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Legislative Bill Drafting Commission 12020-01-1




IN SENATE--Introduced by Sen

--read twice and ordered print~d, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on

... ..;.. ........ ..;.;._ ..... _ A ..


IN ASSEMBLY--Introduced·by M. of A.

with M. of A. as co-sponsors

~-read once and referred to the Committee on


(Provides for implementation of an objective t.eaohe r evaluation system based on performa.nce and seniority)

-:--..;..-- ...... _-

.. Ed L. teachers; performance revw


to amend the educa t Lon law, in relation to expediting and expanding a statewider objective teacher evaluation system

The People of





York, repiesented in Senate


Assembly, .do enact as follows:

IN SENATE, ~~ ___

Of th:5..s prq~o:sal

The eena tors ',.,(oo·s:e IlMlC:S are· circled bej.ow wish. to join me: In the spo-nsorship

&20 AdiUll9

t55 Al-osi

sol.O Ba.ll

542 aceeere


.£1;02 Fl(l.n"'9M 8-3" :Klein

$06 -PUsctd.l.lo $26 1:l:'l,leg~:t

... 27 Kruger

.s12 o,i anaris

s2~ Ooldell

~..'I2 Dil!.:z:

s:SO DePrand seo so G . Hannon


s.36 Hassall ..

sao Uontloy

sOil JOhtlsi)n

s24 Lanza

539 LBrx!n

601 r,IlValle

sS2 LibOU;!l

:e:45 Little

.&0'1 Mllrt.iJl&l

;e:G.2 Maziarz:

G1S, Montgomery 5-5~ NozzOliQ

.sl7 Oppamhdme:r ;s;U ParXt!r

513 1?eI:&lta

530 Pcddns

s6:l ~anzenhofcr

.41 Sal and


s~a sccxanc

sSl seve ea

sOg Skclos

s14 Smit:h

625 Squadron

s16"sky .s35 ·SL:ewat:t·


849 lJ'

sS? Young

sea Zeldin


MteJIlhly intl:ooucer-Jo signature:

The Henbe-r.a of the )'i,S.5emhl.y whose namas are. oi.roled. below wish to ;i:oln :me in I:.hofi! rnulti .. sporisorsbip of t::h..ia pZ:Q.p¢8al=

il092 lI.blnanti

aOa4 lI.r-royo

art3S J,_1.lbry allZ4 Barcl';';_~ z.MO Bort'OD

tl09~ Benedetto

alO'1 Crou,cb. ~OU Curran

a063 Cusick

",Ot,;-2 Jo.cObs a:095 Jaffee

n-OS? .leffJ::ics

·110,," S Cymbrowit'l: .a13S John:!:!

ClO;l:4 penpglc:k.(u: a112 Jo,"dan

o.Oe-l tlincwit-z

al2.2 Bl.ankenbush a071 Farrell

al.14 O'Pp;;;ey

a.o2S LanciMn

oOOB Boyle

a055 Boyl~n<1 ~l~~ Fincll

"",065 KellneL

a1::!:9 Xolh

-0-01)'1 Fil;.zV6.t,,-;ic:k aO-91 Latimez:

~O2:6 ;a;;.a\JRstaill ·~lJ'7 Fricnd

biOoU Brennan

al'l.3 G~rY'szak aOSO Lanl::ol

4072 Lin,e,res

alJ 1 BrODGOn

alOl Cch5.11

a077 Gibson

B1-49 Giglio -ItO-6-6 Glick

aCB9, Cali-telli

lIOSE Castro

a138 Cerctto

AO!l'1 ~lton .e.O~O Conte

a1-42: CQ.rwin

aOS5 exespo

..'115:0 . G<lodftll

aO?S Cottt.ri¢.d. 0.1,11 KlJ.gee

al20 Ma-gnare:lli a097 Ral;o1)i tl;

l&O4l9 Raia

a098: Gunther

tl139 i-t41why .a14Q 1I.a.:yes &083 He:astia

oOILP Hik::ind

a125 Lift.on

al27 :t.ope:!;, E'.

aCS·3 LoP.1!i:2:, v ~ aOOl Losquadt:o ~126 Lupardo

a121 Millet. D. aO-6D' ROciriguez

(l,1~2 Miller~ s, ~.Q.'7 Rosenthal

aOll! Mi.lh:r. M~ ailS F{ussell

u.Ol.S "",02:9- Soat":i:lorough

.0.1:3:2 l-Sorella It-l/16 lichlmel

nO)? N'olan

.e.06-4 Silver

I1.l2:8 Oaks

IlO~ti S;imotas

40$9 O~Donnell 11146 Sma;tdz.

0-0501 0;1:1;12:

a033 Spano

al.:3:6 ~-D.lmes~no aO"l9 Stevenson

a08B l" a.-OU sWQ.c:may

nUl ·peoplcs.. BUD 'reeaeee

Stokes .e.115 T-enne:y

~O·$S P-arry 6023 P"hc:fCc:r

a-OS7 Prctlow

.021 ~.

,,060 Kellliotakis ~006 Ramos

aOJO Hn;a;:key

a019 McDonough

al04 McEneny ota01.1 HcKevi tt:

fllOS Rellly

aQ-78 Ri';"er~..- J. aM-4 Zebrowski

a080 Riv~rar N.

alOe Mcuaugblin al.l:9 Robt1srt$

-aOS~ ROlJ.11lson

;et:002 .Thie.le.

