1l the b€d~

- ~. - 4,1 tl .J;_, , ~\Ii"

lyslstr·f),'l_8. YOU: shall ~J[)~:·.dtl atnyttim,;[t -af tl1,e'.,k:ir]ti,~ :I sa~ri "Y{]~UJ $h~ll. 'ruJt: gQ"

l~'h"St 'wqnl_an.. .~HS;.l: I .leave ,tIli}rVhffJo1 ~o s[p-eJU. lneiri?

I .. ,YSi:stf8:'t3:. '~~{e's';..if ,n'~eij" ~,e~

Socond w{]m~~ Uri!b;~pp:y 'wO>man. ib'E}Dt 1 ari1'~ AlJas :for .~y :flu.!' rv~ .~eft "i~r,a't h(n;~e. Uln~tdptl

~Lys:Hi,tnlla. .. S'Cli b~rE'~, ar!u::dtH~~,·,g:'~o '~() g\D l':u~rm~; ,a;n,d.stri,PI ~hef :fla:x:! .

Second ·W[wnBn .. 'O',b-[ :r ~we. by 'me go.dde5s of '~i.gb14 'the' ins!ta[u~ 1. h~ve iP'u .i1. i.I1.0Dfi'dititnl ,1 -will come 5;[f.,~\gbt h8~&

T • = ~ ·Y' I.. 'U-'- d- '~IiJ..· i" ;jo.'1 ~!~ .. ..!ll~ WI!!" I-b ~~ J-....iil I b .... ; e' '-l-[ "f'

"LyS~lSU~:[[a.. .1 au sua •. 0 :nou.l.ninJI 01 ~ l.e·~ll'i.,I:nill..J 1 I.-II!. once 'yOIlLl, egan. CflJlI}eIF'S WOnJ :u w~n , '1iU 1.0 , ow ,$ll]'l:.

'Tbrnrcl. V\fO![lUW'. ,O~ ~ ~ddess )@jiYifH~. IH:dly~a~, patrnn~s !lf V\fO!m~n. in' wj@'om, ·stay.~ stay the brurth. ~dn [ 'have rea'ched ,s: 'Spot ~e$s b~110rW'Ed tban Athene~s :l]Ulunt!

L:¥s~~ft,3,ta .. Wltu.tUt .ni'~~,Jf:oij_ ~,Iy ,tbese, :siU~y ~a1es?

TlI.d. \VCJ:IIt8JJn •. I am:,goi~g, ,to bta:ve 'P, c"hUd-:n_oW!1 'l1I.rus, l!Dirn.:ute! L2i.~jldrat_a,. B~ut yqti. were ·,n!~~ .,pregrMl~'[~(ye.s,lerday'!

Thlard, WG:;n][U3JII,." 'W~]t :1 ;~l1, to~!~ay'. 'Oht Ie:t, 'DIe 'gD til. seRre.h oitIDe [ful~dVJiIDe. LYS:is;tr.o;tQ!, C[Ulb;k~, qU:l,eJltJ:

, . .

Lysisl1fata .. Wbal··i5, tbis; '[able ,)lQtL":w:;e b~JUn,gT nile?' [Fee:tb~~ her s,mmacb] ,All t Wb_8!" ,ila,vE: :you g',OI[ ~~;tH~fe ~Q h8J~~l

____________________________________________________________ ~[84Q

Lysjstlli3ita - NOO K fu.r PC '. = __ L@··. .. '.



T'~·~'~ A' ~,'I ,[, .• ,~~. 1~llili!J.U w:alm,u~., ,: .. mare C ll.m,liiJ .•

Lys1s:m~:ta. N'!O'; :nC!~ '~y _Ap.nI'l~djlteJ n,~lihI:6g;ofdi~ ,5(1111 ·W,by. it feels U:~e"~OO1,ethlllg lhnUQw~a p'p~ era ke'tLle'. [O:~~nil]g"ber robe] .IOb! you ~jjly \c~e\aJl[u;r,e i if'ytnru ba,v.e. ,110ir got Ib'e .£~~r8~ helmet of :P.aU~~.aJ[lcl. you ,$a]~, you 'were wUh th~id,~

Tbffird. wDIlo·m. And, sq 1,3nL by·Zen:s.l:B:ru:!,

:lysis,tr.ata. Tben 'why this he.1m,e~~! prarIY?

Thfurd.-WOm$l. For. Feat rny pains, should se~ze·.,m'e ,]n [be J\c~[lp:olis;:[ mean ~o ~ay ,my ems in this helmet, 'as tlle'I@]o,,",E:s·do.,

I· • .- • • •

:LysJs.trBta. ~]{cuses and pretences every wnrd:! the '~h~m:ng)i ,~S clear RS cl.~;yHght. Al1yvvay. you 'mtls~ s~ay here 'mow ItUl the"

,fu[h ,d~y " yom:r day of purificaUan.. ' . .

T:~d W:DImunL, I c~n:npt~sle~~1 B,ny mere 10' '~ll:e. AJcr.o~~uJ.lj5j uow ]I have seen Itbe' sn*e'lhai ,gu:~'dS' tl1le' -, teraple ..

Fourth ·WO,riULA. ·,$lh I '~1I.d, dlose- ,awfuJ owls. with, theb: dismal 'h!DotHlg:l! I ;~~HPt -get a 'wiml~k ~f !~~t alJn~ r:nl: j list -dymg olf fatj;gue'.,

~ysi5:tlDl~ta.: 'Vo:u ~jcked w,om~nl ·b.a;''lI£- diJ;~,6'WU]l, ytn,mr' :raffi~l~oo~[ Yeu wan~ YOUJf.hllJSbalJldlsj, tLlot"s plmB ~o~g;h .. But don,lt ,j(1]r~ d]'lt1~~ ,tb~y want !f'nu: Justt, as 'badly.? TL1,ey are. sip~D!dl~,:g, dfF,e<~df~ nlgb1t5,~ ohJ [: ki']ow :I~b~t well,E-'I'ulugh" But hold. Ol~C!, :roy

.4i!;:;,(!]'iI!'ii:" hold outl .,ij; I' '·lt'-t-l',e' I'ilninil!"lI:iJ, p·O'lO!]·eIFll(\il!I; and the v'~"..;'n'Il'!'tI' 'uHi'!"1 b" orr;; i!"TI<nu'"'''' '~'I"II n'I"~''''''I'II:!i' premises 'lifiiC' success 'J"'ro' ·lI!'Iil-~v' we· lI"em'~1!l!1·'n

U~[~lil " ··t ulJI. II [~,n,. ·,_I.!.IJ.liiJ • ..JHI!1C. L,.~,ll.-.JJL'~~ g,Jj- ·I~· . J:~ftU:ll'j' Y1f.lI! •. , .~ UlLLi~.:IIi l~,_Jj U,J!D.~,,11i.:: .·,l.'··JLl .• .::ii:·.:Ii_L:I!i:l1 ~IU;·.,,'·~_'~I" .tIL .... ~I"J··. -. lI,; .. 1,lCl!;',[,1

.- _ .-.~

'i~;::t~~: S·:;;a.."lIU' "1" IiN3If11;:J;a-'t 'i,,'I..,ilJj 'W- - ,n·r·,,,"I~?

. !b~lt:tJ.L!IJ:Il.~~'I' • _ 1.·1J't~mJj __ '_, _. :1, ~lIl~ '. ULl~ -!L;II'_ LJ~ .,

't\tom.M. Sil~PlU)S~:r .£e:ffl(y a goiJd lUck aij£ you? IO,]d ro~D. ]' ~!,Thould see 'y~ur': [tbing lYleg.

'Wom~n~ 'You 'wo~Md: see 'th~tl' for aU ,IllY ngle, n is, v~' weU plucked,

Lvsist ;r"~+Q 'II" PI'~'C:-I]J·'iniO' O' UlliIi-'''''' 'f; , ... L-\IIJi A' "'1"-;h;no:t:: """"I u-' (1:"'11 ... L o,~ ~ ceme. qu lekecme nt i 'J",it-'Ir~ 'I

.. :i' .. ~, ~\ 1Il nJLa,. ~.' ,~_\_~. ' : l~llL Ul I, -LIl~l~ '_ . ~. ,'u:.+, .: I,~. " ,1~ Ultl~J::~ I( .• ~~'J:~ ~~ ~:" . 'liil\ ~ l~~1 I'IQ I~'ILJ.' L~K ..

One o.fth~ 'W,DU1:ell.· 'Wha:~, is. I't?· '\Why these c.des?'

Lysisl1t.ata .. A maul a,,·,flmnl I .see him app'rn8lichL~;,alL JM':i.te·-'\i'Hn the flames of lave,. Oh.!' ICIDiviliie IQrne;e:n, i1!lf Cypi:1ID5~- P,~~phas, ,~nd Cyllh~B~ I ,P[[BY you sHU be propitious ~o our enterpnse,

'tAr£1im~1I\"I 111. IlI;..lfJ;iIl"i!J; ~:C' 1~1!Ji ·r·i'I:..;"" unk 't1i1i"\'!l~'i'1n 'f:c.a':j-",'Vu ',_: ~_!l.~,I,. IY'~:~:,,~~,1,,-"1 )~_a;;ji _~,I''Wii I,~J~ .... __ .. ~JU.Y1"1IJ',I, ,l~'IW!i.

l yslstr·f},'l.a. ·Ovei ·tlI,Ie~e~bes.ide-ilthe 'Te[l]ple uf' Demeter,


W@n:i~ll. Yes, lndeed, 1 see bi.fl1.;· b:u~, \~tho is he?

I .. ,YSi:stf8:'t3:. t,oaili r ,~~o1; I do ':amy' \o[y,ou f!~tngnize ll,fu:ull.?

M- I·' ~,.; ·'i:...!Ft~j"mIIJ!' '1']"..!Ii iii" d r u ~ 'I' b. ~ ,.;:g C- .J' _ •

yrr., une, 'U'03'~:~'Y IUJO"~.iJ.'" 10." .:s[ is U1Y' I.lU5.W1u _, wneSUil!S.,

~Lysis,tnlla. .. To: worck; Ilfu,iel(i Be. .ii[, your ~,m;]t, ~o: 'jnfl~m,e and to.r-~nre. anJd :to[Ull!e:nt '111m., Se(h;J.Cuons~ earesses, ]n', re[lts~ls, 1!Y' ev~ry meansl Gm~n e'very f'iv.out j,-ruways - extCepmil1g -W'M~, is. fumidden ~Iy OUT' oath, 'On dle, wine-haw I,

_ '"

Myrrhin~, .Rave' no fear, I'll do it

",., WeU. I s'hml :s;;tay here '~O ,be~p Y'Oiti EB.]:ole' the 'man- and, set hts :pBSS~U[JS ,afI,a:m@. The' rest. of you withdraw'"

[[:ines;[~:"renters:~ ill eabvw·ou:s:.and extreu~.n~~€:xua~ e/!,[:HemreQt. ,A:sJaVIEr'[OnQ,w,~; :hOOl ~a'~iDS: 00 ~:~·f~t.] [':inesias.. Al~s! '~:L~J fi!Clw"I ,;un tortured by ~pas_ni. an\d] :.rig;id. 'c01ll'VUlS~O~lt Oh~ I am. r,~c~d nn tbe.·'wheeU·

I .. ysj:s,tf8:'tB:. Wll,;[) ts dif~ that dares, to 'pa;;s~~ur ~.i,n!e~'?

r'·, . .. - lRI •. [

''L.o:1Ue.S18S.. ,I!, lSi .•


~L ysisu:a[a .. 'W,hat" ~ _man?

