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Published 00 d\l: first Anpg of ach t>.1mnslich. z erous

The Citizens of Onct-
Fm Mordhcim Ht &set
by &nds or Rovill8
McrcclU.ric$ lnd Burghers
Scu-Swords. blame Agents
of Chaos. The
Old Town in
The End of the
World is Nigh! _ 1Hw!!lw=e··-
The gml Cllastrophc The proudcsl cily of the
hlS "id tUiD 10 our Old World hlS been
ODce ml80ificcnt port. reduced to III inferoal
Arc wc the first 10 hdl of smoldcriD8 cUlers
su(fc, this FlIt? WhIt
md dcsobtcd buildings.
hope is there (or the
The ancient uchilcuurc
glell cities of the
of our gundcst mansions.
West? Will dUI once pbycd nOSl 10
Middcnhcim. Nuln. the gtn,lesl ~oblcs of
Muicnburg. or even our lIme. 15 DOW
splendid Altdorf inhibited by foul ind
succumb to this putrid followers of Duk
Horror? Wh1t hive the Cods. Where once stood
drcld f'les in Slorc for bustling mukels i nd
III MIllkind? streets of (ommer<e now
reigns only binditry i nd
murder. The shldows of
Has Sigmar the dC1lhly ruins hide
Deserted Us? only eutpurses lnd fell
More dcl~ils of the mODstrosities.
ClU.5trophc illsidt.
Afte r months of development, Mo,.dhe /m, City oj
the Dallllletl is h ere. Tuomas Plr/nen explains just
what the game is till about.
"'ho gof!S tbere? Bill ellollgh 0/ me I",d m)' /1IIe. Wb), bave YOII come here? A
COllf!r lip thal seeker 0/ kllowledge, are )'OII? Ah. so )'011 wOllld like to kllOIl'
flmtern. it bllrls lhe tale o/Mordbelm, Cit), 0/ the Damlled.. ,
my eyesllVbo 11111 I,
you fISk? I /ellr I A'),tilqrim
kllow 1101, A long,
10llg time (Igo I flJ(IS From its humble beginnings in Whilt' Dwarf, Mordhelm h:lS
grown inlO a full·blown skinnish game, detailing a period of
know" as (I 'Games
lime In the hislOry of the Empire when hund reds of :>mall
Developer' bllt tbat
warbands rought In the street:> and alleys o f Mordheim .
W(lS {ollg be/ore my
Imprisonment. Now I The concept of publishing rulcs in progress in the pages of
am bllt a IIameless this iIluMrious magazine was immedialdy very popular, wi/h
scribe, locked ill (Ms cold COUnlless warbands :>pringing up in gaming clubs arou nd Ihe
tomb, spelldlflg ul/told world . Many, m:ln y players wrole to me with Iheir own Ideas
dUl'S ill tbe dark"ess, and suggestions. :md many of thc:.c h:u'e found Iheir \Vd)' Into
writlllg dourll bizllrre rllles the manuscript. The mOSI prominent contribUlOrs are
alld describ illg tbe dll'€rse alld crediled in the rulebook ilsclf. Thanks 10 all of you OUI there
j01l1 IlIbabltal/ts 0/ tbe Cu rsed - without you r e ncouragement and help, this game would
City. Tbe moon, which lIel'cr ne\'cr ha\'c scen thc light of day.
seems to cmmge. is my 0111)' source
0/ ligbt. Alld the rats, wblcb sOll/etlmes /( was a difficult task 10 import Ihe atmosphere and c\·OC'.Iti\'c
slrll), 100 close, IIrc Ill)' Oll/Y food. feci into tht:: rules and background lext, bUl I hope that wc
ha\'c done thc idea jUMicc. Of course this task was not solely 'C~, 'R uC"
on the shou lders o f the GW games designers :md writcrs. Mordheim ha!> been designed as :t skirmish
The Games Wor~hop artists, stalwartly led by John Blanchc, syste m for W:lrhammer. Its ru les detail
created a equa lly unique a tmosphere and Myle for the many :t.~PCCI.s o f gaming and
an.....ork and layout of t he Mordhcim rulebook. The results indi ... idual interaction bcrween
2tC nothi ng ifnOl stunning, as I am sure you will agree. EveI)' models, Ihat Wa rhammer (a
single page of the Mordhcim book literally O(J/k!> with detail, game de!>igncd 10
depth and c h:al"aclcr, than ks to this brilliant artwork. reprel!oCnt baules
bcl\\leen armies
r:tlher tha n small
bands of
The Mordhcim ga me delails eight unique and va ried individual
Warbands for you to command . Each has iI!> own strengths models) bd:.'!.
and weaknesses, hs unique "''arriors a nd !>pecial equ ipment. The rule!> for
All h:we thcirown moth'ation to be in the dty, but man y covet movement,
the wyrdslo ne - shards of slrange rock that arc scattered s hoot ing, a nd
amongst the ru in:., whose aliegt.--dly magical properties ha\"e hand-to-hand
made it more precious than gold. s ho uld !>till be
The proud Rclklanders, the mighty Middenhcimers, and the familia r
rich men of Maricnburg ha\'C come 10 the city 10 claim Lhe e nough for
wyrdstone on behalf of their own candidates for the Imperial Warhammer
throne , while the Witch [-Iumers of Sig.mar have come to the p layers, even
city 10 cleanse it from the mlh of the herelics and Chaos though then:
wors hippers :md gain te mpor:ll power for their leader, the is far more
Grand Thcogonisl. det:lil and
depth .
Skaven of CI:II\ Eshin ha"e come 10 gather Ihe wyrdslOnc for
their nef.trious pu rposes, while the Cult of I'ossessed,
followers of Chaos, have c1aimt.."(1 the city for their own and
vie for 10 12 1 domination of the cil}' with Ihe de\'ou t Sis terhood
of Sigmar, the last light of sanity in the city. Behind all this
looms the m)'stcrious figure of the Shadowlord, Master of the
Pit a nd Lord of the Possessed. "bere s hould be plenty of
choice :uno ng:.t the warbands to sui! c'"el)'onc's taste.
In additio n , these w·.Irbands may be bolstcred by
ltired Swords, ruthless Olcrce naries who will
fight for an)'One as lo ng as they arc paid well
e nough! llired Sword!> include the
hulking Ogres, skilled Pit
fighters , e nigmatic
Elf Rangers,
and even a
t-lalfH ng
'C~, ..<:10'0,(,
It would be \\'TOng nOl to me ntion
the treme ndo us new models which grace
the p:lges of the Mordheim rulebook. From Ihe Skaven by
Aly Morrb.on to the I'e rry twins ' Iluman Mercenaries, from
Thcre Gal')' Mo rley'!,! Sis ters o f Sigmar 10 Dayc Andrew's Witc h
:Ire rules Il unters, the Mo rdhcim minialUrt,'s capture the feci and look
for inte rcepted of Mordhcim perfectly. In fact I flnnly beli('\'e them 10 be
c harges. climbing. :lInongst Ihe very best models ever sculpted for any wargamcl
div ing c harges. new
we:lpons. armor, and These nl:lsterpieces serve :lIlothe r purpose lIS well - many ;1
equipment such as Mordhcim Ska\'cn or Vampire has found its \\~.ty into the
c ro:.sbow phtols, bucklers, Warh:tnllller :tnllies o f the Stud io staff.
duelling p iSlOls, ro pes and
grappling hooks, llnd many, many m her
thing..o;. '1,e book a lso includes a st.'Clio n of
'C~, tutu"
I'o nhcomlng Town Cryers will fealUrt,' plenty of new material
optio nal ruks. which ... hould servc as an inspiration 10 those for Mo rdhclm . Without going Into too much detail . I can
who like to create their own rules a nd add-ons for gamcs. fCveal that there will be tactics articles for -all the warbands,
ncw w'arbands, scenarios, a nd equi pment, as well as ncw
The Campaign sc:.'C tion d ctaib the proc(.-dure for explorin g
stories from the Iwisting Stn..'C1S of Mordhcim. All in all,
the ruin:. o f Mordhcim. g.1lhering wyrdstone and looking for
Mordhclm b l>Ct 10 be o nc:: of the most strongly supported
rare item ... a t Ihe traders and mcrch:mts. h gh'cS details o f
ga mes we ha\'C released. In faCt many players among.·" you
serious injuries you r wa rrior.. can suffer, plus :,dv:lnces a nd
ha\'c already promised to contribute in this. and you will St..'C
s kilb your lIerne:. can earn 3.... th(.")' gain experience.
many anicles written by pt..'o plc lx.>side:. rour humble scribe.
While Ihe Camp:tign sectio n of the Mordhcim rule book
Go m)u'. The light hflrts my ('),('s, lItlll I hear my CllplOf'S
deta ils the cursed elt)' and its ~ urrou ndings in great d etail . the
apprrxlchi"g, iJlow Old your lanter" quickly, lesl tlx,)' sec
game system itSClf h flexible enough to be imponed into
)'Ou alld bllld )'011 //11th challlS as lI 'ell, writing insalle babble
almost any $Citing. Those who play Wa rh ammc r s hould find
for (11/ eternity. iJellelJ(! lIIe. ),011 do 110 1 II'wt/ to share my
it rcl:ui\'cly easy to u~e the Mo rdhcim system for staging
grim fale. Can )'011 bear their blood-cllrdlillg roar echoi"g
skirmish ga me~ :tl l o \'er the Old World and beyond. So if rm!
Ihrollgh Ihe ctlltlcombs?
\\~.tlll to pl"y skirmishes with Uzardmen o r Wood Elves.
Mo rdhcim should have plenty to offer 10 you . ~IVby I)·""tlhe I/('xf mmlllscrlpt flllished yet!!??r •

The fi rs t thing Ihat strikes you about Mordheim , Cit}' of (he
Damned, before you 've even opened [he box, is the anwork on the
lid. JUSt take a moment to look at all lhe weird little details - like
the warrio r with a eat's head , or the pig in a glass box, or the [arot
cards .. . Gcoff Taylar has really Olltdo ne himself this lime! But let 's see
what's inside.

