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The new england journal of medicine

p er s pect ive

Allergen Avoidance in the Treatment

of Asthma and Rhinitis
Thomas A.E. Platts-Mills, M.D., Ph.D.

The evidence that allergens found inside houses care to point out, their study does not show or im-
are an important cause of perennial rhinitis and ply that allergen avoidance should not be recom-
asthma comes from three types of studies. In one mended for patients with asthma who are allergic
type, the delivery of allergen in the laboratory has to dust mites. What their study shows very clearly is
provoked the clinical condition; in another type, the that distributing or recommending allergen-proof
avoidance of allergens has been shown to result in covers in a family-practice setting is unlikely to be
fewer symptoms of disease; and the third type ex- effective as a single measure in the absence of a com-
amines the epidemiologic association between the prehensive avoidance strategy. The obvious implica-
prevalence of disease and sensitization to particular tion of these studies is that mattress covers as a rou-
allergens. These results lead logically to two differ-
ent forms of allergen-specific treatment: immuno-
therapy, in which the physician tries to induce tol- Genetically
erance to a given allergen, and avoidance of allergen. Predisposed
In a world in which medical management is Exposure to allergens
dominated by pharmacologic treatment, it is impor- Mite
tant to have other options for both patients and phy- Cat
Cockroach Primary avoidance
sicians; allergen avoidance is such an option. The Alternaria Endotoxin
Diesel or other High-dose cat allergen
case for the avoidance of dust-mite allergen as a particulates
treatment for asthma comes from controlled trials
in patients’ homes and from experiments in which Sensitization
(Th2, IgE, IgG1, IgG4)
patients were transferred to a sanatorium or an “al-
lergen-free” hospital room. In those studies, the pa- Allergens
tients had impressive decreases in the severity and Diesel particulates
frequency of symptoms, medication requirements, Rhinovirus Allergen avoidance
and in nonspecific bronchial hyperreactivity (see Inhaled corticosteroids

The authors of the two negative reports in this Inflammation or
issue of the Journal hoped that they would be able to Bronchial Hyperreactivity
(T cells, mast cells, eosinophils)
show that the placement of impermeable covers on
patients’ mattresses would provide significant ben-
efit for patients with perennial rhinitis (Terreehorst Rhinovirus
et al. [pages 237–246] or asthma (Woodcock et al. Endotoxin
Allergen avoidance
[pages 225–236]). These were both well-conducted
studies in which the investigators and the patients
were, to the extent that it was possible, blinded to Nasal Symptoms
the treatment-group assignment. Furthermore, be- or Wheezing
cause the investigators did not know which subjects
were allergic to dust mites, they could not have Allergen Avoidance as a Treatment for Perennial Rhinitis and Asthma.
known which patients “should have” had improve- Th2 denotes type 2 helper T cells.
ment. As Woodcock and his colleagues take great

n engl j med 349;3 july 17, 2003 207

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The new england journal of medicine

tine part of the treatment of asthma are not worth to cat allergen and that very high levels of exposure
the price. However, according to other studies, the induce a specific form of immunologic tolerance.
correct conclusion is that treatment by means of al- By contrast, moderate exposure to cat allergen is
lergen avoidance requires the definition of what pa- sufficient to induce sensitization in a large number
tients are allergic to, additional measures beyond of children who have never lived in a household with
the use of mattress covers, and education. a cat. These paradoxical findings make it difficult to
Many controlled trials are plagued by placebo ef- interpret the results of studies on secondary and
fects, but such effects are particularly problematic particularly primary avoidance (see Figure).
in any study that attempts to change a patient’s life- The alternative implication of the current stud-
style. Delivery of a mattress cover to the family clear- ies is that we do not understand what is necessary
ly indicates what the study is about, and the family to make patients with asthma well, let alone to cure
will generally assume that they should do other the disease. The currently available pharmaceuti-
things to “help.” Even if the family members do not cal treatments control asthma, but they do not pro-
know whether they are in the active-intervention vide effects that last for more than one month af-
group or the control group, they do know that they ter treatment is discontinued. Is it possible that we
are in an allergen-avoidance study. Some research- have missed an element of the experiments in sana-
ers have gone so far as to argue that an observation- toriums or allergen-free rooms? The conditions in
al group is needed in which no home visit is con- those studies almost certainly included decreased
ducted and no mention of a home intervention is exposure to animal dander, endotoxin, and fungal
made until the end of the study. Thus, this type of spores, as well as the decrease in levels of mite al-
study can have two kinds of errors: either the in- lergen. Alternatively, those regimens may have in-
tervention is inadequate to achieve a clinically sig- cluded other changes such as increased physical ac-
nificant decrease in exposure to allergens, or the tivity, which is usually possible once symptoms have
families have made other changes, intentionally or improved, but which is not part of routine treatment.
unintentionally, that have a greater effect than the What is clear is that some changes in diet, life-
intervention being studied. style, cleanliness, or housing have led to a massive
Dust mites are not the only agent that can influ- increase in the prevalence and severity of asthma.
ence lung function. The home environment, apart The challenge is both to identify the changes that
from the mattress, is an important source of non- are responsible for this increase and to design a
specific irritants as well as other allergens. For ex- treatment approach that makes it possible to pre-
ample, endotoxin and cat allergen have been dem- vent or cure the disease. Physicians are very good at
onstrated to affect nasal and bronchial symptoms, prescribing drugs and very poor at effecting chang-
and equally important, each of them can be meas- es in behavior, even when the latter are better for the
ured in floor dust and is airborne. There is now evi- patient. If minor reductions in exposure to allergen
dence that each of these agents has a complex role are not sufficient, we need either to persuade fami-
in allergic disease. Endotoxin, which is a potent irri- lies to change their living conditions on a large scale
tant to the respiratory tract, can help to suppress or to identify the real cause of the increase in the
sensitization if exposure occurs early in life. There is prevalence of asthma.
increasing evidence that children raised in a house- From the University of Virginia Asthma and Allergic Disease Cen-
hold with a cat are less likely to become sensitized ter, Charlottesville.

208 n engl j med 349;3 july 17, 2003

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