C- i'nne'; -:':Ii 'Ii:' V· . 'Pen! m ~1'I,jI"!:L- C' n ~ .!I,,!,~,~~.o.l!J._ """'-;,,1 ~~..I.I'IlJ.";:IIJ, '.:iIiu l,

I"ysistra,ta.. Get out

ICineiiia.s:. N,ul whO' are you tbat tbUB f,epllloos m,e!' Lyslstr·ata. The senti.nel.o:rthre day.

lC.ines.i'a:s.. For the 'H~ds' m~~ 'caU Myf'rhlile.

1.y~i'j:stf8:'t3:. C,8J~]_ M:y;rmine., you :~3y? :And, '~wl:[o ,8Lre' ,you? 'Cme;sias, .. I am, Jle<r h~~d;, CineyB,s, son of :E~~eon.

~LysiB,ttala .. AJwl good d~y ~ my cl!~ar :fdj~:nd. 'Yout- ,Wl3me:. ,~s ntrt tUlknnw:rt :~Dng~l us. Y:,nw' 'wJ[e ,M~ it forever Gil], I'mref lips.; and ,~_he" lleyer-Ltluthes, ';00, egg. or an:;8\pple- wUhout 'sayIng: j"TlUtis: b fDt t:wnes]lM'.,"

. . ,

IC ,., . R- -. '-!"~ d' Ij, -! '''j

.. :u:u:::.s.;u~.s\. , ..... ea., ,""jf an ~ru, ,!/' ~,

"l;ys:is,tmla,., Yes,;, '~ndeed.~. '~y ·,Aphr.odj:~el And If we' fall .to m1k~118' of m:en ,I ~~tulc.k, yo'ur w~fe dedares~ i~ Dh.! 'rill 'tbe res.t, th~yr'e' ,g"(][Jd, ilr .nothing pO.m;pa:r~~ ~'L11 Cines~~:. ~j

ICines.ias.. QI:~,' pliease j, p]eltSe, g!1l' an.a.· c~l1 h,~~'.(o JB~~'

1.,YSi:stf8:'t3:. And 'w[1at :wU~ you gIve li'nJe ior my ttuubJ,e?

'Cm~s.ias, .. ~ytT:r:i.tlg I\re.g~t.~, ifyo~, _lIke', [f:~btting:.:~n'the evidence uf' biS.condiU.qn] 'I: ·wilJ..g;~v~ you wtl~:t 1,h3¥e bernI' ~Lysislttala. .. 'We:lt'we,n'l ill: 'wlU ~ell hiEr t~l i[Qfl~l~',.

[She. enme-rs, the AcmpoJEs.JI

IC :i'ne:.siHS\. Q'!lJ1,lck,. ab.t be' quic::.k.1 -L:~fef bas; no .lROre dharrn.'S tor. m,e sine-e' S:be' l,e,t;"tt ,my bouse',~.l am] sacL 58Jd. wben 1 'go bm;doo:rs~' :~:t .aU s,eews so le'lIDlpi1LJ': my v:icturaIDs'lMil¥e' ,['05;[ r!J;eir .,s:aV'Qur:. ,AlIda']~, 'beIE~au~e' lOt dns 'E'[.ec~ilQU t~ba'f: I cfuit g,eit rid. Df~ . b[] Lysfustra'ta f O'ver b~t'·s.horulldelr] l , .hhn. .. rOb.! ~, l(Jve :him; but be won~~, ]JE!~ h{~eU: be' tov,eil., '~,rO'! I ~ ,s:haU ),]ol


TWid wum,rul. Yes. '~~dl:~ 'what 'the' 'o'r,a'Cjle declares.

LyS1sltJ[~:ta. SiJ~RC~ then ~ N}ovv;......._!I'Whe:I1~"lfn~' swRllo\"VS ~ fleeiQg befure_ the, JUJqpqes: ~ s,baU 'hlatve aJ.~ fl:ockedl i~CDgel~ler in one pl ac~'! and shall ',:rm:rarn, UUlit:~, ftom ':8U 811UJF;~rUlS· C'9lDl:mem~e I then. '~vUl be. t~1,e '. end o:f a~ .~. tile iUis of '~ife';: ',y:ea f. • .rnJ~·d, ,~~:u;s,;. 'WJH~ .4nth. thunder :tn, ,th~, skiJ~s! ~:I ,~et :B,~~V,e; '\il'llilat-:-was, erst be,h:li'w ~ • ,." i"i

Thfurd.- wom~l~ Wlmt t ,shan ·:Lhe' linen he, ~ndel[,neat:b?

:Lys.i,s.trBta. i~ :But if dissension do arise 8,H1JOng the :S,W,8Jt],ICJW:S. ,~n!dJ dt1ey take ·w'rung from the hol~1' ternp~e,:, itt will be' said there is .never 'a. more w,artrton bird :~n all the wormd. ~!

T:Wtd wnm,u~. Ye g()&,~ tll}e,.:prp,p:hBiCY ~s clear,

L,'ti'1~;i, ... ,"j-,j,eta N' -,.,: ,g,y- ~n,l!j{t",-a""... '~I;i!!I;t 'i "e [I".ai ~st-_ .;!Ilf'!i;"tUfl 'I:j'Y' iF>~~ :I]'r.!i'A']'i'rn~' t' 0..* '~I to 'kdl; - 'l:jiP3Ve' '1'-...-;. 'bp"=!I'"r' "lin· ,...!Ii ,OA 't.._~F"~lr 'fe'o· ;i'1i I ~lrr'ihif"j,~'i-I[' 'F,~., W\OU l.i-iil b'· d

:J~r.:J!J~1l1U:~;' . '_II .. .' ~~~, Y IL .. ~·'f~.1 ,~~_ .U_i3 ~¥ I~._ .: U~lVl.~~, ... ~. ~.~~JU" lIJl~J'[~ ~'-i ~d.ll U'I-r· .. ~. "~'I.: ~ . ~u. '~I ~." ,U t3~1 IJ.}-U!~.t\. LJ 1 u1u_W. yU,!Ji~liiJill !!I- ...... "u,l!JL_iIl,i[lIJ, _ ',G

s]t~:m,re~w irideed .n,ot to trust the prDm.~se:g ar~he nrard~,.

,[TheY' aU go '~ack into l~b:e Arnop~s .'] _

'CbQru~ of~ o~.d, men. [stllg~:"gJ ~: 'WBUt. to::'U~Jl you'a, :f~,ble th~y Lls~d I~O' .r.e_bJJe '~() !rn~ w,b~n:m 'W?S'a, little ho;y. TLlis is it~ Onre u.pfln .a time fhere W~ a, ynUng, man :calLed ,M'eblJnian. wh'O h~ljed ~he ,iliiUJug~l'l ,of l1U3!fr~a,g~. Si]i·.si0:ifelym:haL-ne flfNll, ~ll\i1lY hJ the" ~td.s:. So ,~ie: dwemt 10 Uu~, m;ount8.fum,. wove h.bIlseff nem. ,and talfgh1 bares:" He~ :never_;, :never ta~lle back', lwe bad:' s.udh :a,

h . $- A' ~L M' "[. "I I~ _ ~ .'-~ I • 1111 • - '~'·IL - d' 1l . .lI:

'_Jj]i[r.or",p:!l. ·WGlDJ:E:n:, :;"5 CJ.(i,3S'I:e·as~,·. ,re. '_a,DIU'Pi" WI~.:.O'13i,tue 1~lILJeJ!d.Ues~JU:S~:'i:'JS ~tnuc~l.,8J~ ,lI,~le, ... ']J~.

.A,b: old UUU1.,. [begmntng a brief. nt;u:~[ ·w.i:th one or-the women1 Y 0.11.. d:~ar old ,w,gntan~ I' 'would. ,faiiru, kiss you. 'W crm~u·. r.: w.i1J set you qy:ing, w:itbotd anions.

,Ol]:d :m,m:t~. And gi,,'I(e.·!O~ a":spuud, ~,ickm,g.-

·WI[}man. IpD!w:nJin,g11 .Ab'I' '1m, I W,hil'~ .;~, .d,fin~~ :ro.res,~ :Y(]!U, ha,\1'1e. tll~,e,l

"Old 1uall, So ·w,~ M1'ltDnid,es, 'v\ne. a('w~ bttsll1est Dr men ,'.0,( tb[S side: bisbBckside w,es ,~u, b:!aiik, ,ar.ul he" ~enified I:]i~.

. 'h 'p'iiI.. •

lefltenlle8, ,BlS. 'mule, '-85 ,'ih'",I.ormlD."

l:barns ,of 'Worn,ieB. [singing1 I Wa[]~ 'k; ten_ you ·:a: :fB,ble to u,~ to' ':ma,tt,ch yours '~!Lb[ltlt :Melw:rwo,t.; !D1nce ~.he[me wa--s a:, c-ertai.[l ,caUed Ti~qQ.~ 3 ·:[i~ug.b I;Uist~fl1Er, and a W:hill:mSi'Cililt 'a' tnu;~: 50n of du~~' F.)JI'ruEs! w:a,tl:l: a :["aoe that :~eeme;artQ gl.8l'E· opt .of B U]om-:. bus'h. •. Ir:W;e 'witbtltew' ff.OIl1 tbp ~orllid: b~¢a,'l1S!~ ,h,E: ClQw1dtJ,~t mm:,~4e bad :rf~ef],~ Bf[,erY01DiUmg' ~lI" 'lltotl;sand''C:Ujrse15 ,at tbe:m. }Ie: had)), .l1oly _h!Orrpf :Hf-n~:-~nd.itip:m:),ecl ,f~J~~}'ws~ blJl1~ ~Jl,e I\'if~ migb~'.te:nd~t tD!w,ards,"·wome~:.

·W!~man. lbBgfnoiJ::ug';BJUl.t}J,iEr duel] S'u~pp-(]s.e I rup.:ml,d b:n;ik.e y~nJ:[j8'W fo1" you!

',Old Jl1&1. :r a~ 1ij[J~ '3, bt~ afraid, 'Of you. .

