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I. Introduction:

Expert suggested an easy way of finding out whether the chickens are being fed

correctly. Traditionally, raising native chickens is very easy. The native chickens are fed

only twice a day. Feeds given to native chickens do not require much attention. Feeding

starts immediately as soon as hens are at brooding stage. They must be provided with

booster or starter mash feeds ideally given in each brooder house. During the rearing

stage, the chickens are fed with locally available feeds and they can range/graze on the

grasses abundantly found in the area. By nature, they freely scavenge the soil in search

for crawling insects and worms. However, farmers and raisers can use farm by products

such as ground corn cobs and chopped leguminous fodders together with salt to augment

their feed requirement. A feeding through, strategically placed within the area with fresh

and clean water, should be strategically located in the area.

Statement of the Problem:


Is there a relationship between b-meg feeds and growth of native chicks?


1. Is there a relationship between b-meg feeds and growth of native chicks?

2. Is there a relationship between purina feeds and growth of native chickens?

3. Is there a relationship between corn flour and growth of native chicks?

Significance of the Study:

There are some people who will benefit this study. They are the following:

1. Researchers- this study will help them to know what particular brand of feeds is

the best needed to feed their chicks.

2. Farmers – this study will help them know better regarding to the growth of their


3. Others – this study will help them what brand of feeds they are going to buy.
Definition of Terms:

For clarity and understanding, the terms that have direct and indirect

bearing upon the study are defined conceptually.

1. Growth-
Scope and Limitation:

This study was conducted at Purok Gumamela Candau-ay, Dumaguete City. It

had a span of 2 months, and lasted from August to October of the year 2010.

The types of feeds used are the following:

1. B-meg

2. Purina

3. Corn Flour

The variety of chick being experimented was the native chick. The researchers limited

their study to only three types of feeds only. So, the type of feeds investigation does not

include other remaining feeds.

In the experiment conducted, there was only one variety of chick involved,

therefore no information’s could be provided among the other varieties.

II. Review of Related Literature:

Majority of small and marginal farmers raise native chickens in their backyards.

These are nondescript, mongrel birds that have evolved from jungle fowls interbed with

domesticated ones brought into the country by early Chinese, Spanish and Dutch traders

and settlers.

Native chickens have adapted themselves to adverse conditions obtaining on

small farms poor and scantly feeds, inadequate shelters, sudden changes of whether, and

rampant diseases. The birds are generally left to feed themselves. As a result, they have

required unusual hardiness.

These native chicks supply the family with a few eggs and occasionally, meat for

home consumption, for barter or for sale. Their meat and eggs are claimed to be tastier

and more savory than those of purebirds. Thus, in spite of their slow growth and small

size, they are more costly. It takes them a year to obtain full size. Under farm conditions,,

the hens give from 30-5- eggs in 3-4 clunches a year. The eggs are small and brown. The

hens become broody for a long period after laying a clunch of 10-12 eggs. Farmers

contol the broodiness of native hens by soaking them in cold water, removing the laid

eggs from their nests, or even placing some salt or powdered pepper on their cloaca, and

also by providing better feeds.

III. Methodology:

Research Methodology

The research method used in conducting the study was the experimental method.

Specifically, under the experiment method, the researchers rely on the quasi experimental



The independent variable is the type of feeds, while the dependent variable is the

growth of native chicks as measured in its mass, height and circumference. The

controlled variables were the variety of native chicks, the amount of water and feeds

given to every chick.

Sampling Method:

In selecting the sample size, six chicks were obtained as samples. In choosing

these chicks, the random sampling method was used. The first two was assigned for B-

meg, the second two was assigned for Purina and lastly the remaining chicks were

assigned for corn flour.

