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Management Matters

Risk Management BY DAVID L. HERBERT, J.D.

Gross Negligence Claims and Releases

FITNESS CENTERS are increas-
Lawyers are finding ways
ingly using prospectively executed
around waivers that have releases/waivers to defend against
claims put forth by users of their
worked to protect fitness facilities to bar successful claims
and suits. When they have been
centers in the past. used to bar so-called ordinary
negligence allegations, and where
they have been properly worded
and administered, these docu-
ments have generally been given
legal force in most states to bar
successful claim and suit — even
in the face of claims that users did
not read them, understand them
or interpret them to bar their own
particular claim or situation.

Skirting around a waiver

In those states where these
releases are recognized and not
prohibited, such documents have
been effective in reducing the
number of verdicts and judg- based on the claim that the facil- based on evidence that is actually
ments against facilities. However, ity should have had an AED in its presented later at trial — the
to the extent that these contract- facility to respond to the heart court ruled that the plaintiff’s
type documents have been attack the plaintiff experienced “allegations … more than met”
enforced by the courts, facility while exercising at the fitness the required burden to present a
users and their lawyers have center in November 2005. Six sep- claim of gross negligence, subject
looked for alternative claims to arate claims were asserted against to the presentation of later evi-
assert based on particular kinds the facility, including negligence, dence. Consequently, even though
of conduct. In this regard, claims gross negligence, fraud and breach the court ruled against the plain-
of gross negligence or even of warranties. tiff on all claims except the one for
intentional or willful conduct In response to a defense gross negligence, the case will pro-
may be put forth against some motion to dismiss the case, the ceed on that basis.
facilities in order to avoid the bar court determined that a prospec-
provided by enforceable release tively executed release that the Protecting your facility
documents that withstand ordi- decedent signed barred the negli- Due to rulings like this one,
nary negligence claims. These gence claim. However, the court and based on the fact that
release documents — on public also ruled that the release could prospectively executed releases of
policy grounds — may not be not bar the claim of gross negli- liability cannot bar claims of gross
used to bar claims related to gence. As a consequence, and negligence, facilities may well face
more culpable conduct than based on that one cause of action more similar claims in the future,
ordinary negligence. described in a series of allegations some of which may go to trial.
For example, in a recent court asserting gross negligence, the case The use of waivers and releases,
ruling from a Chicago, Ill., trial against the facility will go forward. coupled with vigilant adherence to
court, the plaintiff, as personal While the mere allegations of the developing standards of care,
senior partner at Herbert & representative of the estate of a a pleading are all that is consid- may well be the best path for facil-
Benson, Attorneys at Law, deceased facility user, filed suit ered on a motion to dismiss — as ities to follow to avoid successful
Canton, Ohio. against the defendant facility opposed to any determination claims and suits. FM


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