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Lysjstlli3ita - NOO K fu.r PC " = __ L@··, " "



Cjt].e;sI.aj'~ ,My[rbine9: ,m,y'-litn~ dading ,Myr.rhlne,! wh~:l a:re' y,~u. :~v:·;,ng? Co.rrre'dOWllnlt.o ,me' q,nk:l1t .. ,M.Yrr:l:dD,~', '~N:o :in([eed i. ·~U]~ ~I.

IC~:riEsl~,. I i~mly(ru:t Jv[yrrhiQei ,M:'y:[dd:ri~'; won't YCH.DI p~!ea;5e oom,e? M,yrrhine~ 'Vh;dlsh.o~l~, you. call rne? You dq not' 'wan:~, ~me.,

I· ..-

'Ci:iJleSlas,~ Not w'mt vou:t '\NlJ,'Y: I here I s~mnift s~lf:f 'wiJtfu, dlesim'le't

,.f . 1

My,trbine., Go.j]:~-hY'e'.,

1'S;he~ turns, as i,E" to BeLl

'JCi:[]e5ias" t),b I Myrr.hine.: MyrrhlDe·. ,in aUI' child' s wmg,. he\u me: ,81.t '~y. f~le, hear the cl1Ud:! ~ru·tUe.lad .. ,can yO:UI~ ,mother. Child: Mamma, mamma, mammal

~C.blJesjaJ5 ~ TtiLerl~, l~['en! ~Don't, yOIj.-pi~y' the poor ,:cbU.d?l f~l s;i1;' days: now y'nu~ve, 'WJev¢r washed '·Q·nd ~l~'~r f,~d, the ''i=bi~d .. , MYj['rbitl~., P't)ar ,d[a:rHdg 1 yo ut' f:~dher takeS, m~~lllity Iittle ![a~ af-yuUi l,

C;~neslars.. Come '(IDOWUili deru:est i come '(IDown for :th'e icbjJlf.s; sake,

.... • I I ..

:~yf[:blne'., Ah,l: 'w'llal ~ '~bing: u. is,, to be _ a motber:t 'WHn~" 'weU"1 'W'~ mu~t come dnw:n.;, m suppose,

" ,

'Gi:O esl as". ias My, a~~:praa.'cbes'l Wby., how much ,Y0Lmger ,8Jud ~preiutier, she leD:k5J. And ,llaw' she: looks ':81~ U1e :SO' Ibviogly~,

~H:eiJ·' crUle.~'ny and scorn on'~'y redouble 'my passion,

Myrrhj:ne.. I[ i~ROr-,~g' him: to the ehild] Y (DiU ,lIre' as sweet as youl' 'fatbe:T is ~'fo.vul{illgJ 'Lel me idss yQiu. my treasare. Jl]O:~j:u:~r~ darling!

~C.bjjesjaJti"' Ali ! :'w'bat,:a. bad, tl]jD\g"Wlt Is tn l~tyqimrse]f be Jed .'EJW'~'y' by ot:her:wiflUJem;J 'Wb:y' giv'a me :s,udl. 'ptd:n'~~'nd 's:urff.ed,ng:;' ,8!ld. yrn~[seMf '~:ri'~D tb.l~ bm'g,~ill?

M\J~r' bine 'lL .. l<li:' ]':1.0: ~d''1l:LOi':R;!. rtn iDllii1'1:Lif."l'iCi3i, her] H l'!i''Ii'Ii~e off it1,t· ... ~ . . . ii II!. [~' :~t\..111 .~~ ,,: :~~ li!q ~tU.· ~U:l: .tu '~:I~W~ilJ~ 161, ~ ~Jl~'_ ,;:-:t;b~_lI:lUi_~ _,ul:l~.,~ ,~oJlj ,;I

Cmeslas, :Everything ]5 gl~:i~g ~O' mck.~,~1d ruin ,]I t!]e hause, Myn:blne., M don'l r care,

Cmesias, But your- 'web that's ~d.1 lliJeiJlg ,:ecked to p~eces, by the cocks and hens; dDlI1:~ltt you care for '~h2IJ~'

M'l' vrrhine -po Pd?! .... ,~: ....... j''i1'C'' little '

_ " ~. ~_~, "~.' _ .. 'LiJ.. " ,l ~lLdll/UUa __ ' JJ.J,Il..';u

[:inf4S1~2' Th!e~,e:'s no: :I)o:,£nt in ~ha'~~ sure1r' w,e 'rban lie, orn:tbe'"gT.ol,Uid.

Myrr:b:inE~, ,N'IO,t- :oo~ even t110ugb Y(l.(U h:r,e' ~~r~tt~ r don't tij;.e]l:oilr ~:yi(]g [In ~be b3,r-e'ie'anh. IS;hJ=: g~~s bac~k -inN] til!e: ,A,f]r~pO,n,5,:J

ICme;sias, .. '[earap'fur.~~· Ah r hQi~N the ,dJe~~Biil~ ~oves '~Ed

My_rdrld.e" 'FC!Dffiing 'ba,Gkw-ltlw',a, cot] ~om.e~ g~l:-to bed .t[ui:;clc;:]' Wlj,gOtrung)Il undress, B'U~~ ·!nb, dear'~'\~e ~lTust g:e~ ,8, ,matmess.

. . . . . -

CineKias.. A mattress? 'Ob,~ no~ .tu~y.ej[ o'lJnd, JahQiUJ~-:H1:at!

Myrrh.ine:. ,No" 'by Artemlsl Ile. 011 the baee :sac.k]:l1~? neverl Tha'l WO~I.~d: be squalid, ICi:neiiiB's:. Kiss mel W'ait:9]. mru:mute"

[She, leaves ;bim. ,ag,~iwl,.l

Clnesias .. 'G(].o~, ,gpd Ji:ocry' u,p'!,

Mytt,Im,2~ ~()oming bEhck witb .H, ~a'ttre~JI :H~e' Is '8 ~tkeJ5$" Ltc, daW,]l~, ] am just gQIDg tl~Jo .undress, ~tit y{]u~"e 'got lilO' 'P:iUoW.

C ineslas.. I df](I1~~. \;\mrn'l. one ,eilhetl Myrrhine:. ,BUJ~,l do.

[Sbe le~es him ,a,gai.n.]

[:in~1~2' {]fh. ,god I' nh g;~d,n :she- 'treats 'my tool Jiu~.t li[{e' Her.atlr~~d

Myrr:bin.E~ '[~bml]]g: bzu£k. wt~l'f:a, 'pjl~ow] There, lift YIJU,' '.be:ad" :deatl ~'~',l];deri:fitg-wb~iIt ,ft]se~ ~~ 'taml:ta1i~e' him. 'w:itb; to hetself] 13 that all, I \\:r~~jder'7

ICine.sias, .. :[ Rl:ffisooder~rt:and~~d ~Sut.:ely'. Illi~~s nod1iag e~se. ~,anle ~ .rqy_ [l'i~~;e .

M'!ilr-drld.e" ['m11,J~11S1 u:rnf8..s:ten:wllD:. my:' !crif.dle" But rememher WbB.t. v.OUj, n.;rn:m:~se[ffi fne. about .mHkillp' BeJl,Oe'; Imind vtlU keen

~._ _ .,iCll - P' .. J~ rr..- -. lb. _r ? I .tr

you~' 'WQrd~

IC inesias, Yes i yes.. 'qpOll my 'I i.f~ I wiM.

" '

'M" . hi W-'L: I[ iIl,;J' 'I...' ~

i:Jffr,,:lU~~ .,:. ,I.~y. ynu, tci,~au~eb

[:inf4S1~2' My: ~(ffi 1 wha:t' :differellJc'e dnes dlia,t. 'D]~~? 'Wha-t I want iiS, to makelove ,! Myrr:b:inE~. :[gOl:Qg (ou:t' ~(gajnl N:ever 'foo~-,d:l.f.~cliy, dimtt1y:i ~I ~Jl be be;c;k iru, :00 time.. Clnesias .. The'lwoIl1am w1U k_ill, m.l~ wUb her hla:Dke~5,11

M:yrr,Im,2~ !.r;om,m;g ~I~.c~, withr,a 'btal]kle~] Now, g,e,t Y.ollrsclf.l!'p'.

Cifl.esia,s~, Ipoin.ting] rve. got t!ljs u:pl

My~r1:dne.~ W'Quloo~[ yIQU. Hke ,me, to S(.et)1. y.ou'l

- ,

IC:i'J:u~::s.ias" 1\1'0" b:y. ApoUo, no~ p1ease don'tl

'M:yrrhine~ Vies;, 'b:y ~p.hrod.U:e·. but I wut wjH~~ber you rudoe :it or J10:t. [S.,b.e. ',[tU6S ri:n, ,agai~n .]1

iif'" • - ,. 'G-::.l1 1 '.. 1L h' 'i.;iil 'J.' AI '''L ~: ;, "'1' · .... :~'·'I !;.,. I

1!(....ln.eSl'as,. : 'O~'i" : Yi;t~S~,I. ! ,_e I~ ,_:-ruut.ry up' '!SIIIl~ get 1ju.l:r'Oug~1 :VVltl,~. luIS.'

MY:m'dl:i~le~ ,~tnmlrigbr;uc't :\~i,(h, ,3 Jlasl( of. perfu.m.'eJI Hold. out YO'Ili: JUHu:l~ ,[I.ow' rub it jn,

ICm~sias, .. OhJ in, .A,poUo's :nam~'~, I ~~it"'~ ~ufJ]i like: tfu~ &mEil ,i1f-tt~ but 'p'~rbm:p~ :~t ~i~ t~p[ov:e 'w,h~~1 if!!;: 'we:~1. 'rlmbbed In., II ldtOO$ 'not somehow ml.a¢k nf :I;hl~ ~ar.d12;ge .had.!.

Myfr1:dnei 'O',h. dead ~wbat ,B s,catre.rDram :m am: if m bavel~ilr,,gone. 8fld b,roughl R'l1j]:dhm ,erftiUme:B,r

- ,

Cjt~,e;sIaj' ~ A;nd. Aphmdl~a'~ 'wboSiEr fny,sterres you . have ~nDC 'cel.eb(ra;·ted. :£O-f' se .to,rug? Ob ! 'won't YDU ]Jl~ea::;.e come ba,~k. hD~mi¢? ,M.Yrd!d.D,~·, '~N:o'l least, :Il~t,rttlU a sound ,u~ty ,pUb all: en(J 'to [be, wai·.

f"'!" , ' ''liN' '[ 1 lf ,. "'L.. '.', . "1,., 'I ' 11]111 - 't.:,:-. • " . . .' t

ILo~IJjES:I'~,. 'i~.'~: "f rt Y~Il. WlS,I,~ It:59 mucn, W::II)"! we ,1 :m:a~,e ,at~ your trea .~.