IV. Analysis and Presentation of Data

This chapter aims to present and interpret the data that were being gathered

Week 1

Growth of Native Chicks given Chick Starter


Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8

Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Growth of Native Chicks given Chick Starter


Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 3.05 8.8 21.9

2 3 8 21

Mean 3.03 8.4 21.45

Growth of Native Chicks given Chick Starter

(Corn Flour)

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 3.2 9.6 22.4

2 3.4 10.5 22.7

Mean 3.3 10.05 22.55

Mass of Native Chicks (1st Week)




3.1 Chick 1

3 Chick 2


B-meg Purina Corn Flour

Height of Native Chicks (1st Week)

6 Chcik 1
4 Chick 2

B-m eg Purina Corn Flour

Circumference of Native Chicks (1st Week)

21.5 Chick 1
21 Chick 2

B-m eg Purina Corcn Flour

A. Types of Feeds and Mass

Types of Feeds Mass
(x) (y)

1 3.1
1 3.3
2 3.5
2 3
3 3.2
3 3.4

Scatter Diagram:

Correlation between B-meg and Mass

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference
(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8

Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0
In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3

Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

Correlation between Purina and Mass

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference
(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.05 8.8 21.9

2 3 8 21

Mean 3.03 8.4 21.45

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.05 0 0.05 0 0 0.0025
1 3 0 -0.03 0 0 0.0009
Mean 3.03 0 0.02 0 0 0.0034

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.034 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0
In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.05 and 3

Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

Correlation between Corn Flour and Mass

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference
(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.2 9.6 22.4

2 3.4 10.5 22.7

Mean 3.3 10.05 22.55

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
3 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.01
3 3.3 0 0.2 0 0 0.04
Mean 3.2 0 0.1 0 0 0.05

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.05 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0
In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.2 and 3.4
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

B. Types of Feeds and Height

Types of Feeds Height

(x) (y)

1 10
1 10.9
2 8.8
2 8
3 9.6
3 10.5

Scatter Diagram:

B. Correlation between B-meg and Height

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference
(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8

Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Height x−x y2-y (x-x) (y2-y) (x-x)² (y2-y)²
1 10 0 -0.45 0 0 0.2025
1 10.9 0 0.45 0 0 0.2025
Mean 10.45 0 0 0 0 0.4050

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.4050 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0
In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the height of native chicks are as follows and 10 and 10.9.
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

Correlation between Purina and Height

Number of Chicks Height Height Circumference
(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.05 8.8 21.9

2 3 8 21

Mean 3.03 8.4 21.45

Types of
Feeds Height x−x y2-y (x-x) (y2-y) (x-x)² (y2-y)²
2 8.8 0 0.4 0 0 0.16
2 8 0 -0.4 0 0 0.16
Mean 8.4 0 0 0 0 0.32

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0..32 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the height of native chicks are as follows 8.8 and 8.

Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

Correlation between Corn Flour and Height

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference
(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.2 9.6 22.4

2 3.4 10.5 22.7

Mean 3.3 10.05 22.55

Types of
Feeds Height x−x y2-y (x-x) (y2-y) (x-x)² (y2-y)²
1 9.6 0 -0.9 0 0 0.81
1 10.5 0 0.45 0 0 0.2025
Mean 10.05 0 -0.45 0 0 1.0125

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 1.0125 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0
In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the height of native chicks are as follows 9.6 and 10.5.
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

C. Correlation between B-meg and Circumference

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference
(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8

Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Circumference x−x y2-y (x-x) (y2-y) (x-x)² (y2-y)²
3 22.5 0 -0.15 0 0 0.0225
3 22.8 0 0.15 0 0 0.0225
Mean 22.65 0 0 0 0 0.0450

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.4050 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0
In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the circumference of native chicks are as follows 22.5 and 22.8.
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

B. Correlation between Purina and Circumference

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference
(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.05 8.8 21.9

2 3 8 21

Mean 3.03 8.4 21.45

Types of
Feeds Cicumferenc x−x y2-y (x-x) (y2-y) (x-x)² (y2-y)²
(x) e
1 21.9 0 0.45 0 0 0.2025
1 21 0 -0.45 0 0 0.2025
Mean 21.45 0 0 0 0 0.4050

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.4050 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the circumference of native chicks are as follows 21.9 and 21.
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

C. Correlation between Corn Flour and Circumference

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference
(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.2 9.6 22.4

2 3.4 10.5 22.7

Mean 3.3 10.05 22.55

Types of Circumference
Feeds x−x y2-y (x-x) (y2-y) (x-x)² (y2-y)²
3 22.4 0 -0.15 0 0 0.0225
3 22.7 0 0.15 0 0 0.0225

