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Converting VMware images to Virtualbox format using qemu and vditool

There is no tool that can convert VMware images directly to VirtualBox vdi forma
t without having to do a dump/restore over ssh or something similar, but qemu-im
g can convert .vmdk VMware images to raw format, and those can be converted to V
irtualBox .vdi using vditool.
First, make sure you have qemu installed, and have downloaded vditool.

1.Convert the VMware image to raw format:

# qemu-img convert -f vmdk VMwareImage.vmdk -O raw RawImage.img

2.Convert the RAW image to vdi format.

# vditool DD Image.vdi RawImage.img
Note: split vmdk images can NOT be converted, so take that into consideration wh
en you create VMware disk images.
Now start up VirtualBox and associate the .vdi image to a new virtual machine. Y
ou may need to change the bootloader settings for the OS (disk changes and such)

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