M.yrrhine~ WeU. ~d, g~od r Vfi'[e:11I t'fu~t,~s _dfo.lle~, I '~iU t,qule.;bp'~le~ T~U,'-rhen" 1 am, b(}~ill'I!~, bJl' an oati:]. 'Ci:iJleSlas,~ ,A'~ Bl'1Y :l-at[~! :lie wi'ltll ru,e, filr ~_ ,!.i.~t[e ·w:~i,Ie.,

My,trbine.,' N!o. . .lin! 11;0 1 Il sJ.m ,hesil:atesl ,bur~ j uSL"'the, :sam.e.:[ '[,8]Uit ,~y -1 d-cmh-Jovle" yo'U~

C- , .,' ''\.l 'I ? T" ~ ,~ t I' . , .• ,'L I· t' i- -l ".~, t M -I ". ")

'I .. I:lJeSla5_, 1_ Dim, :ova, !Ale. , .. ,[len 'Wlny refuse, '0 ,.~I,e Wl.'Ll:1IJ 'm,e., JlIIly "r 1. 'e' glfu;., H1Y ,s;we.e ~y!r ]Ul.e~·

Myrrhine.. ,[:pret~ndillg t!Q be s.11 0 c-k,ed 11: Yoru U:lrtlSlt ~:ejQki:[llg,! 'What, 'before, tl::u:t chi.IDd!

Cj'i:]BS.i.aj ~ ttP Itbe shrve 11' ~.Ie~t. emy the lad ho:rwre,. :Th:err,e i }low: '~iee', ~e-, ;EMlCI, '.:i~, ,8C!,ne,; ~bere,l:s nJ[)~bmg' tIJI ~nf[tder us; wl~1n.1 }'UU He dow~: I],oi:'i~i?

MYj['rbitl~., B'UJ~~, :m.~et~ble :111.8.1.']" \vtH;~~r~'" w'~1,en~7 [:;~neslar~ .. In dle, ', of 'Pam:; nuUdng"c,(]uld, be 'beuew~

... .' - .

:~yf[:blne'., B;-o& iI}nw-sb~l '[ ptldfy .mys-e]Jf before. gblb9' back ,into the c:~t.ade~i?'

'Gi:O esJ. as". N nlidn,g leasi~d you cW1-wasJl'a~r-th:e· Clepsyrlr.a, ,

.~. -

IC ,.. . N" . • ..!i ...!iI t ~I t "t

... UJff.SllHS\.. e.VE<r ,mmnu. ueare.s.~ .we 1. go n.O'\~l,.

'Myrthine~ YDU d,vn~t really. mean. ttI_.,

[Sb.e. -,lgoes.J

ICinesi'as,. p~" the ,m~ '~hlJ ilw~m.fed. :petfum;e~d '


W,.;:i.:l~ '1i~1 b·,'·'- ". '[Ef' ·'~r~~·'·'-·' . d' Iif::! '"" ,ii;.;,·~d." II" ' ... I'

_ c !!C _~'! J[ J..e,o, " IIi.~l~nj ,an: dfl!1Jl! a ~ .. , lQW ru:s;

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Lysjstlli3ita - NOO K fu.r PC '. = __ L@··. .. '.

3i1 141'



M.Yi'rbiDEi. [oo:mtmlg ~I~,dt wifb anafheF' Dask]llJIe~:, _t:BJk€rthls. hDtae~

~C.l:llesjaJti ~ 1 ,ti~ve a beJte.r o:l1e .. all :~:eadJr rnr yt~t1 ~ . d_lilg;7 COO1,ej YCDU pr~vqklng' 'creati.mre·i Jo bed -whll ynu." ,:!9J:od don,i,!" b.rn:ng'. ~!l;o.~ber. tlli~g!,

M,y[rhine~ Co~g! tOC(tlllng_; rl]], J~st-sU:l?plwng. off m$i""sboes.pear tfl?Y .. ' wU], yqti, vore ~Of"' pe~~e?

C.- . , Ii' '1~'11 l:... • ,!c~ ~ I.... "[''Pi '" 'ii.\. ,:. . . . ~' 'm i d·'.:al 'I'" k ]i[~:. ," 'S'J" 'J' . d '] f' . " . '~ '. i:iJ!.eS:vas,~, " l~uLn~ about df. ¥~ly'n)Une iUD.S. away. II lIJ rn a '. l~aY, man, s 16 '~S , '.' .1 .ung me: ': ". The sas .gnne. an ,e: -t me m tn[lmen:LI,

J'in "~~~ic style 11 '1' ~ms~ lUl\H~' ,~fl~eone' to W,ay, ~'m.tID5I: I: All mel [~he h)vpJj:le:si af-~~nmert h~i' ehoused and, {~b.eal~d, me, -P(lor little: :la,d" how·;a;m I to gj:ve yOll wbat you: wanrso oodJ__y?; 'Wbere -is, CyruiLop:ex? qui cit m'BH1i, [giet ~binl a nurse i dnl

'Leader 0:[' i~hi[Jr.US of old men .. Poor, miserable wret~h~ b~lil:k.'ed in:your ·~mMOllSf.l,ess]' what thrtnres, are'yours! Abi Y[CiU fLU

, "I"t'l- 'hi C' . tld , . ,[i. 'iik~, .r, .:.:s I' -,; je"",...!Ii''''''ii:... j • ...;;..,. 'U", ta AI' 'II-,:.t'f' ,,' "d' ,t;;".,...:iI1 Ifh'· ,-~ ~'J\";; , t..]' iii-

:me:'w'::J pC~'''J' :·,OlllJ.." talt1,jt ID'W), is lllJili!jjCr( 39U ,,;OlOE s:~n~ SU~U ,;!8i srram, , "lie s '~JluS Stu: ,anU' JJg~', ~:i.'~, tr ~rle 8 ne:,~rq:;r a·'w'en.] I~U'

.help, ~~~ml

'CIJJ[e;das,~ 'y e ;gpds, .hlJl.e:9i,vffirn~!, 'what .:p:~b~;s ] suff~r:t·

L d f." ib .~ ,~~, "W""" ll 1 ,,;,,' J h ,..I .a, j:.'I......,;1-,. d . ..i b I ' ~8J". err. 0 _ C~lOf,US ~Jil: QJ)Ill!J, m,~n.. . .... '" e .[~ t leta IrE'; tt s ,_,_W' uOU]g~1 Ultat, iliu$Y nueu ~d_msy, '

" -

Cmesias. .N 0; ElO l r.aidu:u;, ;say that SW~EHJ'te'8t dearest d:8l:IF'~:i,li 8:,'

.[~~::e. depaiJtB. J

'Leader Dif ~b[)ru~ .0([ f)]JdJ, men .. 'Tbat de8lr'e.silf dad.rng? no, no" tbat.l1~.sYI s,~y:r ~ Ze'BJ~~ tb.CliLID god' of the skies, carn&tnoille~ Ioese ,;~, ,b~rri.taIlle·! ~o'~S!N{~ep·:lhej:fj ~llIDpj . lntn the-::ai['; and-'whir~ tbeWl] tot:HIiLd~, 'd]~n dl~op·,th~-]]J. do~' ;rn:.aslf~ '~n[l, [[I),pale 'diem: on the po(ruut'iof ~ilj:$1I1~,~S ~op~K ~'

[Ai Spartan Herald 'Mt[ef~s:; .he shows ~i.gJls"of bei~,g ,hlJh'e. SaID1.e ,con.mtl:or-:m ,:aSI C:m,e.s;ias.1 ~.e-T~d .. Say [II 'w,beye, sh~H l-find, the S ella~e all~l th,~, ~.~mnw?' ,r-aiThl bBBfef otdes:pAlLhes,.,

l'A:n A:thei[d an Ma~is.h'B,te· enters.]

M&g,l;stt~IDIt:e'. ,Are~yo:d1 m man or a:Pf,j,~PiJs1'

Herald, . [wiUl, 'm]: :B;[fort -at tim!cioLm1ess~ Don't be '~:t~pid:~ ;[ am,.31 betaldj of coU~,5~'; 1: sweat]: :aDl.f ana,], COUU;~: fnlw' S:pRf,~a ,¢liib;pu'l; lUBldnt. p~8IC~.,

Mag~U:.EIlite' .. rpQ,iom,timi:g:~ B~t ]'~ok, ,you are h,hfing a: lwl,~e .uD.d,~W y~LU' t]:O[besll~tru~'~y.· He(r~d. ~e,mb~rrassed] No,( ~f the $£lIT.

Magjst~,8i~e'. -Th~ll, 'why dn yo:~, tl1r1l aw~y like ·t~lat! ,~Dtt. ]1014 your~,¢I~k, tnt~. ffi~m YOUJ' bb-dy?' Have: .you got s\¥e:~Ungs. ,il"] lh~ grnbl-frolli.',Yoruit j ~U!rn:eI1

111" 11'1D,'1i""::I'~ld', n, ~ :IL~ ·t',· *'!!:I!II"[JII'I b" r:-a'tL J",jpIiI[ll ·t'I:.:.c. 1"Ii'Ii OI'Flt..:' <'],,1'11, i"1I,li1d' m'li ni.a'i"

,n,I6Jl ,D._~. l~ ,n ". ],1. 1I.:!.1'r, ~.I, ' L· l,lJll~LlJ.l. ~ I ~L- . "Ii.!l!tl.I,[ ~J 5!1!J.LIlIJ U t· "j[I.IIi.I.II. ~ '"


M&g,1;sttm:e. But .yOiI]'tVe:· g01 an er,e,cUofd y'eu IIE!wd .:f:eUo,w I' :He:~d .. l'tetlyo:u nn~' but encru.g;h pf f!lis foolery. M~g15U~~ei r:po:w,ting'~' W'e~L Whai. is '~m YiijU h;a;v~ 'dien~ ihe':r:lli.1 :Jih~rnl{L ,A:, La~~d~Enlcu:ariajr_ '~,5J{1tale~"

Margi~W8Jt-e'~ D,h" :indsed~, '8, "'s,kytale~ l' ~ :tt? '~~JJ ~ 'w~" <s.peak 'O~t -f.[Wk]Jf~' 'l ,know ~n ,~ibqu,t: _,tllese· ~ttl=l:!5. lfaW are tbio:gg,· :g'O~D,g 'aJt: Sparla f:l!O"w'?

H.e-1:rud~ 'Why, :e,vezything is:"U[[~fied, u.pslde d,own alSpana:; ,811d·;8Jln,the.alUe:s b,a:,'Ve ~ec[i:om.,"We s:ru:m:p~y :m'iJSl. ha'\r~',PIeUeifl'E.t :MEIlg]S~c8IJte-,~ "W[lst is. '~fue .re.aJson of irt ~dl?.ls m,t the g'od P'anis doing?

