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1.Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

identify and describe the anatomical

identify and describe the planes of reference
identify ad describe tissue and organ
systems of the human body
identify and describe the systems of
language and speech
identify the common medical prefixes and
Normal vocal cord
1. Column of air pressure moves
towards vocal folds in "closed"
bycoordinated action of the
2, 3 abdominal muscles,
Column of air chest
pressure opens
bottom &
of vibrating layers of vocal
Rib ; body of vocal folds stays in
4,5 Column of air pressure continues
to move upward, now towards the
top of vocal folds, and opens the
6-10 The low pressure created behind
the fast-moving air column
causes the bottom to close,
followed by the top.
10 Closure of the vocal folds cuts
off the air column and releases a
pulse of air. New vibratory cycle
– repeat 1-10
2. Orientation and Embryological Development

– identify and state the purpose of the three germ layers

from which all cell tissue is derived
– identify from which germ layer the structure of the
auditory and speech mechanism develop
– identify syndromes associated with embryonic
developmental disorders
– state the embryological developmental stages of the
auditory and speech mechanism
3. The Breathing Mechanism
– define breathing and describe the physics of
breathing and spoken language
– define and describe the anatomy and physiology of
the trachea, lungs, diaphragm, and pleurae
– identify and describe the functions of the spinal
column, the rib cage, the pectoral girdle, and the
pelvic girdle
– identify the musculature and describe the function of
the musculature for the breathing mechanism
– describe the functions of the muscles of respiration
spoken language
– identify and describe the various pressures and
volumes of spoken language and breathing
4. Structures of Phonation
– describe the biological and non-biological
functions of the larynx
– identify the structures of the larynx
– describe the mechanisms and functions of the
laryngeal structures
- identify and describe the intrinsic and
extrinsic musculature of the larynx
5. The Articulators
– identify and describe the bones of the cranium
and facial skeleton
– identify and describe the function of the
– describe the function of the vocal tract cavities
– identify the articulators and describe their
– identify and describe the anatomy and
physiology of the articulators
7. Anatomy and Physiology of the Auditory
– state the function of the auditory mechanism
– state the function of the outer ear: pinna and external
auditory meatus
– identify and label the divisions of the peripheral
hearing mechanism
– identify and label the anatomy of the outer ear
– define: epithelium, auricle, cerumen, meatus, pinna
state the functions of the middle ear and its
structures: tympanic membrane, ossicles, muscles,
Eustachian tube and mastoid air cells
– state the function of the intra-aural reflexes and diagram the pathway
through which they are elicited
– describe the state the purposes of the area-ratio and lever hypothesis
– identify and label the structures of the middle ear
– define: tympanic membrane, annulus, intra-aural reflex, mastoid,
tegmen, epi-, nasopharynx, mucous membrane, fundus, pars
flaccida, pars tensa, umbo, cilia, round window, oval window,
ossicle, facial nerve, trigeminal nerve, antrum
– state the functions of the inner ear and its structures: semicircular
canals, saccule, utricle, and cochlea
– label and identify the structure of the vestibular mechanism
– label and identify the structures of the auditory mechanism of the
inner ear
– name and describe the theories of hearing
– define: ampulla, basilar membrane, cochlea, organ of Corti,
endolymph, perilymph, helicotrema, labyrinth, saccule, scala,
semicircular canals, stria vascularis, tectorial membrane, transduce,
utricle, vestibule, hair cells, Reissner's membrane
8. The Nervous System

