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God And Science: “Looking for God by

exploring space is like reading

Shakespeare’s plays in the hope that you
will find Shakespeare as one of the
characters”. C. S. Lewis

Science: Friend or Foe?
Scientism: “Only what
can be quantified by
science or empirically
tested is true”
But this statement itself
cannot be verified by
any experiment. We
can know stuffs
deductively as well.
It’s Nature All The Way Down

Naturalism – We are
highly evolved biological
machine. (Matter +
Chance + time) Science
is the ultimate provider
both for knowledge and
morals. There is no
ultimate purpose or
freedom of choice. In the
long run, all of us are
Different Christian Strategies

• Young Earth Creationist

• Theistic Evolutionist
• Progressive Creationist
• Intelligent Design (ID)

Different Readings of Genesis 1 & 2

• 7 Literal Days
• Metaphor for long
periods of time
• Literary

A “Just Right” Universe
66 Fine-tuned
Parameters to our
Galaxy, Solar
System, and Planet
• distance from the sun
• size, temperature, &
type of sun
• size, axial tilt,
rotation speed, moon,
& composition of
God And The Astronomers
A common sense interpretation of
the facts suggests that a
superintellect has monkeyed with
physics, as well as with chemistry
and biology, and that there are no
blind forces worth speaking about
in nature. The numbers one
calculates from the facts seem to
me so overwhelming as to put this
conclusion almost beyond

Fred Hoyle, astronomer and


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