H:ersJd. N'U'i if's oJ.1d~, tJ:1Ife' V\fork of ta:m_Pj;i1o and [be' wumen· Who ~De!g ,~ ,her '..ius'£i,piiol,[J: they .hElve idckled the m,en OMl :f[~'m' bet\"l:een '~]eillr ',tlligbs;,

M~gffiu,~~ei But· wb~t a;r.e you doirug' a'.b;owt Wf?'

lih~rnld:" We are' at 0'1LI.r. ,~tts,l 'ehd:; ~'e wa1i;, I~ell~' dl[)ru.~lp.;~ j list a~ .if 'We, 'We[i~ ca:tty'ln:g latll~,e,mjlS' ~1l a '~vlbd~ Tb~jadB5 .have' ,s,w~r.n we 'shall not ~o uluch, ,~~ :~tQ'tlf;h_tbe~ "[lIL woe hav:e" :aill, "~g[1eed!.'t{][ to.n;d.'ude pimloa:,~

[They ~g"o .our In oppgsi.fe.'dfu:ecdonKl

. ' .

Leader af choeus of old men, No wild beast is there :1]0 :B,9ule o:f ~flr,e~, more fierce and untsmsble than woman: the 1,6Q.,p~r.d

. 1 - ..4111 It... '~i

rs ess :salllV;iElg,e' !I:[liu snametess.

l~d~.t, :eif~horus: of Vf(]l~nen" And ~e~, 'yP~ d,~~lVto, 'nl$E!' 'war u.PQ~ me, Wr. etc h, whffifl 'yoU m:~gh1 h:alV\Er .me [or your:. 'nu)si' f~ifltftllfrie.nd, . ~n(l ,l3llly.

I .. eader of. chorus ,~~[ old men, N:i!'yef'l nevercan my ,h,aJIIDea cease to~alrd'~ women,

l,'ewref.' o~ I;:h()i~ Df.wom,eQ .... W'el~" 'SDU.yQm1~eII., StilI ], ~aimt.~ b,B!JC ~Oi ~~ave;.'yOU [all n~ed ~'-Y.CJu ~mie;;' f~ wDulC], l~lug~!~,a.t .ynu. Come I I, am gplll~rto punt. '~W,$, tUllb:~ Oif], you.

Leader jJ;f'chnrus of·oJ.dl men, You' ate,'.r~gh~.i :uPQn rny v\iFord,[ .it· was. onL~Y in .my [rnnfo:Wlded frref fag.e that] [[look. :U off,..-

T. ead Dill' o·f." If" l,..,nl'''~I'I'P of ~1IU["i'm'·. ","11;:1. ·N:.'· o 'il~r' ,'3". '8'nI'V' rate ''!J''n;~ 1 '-1'01 o ·k' .' '] :11~,ql a 'ni"ll:"-Ui'i, '~'Flld- 1~,1i7PlU" won't '1"'II'lI,,:!/k·',o. t'~ 1,l1;:li of' ''1;1'00.', . .AL I !if" vnu h a d not

,L!Ei'I!'II, !IG!Il. ." ',-..I:h.JI,~, '1LI.<l! lUI 'fi'.'L!I" ":;!L,I,., ...... ,T .I!!II,~ ~ I J. ,.II, n. ,'CO ,.j L!l1I.J, , ,d!l.c-] u.a:[,I. 0.1..11. l~tl,,,,,,,J · ...... U,IJI ,!..a,IIII!!Ii ... iG' Au,n, Il..JI _ ,J'. . ", . 11.1. ~ .II. ~¥ lUI , "lI[[lI,1J1 ,1"JlIU

Imferuded 'mJe· so badly. I would .take ou~ ~ha't :rmf5:ty. insect you have .in: yotffim-: eye~ for you. .

Lesder .0([ ;c:harus, !]if old :rnefJj .. Ah.~ '~cf th:a1:~;~: \\·ib~,~. was 'mWoyii\g .n1le'·81]. Loo:k:J, here/~:,~ .fiDg'i' j l[I;S~. 'reJDDVle 'the insect, :WlI~l shriw' 'U "10 [me., By Zieus'l It h~s, been hlIDrfia~r :my ,,~y~ fof' a l( :tim,e, uo~v.

I .. eader of'cb[lrt~s tofw,()mle~i, 'Well~ I :a"g;ree~ ffi~lJg'lh ''yo~U:r Rlatl.nerS, lEI!~e' nor ave~ ,.and. ,allQ've pleasant, OJ~.I ~hnt ,3: .hJtlge great ,giUlDtl'.Just ~QCJk!,.It:~s' from, Tr.icrjfytll'Us~ for sure,

~lf~d~r' '6f _ ~hu.rus of 0'1d, mien. ~, thousand '~Wlks I: :t1:H~' 'C:f'e48L~U[(~; 'W~ dJgg1ing'. a, f:eg~~ar ,:wem. :fll ,~y ,ey,e; . :now jhat jt~s g:DJle, my' rears '(,8]:r:t flow:fr~ruJ'y~

Leader o:f chQrws of women, .~~ 'wUl wipe·them f[);[' yiOw:-ba~d,,bty nJ8JI dlOtllg~, you. ,~r'e'. NOiW,~ jm;rst o.l1e·,k-is-s,. "r O;<,]ld" 'er' of: c·';a..,i"'iiw' ,-e nf" ·o··.'l-,..4i: 'on.fin .~ '1'."1' ~~?I (-'£11..4.-.'11" i!v n'nr-['

L'I#-1l;~ "_, _ u" "" lIJlu~·~.- ~ UI_ '. __ ._ UUr~, .. IIl..:-.lJ~"-.! HE ,l\ __ ~\oi:J.... :_:JIi.:-~.LQ '~. ,_.~Ul_.~.

L~de.~' .oif ~charus, !]if JUst ';Dne:, "wbether- yotllke.'i.t ot· not..

Leader.' oif ¢hnms '~~f oj,d O~h.'l tb(]\S~ t:@ilfo! ·W(l.;m,[e{l, ~ 'hioV¥' ,~hey 'dol ¢~jo'le' us'!: ~i)w: true "llie' saying: i~ "I~s fulp'psSi~~[~ 'to Uv,p w~:til_ '(he bagga~~s~ .nmp·Q8:5ible· t'o live: 'w.]tlIout !lenl11 n C~:ur[~e'l ]Je~1 us. agr~ee .f~r the iful.u:be nD~. ~o [eg~d ea.;h O~li¢F ,~Y' !ll!lpre: ',as. ene~ules' ~~ .to d:intn -tl'llif- bMgajn" l~t 'Us ~rnng .8, cl:i.otmc so~~.

Cnwbined. [ehufUs 'er wo:men, arnd, d!I~. mien. r~dngi:QgJ We desjt€. ~~toonia)lSl, to' speak lUi of: no n1al1~' hut on .. Jh,e,"conttary ~o sal" m~H:h.:goo:d ,of , ~fld to do ~hE like., 'V~;:e 'have 'bad 'enou;gb: of Inis:rortu.DB, ·B.nd calam~iU€S,. If the~[t."\ is any :m~fl or w'n:[u~n w:no 'W'aln:ts a b1:t of :mon~y-two Of' fhree :mj~s elf' _~iQ'; welt Q.ur purse is 'fuM. If ~nlr :pe~f'A: j;5, .concluded·11 fhe bOrrOV!llEe·r. 'will ~lO:t 'hav~' ~O' pay ba,c~k~ :AJ~p 'rim, .fuvltlng to' $up,pe:r a :r~w' C'~stian fHe:iu&~ w,bo ~ excieUentl:~rw~n, ogHaUned. I bave £tiU, ~. drop of ,gDod. ~ou"p, l~ft; M,~ m. Yo:ung "par:k~ rm. moiRg~ to k.ill., ·:and. '(he 'flesh: '~:iU_ b,e' :!j,\!Vleet a:rud t·e;nd:rer. l shml l~:P'Blc:!t you ,a~ ll)~' ,]uluse tn.:'d)ay; '. htt~, first ~,way tn, ,tll~ biilths wid}, 'y(}~U.'1 you and yOUJ 'cWld[IEJD;' '~hen calne aU. ~If 'y,[}_u I .uk, no:

looie'!s le~[1¥-~., but 'wWk s,uJr8:igbu, IIp., as ifycl;l.n \vere, IIl1lCl1ne,; ,nevel~ -~~~ .. dle' dnor wiB be. , ~ osHlI.r in' your [acesl, '

T.Bl'!I'd'-£IIi11' :O'I'~ c~iI..":"~"~ie, '0.' f,·o·!i,,11 'm,' ,.;JI:n, A'Lr'! ii7~p.l!lI cll'1l'mi, ',ID' ·t'l!..;1!:!i :n;l!1l'''fO.'V$' er'll"jllm: ,¢'p' Ql1o'J1 ''l!U]··.'L., 1~:lik·i!l':l·I·' IH11["ioll'llCF ·iI::i:Ii' .... ~:~~:·[nllJ l'b·lI:!i:r.IIlj...iit!i"" 'W.·.,LV, 'Vnll'~; w"'I""~,,tiild' ~i{h. 'l~l~

I:LGeIlr £!Il. ,il.. lllW!lll"'Ul~ , .. 1U . L ~lll,., .I"~lll ,t.b.J:,I.~rc; . u" "~ Jjl~ ~l!.iI, ¥ ,J .ILl, u .. , J" d, D. V1', ,,-t] [Kl~ , ,lUlIliD l.].u V'r, "'.-cJ .l[3.dl·:Ui:I1 a; •• lIJ·LJ.. til! i.J .UlllJ . uIILIJIL. 1 1[, . 11.:.11:'1..

... • i,.-

they 'wo[)e :plg:s~y~s be~Bell. their thighs. [Enter lhe "lacQ([li.a;n, ~n.v(Jys, affUcted Like ~heir he:Tald~. J :HaIJ t-o you;, JirBt of ,all.

Latoni.5;· I~b!en t,eU us hQ'v~t 'you. :fara,

I .. 8!co,r:iia:i'nt e:1]~ay ... N 0 ne.~ecl :IDr J:n:~jl 'warrur;' you 'CM. S;~f V'lhat~~, :Sltate 'w'e' 3!t,e hi,

L'ewer. of 'cll0'r~s ,of QI,lid ~~n" Alas I 'the si:tllation grows, mo~e Rdd JU,{]fe ~ ~,tw,mned' ~ I~U~ .. wnb~.aS:ity Of tb~· tbin~ fuS, s'wp-l)l J[rig~trl[jl

Lac~(rd,'rut envICJ:Y .. :mes. beyond, bwref_ But 'toO' \¥o~ki -SUl1'lJJi,QR yom C'Ofl1m.~ssmnel:S. alld 113:[ us; p.8L~c;:h, H:p dle 'f;es~ p:ea.'ce·w.e. miilj('

~18J~ ~ ~~ __ ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~'~4Q


LysjstJi3lta - NOO K fu.r PC '. = __ L@·". .. '.