Onc hundred a nd sevem y-sLx pages, packe d w ith ruies, background , and
more amazing amvork. Here's h ow it breaks down :
Rules: This bit covers all you need to know to play a game of Mordheim -
Movement, Shooting, and Close Combat , plus Leade rs hip and Psychology,
lIsing different wcapons, anuor and other eqUipmen t, and finall y Magic (look
OU I for some tasty spells!) .

Warbands : How 10 go about hiring, arming and equipping your own band of
cut-throat warriors. You can c hoose from Human Mercenaries, the Cull of the
Possessed, Witch Hume rs, the Sisters o f Sigmar, Undead, and Skaven. and each
warband has He roes and Henchmen with their own special abilities and skills.
Campaigns: This pan o f the book details how to run a series o f linked games,
involving a numbe r of players, in which your warbands will gain experience fro m
fighting batt..les, carn income. recruit extra warriors, and learn new s kiUs and
spells. The re arc nine challe nging scenarios in which to test your skill and the
might of your warband, plus rules for Hired Swords and speciaJ characters w ho may
fight on your side - for a price.

/;tau Nlcbolls (md Nick DOllls enjoy 0 game of Mordbeim 0/1 Nick's
newly built ruined bllildillgs. See page 20 to filld out more abOllt
assembling tbe card terrain you get ill tbe box.

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Optional Rules: These introduce some s lightly more complex ru les. which you can use [0 add an cxtr.t
le\lel of de;:t:lil into your games. 'J1u:re are different Critical I-lit tables for different weapons, rules for
mounted warriors, blacklX)\yd er weapons and plenty more.
Calor Section: This bit contains useful ad\lice on choosing, assembling .•and painting
your warband, p lus loads of ideas for con\lerting your models, And of course there
are dozens of gorgeous pholOgraphs of warbands battling th rough the ruins
of Mordheim .

The box contains enough sprues to build eight lOugh human

Mercenaries (sculptcd by Alan and Michacl Perry) and [cn \licious
Ska\len (sculpted by Aly Morrison). These arc detailed, multi·
pan plaStic kits, giving you a huge \lariety of mode li ng
options. and are just what you need to get you p laying with
twO starting warba nds. Thcre is also a ·hairy head '
s prue, which contains (surprise, surprise) hairy,
bearded heads, w hich ca n be used to replace
the normal Mercenary he;lds 10 represent
Middenheim Mercenaries (it's gOt warhammers
;md fu r cloaks, too) , and fina lly ;m cquipment
spru e with loads of usefu l bi ls that you r
warband Clm actually purchase when you play
a campaign - rope, a lan tcrn , extra weapons,
and a spel l Ixx>k, to name JUSt a fc w.
As )'011 call see, A/all mul/llichae/ really hmlC e,\'celled themsell'es with their Mordbeim pltlStiCS.
Alan and Michael:
We designed the
Me rcenaries to look
li ke pi rates and
brigands. Th ese men
arc hardbitte n Cut -
throats , unl ike the
proud regimental
troops of the Empire
amlies. Wc also made a second spnlc with wild , bearded
beads, wolf-skin cloaks, and arms wielding warhanuners,
w hich arc ideal to represent Mercenaries from
Middenheim (although they mix i nto other warbands just
as well) . Between lhe two sprues the re arc twelve different
heads to choose from , and of course the Mercenary kits
arc fu lly compatible with the phL'i tic

Soldie rs so of
it :':,;e_rl"'''--'I';rf~r-'~')
is easy to
swap b its
benvecn the
two kits.

71Je 'hairy bead' sprue (ulds a whole lIew range of options to the Mercellary lI'arbmul.
AIy: The plastic Skavcn for
the Mordheim game are
designed so they look like
they belong to the sinister
Clan Eshin, with cloaks and
hoods and evil, razor-sharp
blades. I've also included
plem)' of the weapons that
you can purchase and equip
your warb:md wi th . like throwing Stars and
fighting claws. Like Lhe plastic humans, all
the componcms on the Skaven sprue
are intcrch:mgcablc with the Warhammer
Regiment of the same race, so you cou ld make
litcraJly thousands of models withou t using
the same combination of pans twice!

nw Ska/}c" am be armed witb a bilge l!(lrlct)' of 1I>f!(I/X)tlS alld (lcccssorles

(a"d lire completely illtcrc/)(mge(lblc with the plastic Sklll>f!n Citmrats \f~lr})(/I1I11,er Regime"').

([it)) ~uins
The game is set amidsl the cle\'astated ciry of
Mordheim , so there arc so me superb ruined
buildings for your warhands 10 fight thro ugh. The
buildings have full color ca rd walls :md floors , with
plastic corner pieccs. roo fing , windows :md
doorways, a ladder and gargo)'les! Also hidden
among the card bits arc useful Hidden markers and
\'(Iyrdstone coun/ers. Take a look :It page 20 where
Nick Davis describes how 10 get lhe mos l from your
Mordheim bui ldings.

<1D~er Stuff
There is a gelling Slaned Ie'lnel which gives you a
basic run-through of the most fundamental rules,
along with construction diagrams for the card
buildings and pl:l.stic models that come in the box.
And finally. of course. there are lhe essentiaJ dice
and range rulers.
So that's what you gel in the box. Now check out
[he b:mlt: rcpon later in this 'Ibwn Crycr to sec how
lhe gam e aClually works!
A lcrrible place of nighlmarish
ruins. where death awaits in every
shadow. Here hardbittcD warriors
s1alk lhrough lhe crumbling palaces
and twisting streets. fighting and
dying for lhe promise of riches
and fame.

ordheim is a lablclop skirmish game where

M the players control fiy... 1 warbands. baltUug
each otber for supremacy in the dark and ~(u(tif(t6fe U~tl) f~\'
dangerous streets of the ruined clly.
Everything YOll need 10 start your warband and
nglll b:lllles in Mordheim is ill Ihjs box. There are
$59.99 U.S. $85.00 CAN.
IWO aud a whole host of card ruined
buildings so lhal you can <:realC the ruined strecb
of Mordheim. The comprehensive rulebook
describes eighl different warbands and a vast
arrJ.Y of wcapon.."i and cquilllllCllt. There :Ire also
rules for running ongoing Mordhcim C31U1)aigns
as well as lncludJng hired swords and special
characters in )'Ollr warband.

The Mordheim boxed game: conbibS:

• 10 Sk.a\~n • CiIY Rulru;
• 8 Ihm13n Merccnaric~ • 6 Dice
• 176 page Rulebook • 2 Range Rukn
So you have bought the game, read the rules and drooled
over the stunning plclStics ill the box and now you can't
wait to get started building liP your Mordbeim warband.

