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QUESTIONNAIRE ARMOURED CAR OPERATORS PROPOSAL FORM LSW 630 Before any question is answered read carefully the declaration af the end of this proposal which you are required {0 sign. Check Yes / No boxes as appropriate. A GENERAL Full name of proposer(s) (in this proposal form "you" refers to the answer to this question) Name under which you trade List full adress of al your business and your principal office telephone and facsimile numbers (Including area codes) ‘Names under which you have previously traded Premices | Premices 2 Premises (Continue on a separate sheet if necessary) ‘Main office ‘Main office fax no: ‘(Continue on a separate sheet if necessary) “oO Names of officers and overs, their addresses and social security numbers (Continue on a separate sheet ifnecesswy) How long have you been in business as carters ? at your present address elsewhere Do you act asa limited branch or depository any bank or banking orgatization 7 LE Yes, identify each and every such bank ‘or banking organization Have you been or are you eurently insured ? 1FYes, sate Names of (insurers [ii] brokers or agents ronowal date of insurance (Continue ona separate sheet i necessary) 9. Has any insurer declined, refused to renew or requested special terms to Insure you or any director, principal or partner inthis or ‘any other business? Yes No If Yes, give details (Continue on a separate sheet if necessary) B. LossmsrorY 10 nthe last 6 years have you or any (predecessor company suffered a loss or losses, whether cover by insurance or not and if insured whether a elain was paid or not ? Yes i No 1£Yes, give details (date(s) of losses) () circumstances and amount of each loss (Cottinue on a separate sheet if necessary) © «i o © @ slate whether insured and if pai in full or othenvise (Continue on a separate sheet if necessary) ‘Are you aware of any shortages, or claims of shortages, aserted by any customer, bank, banking organization or state or federal regulator exceeding the sum of $500 asserted or discovered jn the preceding 24 months ? IF Yes, give details AMOUNTS INSURED, What limits of insurance do you require f ‘on the premises specified in the schedule ‘whilst in armoured cars pavement limit (nt including ATM. ‘perations) ‘Nee: You may requir separate ins score ‘nd nonsecure ‘ATM operations Note: This should be your maxinum expesur bn respect of any one ATM, Yes No (Continue on a separate sheot if necessary) in vault: s out of vauit: 8 8 (Continwe on a separate sheet ifnecessery) AMOUNTS EXPOSED. 12 What was your annual gross revenue from all [~ ‘armoured car operations for the lst 12 rmoath accounting period and what is your estimate forthe next accounting period ? 13. What was the total face value ofthe cargo carried by your armoured car ‘operations inthe last 12 months ? 14, Estimate your annual face value earyings by pe. next s (estimate) Secure area Other oseeure area Federal Runs; $ Bonk to Bank: § Retail Stores: $ Other (pecify): $ Tota Secure area Omer to secure area Cash (note: % Cash (coin): % Bullion; % Food Stamps: 9% Other Give details): % 15, © © 16, @ o V7, @ © 18. @ o ‘What are the (otal values exposed at the premises ? in safes and vaults ‘ouside safes and vaults sive details of 6) ‘What isthe maximum value of cash and valuables carried in any one vehicle at any one fime ? cash other valuables ‘What isthe maximum value which is at risk at any one time ootside an armoured vehicle off the premises ? cash other valuables Do you carry cash and valuables between states? ‘Are your required to make filings ? Yes to ether, give details (Continve on a separate sheet ifnecessary) (Continue on a separate sheet if necessary) Imopaview . Mug omcwers | ‘Complete this table in respect of your vehicle exposures Transit Exposures Days Operating | Vehicles | Daily Stops | Maxbnum Exposures | Average Exposures | Mileage PorRowe _|$ Monday ‘Tuesday Thusday Friday Soturéay Used v 2 3 T 2 3 1 Wednesday | 2 3 7 2 3 1 2 3 : 2 3 1 Sunday 2 3 [| 20, Doyyou separate all cash holdings for your customers ? Yes JEN, give details , COIN OPERATIONS 21 Doyou count coin ? Yes No 22. De yousoll coin? Yes No 23. Do youkeep all coin curreney foreach of your customers separately ? Yes 00 1 0 IENo, sive details 24, @ O) 2. 28, ‘What is the average and maxinnum value of coin on your premises by premises ? Premises 1: Premises 2: Premises 3: Average s 8 s “Maximum 8 s AJM OPERATIONS ‘Do you always use a crew of a least 2 persons? vert fee] ne [—] IENo, give details Do you ‘engage in fist or second line maintenance of ATMs ? replenish or collect deposits from ATMS? What is the mexinum number of ATMs each ATM. crew has access to at any onetime ? ‘Does each ATM erew rotum all materials giving means to-access to ATMs to your premises atthe end of cach shit? (Consinuc ona separate sheet if necessary) Ye Co Ys OUT Pirst line mainten Replenishment or second line ‘maintenance: no LJ No [—] IENo, give details (Continue on a separate sheet ifnecessary) Y 29. © 30, 31, Statomalce, model and ULL. rating of your safes and vaults, Do you have sole access to and control over any ATMs ? Yes No [— ItYes, give