'Leader nf churus of o.~d men. I\h! nur men too, Ulia:,~ VV-m'est[ers' ~.n the aren,!i1Jf 'tifln(];~. endJt1;re·ta· 'r[~g over the:ru,f' ~belUes~: .it'~s~.aml. ,adil:~t~"s, ,mru~dy~, wtlic'h u"illjli exercise ean :remedy:

1 The ~/]'agistr~'3t~.e, .Fet\!,Bln:JS:; he too :riro,w' has M. [eaSiplll to d.ttsiire jp',;~a,.ce! ~

Margi~waJt.e'~ Can. anyhody le,n tts "v!l,h~~ L ysi;Siltr~tra Is? $ sh.e l\vru;Jl ha,V!~' sOIljlle, compasslen on our e;(:D'n;dHdiom:.

L dO, I 'LL. f ld -t...·~· L 'Ir.~ T 'LL., ''k .;,'i:,;. '~l" [T -R-..i. M '. ] D' I II!':' I

, .. ~,.' :er 0. .. !CJJ.IJO~lJ:S~ 0 . ." 0: .. •. men~ 'pO.ultu~ ~, . ·UO~.: It:lOW ,JJ.~e ~i'2h5n:~ie VeTf,r 'SB111,ie .t(:Kmm'ilwH"lnt. .. .0 U,16 ' :a~~lst:r-ate _ ~Jl t y'\(J1I!.I reei a

• .. I 'b. . ~. .r' _ G. II •

Maglsk,81Jte. t.hey do. WMin,gi vei:y ' L ysi:strilta.

Laleo~llbi~11 :e~nvoy .. W·e· do w.rang~ vezy 'Wl'lOn.g:. {.~QokiHg·a;[ ·the' gp~ai~sSJ. Ab~ gl~at· gl;}d~ t"wilat ~~ love]iY '~ott@nl Peace h~l I""y~dstfa'tB:. kn~' now a'-word :rrol t[lj'e A:tbe~naJls. Have yon flO .m,eJlI.or-y· .l~ft ,Oi~[ h o;yv Iii in the ·~,~y5,. when you. won~ the. ~~ic of

!£,'i'O'l;Fi:ri,c the ~ '~'''''',,,,",,n1ia''I!'II,jjj ~'R"li!J; ~:c.Q'''' ln 1"Il-Q·n-"'l o'n,.::i slews tllll"lis-j' of ·~J·"iI,'li!lieil:'..;·'i·:::'~I'Ii'1I~ and !fl, ... ,;.,.11.,.: ... _ ........ , ... of i1i .. I]·pill)~,jfu-iI:' .o;'ikc, l~trrQn:i' T- ~ha\ir .cI.'n..::li ,~I_o;~;~~~ u:Il .. ,~~~iI4aJJMriJj~:~ '~:lIJ.IJ.c.I~ ''';r~W. :',L', l_,~~n.:~~,.i! ,ui~to~. ·.:t,,,,~,. i~, ,l~~: l. !UI, _,_ :~~~t9_1~~ ~-~~I, _ ~m.::~_~1 "",', ,lr.L_ '.::lr'~ UJ11i3. '~2i._~n_~,'~,,! ,~,I~J."I 1!IiJ;~U.,

IDe,Y OD~Y 1 'fQhlg-lll~ Din. yDli!'l7 sjde· nn that ev~tfl.d d~y; tlley' dwitv:ef:firn you froin despotism. and: :~lh~nbts ,lD them out ilartij[au

. . ~.

could c~u~nge ~he. short 'tiIJJ.nic of tbe .slave for the long .C'I:Oi~k of the free man,

Laconlan BlIl\"Oy. [,~!ookm,g at LVSislrataJ I have never see-a W(tO:UIU :0.( more ~C~Otls· diJjm!I\Y. Mag]s [r.,8[J1t e. llonkimg:,8,t: pilearej I have 'hever 5~_en. a W,()man w:itl~ a.":fm~r ·bnd.j ~

L;ysjsit,3.:la. ];3ounij .by ~u~ H~s bf rou~uBl.kimdness" h,o,w' :rn"n:.You: bear' to be' ail 'war? Stop, stay the .ha:refuJ st:d.r~tt be'

·~I·.:;JI' 'I 'OJ'. d . l'

,r~cQ.tJ1:c].[,eu: W lrs:r. ]ni. ... ers you~,'

Laecnian ·ff.I:l1{IOY·'.· We: are.q uite re'aaY~ U' ~b:eV" w-il '(J];vei' UlS .back~ bwt, ;ram.~ar.L

l· " ... J '..I tJ~ . .r

~ _ ". _

~L ys:Hi,ttata. .. 'W,hat rampart, my' .de:ant lMD?

Laconlan en1j"IQ,Y ~ ,Pylasl" ',-vhie:h ,ve' have- been .as"!d:~,g for and ,cw"ia[vil1.g, for ever. 80 ~eng~ M8Jgish~aJte~ .. In ';~be.Sea~g,od:~s. name, you shall never have :~i'~,i:

" .... Agree. my fdend.$;~ ,agree:.

Mag]Sk,81J1te. B~l 'then ·w.l~a.t. ell)' ~haU we be Bb.lle'~tQ. stir' up·1ItflEJIItI.ble' ffi?' L:¥'Sj~it,3.ta. ·, ttlt '~nrith~t ·p~~~e· j_t:Le~Cha:rng~"

MiglsttaJte., AfI~ tba:r"ls. :[hre.'r'!' WelL, to begin:"witll1, '.give us "Eribi.~ul!i,! tlle ,M31rua~' ,g'Ul[ irljoil:}mg~, ~~·d. :[he. tWo legs of

lri J);JIU';oJIM ~;~.iJl·~tiEJ~.'~ •

'Leader- or CllJJ![Ih;IS: nf old ,ou~:n., t'aJ~:e' my ad:vi,ce~, . mid ,!lIlr.r,Wlge Y'[)ur t,l.jJ;(he~. asbest you 'c!llln~ nne of the ~:rleUm\Vs: WbIJI mut:ll'a"ied

the Tr 1'h;lI'm-!J]e" 'ltTIi,11'{;,1L.'i'. :sae·'yo-· .. ~I U.1Ii e- ,n,IGJj, _ ,; e- U ,il..I~!IJ"''b~ll.·.~ e- .::' _ i'4i',iI

M··' 1':!I(,D~,if:.,fcil"'!l':!I,;f,jj;, ·R: "l·gllli( '~''IjJ' 7~a;! i;!:'

._ ,mJ!,it::j~!U.~.mWlt:;.~ I ,"', , .},1Il. ~. UIJ.i Jli Lb U .JIf.

[He. ' Dot .tDO ·su,cbess.fuli~'VI' ln t'o;noe:al biS. coudi:ijo.n.~]

I _ • I 41" • .,. • .

Laconlan eJ;[voy. Quite r:~gh:Lt by. dle. Dlcscuri. There, :~ 'WfU. put nn Illy.: uaic,

Ma"g:jsu'aJ,~,~' .. ' Qh] what a 'terrible srsre we. are ,m l Gre~'lin,g :[0 'YOti, La~enrJian. re-:no'~t·.s~lfferersi

Laconlan e~f]vl()y.. r addrE';Ssi.~g nne, of ' hls countrymeu] AhJ IU,.y Iboy ~ what i8J te[~~i.ble thing ,It would have been If these teHO'ws, :bad sesn U$ just U0'W 'Wben w'e' w,ere OlD fun stand!

lV:o~I~gbk~te'. ·Spe_,-·oruJ:t .. Laconians, 'W'h3,(~S 'it ~b:rifl,~ :YC1U h~fe?'

Laeonian 'eD.vo~. We; b~ve come to tre~-l for ,peac~;,

Mlg~tt:aute'., 'Wen said; \ye Me 1[lf-tIlE: same utim.d,; Better call .. LysrusiEratl; :then:; ~he' lfus, 'rl1:e)oo]ry '~ers~,r:r \~iin ~.rblg, :1,15, to terms, Lacontan '~J;iJYiQ'y., Yes, .y,€s"........;a:l1d. Lysj:sl'~alUS 'into UU~ hug~lll" Jf yo'~ Wi.D..

'!Pi .i!I ~,1[J1·~lt'triF'l':!Ii+a N····· ;[fj,O:;:! ~:a.!I:'~ .11"11 .r<!JI:]- 11 her:: ~'LL.:n h-· !tiC' 'kle'"!1!i'rd- 'y,II"Uj1 r '!I.i'\h~iF"a;c G!Il'r,.j1 1!;.a;lIi"'iEiL she .r"...,n'ii"t!H!'

lV,lIhi!Jlt:, ~1~~'III!:t.~~IGI dGtll~i:!I~ '~Ul ~. ,JJ., lj~ 1 ~ 4~].!.:.w:, ~~. Jl~l. ".u ,'"', .: ~lU~ -y ~1,!IlL.:~? ~ ~_JL!}~, J:l~.m.![; ~, .. , "I ,!bU,:iJ.ILJlE;aI,:

['S-]-' - - - - f ,d! A-" - -1-'" ] ~ . '., lei oDm,es;, Offil!.IQ ~ ·.I~!JEle' ,.,x:ro_~' 1:5.", _

Leader of chorus of old me':fDJ, n:a.rul, boldast and bravest o:f wouli8Jnkind:! "The' I~im.,e is (Olme toO sJIO'w yourself in h:a;.rl1


,. . cl .~i.. , ;F,:' AI ,.] ,..;I,:, 'L 'I AI --1l d l,. C' ~ll- r'~ n,~,· :[11 d' -;Ii:; ~

.'U"uc.o,n.l:pro.mlm11,g .an -. _ COlJJC1JILUltmy. lex;aJcuEl.g a:n'bJv ;Y],e _.uli[lg,,'c.J.~aug~ l~y :Eifi)IiJ~ C01]:ue~S"CE!n -. img. • '!ill_ HIP' ,13; '~. your S~[ '~. ,an· .,8irt~1I1d]U~5S.

Lei' "llie' faremaS"1 mien iru, "eU'as" :s'educe~ by' ycntt [a'~c;h]3Jti{iDS,~ ,.e:·,a8h~.~dJ to entrus:t _YOU wl.tb m,iE'task [Q,:r '!ending ~bei:r qu8Jr~J;s,.

