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Adjective Clause

Adjective Clause dinamakan juga RELATIVE CLAUSE yaitu Clause (anak kalimat)
yang digunakan/berfungsi sebagai adjective yang menerangkan keadaan noun atau pronoun.

 I have read the book (that) you just mentioned.

Main Clause: I have read the book.

Subordinate Clause: (that) you just mentioned.

Anak kalimat menerangkan kata benda the book, disebut dengan Adjective Clause

 The lesson (that) she is learning is very difficult.

Main Clause: The lesson is very difficult.

Subordinate Clause: (that) she is learning.

Adjective clause dimulai dengan relative pronoun atau relative adverb. Berikut ini beberapa
contoh adjective clause:

1. Adjective clause dengan relative pronoun


The man who is sitting over there is my father.

The book which you bought yesterday is very interesting.

This is the place that I visited some years ago.

Mr. Bambang whose son is my friend is presenting a paper in a seminar.

2. Adjective clause dengan relative adverb


This is the reason why she did it.

The time when the plane takes off and lands will be changed soon.

Palembang is the place where I was born.

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