Mean 22.55 0 0 0 0 0.4050

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.4050 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0
In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the circumference of native chicks are as follows 22.4 and 22.7
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

Week 2

Growth of Native Chicks given Chick Starter

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference
(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 4.3 10.5 23.5

2 4.2 11.3 23.9

Mean 4.25 10.9 23.7

Growth of Native Chicks given Chick Starter


Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.09 9.3 22.8

2 3.07 9.1 22.3

Mean 3.08 9.2 22.55

Growth of Native Chicks given Chick Starter

(Corn Flour)

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 3.45 10.1 22.9

2 3.52 10.3 23

Mean 3.49 10.2 22.95

Mass of Native Chicks (2nd Week)


Chick 1
Chick 2

B-m eg Purina Corn Four

Height of Native Chicks

6 Chick 1
4 Chick 2

B-m eg Purina Corn Flour

Circumference of Native Chicks



Chick 1
Chick 2

B-m eg Purina Corn Flour

A. Types of Feeds and Mass

Types of Feeds Mass

(x) (y)
1 4.3
1 4.2
2 3.09
2 3.07
3 3.45
3 3.52

Scatter Diagram:

A. Correlation between B-meg and Mass

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)
1 4.3 10.5 23.5
2 4.2 11.3 23.9

Mean 4.25 10.9 23.7

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 4.3 0 0.05 0 0 0.0025
1 4.2 0 -0.05 0 0 0.0025

Mean 4.25 0 0 0 0 0.0050

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.0050 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0
In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 4.3 and 4.2

Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

Correlation between Purina and Mass

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)
1 3.09
2 3.07


Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 4.3 0 0.05 0 0 0.0025
1 4.2 0 -0.05 0 0 0.0025

Mean 4.25 0 0 0 0 0.0050

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.0050 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0
In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 4.3 and 4.2.

Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

B. Types of Feeds and Height:

Types of Feeds Height

(x) (y)
1 10.5
1 11.3
2 9.3
2 9.1
3 10.1
3 10.3

Scatter Diagram:

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8

Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

C. Types of Feeds and Circumference:

Types of Feeds Circumference

1 23.5
1 23.9
2 22.8
2 22.3
3 22.9
3 23

Scatter Diagram:

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8

Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

Week 3

Growth of Native Chicks given Chick Starter

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference
(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 5.8 114.6 24.6

2 5.7 12.5 24.9

Mean 5.75 12.05 24.75

Growth of Native Chicks given Chick Starter


Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 3.95 10.8 23.9

2 3.92 10.4 23.5

Mean 3.94 10.6 23.7

Growth of Native Chicks given Chick Starter

(Corn Flour)

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 3.71 10.9 23.9

2 3.80 11 23.6

Mean 3.75 10.95 23.75

Mass of Native Chicks (3rd Week)

3 Chick 1
Chick 2
B-m eg Purina Corn Flour

Height of Native Chicks (3rd Week)

Chick 1
Chick 2
B-m eg Purina Corn Flour

Circumference of Native Chicks (3rd Week)



Chick 1
23.5 Chick 2


B-meg Purina Corn Flour

A. Types of Feeds and Mass

Types of Feeds Mass

(x) (y1)

1 5.8
1 5.7
2 3.95
2 3.92
3 3.71
3 3.80

Scatter Diagram:

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)
1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8

Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

B. Types of Feeds and Height

Types of Feeds Height

(x) (y1)
1 11.6
1 12.5
2 10.8
2 10.4
3 10.9
3 11

Scatter Diagram:

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8

Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

C. Types of Feeds and Circumference

Types of Feeds Circumference

(x) (y1)
1 24.6
1 24.9
2 23.9
2 23.5
3 23.9
3 23.6

Scatter Diagram:

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8
Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

Week 4

Growth of Native Chicks given Chick Starter

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference
(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 6.3 12 25.4
2 6.5 12.9 25.6

Mean 6.4 12.45 25.5

Growth of Native Chicks given Chick Starter


Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 4.8 11.7 24.8

2 4.7 11.5 24.6

Mean 4.75 11.6 24.7

Growth of Native Chicks given Chick Starter

(Corn Flour)