~y;siS:tm;~ta~ n 'wlU; b~,an,.!e~y t~,k--:~r aHiy Ul,ey t,e£r~.aiUi_fr:om mltw,w_i:ndJllillgeu[le·bl.u18S(uJm~ .~,c;n;e'; .iftbe:ytlu" [' _:th'e -fact :~t onae'. Now~ .thei g'~RJle g~dld!es$. 'Ple~lte1' rr]u:~ ,god:de~s~ :b~ _:the ~fo:r.u~ :Qf ,8 be~~tlfu], gmt] . .is, lJ.tongh'~ [0, by. the <Madlru:ne-e: 1 :LlZlad huber the -Lai(:OII1-ia:n env.oy;s,; But., loo'k you~ no J~Qughll@ss or' vid~,lence:: .our :husbands always behaved

so boonshly. 'Bring "lh,enl,. tn 'me' witb. 5];[li1es I .as worn,en shottdd. .If ,8;flliY' refuse' _t,o gj:ve you his' llm.d ,j tben lake rn:.old :o.fbis tooL " :up the-' .AdleniKIlS ·LnfJ;. YOilffi n.1;!lIlY $~iIJd '~ll:em [either 'way. L~onian5:~, a.pp[~~u~b:: and: fOlll' AJbe~[]Sj jJi,n m:y' other sldie" N ow h~3r:k.,e:I'1J. ,all~, r _a~]- 0.41 ~. wom~~,: but I ha:~e ,gDod. co:~:uil.OfiL s.e~e~' Na;(t.wwe has,. end.owed. ,m!e with. "-ilscdiJjlTh~tnJ:l:~g jlldg~~M.~ 'whk!hJ" ,~1ave.·yet fti:rUl1elr dev~op~!i1" tban'ks. bJo tbe"Wl5e :te:a)t~hh;t,gs' of" my' fathier· and,lh~ eJd~f:5: o~' t;b.e ,~ty. Flr;sm J. mu~t :bd:"g: .8 reprooch ag,aiml,st you It~lat ~p~p]]ies'' ~() both ·sidle5,~ At QlYfllpla, ,j;U!ld. nU~liDJO~:~y']ae~ [and: :Delp:kdl:fifld a

. . . . I· .

,scor.e' of' o~h.e.r p:~a:,es too 11f1llJ:me!f'OU8 to mel:1Jti.on; _YOLIII oe:l.e brBJter ',re t'he! SOlue a~taf'S ce1fe;mo:nles comrnol[] l~O oj'l 'H"

yet~yotl. go '€l1ttffi'n:~ , otheris ruroa'ts~, and ~ackiDg .FfjeUen~.c.ri.ties,. 'wbelJ..:all the \v'h.ijle tl.ilie ~.'barhuJ, yonder is t~bjf.,e~tJe:]j:fung,' Y""(]IU j' .. tb~t:~ 1.s :my rust :p~i~nt";

M~gffiu,~~e!i rdevcu:;.frrug: the: gOd(l~85; '~ith Ws~~.Y'~lIG[lQ"d. god: l' Ul.~·'~r~etlgn l~ :kilHng :t:Il~'~_

·:LySi~:l!m'ata. N~'w' ,~t.:is to y~u.l adtmfess ,IEyse1.:f, .La~o.D.i:8:fm. 'U'ave ·,Yoil. ftir.gGlu:en ,boW;8!S I" yOIIr awn- .cotu]!fryma.n'i s~;~~·.'8, 'sl~p~Uan~ b~foJ'f" o~r-:Bl~ats? How lia1e b:e- 'WFJS til his, prUif_ple' robe;s! EIe··.llad Qometo, ,t:raJve an 'amIy lof.iI1:S'; u.w,as the l~li:ne'

_ .. - - . ... . . .

"..,~I! ·'M-d"" - -' ;(IIiir1 - - """"'~ - __ ",!iiI tiL:C' 0 d- - - 'ii. .... 'I' .• :' - - j:.'L it]- 'C-"~ - - - - cl- d- [ - -- --- "d- -t i'.'1", 1- -..!II -- Ii1"-

~~ ~r:tem..: _ ~SerIDUl .. p,a$ p.r,e",~um;g you" a.ra'u' [~le' &lea -;5iQ _ was' ~\L~~1.l1.g '(ue,' em II. ] •• ·c lItmcm. ,m-:' 'a:e ' "£) your Bi _ ~1~ (.ue·· 'a:eatll 61(

'~. "_" ..

four I~housand, hOIPHtes;. B.nd s8],v'ed ~La(edaemon., .:itndr, a:ifle.r stH:;:h. -B<servi.ce a'S tFti3J1IL yo:u ,r'-a.v,agl~' tile sdU .of your henefactors'!

~L~lta[]i:an 8([Jfvoy" Nb" ·hy·:lh~ D1DSC.ur.i.~ ~sunely not.all that, :tPJy ,d~~ ~j'r~

Lysisl1fata .. Come tu .tenns; never 'make-'3~ diffieu.lry' 'of m~o ,~~g:~tm,cu:e- orlessl M8Jg];sh~aJte .. [his eye' on Peace] WeU. I'm ready to strip down and get to wlOw:k ':r~ght now' [I;je .ta'k.~' off .11is: uliande . .l

LB.'c::n;oiBntfDVO'Y. [~[lUDWt[lg OiUl~:·a.ds iJdJea] .And. I ,!lIll~,o.~. to",a:u[l;g:[~:to.:s~~~ w1ith.

L;ysj~it,3.1a. TfI,~f;~jlisc. ,~b~l Y(l.(U ~naU: dQ"! o [[£ fL: ,pe3c~, i[i,~si~!gfl~~~~ S.O', if you. l~eaUy ·wad!~U to n)~e: i-~~ \go ,comsu]~ _:tOUf.' aPies i~bout -the Jl1a.tJi"eL

. .

MBgis~~~JLt.e,. Whalr,"all1~ t J sh;cnlldJ Uke to ,KJ:9!0\V?' WI~y! ~~- air~ :~H 'e,ffcted t' tbere-'s .po on.e,'w,hu :i:s ,npt":mad to be, :t:nating. "What

we I~U.'·Want ls to:,bedu b~d 'wl-tb alJf' whles': buw·s.hnmikl .(]iur ~Ues·.f8J1I:-uD ,~ent",jn4 o~ '~roj'

. - . . '.

Lac~(l1i:rut eQ.Ylo,y~. And (jW'S, too~, .for ce.rOOn. s:me,~r

Mig];sh~aJte~ .. Thle ICluysilbians fir.s~ 3:nd ,ror,em,ost by t'be gods~:

"l;yststmla .. , Wreu' selli:[l, [ndeed:! Now gP' ·:and :,ur~y 'yourselvfes fDr entering t~he ,A,cr~"PQ] is:. 'w~tI.ere the WOlueu ·invlte YlOU ~u s~p:p-eT ~ w,e wi:M empty VWlr PrQ.vf$i)[Ul baskffls, to do yo~. hCillOUr,; Al tta:bJ,!e; ycau. w_tU. 'ellf:ch~~ 'i~at~,' llII.nd p.~~d,g~; thB'11' eilch: :111. an. 'w:iU. ,go borne 'wid'i: Ij:i,s, \~ire~

Magj_s~~~,t.e,. Cl!'~rn,e' along tbe·:~j'· and as qrn'2k. as maY' b~. ~L~lta(l]i:an f([l'voy" Lle8Jd. on.; :~.~:m, ynur':rpran.

M8gisu~~e., Qrnck., ,q'U:i~tk,,:S .tI~e· 'word" S8JY 1 r.

rT1;,ey' fo,mu~ . L-ys:~~tmta into tbe,:·~

t.h,OTUS of 'W01,rn'eu. ![sl:l],gi:lI~~ EmbToru:d~fed s~d.lffs ,and ,dai.Il~Y· nmnrncs;;' ,and. fiowif,J,g gOW[]S", ,:lJn)d ,goldieu Olmamlelfts •. evrerythwD,g 1 :ha'Ve~, 1: :offer tl\e:rll to. :you wilh. aH ,my ~1~8ft; 'talte' ltbem. all -:for your ~bildian; for your gid~l' ill:" CBse ~bey are chosen ICatJjephint'~.r ]_ j_Dyi.:~e ylpu ey:e~y n~le. to '~J]l'er~ co:m.l~ lb, ~~·d. chb:OSle' 'whatever. ynu will; tb,e~e .i~: ntnthi:ng;.sc(:weU.·:fl~~eil.,ed~ -y~IJ.

I~mm~~ b,l~~:. the £E;.aa~~, .. Md Ir~'Ll:Y 13w,ay th,e COr:l~fill'Jtts,; Loak. ~o:ut you ever~b~re~ . ,,:yo~, "wp:n~:t fiudl :81, bles~~9. rbi!\8,f;' uD;J!e~s .you ba;v~ sh'arper ey~,·th8!]]:,~~ume .. And ..if. any :~a.cksl 'carl], '~D ,f~ed ,hu .sJ!~,v[es ,and-,his y~n]llg ~d n.lI:In~Tu'U!SL.faDl::dly, 'w~h:YI

---------------'-1 [B 4Q



:1 a .rre\v-:~:r.a:ms, of'wh.~a!t at. berne; let him "ta'~ w:bat I'have to 'g;ive', 8IJ Dl,g 'lw'e1:ve-"plJ!lIDIn1d l,08i{,·['iuded:. So let :my Jj'(}orer ,:nEwghboursr:a,U CCD:m.e 'with bti.\gs '¢tiIld. wallets; nly man, :r.~J.1f~:Iles" :sbal~ give 'the:m: tilrn: but 1 w.,m, Ur:em:. net jto COTtle ~rn~~ :my· dC~f, bLlt-~-e~vaJ-e rrub,~ '.dog!.

~ ~nctll.ler· Magis:l1~re ,en~ers :~r~d 'b~i~ kJ1tDckm,g, ,at :~'U~; g~te.,]

Second magis;I1,ate~ M Bay" you~ open, the 'door.!. , [T'o' the Wom~JI GiQ your-way. I:letl YUil. :~As ~be women sit down "In fr,ant.of tile' ga.~e·l Wh;y. bless me i they're sitU:n,g,., d.0'\1VD. I1D'W'~ 1:. SchaU have '~O s:[~,g~ .. 'em wHh. mY' torch '10 make 'em ,sUr I' Wilat ~.mpru,de:tlc~.! [: won't takethis, O'b,i, well, if it's absoluteiJy 'ne()~sEb~y .j~_st tc p.~~~$e yQu. we,':M have', nrtake 'the 'trcDu~I,~e;'

A_- . ~ A-' h' ro' A- d- -li~I'l- ii..' ~ "",,!!:ii,. ,

._ n. t :~ ell.,B~,;_ ':n, ,_.L s~.~.e It li\f:rullUH"JiDiU.

