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ti3h ttё
At Hittthi,・l t i StalldS ftt ihfollllム l・SignitcS
ltrOiics The Ⅲ
ollr dircction fol thc ncxt ccntur〕
l lccogniZing thc kcy rolc of inSorllla、
tion in ouF` cnttal lo正
VOrid and its poモ 口ほ●Our llves casicr and morc
COIIVCniCllt Tl13 ・ lざfor Hittrhi「
s clccけonics tcchnologh e13colll‐
passIIIg thc broad spoctlum flom mu■ llllcdi4 products lo nctwork sysi
lllollst By iIItegratlngl'and
telll sol■ Ⅲ Ⅲe,ⅢHitachi will position itself
tO coIItributc to a Futwe socicty in、vhich iIIformation 、
vill bc valued
more dlttll eVCr bofore‐
backcd by thc comprchcnsivc capabilittcs of
tlle Hitachi Group As part of dlis initiadvc,wc ttC CStablishttg a ne←
y tla,w■ lu,l enCryPl叫
woⅢ SettiC9,Cも中Ptt■ 中 dギ 91t中五Ⅲ TⅢ ●

maF監 lo ilnpl制にnt highly rellable solutionS undcr a unifled Hitachi
brand for bOth corporations and ind持 iduals hie arc also lnhancing ollf
illformatlon selvices for busincss― to―
buStncss clcctFOniC COmmcrcc′
Mcanwhilc,Wc arc strcngthcning s01■ tiOlls―
bぃ iness allianccs in ttt ill
fornlatloュSector ln dlgital mcdia、
ve ttc b■
ildtllg on our accumlllatcd
cxpcrise in sllch arcas as vidco colltent distllblltlon to provitに
ellted駅工utons lntdlを cni Crans,も
ol■ lt systcms,biotechno10gy,alld
thC Chヽ
FirOnttcllt ttC aiso nclds whcrc Hitachi call show tllc way for
wttd Far fron■ bciよ 」 limitCd to comptliPF tCCl■ a,611
elcctttntts offcrs answeis in thc homc,in tte ottcc,at sc1001… in
Ltach IIIakes h4rd、
cvcry facct of our l17Cs. BCcausc □ varc and soft
lctulc as well as lmultimedia prodIIcis,suChlcc
WttCi tta10r inttasll■ info々
tr9Ⅲ挙 ,ppl中学 叩 ギ呼 4中 中中1手t∼ │“F‐■IS in車ュ 11VI中呼い 4,h斗
ュway■ om bゃing a lllttufaO的
ring comPany,aS wc g19w to bccollle the
bcst soI,tiOns prLrtlI● F that Will lllcet thc cha1lcngcs Of Ⅲ C ftlturc,0■

hゃ tWO l e t t c r Si Ⅲ
c H i o I I Ic は
L誼 ■ ″ 夕J r a i 斡血 C 血 車l u p l ガ t h a t
' S o l l r h c n l s c t i , , 筋ぶm
I m i yn k v iy sC ls o,H■
iュ ば t t r l c 4事1i.tヽ
stcadly l■cFeaSittg h colpollte valu●as、v●llnlprovc assei and catttal cn&=
clcncy Ⅲcnstt dependable 中p bl io I温け A ■e a d h i n t l l c t t S t 輸●
1999速 。41 ycⅢ 予lhaⅢ Ⅲ呼 ed ints中 。 bhCk Fttm noW o● Tcれ とも1

錨 逮 鵠 勝 十革櫛 鍋 マ督 鍔 描 錯 盟 鰐 靭 丑
AS ttё pr。と走sとOnlぬ占 や章L i pFblluSC,6j th6す 0ヤ 』 IⅢ 611cic5mpaiy yOILI
9神 ttI車ⅢOい ギ 昨 ,lslf辞 141y14や すlⅢ=P車 ぃ :却 ,i皿fi‐車 耳I手牢"キ ー│

触基 車
発!描岳 品れ│

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一﹁一 一一

■lTr Tl
i百ヽ │ t総

す11 二十■
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“t,Pノ rWTwtthita111:│“ jP∼ ,車 4,Sド 「

P中 41

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