Th e fi rst thi ng yo u to use, you w ill stand no chance against Ihe Ska\"cn and the
will need to lXm sider is might of the ,"Iorned I{at. AflCr all , finding wyrdsto ne is what
which of th t: eight the Sk:lven do best.
warbands listed in the
game you would like ro play. Now th:u you ha\'e wisely chosen to fight with a Ska\'cn
For me the choice was easy; w·. trband, you nced 10 assemble it. I ho pe the following
ovcr the p.lSt (\\"0 years I have advice ,\~IJ help you in your efforts.
been stead ily collecling and
building up a Ska vcn arm y for \pr.nning
Warhammer. and I have grown Before you start 10 assemble your warriors. you need to plotn
somewhat allached (Q thesc vile, plague ou t your wa rba nd o n p:lpcr. This a pplies to :111 warbands, nOI
infested r:umen , The chance to expand the JUSt Ska\"e n. II is imporlam because you need 10 know what
under·empire o f the Slain:n into the streets of Mo rdheim weapons and equipme nl a re to be s hown on (ite models. It
could not be missed. If. duc 10 some parlicularly unforlunate w ill also ;llIow you to d evelop an e ffective. cohesivc forct: . If
genetic defecl, you don't fan (.1' a Skavcn warband (who you assemble your models first and lhen try to work out your
wouldn 't, with their cute, curly lails and sharp bUI appealing warband to fit those models, you can be su re you will nOt
teeth) , rou might want to Iry a different warband . The huma n h:l\"t: the funds 10 buy the equipment you ha\·e stuck 0 11 your
models included wi th the game can be used to make ehhe r warriors. And it is ;'llmOSI certain you will have asse mbled
an eagle-t:yed, professio nal band of Rciklanders or :, strong· models with weapo ns and equi pme m to tally uns uitable for
as·an·ox band of Middenhcimers. If you a rc Slill nOI satisfied your lactical preferences. This will resu lt in rime-consuming
you also ha\'e the choice of fana tical Whch Hunters, pio lls alterations, that could so easily 1t;lve been avoided if rou had
Sisters o f Sigmar, reslless Undead, deformed !'ossessed , or on ly put a linle bit o f planning inlO lhe wa rband before
lhe wealthy Marienburgers. Whichever w;.trba nd you decide picking up ro ur modeling knife and glue.
I ha\"c found there arc lhrec points you nL"Cd to COnsider Slings.
whcn planning thc type of warband you would likc: so here are a
few ideas :l!> 10 w hal
The tactics you intend to employ.
you can do :tI)QUI il ...
Thc models :md "bits' )"01,1 h:l\"c a\-ailablc.
Slings: T hc new Sk:tven
lIow you wis h your \\~Irband to de\'elop in the fm ute. sprue in the Mord hcim
g:trnc includes :1 s ling.
This means you can field
'Coca" two slingers in you r slart .. up
~ thc m:lin th rust of this art iclc is how to model you r
\\~l rband . If you w:tnt more
warba nd , I will leave :Idvice on tactics for you r wa rb and to
s ti ngers then flndi ng m:llcs
others. I do, howcve r, have a cou plc of observ:uions to make.
that havc un used slings is o nc
Firstly. 500 Gold Crowns is ne\'er e no ugh to b u y alllha t you
!>Qiut io n. If you r friends also
would like. Secondly. equipment is very expensh'c (especially
so for Ska\"Cn warband!> :IS thc..")' pay premium rates for those have good t:lSte a nd arc collecting
Ska'~n warbands themselvcs, then
rare but powerful weapons w hen first slarting OUI).
a simple option b to u~e a metal
Ska\'Cnslavc wilh sling as a Vcmlinkin (or
'Cq, A')oIl,r. jusr bllY mQre Mo rt/belm Sktw('lI! - Fm
One of Ihe beSt things about choo!>ing a Sbvcn W:lrband is Bloke) . Although the model!> 3re 3 sligh tly
the rangc of models you ha\"e al your disposa l. NOt only do differe n t !>izc, this is fine :u. Ihe Ska,'en are notoriously varied
)"ou han: IhoM! wondcrfu l new plastic Ska\'cn Ihat come with in phySique. and Vemlinkin 3re no diffcrent.
the game. you also have the pb..'iliC Warhammer Clan ral
Regimen! boxed SCt - thc de!>igncrs h:H"C clevcrly made both Clubs: The easic:.t thing 10 do If you wanl dubs for rour
these tOlally Interchangeable wilh eac h other. And of course Verminkin is !>imply to clip the blade
you also have a huge range of new :md old metal miniatures off onc of the spears on the
from the Warhammcr Ska\"cn range to draw from . sprue, lea\'ing the
wooden haft :tnd the '.
The ncw plastic. arc bristling with weapons a nd equipment spiky bit o n the cnd
ideal for use by your heroes. As an cstablis hed Skaven playcr (S3\'C the blade in
I had :1 few u nused spru es of Ska\'cn from the your bits box for
Kegiment boxed sel, so I declded to use thc new Mo rd hcim futu re u!>e!). If
plastics for my I krocs :tnd usc the Ska\'e n ClanrJls for m y yOLl w:1I1 1 to try
He nch me n. This had the add ed benefit o f contr:lst ing those a bit of
wa rriors in charge (the Ilerocs) with those fo llowing orders modeling.
(the I-Ic nchmen). :tnd left me a few extra models for w hen my rOLL c:tn
warband develops and changclI with newly :Icquired s kil ls Cut the
and wcapons :lI1d. '!l,e Ilorned O nc forbid. de:llhs. dub
ulltllpJe; After m uch saving and searching you fi n:llly
10 equip rou r Warlock with a brJce of w3rplock piswls - now
a powerful rJt indeed. The pislols :trc lovingly modcled on to
your Warlock. BUI thcn dl.>.aster - your IJ?:trlock gelS h imself
killed! Do you. in a fit of despair and anger. rip off those
warplock piStOls )'ou workL"(1 so hard 10 gel? No! You put
aside rour 100"ed. but unfortunately deceased, rat in a Suitablr
rc\'crential placc and assemble and paim a new one. Now you
must once more sa'·c and search . but this t ime)'Du have your
model read)' for rc!>urrr.:clion when ),ou finally roll th:.t
elusive 11 .
A~ I mentionc... d earlier, having one or I"\VO Clanrat sprues will
l-ame in \'Cry useful for assembling your Vemli n kin. It means
you will be able to equip you r \'~J rb:lI1d wilh cxtrJ spears and
swords s im ply by using the Clanr:1I anns! Ilowe\'l.,:r. sooner or
later, as you r warb:tnd grows and :Icqu ires mo re equipment,
you will probably want to use different weapo ns. Two that I
thin k pJ:tyers :Irc most likely to need :Lrc clubs :U1d some c.xlr:t
from Ihe Mercenary Unfonunatciy, al 75 gold crowns, these are far too c."{pensh't
sprue that you a lso 10 buy at the ~tan , but by wailing and buying them in t~
get in the boX" and U"dding ph:tse of the game, I get them at the knockdown prict
glue it to onc of of 45 gold crowns. In anticipation of buying Ihese weeplll~
Ihe empty Skaven blades (which come as a pair of poisoned swords) I will Sl:ltl
hands. "'nd of by equipping him with IWO swords ;u 20 gold crowns. NoVO'
course rou could all I have to do, when he is fonunale enough 10 find I~
easily buy onc blades. is 10 paint some )uitablc looking ,'cnorn onlo his
of the Skavcnsla\"e swords. If I had l-"<Iuipped him with. say, throwing stars and
models anned wilh spear. I would ha"e 11:ld 10 :lSSCmble a comp1elcir new model
clubs. You could 10 represent him whe n he acquired his weeping blades.
even kill (WO birds
AI this point I should mention the 'bits sprue'. This is a
with o ne stone a nd
colk-ction of JUSt :tiJOUI :llIlhe ncces:;ary pieces of equipment
use Ihe Skavenslave
you rw:lrband will need. lf has ropes, books, hand crossbows.
wit h sling AND club!
pisto ls and throwing knh"es. all ready jus l 10 Slick on a model
Remember - a ll the
a nd pain t. Jus t make sure you le;(\"e ;( su itable plal,."C to a llach
figures ava ilable for
the item .
Wa rh ammc r give you loads
of extr:t opt io ns for t-I:n'ing t;lken ;tll the abovc Into consideration, my slan ing
:t)scmbling your wamand . warband is shown below.

jpf.nning .~..~ W",m&fillg

So you 've worked out your raclics and One of lhe beSt things :Iboul the multi-part plastic kits Ihat
have looked al the models rou ha\'e arc now being produced, is Ih:u Ihey allow you to assemble
a\'ail:tblc. The final thing 10 consider your figure:. in a multitude of dr.lI1\atic poses. I was very
Ix:fon: ),ou draw up your warband is how pleased with Ihe fin:allook ofCulithroato my i\ssassin ",dept;
rou expeCI panicular modds 10 develop. It he really looks likc he knows how 10 use those sv.'Ords. Its I
linle planning for the fUlun: could s:I\'e you a 101 of work. For wantl-'(I my Ic:tder to Mand out from Ihe other warriors in my
example, in my warband I would like my leader 10 Ix: warband, I deti(lcd he :llone would have a cloak.
equipped wilh weeping blades.

Quick Tip: Cloaks and tails do not always mix. Make sure and the bases
_'hen )"ou attach Ihe lall )"Ou also Ica\'c room for thc cloak. 11 should reflect Ihis. As
!lOO a good idea nOllo attach Ihe cloak untilthc model is Ihe warbands will be
P;lJntl-d. It makes lhe I>ainling a lot easier. fighting in the ruIned
streets of Mordhcim 1
I coo)(, Ihe body and legs with thc robes to be my Warlock,
suggest bases painled
as to me this looked the most ·wizard-like·. By raising his left
10 look like rubble or
1ITI1 I havc Icft room to auach a w.trplock piStol to his belt
the broken flagstones
_'hen funds and fortune allow.
of the street. '111;S was
For my Vemli nkin I have nlos tl y used pans from thc Sk:I\'cn the effect I have used
I bol'cd SCt, although I ha\'c :mached Ihe Slings from on my models :md is
new Mordhcim Ska\'cn spruc :md used dubs from some vcry easy 10 :achieve.
Ska\·cnsla\,cs. The paving stones arc
simply thick card cut to
jp.inling the desired shape and
I paint Skavcn can be found In an earlier edition of
$i7.e and then glued o nto
Vi'hitt:: Dwarf (#230) so I shall not repe.1t it here. Thc mooels the b:lse. For the rubble r
urny Mordhcim warband were painted in just the5:lmc Wol)" jusl put some "VA glue
onlO the desired areas of the
excepl Ihe color scheme has bt.-e n slighd)' changed. To
represent Ska\'cn from Clan Eshin I have chosen a black and b:lSC :md dipped the model
brown color scheme. Thc only el'ceplion is Ihe Warlock into a mixlUre of fine sand :!Od
,l-tagikann l. Hc \\~IS painted in a dirty crimson and brown cO:lrsc grit. Once dry, I first
scheme, to differentlale him from the other, non-magic using painted the base wIth :llhin wash of
a Chaos Black./lk'Stial Brown mix.
memben; of the warband.
Then picked out Ihe StonL'S in Codex
One of the ad\'lIntagcs of painting a w-.trband with onl)' a few Grey, highlighted by drybrushing
is the lime you can spend on each onc. I suggest with Elf grc)'.
! p,;o,U"gthe models onc at a time, as opposed to groups of 4-
Exactly how you decide 10 model
Sas )'ou would in a Warhammer amly. It is also worthwhile
the bases of your warband will
, ~~~,~;~~.;a, little more time than you would normally on
/lgUfC5 just riWu. Each figure must stand alone.
depend a great deal on the rype of terr.tin you will be fighting
i blolches and splashes can ' t be hidden in the over and the color of your gaming board. But :lS has Ix"en
Im,,,'" ranks of a regiment. mcmioned many til11(."8. good bases t:.I.n do wonders to your
fi~urcs ' appeara nces, so don' t ignore them .
, ::~~:~:~ ~~::~;,j~;;:.~07, is the base. I)on', make Ihe mistake of Now my wa rh and is complete, h is time to enler the pcrilou~
your bases in the trad itional green. W:lrhammer
made this mistake with m)' NI..-cromund;1 gang and it streets ofMordheim and find Ihat wyrdstonc. Other warbands
\ <u •.O" terrible amongst the Necromunda lCrr:1in) . Mordhcim don' t stand a chance. Remember - finding ",ryrdstonc is what
SCI in Ihe ruins of a city destroyed b)' an apoc:llyptiC cvent
the Ska\'Cn do bc..'St. The wyrdstonc is mine. do )-"OU hear?1

