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Nama kelompok : 1. Agam Prasetyo (2)

2. Moch. Chanif (21)
3. Ninik Akon Ida D.K. (23)
4. Nunik Suryani (25)
5. Rhyna Syafitri (32)
6. Rima Ulfa Wildiana (33)

Choose the correct answer by giving a cross mark (X) in one on of the options a, b, c,
d or e !

1. In producing goods and merit, an entrepreneur does not need to pay attention to
the requirements like ....
a. thrifty
b. accurate
c. efficient
d. satisfying
e. luxurious

2. Di bawah ini yang bukan merupakan faktor-faktor yang di butuhkan dalam

kegiatan produksi barang adalah ....
a. alam
b. tenaga kerja
c. modal
d. keahlian
e. kesempatan atau peluang

3. Some fabric which is used to make clothes can be used to make bed sheet,
pillowcase, and trousers therefore the cost of this event is called ....
a. chance cost
b. production cost
c. variabel
d. mixed cost
e. general cost

4. Agar kebutuhan manusia dapat terpenuhi dan tercapai kepuasan yang

maksimum, manusia perlu memilih dari berbagai alternatif kebutuhan, salah
satunya dengan mengesampingkan kebutuhan ....
a. yang penting
b. yang mendesak
c. pokok
d. akan datang
e. sekarang
5. A mother has Rp20.000,00. She wants to buy some rice with Rp3000,00 per
kilogram, and some cooking oil with Rp5.000,00 per kilogram. Which one of the
following purchasing combinations which is possible happened and has
maximum satisfaction ....
a. 2 kilograms rice and 2 kilograms cooking oil
b. 4 kilograms rice and 2 kilograms cooking oil
c. 3 kilograms rice and 1,5 kilograms cooking oil
d. 5 kilograms rice and 1 kilograms cooking oil
e. 4 kilograms rice and 1 kilograms cooking oil
6. Di bawah ini merupakan faktor yang tidak dapat menimbulkan kelangkaan adalah
a. Kebutuhan yang tidak terbatas
b. Alat pemuas
c. Tidak diperlukan pengorbanan untuk mendapatkan alat pemuas
d. Di perlukan pengorbanan untuk mendapatkan alat pemuas kebutuhan
e. Makin berkembangnya kebutuhan manusia
7. A chance cost is often called as ....
a. Fixed cost
b. Opportunity cost
c. Total cost
d. Variable cost
e. Marginal cost
8. Di bawah ini yang bukan merupakan biaya eksplisit adalah biaya ....
a. Peluang
b. Pemasaran
c. Produksi
d. Administrasi
e. umum
9. in the reduction cost of building, there is no excretion of money to pay the
required cost. The reduction cost of building is not included in ....
a. opportunity cost
b. marketing cost
c. fixed cost
d. variable cost
e. administration and general cost

10. pengorbanan yang di lakukan karena dipilihnya suatu alternatif kebutuhan

tertentu diantara berbagai alternatif pilihan, dalam teori ekonomi di sebut ....
a. the cost of doctrin alternatif
b. the cost of marketing alternatif
c. the opportunity cost
d. the cost of production alternatif
e. the cost of choice alternatif
11. The balance between need and the devices for fulfilling need is called ....
a. prosperity
b. economic politics
c. economic motif
d. economic law
e. economic action
12. Berdasarkan kelangkaannya dikenal adanya barang ....
a. bebas dan ekonomi
b. subsitusi dan komplementer
c. bergerak dan tidak bergerak
d. konsumsi dan produksi
e. berwujud dan tidak berwujud
13. The one which is not the factors which can cause scarcity is ....
a. the limited number of devices for fulfilling need
b. the increasing number of need
c. the increasing variety of need
d. some sacrifices to get the devices for fulfilling need
e. no sacrifice for getting satisfaction
14. Di bawah ini yang bukan merupakan barang langka adalah ....
a. air kemasan
b. pakaian
c. udara pagi
d. beras
e. rumah
15. Goods can give advantages because ....
a. those goods are valuable
b. there is a demand for them
c. they are provided in a large number
d. their ability to fulfill the need
e. no sacrifice for getting them
16. Kegiatan perekonomian Indonesia meggunakan sistem ekonomi...
a. terpusat
b. tradisional
c. campuran
d. liberal
e. pasar
17. Main problems which are ancountered by each economic organization are...
a. why, what, and how
b. why, when, and who
c. what, how, and for whom
d. what, how, and who
e. what,when,and who

18. Pemerintah melakukan perencanaan dan pengendalian perekonomiaan. Hal

tersebut merupakan salah satu ciri sistem ekonomi...
a. tradisional
b. kapital
c. terpusat
d. pasar
e. liberal
19.Doing analyses to the consumers who will use the goods.this is needed by the
Producers to solve one of the economic problems that is...
a. what
b. who
c. where
d. for whom
e. how
20. Menentukan peralatan serta tenaga kerja yang akan melakukan produksi
Merupakan upaya mengatasi permasalahan ekonomi yang berupa...
a. what
b. who
c. why
d. for whom
e. how

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