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 4 11.2 24.3
2 4.1 11.3 24.1

Mean 4.05 11.25 24.2

Mass of native Chicks (4th Week)

Chick 1
Chick 2
B-m eg Purina Corn Flour

Height of Native Chicks

11.5 Chick 1
11 Chick 2

B-meg Purina Corn Flour

Circumference of Native Chicks

24.5 Chick 1
24 Chick 2

B-m eg Purina Corn Flour

Correlation Analysis:

A. Types of Feeds and Mass

Types of Feeds Mass (g)

(x) (y)

1 6.3
1 6.5
2 4.8
2 4.7
3 4
3 4.1

Scatter Diagram:

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8
Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

B. Types of Feeds and Height

Types of Feeds Height (cm)

(x) (y)
1 12
1 12.9
2 11.7
2 11.5
3 11.2
3 11.3

Scatter Diagram

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8
Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

C. Types of Feeds and Circumference

Types of Feeds Circumference (cm)

(x) (y)
1 25.4
1 25.6
2 24.8
2 24.6
3 24.3
3 24.1

Scatter Diagram:

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8
Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

Week 5

Growth of Native Chicks given

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference
(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 7.2 13.2 26.4

2 7.5 13.9 26.8

Mean 7.35 13.55 26.6

Growth of Native Chicks given


Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 6 12.8 25.4
2 6.4 12.3 25.7

Mean 6.2 12.55 25.55

Growth of Native Chicks given

(Corn Flour)

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 4.5 11.7 25
2 4.8 11.9 25.3

Mean 4.65 11.8 25.15

Mass of Native Chicks (5th Week)


4 Chick 1
Chick 2

B-meg Purina Corn Flour

Height of Native Chicks (5th Week)

Chick 1
Chick 2
B-m eg Purina Corn Flour

Circumference of Native Chicks (5th Week

25.5 Chick 1
25 Chick 2

B-m eg Purina Corn Flour

Correlation Analysis: (Week 5)

A. Types of Feeds and Mass

Types of Feeds Mass
(x) (y)

1 7.2
1 7.5
2 6
2 6.4
3 4.5
3 4.8

Scatter Diagram:

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8
Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

B. Types of Feeds and Height

Types of Feeds Height

(x) (y)
1 13.2
1 13.9
2 12.8
2 12.3
3 11.7
3 11.9

Scatter Diagram:

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8
Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

C. Types of Feeds and Circumference

Types of Feeds Circumference

(x) (y)

1 26.4
1 26.8
2 25.4
2 25.7
3 25
3 25.3

Scatter Diagram:

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8
Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

Week 6

Growth of Native Chicks given

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference
(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 8.3 14.6 27.9

2 8.2 14.4 28

Mean 8.25 14.5 27.95

Growth of Native Chicks given


Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 7.4 13.6 26.8

2 7.7 13.6 27

Mean 7.55 13.6 26.9

Growth of Native Chicks given

(Corn Flour)

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 5.1 12.2 25.7

2 5.5 12.4 25.9

Mean 5.3 12.3 25.8

Mass of Native Chicks (Week 6)


Chick 1
Chick 2

B-m eg Purina Corn Flour

Height of Native Chicks

13 Chick 1
12.5 Chick 2
B-meg Purina Corn Flour

Circumference of Native Chicks

Chick 1
Chick 2
B-m eg Puirna Corn Flour

Correlation Analysis: (Week 6)

A. Types of Feeds and Mass

Types of Feeds Mass
(x) (y)

1 8.3
1 8.2
2 7.4
2 7.7
3 5.1
3 5.5

Scatter Diagram:

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8

Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

B. Types of Feeds and Height

Types of Feeds Height
(x) (y)

1 14.6
1 14.4
2 13.6
2 13.6
3 12.2
3 12.4

Scatter Diagram:

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8
Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

C. Types of Feeds and Circumference

Types of Feeds Circumference

(x) (y)

1 27.9
1 28
2 26.8
2 27
3 25.7
3 25.9

Scatter Diagram:

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8
Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

Week 7

Growth of Native Chicks given

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference
(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 9.5 15.3 28.7

