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Senior Lektoraat/Lektoraat

(Verw. NW06/48/0211)

Die Departement Mikrobiologie huisves aktiewe navorsingsgroepe op verskeie gebiede, insluitend

melksuurbakterieë, probiotika, nanomateriale, biobrandstowwe vanaf plantmateriaal, uitdrukking van
heteroloë gene in giste en fungi, fungi-ekologie en taksonomie. Ons is op soek na ’n kundige om die
Departement se onderrig en navorsingskapasiteit in Bakteriologie te versterk.

Pligte: Voorgraadse en honneursvlakonderrig • vestiging van sover moontlik onafhanklik gefinansierde

en kompeterende navorsingsprogramme • begeleiding van nagraadse navorsingstudente • aktiewe
deelname aan departementele aktiwiteite.

Vereistes: 'n PhD in Mikrobiologie of ‘n naverwante vakgebied • bewys van bevoegdheid in voorgraadse
onderrig en die toesig van nagraadse studente • die vermoë om Mikrobiologie op voorgraadse vlak te
doseer • die vermoë om navorsingstudente te begelei • ‘n gevestigde navorsingsrekord, gerugsteun deur
publikasies in goeie vaktydskrifte • bereidwilligheid om Afrikaans aan te leer (in die geval van kandidate
wat nie die taal magtig is nie) • uitstekende mondelinge en geskrewe kommunikasievaardighede in
Engels • die vermoë om eksterne befondsing vir eie navorsing te beding.

Aanbevelings: Die vermoë om ‘n produktiewe navorsingslaboratorium te vestig en te onderhou • goeie

mondelinge en geskrewe kommunikasievaardighede in sowel Afrikaans as Engels.

Diensaanvaarding: 1 Julie 2011, of soos ooreengekom

Sluitingsdatum: 31 Maart 2011

Navrae: Prof. D.E. Rawlings, Departementele Voorsitter, by 021 808 5848.

Voornemende aansoekers word versoek om ‘n kort beskrywing ten opsigte van hulle huidige
navorsingsbelangstellings en doelwitte, asook onderrigfilosofie, by hul aansoeke in te sluit.

Aanstelling sal in ooreenstemming met die ervaring en akademiese profiel van ‘n aansoeker gemaak
word; kyk ‘Riglyne vir Aanstelling en Bevordering’ by:
Die Universiteit hanteer alle aansoeke in terme van sy Diensbillikheidsplan, wat erkenning verleen aan
die behoefte om die demografiese samestelling van die personeelkorps te diversifiseer, veral met die oog
op die aanstelling van geskikte kandidate uit die aangewese groepe.

Die Universiteit behou die reg voor om nie ’n aanstelling te maak nie.

‘n Mededingende besoldigingspakket en uitstekende diensvoordele is aan hierdie pos verbonde. Nadere

besonderhede is by 021 808 2753 beskikbaar.

U aansoek moet vergesel wees van ’n volledige curriculum vitae (insluitend die name en
kontakbesonderhede van ten minste twee referente), en moet die Universiteit voor of op die
sluitingsdatum van die advertensie bereik.

Doen aanlyn aansoek by

Dit is belangrik dat aansoekers hulle referente versoek om teen die sluitingsdatum vertroulike verslae te
rig na

Kandidate kan moontlik aan gepaste psigometriese toetsing en ander keuringsinstrumente onderwerp

Senior Lecturer/Lecturer
(Ref. NW06/48/0211)

The Department of Microbiology boasts active research groups in various fields, including lactic acid
bacteria, probiotics, nanomaterials, biofuels from plant material, expression of heterologous genes in
yeast and fungi, fungal ecology and taxonomy. We are looking for a person to strengthen the
Department’s teaching and research capacity in Bacteriology.

Duties: Teaching at undergraduate and honours levels • establishing mainly externally funded and
competitive research programmes • supervising postgraduate research students • actively participating in
departmental activities.

Requirements: PhD in Microbiology or a closely related discipline • a record of competence in teaching

at undergraduate and supervision at postgraduate levels • ability to teach Microbiology at undergraduate
level • ability to lead and supervise research students • an established research record as evidenced by
publications in good journals • willingness to learn Afrikaans (where candidates are not proficient in
Afrikaans) • excellent oral and written communication skills in English • ability to attract external funding
for own research.

Recommendations: The ability to build and maintain a productive research laboratory • good oral and
written communication skills in English as well as in Afrikaans.

Commencement of duties: 1 July 2011, or by arrangement

Closing date: 31 March 2011

Enquiries: Prof. D.E. Rawlings, Departmental Chair, on 021 808 5848.

Prospective candidates are requested to include with their application, a brief description of their current
research interests and indicate their future research goals, including a statement regarding their teaching

Appointment will be made in accordance with the experience and academic profile of an application (refer
to the ‘Guidelines for Appointment and Promotion’ at:
The University will consider all applications in terms of its Employment Equity Plan, which acknowledges
the need to diversify the demographic composition of the staff corps, especially with regard to the
appointment of suitable candidates from the designated groups.

The University reserves the right not to make an appointment.

A competitive remuneration package and excellent service benefits are attached to this position. For
further details, contact 021 808 2753.

Your application, comprising a comprehensive curriculum vitae (including the names and contact details
of at least two referees), must reach the University before or on the closing date of the advertised post.

Apply online at

It is important that applicants request their referees to forward confidential reports by the closing date to

Candidates may be subjected to appropriate psychometric testing and other selection instruments.


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