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guest editor

in the
A very short and
snappy course in
thinking for
managers by guest
editor rik maes

omputerised data are objectified representations goes back to a philosophical tradition starting with René

C of reality; at least, so the story goes. Managers

reasoning from figures taken from spreadsheets,
balanced score cards or other management reporting
Descartes, the “founder of modern philosophy”. The only
indisputable knowledge according to him is based on a
man’s thinking, in this manner discarding his senses and
systems by and large continue to believe – against their perception as a source of knowledge. This disconnected
better judgement – in this “objectivity”. They thereby way of reasoning culminates in August Comte’s
pass over in silence that the definition and the recording positivism, stating that the only authentic knowledge is
of the same figures were processes full of scientifically proven knowledge. Believers in objective
interpretations, understandings, compromises, etc and figures behave as if philosophy has since died out.
that the very use of these figures proactively influences Believers in reality know better!
their actual value. Edmund Husserl, generally regarded as the founder
How on earth can this unconditional belief in of phenomenology, re-established experience as the
“objectivity” and the subsequent detached way of source of knowledge. Objectivity, in his reasoning, is not
behaving be explained? the absence of subjectivity, but the consensus of
Investigating this prevalence more profoundly subjective experiences; sharing these experiences is part
reveals that it is deep-seated in western thought and of our subsistence.

convergence vol 8 no 2
010 11 Guest editor82 (subbed).qxd 2007/05/25 10:32 AM Page 11

guest editor

Starting from this world view, management can no affirm or deny, but never to take hold of. We are
longer refrain from engagement: knowledge is in the fundamentally responsible for the other and the pursuit
encounter with the real world, not with its image in of knowledge is subordinate to our duty-to-the-other.
whatever thinkable format. Managers should leave their Lévinas’ ethical stance is the most radical one: he leaves
sterile headquarters and the virtual world of their any manager with the basic concern for the other above
information systems in order to gain and share real- the chase for profit or any other ephemeral achievement.
world experience. They are themselves part of the world; Along Lévinas’ lines, any management is responsible
they are in the world and not above it. management.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty elaborated on Husserl’s No treatise on phenomenological thinking, however
philosophy by investigating our perception of the world. short it may be, can bypass Martin Heidegger as an
In his view, perceiving is an active encounter with influential and, at the same time, obscure and
reality, intrinsically ambiguous and dependent on our controversial thinker.
understanding of and involvement in it. Our perception Here we limit our exposition to his vision on
of the world is “believing in the world”. Managers should technology as managers’ deep belief in figures goes
be aware, according to Merleau-Ponty, that objective hand in hand with an implicit vision of technology as a
data simply don’t exist, since data are nothing but reliable, passive source of information. Advances in the
frozen perceptions. direction of business intelligence, digital dashboards
More specifically, information managers should be and other applications of data mining are just symptoms
aware that any attempt to build information systems of their basic belief in ICT as a means to their own ends.
from generalised, disengaged business architectures are According to Heidegger, however, they are
doomed to fail. fundamentally mistaken in this: technology, and ICT in
Hans-Georg Gadamer is another philosopher in the particular, is neither neutral nor a passive tool under
phenomenological tradition worthwhile considering. The their control.
essence of his philosophical investigations, known as The essence of ICT is in its infrastructural nature, as
hermeneutics, is that continuous interpretation is at the Claudio Ciborra has demonstrated: a vast system of
heart of real living. organisation that includes us, rather than standing
No interpretation stands alone or is a priori better objectively and passively ready for our instructions.
than any other. All the more so, no interpretation is final Humans’ control over technology is an illusion, is
or can claim to be objective. Truth is not the truth of the Heidegger’s deep caution, shaped (“enframed”) as our
facts or the data, but the truth of the actual destiny is through the technology we are using.
interpretation. This tour of five prominent phenomenological
The corresponding managerial attitude should be philosophers might appear confrontational, if not
one of listening, contemplating and dialoguing, trying to shocking. It isn’t. These thinkers aren’t first and
find answers to questions preceding decisions. Figures foremost warning us against false impressions, but
are nothing but the temporary representation of offering perspectives worth envisioning. Authentic
previous interpretations; they are always tentative and engagement and a sense of own relativity, they tell us,
objects for further interpretation. are key values for any human being, not least for any
Emmanuel Lévinas, for his part, starts from the manager feeling responsible for his organisation and
experience of our encounter with the other: every society in general.
encounter is a privileged phenomenon, an invitation to Why shouldn’t we take advantage of their insights?

convergence vol 8 no 2

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