2 9.8 15.42 29

Mean 9.65 15.36 28.85

Growth of Native Chicks given


Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 8.2 13.9 27.3

2 8.5 14.3 27.6

Mean 8.35 14.1 27.45

Growth of Native Chicks given

(Corn Flour)

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 5.8 12.9 26
2 6.3 13.4 26.2

Mean 6.05 13.15 26.1

Correlation Analysis: (Week 7)

A. Types of Feeds and Mass

Types of Feeds Mass
(x) (y)

1 9.5
1 9.8
2 8.2
2 8.5
3 5.8
3 6.3

Scatter Diagram:

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8
Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

B. Types of Feeds and Height

Types of Feeds Height

(x) (y)

1 15.3
1 15.42
2 13.9
2 14.3
3 12.9
3 13.4

Scatter Diagram:

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8
Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0
In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3

Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

C. Types of Feeds and Circumference

Types of Feeds Circumference
(x) (y)

1 28.7
1 29
2 27.3
2 27.6
3 26
3 26.2

Scatter Diagram:

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)
1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8

Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

Week 8

Growth of Native Chicks given

Number of Chicks Mass (kg) Height (cm) Circumference
(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 10.02 15.45 29
2 10.3 15.6 29.3

Mean 10.16 15.525 29.15

Growth of Native Chicks given


Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 8.8 14.1 27.6

2 9 14.4 27.9

Mean 8.9 14.25 27.75

Growth of Native Chicks given

(Corn Flour)

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (cm)

1 6 13.1 26.3
2 6.5 13.6 26.6

Mean 6.25 13.35 26.45

Mass of Native Chicks

6 Chick 1
4 Chick 2

B-m eg Purina Corn Flour

Height of Native Chicks



Chick 1
Chick 2

B-m eg purina Corn Flour

Circumference of Native Chicks

27 Chick 1
26 Chcik 2

B-m eg Purina Corn Flour

Correlation Analysis: (Week 8)

D. Types of Feeds and Mass

Types of Feeds Mass
(x) (y)

1 10.02
1 10.3
2 8.8
2 9
3 6
3 6.5

Scatter Diagram:

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8
Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

B.Types of Feeds and Height

Types of Feeds Height
(x) (y)

1 15.45
1 15.6
2 14.1
2 14.4
3 13.1
3 13.6

Scatter Diagram:

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8
Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.

E. Types of Feeds and Circumference

Types of Feeds Circumference

(x) (y)

1 29
1 29.3
2 27.6
2 27.9
3 23.3
3 26.6

Scatter Diagram:

Number of Chicks Mass (g) Height (cm) Circumference

(x) (y1) (y2) (y3)

1 3.1 10 22.5
2 3.3 10.9 22.8

Mean 3.2 10.45 22.65

Types of
Feeds Mass x−x y1-y (x-x) (y1-y) (x-x)² (y1-y)²
1 3.1 0 -0.1 0 0 0.1
1 3.3 0 0.1 0 0 0.1
Mean 3.2 0 0 0 0 0.02

r= 1 ∑ (x-x) (y1-y)

1 ∑ (x-x) ² 1 ∑(y1-y) ²
n-1 n-1

r= 1 (0)

1 (0) 1 ( 0.02 )
2-1 2-1

r= 0

r= 0

In the correlation between b-meg and mass, column ō which is the type of

feeds, the mass of native chicks are as follows 3.1 and 3.3
Columns x-x , ( x-x ), (y1-y) and (x –x )² have zero from chick 1and 2 was

obtained by subtracting the contents of column y1 by its mean. The last column y1-

y was obtained by getting the square of y1-y.

Substituting the formula for r or the correlation analysis, the answer is o.

The qualitative interpretation is that the variables have no correlation.



This research was dealing with the relationship of the different type of feeds and
the growth of native chicks specifically the mass, height and circumference.
This study was concerned of determining the type of feeds which is best suited for the
chick’s growth.
This research is very significant to the farmers, considering that it can help them
choose the best feeds to use.
This research limits only to the growth on native chicks as measured by its mass,
height and circumference. These are B-meg, Purina and Corn Flour.

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