A1~~~eim ~(l"~ite'tul'e !\!3p 'Ricf ?dauis
Mordhe im - a o n ce pro ud city, n ow noUting but ruins and rubble. In the first of our features on
Mordhe im arc hit ecture, we take ;:t look at the first s ight g reeting a newcom e r to th e City of the
Damned - th e Mordh e im City Ruins within the boxed ga m e itse lf. ..
N ick : \\cll, I h:tn: Onall)' managed III gel m} hand:. on the r - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - . . ,
f:uua.'>llc Mordhcim Cif}' Ruin building:. along V,lth the ~ainting pour pfastic$
Mordhcim building sprue.'>. Let",.. "Cc what I can do wilh them Tbe qll;ckest
Now :I:. you mal knuw I .'>pcnd a till o f my span.' lime building a"d easiest
wa'ltaming '>(:cncry for my Lla.rdmcn amlY (WD#232) and U'(IY to ptlilll
WII -.OK ruined '>Culcmcm (\\1)#234) b:utlcfidd!> This i.., all (11/ tbe
made mu of cardboard. biu. of poIYM}rcnc. pl:l!>lic GothiC 1)/~'Ces
Huim, garden wire, and "Iicl..")o- tape, :1.11 held together b)' a large 0" Ibf!
amount ofl'VA glue! Now I have the c ha nce (0 build ,ome pre- JIfordbt' lm
CUI buildings Ihat come with their own supporl~ in the foml o f bllildhlg
the Mordhdm building s pnleS, This ' hould be fun , spnl(Js Is

Nm\ Ihe ballie \1ordheim ru ins. o nce built, look gn:::H by "",
Ihem~cJves . but if )'ou JUSt add a few BIlIt- touchc~ you can II'hole
m:lke them hard wearing, dumh le and Ih;11 BIlIe bil more of all Sprtu'
CXU"a ~pcciallerraln piece. The 1lr>1 Ihlng I will he doing wim bl(lck
In) buildings, a... with all my -..cene~ , IS ba... ing them, Thilo will (IIul lbell palm
help protl:Ct them from the knock... and unfonunale crunchc~ tbe pieces wbllst still on the sprue,
th ill befall all w:lrga.mingscenen I'lull. I ha\e taken a few linle
idea~ from m)' Ruined aniclt.' (WDUB I) - I will be addin~
&'/ore )'011 glf,e tbe pieces Ol/tu lbe card bllildillgs. jllSI
tOllcb Ill) Ibe areas of chipped pa11ll11N11 are caused by
exlra piccclI of rubble and pa\in~ .. labs 10 Ihe balle~ , so check cUllillg tbe pli'Ces olfl/x' sprue.
out the h iOl~ and tip~ scattered arnu nd th i..~ ankle,
A ',0:01'<1 of advice though bcfOrt, yuu go ahead and ~Iuc
you r b u ildi ng... togelher - te~ t III them Ol"ol! You may
Oml Ihal you need to do :.omc extr:1 tl'J nmli n~ here
;md Ihere. whh a model i n~ knife o r SI.:!S<;OI'!'l, to enllure '11)1' pa";1I8 sltlbs {lrf!
:I. snug fil With the plaslk building cumponent.. made 0111 of p;C'Ces of
\\dl l han: a lot tu do, so here goc~ , thl" cardbQt:lrd from
CeN'fll/XlckelS, Cl/I i"IO
z.'t2cm SfIIUlN'S
S prue rubbfe These SlJuares u 'ere Ilxm
lIere 's a quick lip slrtligbt from l)esl.r.:II ,lImulg<'r CIII liP mul rf!'flrr(mged
'itw .\ff!rrell, /lot glor)'-boPJ(;IIg CIf! Moddtlulker to glt'(' (I broken look,
MarkJOIu:s fI.~ U'f! Sllid In \fit) #231 (sorr)1Altm.
be didn '11d11lS, lxmestJ). 1j)'01I cllp 11/1 Ibe plmtic
fr(lm(' pieces. It "wkes greal rtJbbll· )btl cml
"'SO kl'('P a ny
inleresOng bits
of plastiC frall/e
10 make broh'/I
support heallls

A"m~.. _~ t.flfll't' III1J11/o. ('""ble R"j" r"bbft plo..;.. flU III

1...../('011' " 'llb Iw U""lb.',,,, .<pm!'! ,."bbl!'!
Qlui~ng an~ basing a .K)o~~eim ruin . . . ".
4 ""1/,,, ,1"Tbrlllb
Pili logetbcr )'Ollr card blli/di"ss by !al/ou,IIIS the \ IUiJt.obU" I.Cdlbc>r- (.<. rn","
IlIs/r/lctlOllS ;11 tbe ~'('tI;"g Started leaflet. If)'011 INlllt )'OlIr fIN NIR'" (1/ ,'''' pal/liS
bllildillSs 10 last longer. 1 suggest )'011 glut! the plaslic pieces sl.w, Iw 1/'f"U" ....hJ»•. und
IQ Ibe card hili/flings - IlIsed Py·, gllle for Ibis. I {t/so addi>d up IIH Ild"l r>f Ib<-
bull(II,'8. DtM I ""On)' I(IQ
(I base for addillOllal stabllil), mul because IIt'tlll/ed 10 add
SQllle ex/m rubble to the 1Il00/cl nJ/s Is wblll I did.. "".cb about ~1''8 Ib,j
'INII "nd lld" \lonJbclm
.. as bll ",. a big rock W

/o1<'S/ 0'/ ,I"U" base t() s= "Ill tI /s 80'"8 la /H' u litll"

1 IUIII' uhoul a I IQ.! cm "'%,'" bit dllS/)',,,,d llw hu''''i'lg /1.!I/1Q bel"
pmlM If from IttWCb
"'" 111<' base f ,,_llbld- rarrlbQartl
railed Or/bot",/, bu, ~I ...I
('anlbt>tmJ ,,111 (/oJllS! filiI' 1,11<'./ Tt. jI"Jsh nJJ ~m,. 1N1S4'. gtl/, If "
If""" $Oil", pm Ing dabs I<> (be
jl'f)ftf I C'O<orrw/liw bme
5 /i.m' ,/~.J,"' ..b 1l18uhf>t.k Hnxn.
_\gait. go .n..... Ib.! rtlgf'S "1 tl¥ "'II"/'Ig
"'lib nxtf"H' ' ..xt",wl sI"/>s. tbe 1fW"" rubl>W mid /'1' fIN
{>I,lm, '''It/ wbllsl I~ SUlI1S ut f/w hulMhlJ,:.
,.,.Im ,nU ".,., f ",/tI...1
.. ""~ sp~,,,, ~"bhl" mul
J..n:cl/I'''I. yo" /om ... ':0"''''''11:<1 .I"'"
_ _- - - , bils/' 1<1"" b .. 11IJ11'S /s fTUllv, m 1«'
mu.tI plll'U1 "I Rr(ll'C1. /)0 "", pt.'.I' 14""1' ~",,,.,,
81",' ,m. ",,1/11/,'8 f<> tb<t btlS" )'<'1

Sflm,' ,,... has.:

2 It<l,,'
blllc/( Jb(on Plle~ Ibis Is
IJ~J'. w/tleb tbe bul/II/"K
10 IM btlSt us/"g I"'''
Ill,,,: I ulSt! ulludw<l IIN
cb ..",,,·y pIK", IQ RI.'e Ib.-
""IM'"S a ht,e/( "'ull RI"W, 1q allll
)"" ",01' / / " ' / lbal )'0" aflu/WIIIS
Itm'" SV"''' s"",1I gal'S loueb 10 ".,..r
rufM, ptlllll
boittMf of
,'''' t<1g;-s a,,..1
mu} IIN' btU<'. 1
~;;;;:;" (~J;<'PS "'/Ib Inldsfl/tl;w
car" ". S....... fW
IMI"N'd ptl;II' ""d Itxbt bnju n
"INn Ibis U'us <I,...
I rhu wlps In
"",ml'dif I>/.ICI> as "ItU. tld)" "I' fbt<
pi,on> "".1
2 11'''''" ,'''' bluc* ,"'/111 11 .J'O" ,f,,·, sfn's /111
J am "0>1 pt"'''/II1I w",r- b4S<' n..- nlOlT ft>lid
first ('f.Jor 1 uutl IN., OJlf"x (;'-':1'. ,,/11...·"....'10
,,·b/eb I ,/,,-br-us!wtl ,u,'r fIN 1/'''''''
r .. MI" ,,,,d pa""'8 $I"b.•
f'r<'.tI"lI tip ' .\ ""Id """ ....... 1· .",-'"..JJ
"'" nI'''''. tv.lmwJ u ..... •"'" .....,"

/""wy! b/",," / .. ,!." ....:" ....
,....~ uk 1bt~1','"
, ,.