[He bnl'l~dllisbes the: ttJrch,",~ Is c:a-r:.rying and the Ch'[kwU!S of W[kIf.]en: d.~pam .. The' Chomsof nld men fpJlnvvs·sb[Jrtmy',a;fi.e~r!,]1 :Socr;n'ld maaiSkautte. N o~ no, ~Itju, m;KJsl be off ~r' r.H.,tea,t Y-OUf balf' {}U[~ 1 will; be ~,f[ :I s~y,.!, ,and aonlt, ,~[llitU]V tiI:e Laconiart

. .... ~.'" I., • rfl.. . . ... _ J

,en,vo2Ys'; :"tlleyir.,e ,just c'~,m~~gi. out :f~]I1 d,le baJU;tUe!l -hall,

l\t1. -:IIOIn';'o,n C"I~'~ ch GI n'fllp;Pf-iIJ' iL,'l'!Illr1ilii1llrilil i!!Il1i' ] ~'!I.lllll never '!DBO tIIi il;,.a;!I;FI;RiiJ; I· 'T"[-;iIIi:!L"~ r.J.cnm- - 'l'lIln'D were slm p~lIv. ""1- ~,t.lirrn]- 'I" n ([it 'A !J:~IV ,jJi\n iD' ,.J',!"Ji fh,'i'" ~C" ~m:' 'w-'IJ-.,v

~' ~ .. er ~'~!I' ,~~~, ~!IJ, !~ ~J~~~,,, ,~. ·,Ulli:JJ~~:I.~IU.!~-I!.. :~.~ ~, .. ' : .. ,i_:,: 'h~'t.i~I,~, ll~llL~~~.. _' ,ll~ ..lIL.Lu. . u _' I_~~w 'M~1f~_,i ...... ·~~L· _: ,:.Jl.j' ~ ~~u..E,J,jI:_ -~,llb~ .l4U.'-!~~f "U,~rw' Ul"gJ,IA: ,~ ,_,! : !Ii ',~,''-~l~i' ~

, ,

Peaoe, now co:mtf:ll1ded ,umder' '~b.e .. fond a'U_sp1.c~, Oif A.:p:bt6dll,fe:. ;~;o, Pa~.'! ;~;o, Pa~.'! dance, Jeap, as .in hnnow 'of a V'mlctD:ty Vir[UTh~ EUdi! 'Hubj.l nt1~i! Eu~l!'

MBgi'5traJte- .. A,n.d yo'U~, oU! ,L.EU,ccu]fiB.~_ g:uests'j :~dug U;Sr 'a n~'w. and 111Spjrl~g strand

t'ac,anhm. ~'s,:~u:g;ing~' Leave- ence ~,l]lre1' o.~i1 Je~;'v.~ onoe more· the J]oble. ]:ie~ght of :T'aygiettmll 01l1' MUse,o:f. Lacedsemon, and. jo~n us in sj.[l,g:~ng :~le g~,ad.sI~S ,oJ ,A.puU~ of AUlli.ycla,e~. 'and Aidlene of the Br~1J H:O:~1 and the ,g,BUant lw~n sans D\f Ty.[]cl8Jrreu;s;.r 'who practise amss OIl the hanks of the -E1H:ohLS ri.vE'![,' .. Haste. haste hitber w,~'~, nim.b!~e-fDote d pace, let us ~d!ng,

:Spm'm.. tim eny mat deUghts: in ,.th~\ruses di'Vin~ly. sweet and gr,acefid daI10~s~, 'wtlJeu our maidens bound lightly by the river ~ide'f ~i'k!,e~':ft¢:.tic~(]me JilruLes, '~eatfuna the" :gTcund W~UL [apid~ ,S!1tep~; and '~:halti.ffiJ,g ~beir ],Owlg locks it)' dl.le~"wi;ruii ~5 HacchiUltM

, th;¢ir 'W8:md's b] '[be wild ',r~evells of the 'W:b1e-[gotL At their head, ohl ch~rs,te and beaut€!,CJu~. godd.eSs I d.alliB~ht:e.r of Let~'. ~rl,~nlis:, I~.O tI~o:u loo:CI. '~be slllJg"',311d darnce. ,W:Ub, 13 ,Blb~'( bindmg tfu,;Y wa:vw:lig, 'tfecSSE-?,'" ~pp~ar :In tby .lov!~Uness; [.ea:p ~~Jf~r a. JFawfl! ,strIke; tby ,di'Vlne .. hands tog,etbEir ~Q animate tiel.G dance.. and :add. "u~ tu ~e,nown. [[[cl.G vaUa:n.t gDddess .. of' battles,

- =' .' • • • • • • • " . ': '"

Athene of ,HIe Brazen I.::IDuSle~

['All de:par1l£; si:ngwng and dano:ing.] TIlliEND,

'w,e'~re·,am w'.is'e' men, every one of lIS.

~g,1;sttm:e. It's [(nIly IDla'tUJral.. to be sure, ,rOT s,~ib~r. wl~\t,e all f.ocfIs. rue n~y· 8EdvtCtl. my ~eUa,"v~.ooml~]en.,~ 100ur envoys ':5honid: aiw~ys be drunk; We: gp. ~to Sp'aIrtiJ.': 'we ;~rlte,~,the' 'tilY sober; 'why 'we',m1_Ls:[ be: pi,e:k.tIlB 'a ·quaJ]:re~ d~ecd-y" VV~~don.l ~m.!~e~rSta!nd '~,~ aJ~. ':~liID' say :tq us. we imaginE ~ tQt tbey dahl say at. all '! and we ~epod h{]~m~ all ~roDg I ,lEd~, lopsy~hillWY, 'BlJ~

Wqok yo~ to-day irs, 1~~lIE: 'dill:ffeJ:e·:~t~r we~:l'i~' encbau:re~, 'b~plp'e[Js,; ms~.ead of 'C:llmgrora.! they miJJ~t :8~ng; us Terna~Qlll ,and W~· ,Sfu!~drud cj~:p nur !haIl'dsjust :~]je sarne.. A. perju:r:r Of. :two j~n.t(J "~ 'ba:rgain~ ·:wayl' 'Whaut does .tba:~ m~tJ11j_er. ittt), nlerr:}-f compaaicns ln [h~ir c~lps1" [The 'two c horuses return.] i3UJ~ here I~h.ey are back J3ig.8Jin l WUl YoOlS. b~go':nfL, .:you 'Ioafi:ng; sceaadtels.

[The Chnruses :retire a,g,~in. J

.Atbeniarn. Ah. hal ];te~e·'s the ~t(}~lnpany'cn:mHi:g' otdalroody,

I'Twc(chont5es~ oner La~Olnim and nne A~bem:l:i,an'f ~ daIl.,chlg" ~o: 'ID:e, music of :~.uti~~S~· they 9I'e ~(i!:h::n~y,e~ b:y lbe wum~~n under

the 'l~de[sbip' of Lysistrata.]

A Lac(lniitrL. ~y dear, ,sw~et :fdj~:rud! tQ\me~:t~k~ Y~tlf. flute In h~D!dJ; ,r \v.ould.fauLdance ~Dd sil:U;g.rny be~t m ' of'th~ A.tbe:niwls, mJui orut :rJjbhle se.~ves!

, Y,es~ 'ta'ke J{OU:f' :flute~r' i:n rb,e god at lAam~.. Whea:t a: d~ligljd: to $lee h~:m dance t

La'E;GniBD. '.l dalJcrun,g' <~uJjd sj:l]g"iJ~H] 0,11.1, Ivjil!ell1osy'n~1 I[I~pt6:,e "lhie~e 'ml:ll]. l[lSp~'rie my HMJSe' '~vbo ,knows: oW" ftxplol~s: ,RDd .. tbos;e ,~f the' A.Jbe~[]s. Wi:th what. ':;1. god-Ukte, aidlQtlf' :did ~bey' swoop' dD~. at Ar:teUlisiutn I[JD ~be. sbJ.:p;S' of 'ttle MedesI W,b_af-a g1:,crri,rnus V1C[Ofy W·aJS tbat ~r l~or 'ffi:I~ sti!.d iers Qif '~L.~e'~.IJid~s" '[Ii:ey 'were llnife fl~[t?¢ '~jnjarn '~v:fue~uTIJ,g U:H:~ir 'ttl'~dt:$. l11.e ~,w~a'f .tan down their fa~s'~ 'aDd d~rencl~ ~ aJ] lh~it tU:nbs.., for. ·verfly :the ~ Pgrsi,M$ '\¥et,~, as ma~y as the 'SU.IOB' iCJ:f tbe ·S;e,a;sb~:;rte,:~ OlH Artemls~ ,htu:rutr.~, g:~le_eln.! wl~ase~rr~~' pieJ;ne 'tbe_'r~~l1iZellS oftltg wood~~ \flrgin g,~ddes5,!I,he :tbtJru f?'v'Ollfable"~o '~he ,pe\I,ee 'w,e' Ilere conclude:' ~~roug'h ~hBe-. ,Inay OIU" 11.ea:rts' 'he ,!:o~ ,unIted:t May [!lis I~realy dra.w (:Wose for E've'f r~,h.e fuOflOS. of a, happ:y

.f]'iie1f.l1~2JIs,hLp'! No .:m1ore' wUes: and' sttfirttg',e'Ou; 1~ ,A,furl us o.h.'~ ;~id ,us. nl.airlen. buntress ~

1V:.~I~gbk~tel. ,AU ES fair the best ;a:nd :nIJIW I L8.Qol]ji~~~ t~ke'yourwives'aw'I:3Jy'~.ome 'w:itb 1'011.'1' ·and yoUj ,)\rlbenjans;; YCDiUJ[5 •. M:ay

- .

,:hrusb)8IJ:Dd ~lve "~apptly'wi:fh 'wlfe';' ,8!td 'w,if~ ~'liUb husba:rn;d:. :Oam~'~, ~d~ce, ~ci ~d~brat¢-. outr'bHss;~ ,and ]~el~ ~sbe lu~edfLd i~CD a~yoid,

lik'e m~smkes fUE' the.'fulw"e.

'Cbnru~ ofAth~·niam. [:s:ingin,g] Ap[p:ear,~ ,~ppea[~ '.dancer$~ ,a~~. ,tbe Gt8!ces: with ~;ou,ll.e't.;nJs',mvoke;, (line ,an~ ,aI[t ,AMei:u!js,~ :811d. har .11e',ilIiv,en~y "bm1jhe]' ~' g[(,~eiiQW:5: Apel~.ljl.' Jp3!rrCln of the d.ance! Bnd: Difln.ySUlS" "w'bose 'e:~"'e' I~arus" :flrull'e .as hie, s~epSr ,furwa.rd

-,.. _. . -

sUl1'cHJnded ~y. the. :Maeruad :ma.:i,ds"il and. Zeus:. who. vW~le-ld5' ~he ftasJUng :~i.g;htning~, and ,his, august. :tbr~ce,-bl~sed s:p.oase. the

(~u.e~l]r'(}f·H,eav~fd these': let ~ .irnl.'Y'{]lke~ ,nn.t1 au i~1H~::',o:th.eif· ,gods,j, calHng wI tbe ,[mlh.abj,Umts 'of tbe.'s:Id,'ES to 'witn~s the: nobler,

388J~ ~ ~~ __ ~ ~ ~-~4Q

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