0.0(>1 Titone

a031 Titus

~054 Towns

a.041 weinseein

a-Q2Q We1sfU1:1:Ie:rg ~:O24 Wli!p~in

a07C wr~9ht:

lJ SiDglc Hcuee Bill {introoucil'd aild printed separately i~ eJ.t:ller Qr bot~ bouSQs) ~ lJ.tIi-Bill (introduced .s:imulta.n.eously in both h-ousG:s and printll!:d es one bill. seaeue a:nd Assttltibly .introQucet' .sign tbe S4rne copy of the bill}_

2) Circl.e names of.. co .. spo-nso:r:s 4nd return to intJ:'Qdl.'lotion clerk with .2 si-g--na':d copies or bil). and. Iii copies of :memorandum ~il ,suppo-rl! {singlft house}; Ol;·g signed ccpd es -of ,hill end a (:opies ot: memorandum in l>Uppo.rt (uni+o1.l1).

LBDe. 02/29/11

, 03/01/11



1 Section 1. Paragraphs c and f of subdivision 2 and subdivisiohs 3 and

2 70f section 3012-c of the education law, as added by chapter 103 of the

3 laws of 2010, are'amended to read as follows:


c. Annual professional performance reviews conducted by


5 districts or boards of cooperative educational services on or after July

6 first, two thousand [twelve] eleven of all classroom teachers. and all

7. building principals shall be conducted pursuant to this subdivision and

8 shall use two thousand [eleven--two thousand twelve] ten--two thousand

9 eleven school year student data as the baseline for the initial. computa-

10 tion of the composite teacher or principal effectiveness score for such

11 classroom teachers and principals. For purposes of thi? section, an

12 adiliinistratorin charge of an instructional program of a board of coop-

13erative educa't Iona I services shall be deemed to be a building principal.

14 f. For annua L professional performance reviews conducted in accordance

15 with paragraph c of this subdivision in any school year prior to the

16 fiIst school year for which the board' of regents has approved use of a

17 value-added growth model, [but not earlier than the two thousand twelve-

18 . -two thdusand thirteen] commencing in the two thousand eleven--two thou-

19 sand twelve school, forty percent of the composite score ofeffec-

20 tiveness shall be based on student achievement measures as follows: (i)

21 twenty percent of the evaluation shall be based upon student growth data

22 on state assessments as prescribed by the commissioner or a comparable

23 measure of student growth if such growth data is not available; and (ii)

24 twenty percent shall be based o~ other locally selected measures of







______ .'- .~ __ .c._~ . ..:........:........ ............ ~,.~.:._ ........... _.;..... __ ... __ . _~ -. '_ .. ,...;, ~.;,._ __ ..... ~' .. __

25 student achievement that are determineCl to be rigorous and comparable

26 across classrooms in accordance ~dth the regulations of the commissioner

27 and as are developed locally in a manner consistent with procedures




1 negotia'ted pursuant to the requirements of article fourteen of the civil 2 service law.

3 3. Nothing in this section shall be construed to excuse school 4 districts or boards of cooperativeeQucational services from complying 5 with the standards set forth in the regulations of the commissioner for 6 conducting annual.professIonal.performance reviews of classroom teachers 7 or principals, including but not limited to required quality rating 8 . categories, in conducting evaluations prior to July first, two thousand 9 eleven, [or] and,for classroom teachers or principals subject to para-

10 . graph c of subdivision two of thissectiori, prior to July first, two 11 thousand [twelve] eleven.

12 7. ~ The regulations adopted pursuant to this section shall be deve I>- 13 oped in consultation with an advisory committee consisting of represen- 14 tatives. of . teachers, principals, superintendents of schools, school 15 boards, school 'district and board of cooperative educational services

16 officials and other interested parties. The regulations shall also take 17 into account any (i) professional teaching standards~ (ii) standards for 18 professional conte~ts; and (iii, standards for a continuum of system 19 suppoz t for teachers and principals developed in consultation with the 20 advisory committee. R.~gulations promulgated pursuant to this section 21 shall be effective no later than [July] June first, two thousand eleven, 22 for implementation in the two thousand eleven--two thousand tvlelve 23 school year.


25 measures and criteria for the evaluation of:

26 cq classroom teachers which shall include but not be limited to! 27 :content knowledgeiplanning fOr instruction that ensures growth' and 28 'achievement for .. all students; instruction that' engages and challenges

2.5 s t udents ,



126 c. Regulations setting forth such guidelines shall be posted on the

I 27 department's website and, where practicable! each school district's and

, 03/01/11



1 all students to meet Or exceed the learning standards; and using mu1ti-

2 pie measures to assess and document student growth, evaluate instruc-

3 tional effectiveness, and modify instruction. Provided further that any

4 mechanism utilited in the evaluation of classroom· teachers shall be

5 standardized and ~ require the useoE clear and precise langu·age that

6 facilitates common understanding among teachers andadministratorsr to

7 the extent possible, rely on specifjc, discrete, observable behaviors by

8 students and teachers in the classroom with direct evidence of student

9 engatement or learning; and b~ specifically designed to assess the

10 classr60m effectiveness of teachers.

11 (Ii) building principals which shall include but not be limited to:

12£acilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and steward-

13 ship ota vision of learning that is. shared and supported by the school

14 communityr advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and

15 instructional program conducive to student learning and staff profes-

l6sional growth; and of the organization, operations

17 and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment.

18 provided further that any mechanism utilized in the evaluation of build-

19 ing prinCipals shall be standardized and: set high performance expecta-

·20 tions for building principals by describing multiple levels of effec-

21 tiveness. ftir.each standard or element; use clear and precise language

22 that facilitates common understanding . among building principals and

23 their evaluatorsr and to the extent possible, rely on specific,

and their staff and


L · ·_~~ _




1 board of cooperative educational·services' website, to ensure that such

i may be easily accessed by the public.

3 § 2.'l.'his actsha11 take effect immediately.

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