Brave ancl disciplined, the soldiers oJ Reiklaud are
are well versed in the arts of lIlClr. Alessio Cavatore
discusses how to assemble Cl warband of these [oy,"
warriors alld the tactics be uses in the ruins ofhlordbeim.
Il's hard 10 be a that's when you're lucky and don't run huo something lh~t
I-Iuman warrior in is both powerful and scary, like the Possessed. Experienced
the Warhammer Heroes may become a challenge for s uch monstrous foes,
World. You will but at the start you will have to rely on you r equipme nt to
have to face save the day.
oppone nts that arc
Mercenaries ha\'e the widest and beSt scIL'Ction of weapons,
physically s uperior
especially missile weapons. This, in my opinion. is the
like Bcastmen, and
answer: hit them from afar, before they can get their hands
supernatural creatures
(claws, pincers, tentacles, whate\"cr. .. ) on )'ou.
like the Unde ad, which
attack your mind with Whcn preparing a slarting warband for a campaign , it is
horrifying visions of death. And always best to t>cgin by buying all the IIc rOL"S you can.


licroes arc \'iI31 in a campaign, because Illt.")' din..-ctly exploralio n phase. I really think Ihis poimy·eared fellow is
influence the number of dice you roll for explorat ion; the most useful hired sword around.
therefore the morc Heroes you have, the more wyrdslOnc
and treasures you will find . They arc also useful in locating Anyway. having some shooting
makes for a beller game , in
rare items and special characters. they gCI a bener .selection
which tactics and movement
of cquipmcnI and definitely make beuer use of their
arc critical. If there is
experience, dc\'c loping new skills as wcll as improving their
statistics. On lOp of all thiS, there is onc more point that no shooting then many
scenarios simply will cnd
makes them bener than Henchmen in a campaign : theY:lfc
up with big combats
much more resilient. The point is, you sce, that a I-Ienchmen
in Ihe center of
\\'ho is 'taken out' will be permanently out of the campaign
the battlefield.
on a result of a I o r 2 , while a t-Icro will die only if you roll
a I on the first dice of your D66. So a Hero has double a With
Henchman 'S chance of survival .. . Reiklanders,
my f:lVorite
A Rciklandcr warband is Ihe best choice if you wam to mke
adv-.tntage of the MercenariL'S' great choice of long.ranged technique is
weapons. Your Marksmen's as of 4 is quite impressive and 10 splil my
will allow you 10 out·shoot any Other st:Jrting warband, so
buy all the Marksmen you can afford! 1 nomlally aml them
with a mixture of crossbows and longbows. If you have a
good Hnc of Sight (from an elevated posilion is best), deploy
your crossbows there and don', move them 100 much.
Longbow·armed models have the advantage of being able 10
move and shOOt, so I nomlally deploy them on ground le\'eI,
where they can movc fredy and get into bener poSitions,
reacti ng to the e nemy's mO\'emcnt.
With a bit of luck, your M:lrksmen will soon get 10 improve
thei r BS 10 5, and that will make a big difference! For the
same reasons, employing an mf Ranger is normally a
good idea, because he will contribute 10 your hail of
arrows and will also help you greatly in the

warband int'O (',"0 groUpS. The first consist..; of:ill
the Marksmen I can afford. h.."<1 by my Captain. Th~'
will deploy in elevated positions and stay at thr
back, moving 2S liule as possible and making good
u!>c of Ihdr missile weapons and their high
Balli:;lic Skill.
Under their covering fire , the s<:cond group will ad\':lnce.
Thi:; group will be m:ldc of my hand-to-hand specialists.
like my Champions. Youngbloods, and Swordsmen - 1
w ill call them the 'fighters'. I normally use them 10 fu llill
lhe viclory conditions If the scenario invol\"es ~archlng
or (:apturing an area. [n a Skirmish or in any other
scenario where viclOry is achic\'ed by routing the enemy,
, don 't push the fighters tOO far away from my Marksmen
In this way [he fighters will engage the enemy under lilt>
cm'ering fire of the Marksmen and Ihey Cdn also use the
amazing Lcadenlhip of their Captain. With ReUdanders the
Captain'S innuence extends to 12" around him - double lh~
normal r.lnge!
[ft he enemy is clever, his w:lrriors w ill be ad vancing IOWllrds
my wllrband slaying hidde n and usi ng cvery inch of cover
Ihey can find, until Ihey arc in charge distance. And if m)'
Marksmen are charged, I"m in trouble. Thcy are not 100 good
at dose quaners!
'-tere I ha\"l~ t\\'O a1ternati\'e tactics. The first one is to keep m)
fighle~ in front of my Marksmen, 11')'lng [0 nush the enemy out of
cO\'er, forcing them 10 come out 10 engage mc, and as a result
expo~ Ihemseh"es 10 my missile fire .

way. ~ you can vary Ihe color scheme on each model. !'or
instance )~U can paim your firM model whh red trOuser.. the
I>ccond wilh a n."(! tunic, the third ;( red hat, CIC. Next paim a
blue runic on the first followed by blue trou~rs on the
st.'cond, and SO 1)0 This means that all }'our models wiU
appear 10 be from the ~amc warba nd but I.heir clothes will

p~ut m~~ef$
look less like a u nlfoml. A great ex.1mple of this is the
Rcikland warband ~ho ...1'll on the right. \I:'hat looks 10 be ~
fa irly r,lndom calor ~cheme is simply Ihn-c rolors painted on
dlfTercm a rea.s of each model

Here are a few hin ts and. tips that s bou1d

he1p you to put together and paint your 'Cop 'Cip: 'Cqin ~ou>n tqe !"lint
Mordhe im models. Of course, this isn ' t an If )'011 use P(I/1I1 sf raigbl from ,IX' /)Of, It may obSCllre'
exhaustive list and we'll be bringing you some of tbe detail on OX'model, so it's (I good Idea to
tbin down your pallll w itb a little Wtltl!r first. if the
even mo re painting ideas in coming issues. first coat dOf.'Sn'l cot'er the model completely, Imllt for
it to dry and tbe" painl 011 a secolld C()(l/.

\l3rep'II'ing to p<lint Some 8mners like tn tbin dolL''' tbelr palnl wltb (I
IJUI/cbin8 calor I"k, sucb as Red /Ilk for Blood Red, as
10 Mart with )'ou'lI need 10 glue. yOUf models together. Before Ibis makes Ibe original color brigbter.
YOll coin a.'~cmblc them, you'll ha\oc to rcmo\'c the plastic
modcb from their frames with a motlcling knife u r pair of
dipper-.. Metal and plaslic miniatures may ha\'c mould lines
which you ~hou ld gently remove with a modcling knife or file. 6~<I~ng
I C~ worth laking a bit of Man)' painten. like to add extra depth to ;( painted model b)'
liml.' prt:paring your addmg a bil of~hading. One way to do this is to paint Ihe an.-a
minialUrcs as the cnd you'\'e chosen a da rk color, such as Vomit Brown. thcn paint
result will a lw;l\1; look a Iighler tonc of that
benef if you do: color by moong in Mlmc
Sku ll Whi tc. Ma ke s urc
you leave t he originaJ
dark~r color :.howing in
Ihe recesses of the
model. as the shadinf.!
Another way to add
shading is 10 wash o,'er
the calor yOU'\C chosen
wit h a suitable eolored
ink. such a:. Chestnul Ink
O\'er Vermi n Fur or Flesh
Ink over Bro n.GCd Flesh.
'C~e un~erco<lt The mk flows into t h~
Re(on: yoo slan painting )'Ou mu"" gI"c your model an rece;,sc:, of the miniature
undercoat. 'lOts is a thin co;u of paim OntO which you can provid ing the shading
C~ily apply your colo,"", If ~'OU warn ~'our model.)! to h:l\'c lots
of bright color it':. !>eM 10 u~ ;( white underco:u :lnd If you
want to u~ d:trkcr to nes then use a bl:lck u ndercoat, The
<luickcM and simple~t way (0 unden:o:lI a model is to usc A.. well ru; ~h d ding the reccs~, you can high Uglu the raiM!d
spray paint. areas of the model to bring out (.'\'cn more detail Simpl)' mix
~ lighter tOne of the color you want 10 highlight a.nd appl)' it
10 Ihe r.lised areas of delail on the model Anothcr 'wa)' 10
highlight IS 10 d rybru::.h Ihe lighter color onlO the model Thi::.
technique is deltCrilx:'d opposite.

IlIWing ~e ~et<li(
11u: final areas of the model to pa.Jnt arc the wcapons. bell';.
armo r plates, and extra equ ipment such as and rope.
It's usually ea... !er to paint
belts and "rap~ ;( dark color
like BesliaJ Brown or Chaos
Black. Alternatively you could
pa int t hem a cont ras ting
1bt- \k<.. "." "" fb<! rixbt U<lS wu/('"'<Jt>/."ti bl<lckjln/, tb/m d"rl. roWn la..... colaI'. Me tallic!:! such as
f'i./,,/t¥J (>f. mp, 1"'" .1'l'fT'~"'?,(l" the 11'/1 u<U "",IemJ<.lt'(J ".bll", "'bleb stillS Mit hril SlIw r and Bollgun
lb..' br1gb'..... IIWrfl/urlr'QUs <:f"or JCbn.tI~
Melal look best whe n painrcd
over a black undercoat. Metal
~~m to $t<lrt objecls can be made 10
appear rusl)' by gi\'ing them a
\10rtiheim warband:. arc made up of \\'alTiors who flock 10 w.lSh of Brown Ink. liigh light
the city in search of wealth and glory. 1>0 )~ur rag tag band of Bohgun Metal with
\\':lrrior.. arc unlikely to bt: wearing uniforms, The models in Chainmail or Mllhril Silver 10
your w,lrband don', all have to be painted in exactly the same create kt.'"C n r:v.or cdges 10
;uce~ and blades
'Cop 'Cip, 6mootQ inf \1)a$~e$
bills ca" sometimes dry j" " blotchy WtlY, bill ifYOII add
tl drop of dish 11'(lshl"g liqUid 10 j'Ollr i"k before painting
it fm, it Idll flo//' much he-tter

