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»— é _-*& FEDLanac BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION THis castoriawarepat New York KO Furno, 100-8956 REPORT MADE AT agent | venice FoR uch wane | REPORT MADESY KANSAS CLIY, MISSOURI | $-8-51 | 1-8; 3-1-51 FRANCIS Ul, FAUCET FRIENDS OF NEY YUGOSLAVIA INTERNAL SECURTIY = YU SYNoPsis oF FACTS: Subject arganization unknown in KO areas 4~] Nowspaper "fori List” not known to be eiraulated in Yugoslav Section of KCK. - RUG = DETATIS: AT KANSAS CITY, KANSAS Father A. STINAC, pastor of St. John, The Baptist Roman Catholic Church, 702 North Fourth Street, a Crostian church, was recon~ teoted by Special agent C, LAWRENCE RICE, Father STIMAC stated that since last contected he had made appropriate inquiries in the Yugoslav section of Kensas City, Kensas, but had developed no information that ‘the organization "Friends of New Yugoslavia" wes active in that area. 14 of known reliability was recontacted by Special Agent RIOE and he also advised that he had no information thet the organization “Priends of New Yugoslavia" was active in the Kansas City area and that he had no information thet the nowspaper "Novi List" is being distributed. ‘REFERRED UPON COMPLETION To THE OFFICE OF ORIGIN GOpLIS DESTROYED laa72 MAR26 1253 Rae St Coma Son Wr ESE | L-COPYIN_FILE “| 4+ Bureau (100-370142) S - New York & PROPERTY OF Fal=TilS CONFIDENTIAL REPORT AND ITS CONTENTS ARE LOANED TO YOU GY THE FBI AND ATE NOT TO BE DISTRIBUTED OUTSIDE OF seWey TO WICH LoaMeD te nes KC 100-8956 - INFOMaNT PAGE = Ta is | Kenses Gity, Kenses, Post Office, who canvassed the mail carriers covering the Yugoslav aroa of Kensas City, Kenses, for information regarding the circulation of the newspaper "Novi List® REFERRICE: Report of Special Agent FRANGIS M, FAWCETT dated 1-5-51 ati Kansas City. t . FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Fiisexswoniomarao cr NEW YORK DE rus wo, 105-338 DETROIT, MICHIGAN Ae for |21/8,13,14516,17/| ve BAG/SL leo saris sl | ROHRT i. SMITH LXE f FRIENDS OF NEY YUGOSLAVIA INTERNAL SECURITY - YU ‘SYNOPSIS OF FACTS: Confidential sources of infomation, Detroit, have no information regarding the character and origin of the Yugoslav films "The Youth's Rule" and "Journal Number 192" shown February 12, 1950, in Detroit, or of any activity of » subject organization in the Detroit area. Background information on IVAN BLASKO and + MICHAEL VREVIC, President and Secretary, re- : spectively, of subject organization in Detroit, "according to Informant Detroit T-10, set out. ake , ~ RUG ~ DSTAILS: & t, Michi Informant Detroit 1-6, Informant Detroit 1-7, and Informant Detroit 1-8, all of know reliability, advised they have no information regarding the activity of the subject organization in the Detroit area and felt that the organisation is inactive. The same inform ants state they do not Imow the character or origin of the films, "The Youth's Rule” and "Journal Number 192" which were shom February 12, 1950, in Detroit. The informants were aware of no filns that were shown under the auspices of subject organization. x, Informant Detroit T-10, a reliable source, advised ‘that IVAN-BLASKO, 8124 Meadow, Van Dyke, Michigan, and MICH, FIC, ug Victor Avenue, Highland Park 3, Michigan, were President and Secretary, respectively, of the Friends of New Yugoslavia in Detroit, Michigan. CPPIES DESTROYED nd have MAR 26 1865 TEAS 7 a | ‘DOROT WRITE TRRgE SPACES te ss [ZG [ReGORDED - 38 | {2 ~ Burean (190-370142) {3 ~ New York (105-516) vA = Detroit 2s @OPY IN FILE yn PROPERTY OF FAITHS CONFIDENTIAL REPORT AND ITS CONTENTS ARE LOANED TO'YOU BY THESI AND ARE WOT TO BE DISTRIBUTED OUTSIDE, AGENCY TO WICH LOANED,

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