detaits PHYSICAL SKC How are entry and exit to the premises controlled forthe | (a) Vehicle following ? Give fll details PREMISES (Continue on a separate sheet if necessary) Must answiv Q30-36 (8) Persoonel and visitors ‘(Continue on a separate sheet if necessary) Make Model sie Weight UL, Rating Safe 1 Safe 2 Safes Safes Safe 5 Vault 1 Vault2 Vault 3 f 10 32, Specify all alarm systems on your premises. Attach copies of ULL. Certificates for each of the above systems. PREMISES UL. exiem | Ist partial or Type of System: Date UL. Servicing or ‘complete ental statin, poli | corificate imaintenence ‘overage ofall, ccomect, mercantile | expirer ‘conpany, sof) ond or local mercantile woul) ‘Alara Alam 2 ‘Alem 3 PREMISES 2 Ubexeni — | snpariator | UL, Type of System Doe UL. Serving or ‘complete Grade: | conra sition, police | cerjieate Inaintonence coverage ofall | A8.C, | conncer,mercontlo | expires company sofet and | A, BB, | erlocal mercantile vali) orce ‘Alert 1 ‘Alarm 2 Alarm 3 PREMISES 5 Ut evtent — | Ieitperiat or | Od, | Type of Sate Date Ul Serving or complete Grade: | conval tation police | certficae rawenence coverage ofall | AB, | conneer mercantile | expires company safetand~— | 44,85, | or lool merconile aul) orec ‘Aleem 1 Alnem 2 Alona 3 33. Are there bold up buttons on your premises ? no [I] 34. How many members of your organisation have been entrusted with: @ keys? (b) ~ alarm code? (©) vaulvsafe combinations ? 38, Do you practice dual control for opening and ‘losing ofall safes and vaults? TENo, give details 36, Do you practice dual control for aecess o all vaults, sefes, coin and currency processing and storage areas ? IMO, give details 2 ys (7) we (Continue on a separate sheet ifnecessary) ye [oO] (Continue ona separate sheet ifnecessery) e 31, @ o oO @ @ © @ o 38, 39, Nut anc C37 - QS5 C Ampavawt > I! "ROCEDURES & MANNING ‘State numbers employed in each eategory ‘Management Supervisory Officefcterical Sales Crewmen Mechanics Vault eustodian Others ‘Will your premises be manned 24 hours a day ? JEN, give details ‘What are your business hours ? (business hours" throughout this propasal refers to this answer) Pull Tine, Part Time Yes No (Continue on a separate sheet if necessary) until 40, ) © 4. a2, @ o a. @ C) © @ ‘What is the minimum number of personnel on duty at your during closed periods during business hours ‘Areall your vaults and safes shut, locked and alarmed outside of business hours ? IENo, give details ‘What is the minimum number of armed personnel on duty daring periods when the vault is closed ? ‘during hours when the vault is open or unlocked ? premises? No (Continue on a separate sheet if nevessary) [ 3 your premises? Do you requte your employee io submit othe following tests? edie polyeraph paychologial rareoies TEN, give details, 4 Yes Yes Yes co Cc ee ae (Continue on a separate sheet ifmecessary) No No No No i000 44, © we © @ © 45, a1, 48, ‘When screening new employees do you conduct the following checks 7 pric employment references credit neighbourhood inal reeords diver reords IENo, give details How long as a minimum do you employ people before allowing them to crew an armoured car’? ‘What will be the minimum number of erew (inchuding ctriver) who ride in exch vehicle on operations ? ‘Are all annoared car crew members armed? TEN, give details ‘State pavement Tints required 15 w~% CT » fl v% CT eo a oe a 2 CO elo ~. CoO eto ‘(Continue on a separate sheet if necessary) Uptolimitof No of erew: Upto limit ors No oferew: Upto limit ofS No of ew ve Co ef (Continue on a separate sheet if necessary) ‘Upto limit ofS No of ew: Upto limit of $ No oferew: Upto limit of $ No of erew: 49. 50. sl. 2, 53. 54, ‘When armoured vehicles ate not na secured and suarded concourse will at last one member of the crew sty in each vehicle dung operations regardless of ebounstances? ‘Do you use e radio communication system that is fully functional forall your operations ? {In case ofan attack on @ terminal have you an automatic code oF alam procedure which wil in effect instruct all vehleles to disregard further orders from that terminal and proceed direet to the nearest Police Station (or simitar emergency procedure) 7 ‘Do management segularly monitor operational crow pesformance and retain such records on file ? ‘Do you carry out audom credit checks on existing employees ? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ll (0 | | ‘Annex to this proposal supply a copy of any standard form contvact pursuant fo which you do business with your customers. 16 aL (Gzoss220u fy 204s x0s0dss 0 uo aruyi0) $4, Ld oN Sh ox] A (owns seguny |g seonaid apamsey Sunn pro sasoyy eee opoostay pee wo fins spa.nsry 89) dpomfaso sumssts | dosec snowy snyg 3212277 | pomonou snes cay | rom pose 2803) ances food un | pono | fo wonnatinads | sag puo pop | sepa fo mop vepunasol pomsuy 2g 0) osyauoyyo Zo pamouue aontaa je Molaq AedS “Ss 1. TRADE RERERENCES 56, Give names and addresses of? referees from your trade. | Name Address Name Address 57. What Associations are you members of? J. FINANCIAL, ‘Attach a set of your latest audited finane Statements to this proposal 18

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