1JNsfi" clomt uus paln/N ..,lIb .\~t.. L,.llbl'r ""d shallM "lIb Cbo.'Ullur If)·ou paint your warband' .. ba~ all the same "'ay, it helps 10
..... 7b# shaded fUr dot'" "VII fhen d,,~ U'flb IotN,1i1 fin",,,
make them look more coherent on Ihe battleground. The
~Lmplesl W3} to finish a ba.'\C i.'!o 10 paim il a ~Uit3ble 00101", liuch
?dlpbIU$~ing as Vermin Fur. ~hadow Grey, o r Chaos Black. Bases also look
more impressive if they have M)me surface lexturc. Gluing
A quick way 10 pai1lt te.l:lures and raised detail such
as fur, beards, mId hair Is 10 drybrllsb tbem, Pick a sand to Ihc top of a b~ b a quick and t."'aSy way to do Ihb but
IIgbter shade of tbe base oolor and wl{Jf.' awa)' most of for Mordheim, cobblc~ lone~ , and nagslone~ would look even
lhe paim on tbe brush onto a tissue, 77Jen lightly brush more effective. I;or c.'I(3mple ...mall blobs of modding puny
over the area ),011 want 10 blgb/igb/ tbe color III the pre......ed o nto lhe base make grt..-at !>tonework. If you arc
bmsh will come oJ! OlltO Ihe mised detan. 77Jis lear!es feding adventurou~ )'Oll eould USe texlUrcd plaslicard
lbe durker colur In tbe recesses, providing shading, (a\':lilablc from model lihops) or eH:n wallpaper that has a
~uitable raised pattern on It. Ilaint and dr)'bru~h the ICXlure 10
7be morc you drJ'brusb over Ibe model, Ibe ligbler Ibe
model urllllook. }(:m can also palm armor, weapons, reall)' finish Ihc base~ off. Why not add extra delaillo thc base
~uch ;I., grass, gr:wc1, ralli, ~kull~, elc.?
c/olb,faces, alld h(mds ill Ibis way,

?dirt Itn~ grime

Battles in Mordhclm are normally foughl in dll'l)', burned OUl
buildings and mudd)' streets, so m~1 \\.'arriors are usuall)'

.., ,
awcrcd in a layer of grime and din. This means )UU don'l
lIctuallr nt:Cd to be 100 neat when painting your models - a
hule roughness helpsl L~ Vermin Fur or BeSlial Brown to
1pply ... lreaks and ... pla:.hcs of mud to the boots and fecI of
\vur lroops. .

lC~QQsing ~QUr cQfQrs

If you look through thc different warb:md.!o ~hown in Town
Cryer, you'll .!ooon have 100s of ideas for different calor
schcme~. Fed free 10 mix and match any of the ideas you scc
Remember, beclulie )'OU ha\'c only a few models to paint, you
can really go 10 IOwn on the detail! Experimenl, take some
&'/II!'''' lllt"(U II""S palntf'{1 ,,,,.,,. CbtH>lIJ/fu III "'""" IIN "Wlnl,,'<)rk on lbe:w
chanceli and mO~1 imponantly, have fun!
.\ktl!.....! s.tnlld "", 7b<- ".."h "" IiN' fbrood'lIIslllf Wo'" f/lCkt!<1 om u,ilb CboI",""J/
lII ..t II"-asb cfB",,"~! btJr uou Ufell/r) t/UIJ,:" 100 mtlllll",* rw"I)· ",.<I)".

\'('ell , when it C'.Imc 10 choosing how 10 that 's rt.'ally cxpensive. Hal'ing a
spend my 500 gnld crowns, I was mainly helmcl is great to a\'oid being
influe nced by onc imponanl factor - the slunncd and taken out whilt: ro u
models available_ . lie On the floor. while duelling
pistols arc ~imply awesome
NonnaJly you pn.:parc your w'.lrb:md and (better 10 buy them now when
then build Ihe modds, but in thi~ case I the waroand .s I>taning OUl , 50
had to ad<lpl m) w;uband to the models that I dOn't hal'c to roll to find
that Wc ' Ea\l' Melal team had painled at them at Ihe trading post),
the time. Fir.;t, I p.cked my fh-e I 1cn::M..'"S
and then I startc..-d to look for Marksmcn. The plan for the fight Ls Simple:
Shooling really Is Ihe grc:uest strength of stay back, find a good sniping
ReikJanderS and 1 think it's bcncr 10 build on )'our ~trcllgths position for my Marksmen and
than try 10 compensate for yo ur wcaknCSS(.'"S_ 'l1l1:.rcforc I adl'anl:e just enough 10 flu~h
made sure that C\'cry model with BS.f h:ld a mis:>iJt.' weapon, those rats OUI of co\'er and into
~nd I \\.'('nl m'cr the to p on my Captain, whrn.c equipmem the open, when: I on (hopefully)
Te'.lched an impres:>i\'t: total cost of 120 crowns! The problem lihoot thcm to bits ... may Slgmar
R"ltL.", c"pto.. t..,,,,,,"
was that the model W,IS ob\'iously wearing heavy amlOr and bc with mel

1I:lI'in8 Just finished the design "ork on hr:J.\'e and are all weatly ... killcd al ::;hooting Thi!'! is refk_
my last Mordhcim figure , a l3castman, I in the sJx'ci:t1 rules of tCMing on their Captain ' ~ l.cader..hip
w:b asked by "alii Sa"1'er if , would like within 12" rather than 6~, and h:lvlng + I to their :,1:lmlard
III fight a Mordheim 'Skimlish' M:enario HS . With this in mind I went forquantiry nOI qUality. 1 ncedl'd
for a bailie repon in 'W'hitc D""Ar( I a warballd with more troop!> than Ihc RcikJandcrs so thL1'
would be u"ing the Skin'en, Aies,jo could '\Oak up mis:>iit: fire before laking a Rout lC1>t, u~ing
Cavatore the Rciklandcr.;, and wc would Ska\-en speed 10 gel into combal quickly. If thi .. \\'Orked. I
be fighting o",-,r the ~uperb StudiO could hopefully force Al(!!,sio·., w'. uband 10 take a Rout teM
Mordhcim terrAin. Well. who could refuse early on in the }fune.
an offer like that - lime to put down my
~ulpting tools and pick up a Mordhdm
My warband included an A.sS:I!>~in Adept with fighting claw."
warband ro!tler and pen, who I:ould mix il up with the best of Ihe Rciktander.; "CXt ,
1'\\01.) Black Skaven armed with nails (if the'>C gU)'~ got into
I ha\'e played a few g:tllll'S of Mordhcim before, while the combal it would be me:>~y' ) ,
game W'.lS going through the rigors of playtesting, and' have then a couple of Night
recently put lOgether a Skal'Cn warb:md of my own, 'The ](unner.; and ~cI'cn Venninkin
Black Shit'lds', for the SlUdio Mordhcim campaign armed with V'.uious weapons _
The fir.;1 thing , did was to gel together the SlUdio's I ....'Quld u!>c the Vemlinkin a.s
...tordhcim Skavcn figures and try to come up with a"1t)· a bod)'guard for my Adepl
10 fighl against AIe,sio's RcikJandcrs. The :,uperhl) p:tintL-d and 10 take the brunt of the
StudiO models included Ihe plastic Ska\'cn that you gel in the enemy tire, and u... e the high
game, !>Culpted by Aty Morri:>on , :md the fantastic met:d Illo\'cm(;'nt r:lle of the 5ka\'en
Slean.. n . by Colm Dixon. In the cnd i WCnt for a mix of melal to dose the gap. Therc would
and plastic models. You could quite ea.sily make :m entire be no point trying 10 out,
\\'"arband from ju... t the plastil: SkaI'CII , but the melal figures .. hnOI the Re.kl:!.nder
were far 100 tcmpting warband - 1 wouldn 't Sland a
chanl:e. So thal W'. lS my plan
ll:tvlng SCnt OUI m) I~ shi.n spies, they rClUrned with :md I intended to stil:k 10 it. ..
information on the enemy. Reikbndcl'!! arc disciplined and
I, r ...."'......."'..
=~."'"'''''gl .."'..-~-'" .=""""......,~ ,~"""'
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_ _ __ 'P',,",a?lpLl'L~~ j,1t:rl!:t:!'mtrJi3
City of Nightmucs
I"""'IlI'''''1 ~~"""h""_""'"·'"Ii~~II'II'II'III•• '1
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<;rn,,", ..
City of Nightmucs
, ~iCIN!!II'"!IM!!'''.ji.''' ~"',j.ihi","¥jF 1IiI/II!!!1l!L!LO:
iiiiililllIlII!lI"an:tt:::t::; w,T; """"'k",'''''ii',~~,""..,".-",,.,"'I~"· -=- ,,"'.,"'''''''"
City of Nightmues
--...... 1!I5il1l:ubUl ...", , '" "!ii g, 1"", \111" ::!!!liliii'IG!J1!lll1IlDli' -::::n::J!U!I!U\Iilii1 '" ,"liftS,".'! '1\ =::::!:!il!! " I",• • 01 'iN 11\,. ili1PlWF!!!B!!!Si'

City of Nightm;Hts

Captain !.uthor looked o ut across the ruins, trying to catch a glimpse o f the Skaven seum.
Ordering his mc.n to move forward deeper into !.he ruins, he signalled the Marksmen (0 mke
up positions whh good lines of sight. !.uthor himself led his second in command, Ila ns
Krieg, a nd the newest of his recruits, I:ranz, toward the nearest of the derelict ho uses.

·With none of the Reikla nders able to sce the Skavcn, they were unable to fire upon them
and their first turn e nded r:l.Iher quickly.

A M"k.o ........ Io:.t;s tov<r ,. Ill< .......

Following the c hillering

commands of the
Master Assassin Klawful, tJ1C Skaven prepared 10 close in on
the man- thi ngs as quickly as possible. The sooner tJle Ska\"cn
reached the humans. the better. ReikJanders wcre rightful1y
feared for the accuracy and deadliness ofthdr Marksnlen.