– identify the gross anatomy of the peripheral

and central nervous system
– identify the anatomy and function of the CNS
and PNS
– describe the functional neuroanatomy for
speech, language and hearing
• Introduction - Speech vs. Language
Speech is the motor act of articulation, producing
sound, whereas language is the knowledge/use of a
symbol system to communicate.1 Thus, language
function, governed by the cerebral cortex, requires
an integration of visual and auditory
(afferent/receptive) input with motor
(efferent/expressive) output. It is centered in the left
hemisphere in essentially all right-handed individuals
and 85% of left-handers.
• The frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes are all
involved: The receptive (afferent) function
operates in Wernicke's Area, at the parietal and
temporal cortex. The expressive (efferent)
function lies in Broca's Area, located in the
frontal lobe. Language and its associated
functions of memory and learning require
many interconnections. The term association
areas is given to the regions where these
interconnections occur
• Anatomy of the Vocal Tract/ Physiology of Speech
Phonetics, specifically articulatory phonetics, is the
study of sound production from the anatomical point
of view. Some linguists also study the acoustical
properties of sound, i.e.. Still others consider how
sound is perceived by the hearer, i.e. auditory
phonetics. In all cases, it is important for you to know
the basic anatomy of the vocal tract.
• Sounds in speech are produced by airstreams - either by
exhaling or inhaling ("ingressive"). The presence or absence
of obstructions in the course of the airstream --
the manner and place of articluation -- modifies the nature of
the sound produced.
• Most speech sounds originate by passing a stream of air from
the lungs (exhalation) through one or more speech resonators.
The principal resonators are:
• the pharyngeal cavity (Air passes the pharynx (which has the
epiglottis that prevents food from entering the trachea).The
upper part of the trachea contains the larynx. The vocal cords (
seen below) are two bands of tissue that extend across the
opening of the larynx);
• the oral cavity (tongue, hard and soft palettes, uvula);
• the labial cavity (area between the teeth and lips);
• the nasal cavity.
• A small number of sounds can be generated by modifying air
pressure inside and outside a resonator, without involving the
lungs (e.g. producing clicks).
• Above the Larynx
• The area above the larynx consists of three main
areas: the pharynx, the nasal cavity, and the oral
cavity. The pharynx consists of the area above the
larynx and below the uvula. The oral cavity is the
area from the back of the throat to the mouth. The
major parts of the oral cavity that are used in speech
production are the uvula, the velum, the tongue, the
hard palate, the alveolar ridge, the teeth, and the lips.
The uvula is that fleshy blob that hangs down in the
back of the throat. The velum is the soft palate, and
the alveolar ridge is a mass of hard cartilage behind
the teeth.
• The manner of articulation depends on a number of
• whether the vocal cords vibrate (
voiced vs. voiceless);
• whether the airstream obstruction occurs above the
epiglottis (consonant vs. vowel);
• whether the airstream passes through the nasal
cavity in addition to the oral cavity (nasal vs. oral);
• whether the airstream passes through the middle of
the oral cavity or along the side(s).
• The place of articulation is the point where obstruction occurs.
Typically, it is the point on the palate where the placement of
the tongue blocks the airstream. This can be:
• the lips (labials and bilabials),
• the teeth (dentals),
• the lips and teeth (labio-dentals; the tongue is not directly
involved here),
• the alveolar ridge (behind the front teeth),
• the hard palate,
• the soft palate,
• the uvula,
• the pharynx,
• the glottis (the opening between the vocal folds).
• Speech Development and Milestones 1, 3
Normal speech progresses through stages of cooing, babbling,
echolalia, jargon, words and word combinations, and sentence
formation. A basic knowledge of speech milestones helps to
detect dificulties at an early age. Early detection is essential
to determining appropriate interventions.
• birth - 3 months
• 4 months to 6 months
• 6 months to 1st birthday
• age 1 to 18 months
• 18 months to 2nd birthday
• age 2 to 3rd birthday
• age 3 to 4th birthday
• age 4 to 5th birthday
• Bicara adl salah satu sistem komunikasi yg mrpk.
pernyataan buah pikiran dan pengertian dg
menggunakan lambang atau simbol akustik.
• Bicara mrpk. Suatu sistem psikofisiologis yang
menggunakan berbagai bagian tubuh dan bagian
pikiran untuk mengkomunikasikan suatu
informasi yang diperoleh sebelumnya.
• Proses fisik yang mendasari bicara adalah :
 Organ respirasi yang mengalirkan udara yang
diperlukan untuk sumber kekuatan dalam
mencetuskan suara.
 Organ fonasi yang memproduksi suara
 Organ resonansi yang memperluas dan
memperkaya suara
 Organ artikulasi yang membentuk suara
menjadi kata-kata yang berarti
 Proses psikis adalah integrasi nerologik yang
 Persepsi sensorik
 Proses pembentukan simbol dan pernyataan
 Persarafan akhir yang mempersiapkan impuls
motorik yg membangkitkan seluruh sistem
supaya dapat berbicara
Struktur fungsional organ pengucapan:
1) Organ respirasi: trakea, bronkhus, paru-paru
2) Organ fonasi: larink dengan otot intrinsik dan
ekstrinsiknya, serta pita suara yang mrpk bagian
terpenting laring.
- Voiceless: pita suara membuka penuh waktu
inspirasi, pita suara saling menjauh sehingga udara
bebas lewat diantaranya.
- Voiced: pita suara bergetar ke arah lateral, udara
mendorong pita suara saling menjauh, aliran udara
lewat dengan cepat yang menarik kembali pita suara
untuk saling mendekat, proses ini terjadi berulang
sehingga terjadi getaran pita suara.
3) Organ resonansi: rongga faring, rongga mulut,
rongga hidung dan sinus paranasalis.
4) Organ artikulasi: bibir, lidah, pipi, gigi, mandibula.

Vokal dan Konsonan
Vokal: dibentuk oleh aliran udara yang relatif
bebas tanpa adanya desakan pada pita suara
Konsonan: Udara yang keluar setelah melewati
pita suara mendapat hambatan pada organ
artikulasi, sebagian atau seluruhnya.

5) Organ saraf: melibatkan SSP, SST dan SSO

Mekanisme Nerologik Pengucapan

Rangsang (organ reseptor


Saraf otak/saraf spinal/SSO

SSP area sensorik

SSP area motorik


Efektor → menghasilkan aktivitas

• Reseptor sensorik: organ reseptor umum
(eksteroseptif, interoseptif, proprioseptif) dan
organ reseptor khusus (penglihatan, pendengaran,
penghidu, pengecap) → menerima rangsang
• Saraf aferen: saraf otak S I – S XII dan saraf
spinal: menghantarkan impuls saraf ke pusat
pemrosesan di SSP
• SSP: area Broca (area motorik bicara), area auditif
(area Wernicke), pusat ideomotor (pusat refleks
dalam memilih kata dan kalimat)
• Saraf eferen dari SSP ke SST : menyampaikan
sinyal saraf ke efektor untuk melakukan aktivitas
Kelainan Fungsi Bicara
1. Gangguan artikulasi: disatria (kesalahan
mengucapkan kata-kata), dislalia (mengucapkan
kata tidak sempurna, huruf /r/
2. Gangguan suara bicara: disfonia (parau, serak)
3. Gangguan perkembangan bahasa: disfasia
4. Gangguan membaca : disleksia
5. Gangguan kemampuan menulis: disgrafia
6. Gangguan irama bicara: stammering, gagap

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