KJawful himself adva nced. protc.cted by twO of his Venninkin,

who he had promised to cut to shreds if they tried to dodge
any arrows. The Skavc.n leader a nd his bodyguards ran
towards the bridge which connected the ruined building
wi th a tall. blasted tower.

Using every nook and cranny for covcr, the resl of the Back
Slabbas lU"ld Night Runner Nikkit. led by Black Ska\'cn Skrilt.
made their way towards the Rciklanders in the middle.

Black Skavt:n Skratch silently (",m headlong towards the enemy, hidden from view by the largest of the ruins. The massive Ska\"cn
had SCt his eyes on the bowman hiding behind a ruined gate, Licking Ihe spikes of his wicked nail , the Skavcn made cenain that
any wounds he caused would become infected.

Meanwhile on the left, the Slitas, eager to gel into range

wilh their slings, headed tow-J.rds Ihe Reiklandcrs who
held positions in Ihe temple ruins above.

, iiiWMliii!h..... m•• 'uu..I'P.ole .... ,' .... , . ,,'h'·W ""'''''' lilt 'J1D1!.tliIjTIij'Ji-=. ,wrmtnm;IIW1iI'!I<'jj': .ubI!- .,,!SiSIII !III'! ,a "!.L<tJ!pL!!~,,-_ . liliXtt't!JJtJ'e
Deith to the trespuser
IRMJJMiUlWifAdl;'lf9#I*uilNiMlHMjldNmttMtmtmmpe&4MtlO.1C""""""'4*MiAI'@iMUi.. FHIM" _"'OO-"!)

Seeing that he was omnumbcred, Luthor told his men

to seck cover and get ready to greet the Sk.wen with a
hall of arrows and crossbow bolts.

Captain LUlhor himself, followed by the Champion

Hans :rnd Youngblood Pram, took cover in a ruined
town house. Reading the anxiety and fcar in the
)'Oungsler's eyes, Luthor d(!dded to give the boy a bit of
encouragement. ~Watch me and learn," said I.uthor,
&!inning :11 the I'rembling youngster, 'i\nd if rou are
hard pressed, just throw them a bit of cheese - they'll
forget all about rou in an installll~ Gripping his spear
tightly, the Youngblood smiled weakly and nodded.

The Marksmen took up po~itions in cover, taking higher

ground where possible to get a clear line of sight to the
enemy with their bows and crossbows. At the cnd of the turn
the Rciklanders were in excellent positions [0 snipe al thc
adv.tndng Skavcn. Now il remaincd 10 be :.cen if that would
be enough to stop tbem .

Onc of the Marksmen drew a bead to a Ska"en, and fln..-d at

the distalll Night Runner, Skarpur. The bolt hit its larget,
bUI il had lost mOSt of ils force , and only knocked down
the Ska\·cn.

The Marksman standing near the carousel of skeletal horses

whispered a praycr 10 Sigmar, and took aim at one of the
Skaven shielding Klawfu1. 1 lis aim was true. and Ihe pitifullr
shrieking Skavcn fell, skewert;:d by an arrow Ihrough its thigh.
Scornfully K1awful Ir.lmpled and kicked tile fallen
Ska\'en, disguSlcd that it had onJy stopped one • ~
arrOw before going down. ~

SJl1TD?lUp, ! . - .... TiJ?'IJavt'''!',., ",wpm't",/ltN! :P;::m1PIIV:mmnurgr. ,:-mmj'jIUl!IP1'1 _,.'e'...'mho",","!!.".''''''''·

"..It '" .,.. UluM III ,A.illbI!J.,;;;;p;;;w.•
AI the beginning of the (Urn, a
c~;. ';~~:~~~d embarrassed Skarpur
~-: to his feel, and climbed
the makeshift l:tdder to gai n :1

Skratch, continuing his rdemlcs!>

advance, dashed bt:hind a corner of
the building. Soon the massl\'C
Skallen would be in position 10
atl,lCk the hated man-things.

The great mass of Vermin kin, led by

Black Skavcn Shin, scuuled
fonvnrd in the center, taking
shelter in the shaucrcd ruin in the
middle of lhe tab le.

K1awful and his remaining Vcmlinkin

jumped down a lc\'el in the ruined
building, and headed towards Captain
LUlhor and his ,",VQ men. KlawfiJl fch
conl'idcnl. In the hidden arena of [he
Clan Eshin in Cathay he had defeated !'ix
anncd slaves in onc combat. With fighting claws 011 he
knew hc had no equal.

Meanwhile on the Skavcn left, the wily slingers of the

Slita.~ henchman group ducked imo the cover or a ruined
building. and advanced stealthily tow:ards the bowmen
sheltering in the ruins abm-c. Onc o f the Slit~ slingcrs
sent ("Wo stones towards the bowman hiding behind the
statue, but the shots dattered against the gruesome
sculpture and bounced off hannlcssty. The other slinger
moved do~er 10 the human~, In hope of getting within
~ ho n mnge for his weapon (slings can shoot twice per
turn ir within 9").

111< &<k s Vctm .. k,. at< .11 ,he .",.J.blc <Oft . . . Iller 'PP'-" ,he Rc..kt.odo: ....

' .ijjiiiijjiIjOi'I!!II!I"!lDOII!!!I.I!"IIII"* ,,, ~l1'!'''!''IAiM!,!I .. \JlDIII!~ !S!!l!Il!!TTjIIj~wnm:w: '0·\1 "!.,W''''''''! ,1j'!i,'1rnv"LI'ID"'-· IlliXtt"<l!ttJJ;

(~pt:lin tUlhor, followed hy Ilans and Fr-.UlZ, hurried up a
ladder to StOp the advance o f Klawful. MNow h our chance,
boy.~ ,aid Luthor 10 the Youngblood and pointed at K1awful,
-xc (hat r-.It pr-dncing aNlund with iron claws? I bet hl!'s the
leader. If we take him OUl , the rest will runl~

!!'her ~scSl> ing the ballldicJd situation, K:lrl ran to ....-ard his
upta m's position while o rdering Klau~ 10 go and b;u;:k up the
\brk.,man on the fa r side of the temple.

I.uthor drew his exquisite duelling pistol, ;lnd took aim a t the
Vcrminkin shielding Klawfu1. but de .. pite hi~ s kill with the
.... capon and the gun's cxcellem cons truction, the s hot
missed. and the lead bullct whizzed past the Skavt:n

l11C Marksman huddling Ixhind the statuc took a deep

breath and aimed towards the raune n lib; amt was true. but
the armw only gr.lLl:d the s houlder of a Ska\'cn s linger. The
other Marksmen fart.·(! no beller, and :u;luaJly failed to hit a
single Skaven ! Alessio shook his head in dis~ hef: his much·
\'3unted Marksmen. the pride of Reikland, h:ld let him down
Now the Ska\'cn were gelling dangerou~l y cirn;c.

f .... rud ... k-.Jf lOt ,he _ _ '", SIt.... ",.ck.

;::;=;n1nroJtr;r" _-,;'T:I1!UmpmHU" I'll'" 1ft".I' /1,,,* :w:mn,,#iTFI!IIl!J!W! ;=m;mnllnmI' '!N"liji'''.it.!!~ ..... Mg.9d.. l!i!DI!!I.""~."
City of Nightmares

Bounding with incredible speed , K\::J.wful

the Assassin closed in on the hapless Youngblood
Fr,tro'~ eager to cut the human to shn.:d.'i. Skriu and
Nikkit r,tn toward the Rciklandcr Captain and his
companions, ready to attack ncxt turn.

Meanwhile, below, 1~I:ICk Sb\'en Skritt ran up the

I:Jdder, ready 10 smash the life from the Mercenary
C:lptain with his fearsome flail. Behind him the
Vcmlinkin fanned out, taking cover where they
could. heading towards the scattered RcikJandcr
Marksmen all around the table.

Once in f'.J.nge , the Slita slingers let ny with their

sling.'ihm.'i, and onc of the mi:.silcs hit a bowman
hiding behind the Matuc. lie went down
screaming. his ribs cracked by Lhe stone.

In the middle of the bridge, the Yaungblood and

A... ~sin met. Easily avoiding the clumsy thrust of Fr:uu: s spear, Klawful
jumped high into the all' and descended with:a hall ofblawlO, his lighting
claws glinting in the darkJll.'M. "You arc minc·mine!~ :.kiucrcd the
A:osassln. The Youngblood s tood his ground on the bridge for a moment,
and then, with dozens of cutS criss-crossing his chcst, he fell down 10 the
Street below, nailing his arms miserably. KJawful turned his Ai:lnce
towards the remaining man·things. and took up a fighting :.lance

Shouling a warning. Champion lians, hb halberd raised high, chargw the Black Sbvcn who was about 10 attack the Rcildander
Captain from behind .

Fearin~ that the approaching Skaven would o\'errun the Rcildander positiOns, Youngblood KI:lus moved 10 lend suppon 10 Ihe
M:a.rk.,men, hard·pressed :15 Ihey were by the Skaven slingers. The Champion Karll".J.n into Ihe melee r:lging around the building
where his Captain W'JS.

All the Marksmen of the warband shot at lhe f:1.'>t-closing Sb\'en, but not a slnJtIe :l.tfOW hil. Luthor mutlert.-d~
something aboul CUlling the wag(.'S of hi:-. men if their accuracy did not impmve. Determined la
his incompetent men how it s hould be done, l.uthor drew his duelling piStOl, and look careful aim at the
approachmg Klawful .
Fire from ~bo\'t

rhe Hc!klander Captain'~ lend shot struck home WIth

S:l\'3ge force and KllIwfu! was duly pitched from the
bridge inlO lhc !>trcelS below. (Allhis point Alcssio had
rollt:d 6 to hit and 6 10 wound , which mL'ant he had
C2uscd a critical hIt. A funhcr roll of 6 meant he had
("3.u~d 2 Wounds with no annor sa\'CI> allowed)

In thl' hnnd-to-hand combat phase, Ch:ulIpion Ilans,

broughl his halberd down on lhe l3Iack Skavcn. Sklitt
tried to dodge. bUI the heavy blade Mruck him on the
ch('St, Munning him

GWJ.ning, thc Black Skan!n 5krin lItaned to rt:cO\'er

his M!nM!S, and rolled o\'er. but the Ch:lmpion Ihllls
~~IS poised abovt: him, ready 10 t:lke him QUI with
lib halberd.

Sl"Cing the lIhOI down. and his mind filled

\\ith l'isions of taking o\"er the warb:md, onc of Ihe
\'crminkin of the CU!fa.!> charged Caplain Luthof.

$kratch 'aw be. chance and with a bounding leap he

charged the Marksman huddling behind the ruined
galeway. Now was lime to CX'J.ct vengeance for aU IhollC
Jtrows the man had shot towards him.

Night Runner Nikkit r:lced ahead of Ihe Vermin kin,

and drawing hi!<o ~word he prepared 10 lake on tht: I>word-annt:d Champion Kl:Ius, who had intt:rposed him!<oelf betwcen hi!>
leader and the approaching Skaven

Night Runner Skarpur did nOI f:m,: ~ well. Trying 10 impress his fdlow Sb,\-cn he lumped down from the bridge, only to stumble
and fall, managing to stun himself, much to the amusemenl of hill fcllow Ska\·cn .

In the hand-to-hand combat pha."C, H:Ill!> haekcd at the fallen Skrill

with hi~ halberd, taking the Ska\'cn out of the game (a warrior
attacking an opponenl who i!. knocked down onl)' ne(."(15 10 wound
his opponent in order 10 take him OUI).

Meanwhile Luil'lOr parried Ihe dums), blow of Ihe Verminkin. and

atlackc.:d. duelling pbtol blazing It "''all to no avail hOWe\'cf, ~ Luthor
complctely missed hiS opponenl

The combat between SkrJ.tch anllthe Mark:;man dill not laSI as lon~. The
Sk:IVc:n'lI whirling nail drew a blurred arc in the air, :lIld before the
hapleSll Marksman had a chance 10 reaCI, it hit him full in the fJ.ce . The
Rciklander wt:nt down. his face covered in blood, wilh the Black Sb\'en
Standing triumphantly over him, spinning his wcapon in the air.
h...... tu", s<...a...

------------------.---,------------~ j7
City of Nightmms

The Champion !l ans. h:l\'ing finislll..-d the

Black SkIven Skrilt. fearlessly jumped
from the bridge 10 help hb struggling
companion Karl.

Klaus moved back IOwards the closing

Skavcn. but dc~pite his eagerness he was
not dose enough to :mack.

T he Marksmen let loose once agai n, "flle

fil"lit bowman managed to hit onc of Ihe
Slims. bUI fa iled 10 wound, However his
companion :.hol dead the B[ack Skaven
Skratch who had taken down a
Crossbowman in Ihe previous turn .

Screaming the battJccry of Rcikland, Ii;UlS

made a successful diving charge (Alcssio
made his Initiativc teSt, and gained + 1
Sl~ ngth and + I to hit for this turn) . The
pole of hi~ halberd struc k hard as he
desccndcd, and Ihe Skaven was knocked
down . Klaus and the Verminkin wert more
equally matched. Both o f them managed to
hit their opponent, only to ha,'C their
blows parried.

On thl' bridge the Vemlinkin and Captain

I.uthor continued their struggle , Despilc the best efforts of both
warriors. neither sidc managed 10 even hit their opponent.
Sweating. eaeh warrior :;ought 10 find an opening In the dcfen:.e
of his opponent. and thc)' circled each other W;Lrily.

In the big mt:1ec under the bridge where I.uthor and the
venninkin fought , things were going the way of the Ikiklanders
for Ihe momenl - the fight was now belween !lans, Klaus. and
Nighl Runner NikkiL But the sword,armed Vermin were dosing
in f.b1.

Kt.u •• <>d,., ",motif ,,, f.u • Sk .... "0. i •• iuou. ~ combo._

All o,'cr the battlefield, the last of the Vemlinkln raced 10

join the melee. Onc of the Vcrminkin drew his curv(.'{j blade
and crashed through a roltcn windowfralllc to charge /-Ians
Krieg, who was d{'s~ralldy fending off another Skaven.

The Slita:; ~Iingers. now in ideal range for their wcapons,

sent four stones :11 the bowman standing by the :.kdctal
ca rou~cI. One o f them hit the poor m:1I1 full in the face and
look him out o f the game.

In the banle bcrween Champion Ilans and the Night

Runner, and Verminkin, Ilans was struck by a ~"word :lI1d
Ob< of ,he SI... lIi~g«. movu '''.OIIs'' ,he buildins'. knocked d own. [c:t\,ing Kar[ to face the Skaven :llone. llis
'U'.' '" 8<' ,~ close CGouS" ." w,", " .. "C'POB. sword stroke gutted the Night I{unne r Nikkil , raking OUI Ihe
Sbn:n, but things were looking bad for the Reiklandcrs.

Dukncss dcsccnds

AJcssio beg.1n his sun h turn hy laking his Rout ICM, which he procceded to fail...

Seem~ thal his warband had taken quitc a pounding, a nd Ih:1I there wcre still plcnty of Skaven left, Lmhor n'C2lled the \\'ord~
of hl~ o ld ft'ncing instructor. -Oiscretion i.!o tht' bellcr p:1n of \'3.lof.R With these worcb of Wl~om in hi~ mind, Luthor bellowed
RRctn.:at!R :11 the top of his lungs. Dragging their wounded wilh them, the Rciklandcrs fled, leavi ng Ihl~ "L-"Clion of \toroheim for
the VICtOrious Ska,·cn 10 plunder. The ~kinnish w.u. over.
, ,.
. ~~
, . -----.'~--------~~----~ ;' City of Nighlmuc.r


, ,
, , il
Feu nOI. for the Sisters of SigffiU survive. AI Ihis very
Your pitiful lives He at an
moment out High MluiHCh. Berthi BestuufruIIg is
cnd. Mordheim is but the
orgillil ing our Sistt.tS so that they mly deanse ollr beloved
first to suffer at our will.
city of the foul followers of duk gods.
Soon more of your 50 "lied
Great Cities of the West
shall falL The weak Princes
of your pitiful Empire arc DO
COOK SOUGHT EMPLOYMENT Mp match against the awesome
power of our Lords.
Lord Smy!l\c is looking 10 Onc Eyed Teddy r-.fgfUC. u - COFFIN
employ I Halfling Cook for pit fiShier. looking for work.
appetizers during his journey Highly experienced. Own Sylvlnian Merchant requires _Ni "9'."'e"e" P_
through tbe wastes of we~pons. Anything considered. coHin for fam ily bereavement.
Mordhcim. Culinuy Iti",ls ConuCl me behind the Red Must be durable lnd made of
will be hdd I'
the Headless Wolf tH'erll. the finest rosewood. OBITUARIES
Hog tavern 011 &ckcrtag. ContaCl Boris Bidenov it the [rie Ldmc.. Killed by a Huge
Inn of the Red Moon. Roc k from lhe heavellS.

SCRIBE REQUIRED Kun Wilheim, loyal frielld ud

henehmlll. Will be grwly
Needed to record the 'BLACK ARROW' mined by Ihe lads of the White
heroic fem of Buon Hi l Wolvu w"band.
Kreiglitz. on his imminent
Marksman 01 the
m ival in Mordheim. highest quality. Arturo M Hlini. Wasn't afraid of
The 1bil ity 10 use i heighls. Should have bee n.
sword 1nd pen an advanuge.
M"gerille Mucoussis of the

.W 4fj'.".',..e • • Sislerhood.. Split in two by a


FOR SALE 'One shot - onc kill' Ludwig von H au$C1l, formally of
lodged it the 'The Arisci. Died from blood
OR TRADE Red Wolf tavern. poisoning.
Johann's Emporium hiS [va Lieb.:rmann. Killed by blliog
the following goods for masonry.
ule or trade. URGENTLY
Madam Archeossi u rge iron kettle. big sword. Unidelltified SkaveD corpse found
Ruder of Iht mySliul NEEDED by Luthor·s Looters ill the rUIIIs,
Dwuf blunderbuss, glass eye.
T.arot Spnktr .ilh the The Inn of the Red Moon
dead. Meet me .. hell
pike, rusty axe. cod.. pick. Count Crllhc.r welcomes his lIew
anvil. jewelled dagger. lucky requires an inflatable Pig's he~chnu~ Kilt! Wilheim ID
Morrsllcb IS full ,. the
"gn of the FISh. chum, buckel. and s~de.. Bhdder for retreationd sport. hi, rtlinllc.
Why nol ,,11 in u ye olde
gue keeper's co lt ~ge..
The Heralds 01
YE BOOK SALE _ . 4 ...... "»F',.... • • Free Trade'
wuband from the fa ir city state
Captain KUrI Whilcbcard of
of Marienburg. ue currently
the Middcnhcim wirbiod the FOR HIRE seeking new Henchmen.
White Wolves offers you the
Mandred the Jester. 10 yeus Good rates of ply.
du.nce to OWn 01 unique
collection of tomes. experience.. Expert Juggler.
mll1uscripls ud books. Tric.kster. Joke Teller. aDd Trials to be held it the
Tracker. Registered it the Lord forte Royal TaverD
Come vis;1 our SIoi.JJ at
CriUon Cale. fools Guild. OD Bczahltag.

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