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Dean of Students Referral Removal

How do I earn a removal? I earn 2 majors in a particular class. If I am extremely
disruptive, disrespectful, pose a danger to myself or
others, or walk out of a classroom without permission,
I will be asked to go to the Removal Room in B-1. If
you earn it, you earn a removal!
What happens when I’ve  The teacher will give you a pass that you are
been asked to go to B-1? required to have with details of your removal.
 You must bring ALL of your belongings with
you to B-1 including work that you are doing in
class at the time.
 You have 2 minutes to get to B-1. The teacher
will notify administration to let them know you
are on your way after you have left.
What happens if I am late You will earn automatic ISS.
to B-1? (It takes you more
than 2 minutes)
What happens if I don’t You will earn automatic ISS.
have my pass?
What happens if I don’t You will earn automatic ISS.
bring my classwork with
me to B-1?
What if I refuse to leave Your teacher will notify administration and you will
the classroom? earn automatic ISS. More serious consequences can
be served as determined by administration. The teacher
will continue teaching!
What if I refuse to go to B- Your teacher will notify administration and you will
1 with a pass and/or my earn automatic ISS. More serious consequences can
classwork? be served as determined by administration.The teacher
will continue teaching!
What happens if I get to You will complete a reflection and work on your
B-1 on time, with a pass, classwork. Upon successful completion of your
and with my classwork? reflection and appropriate behavior in removal, an
administrator will determine when you will go back to
Dean of Students Referral Removal


We understand you might be frustrated, sad, or angry when you have earned 2
major deductions and therefore having to go to B-1. You should be!

It is in your best interest to go straight to B-1 within the 2 minutes allotted, bring
your pass and classwork, and do the right thing. You made a mistake, own it,
and fix it! We then we can send you back to classes!


2 major deductions 1st Removal to B-1 with an administrator

1st time  Completion of a top quality1st Reflection
 Completion of top quality classwork

 2 major deductions 2nd 2nd Removal to ISS (B-1)

time OR  Completion of a top quality 2nd Extensive Reflection
 Completion of top quality classwork
 Extreme disruption,  Completion of top quality re-entry meetings with teachers
disrespect, or walking out and adminiatration
of a classroom OR  Phone call home to an adult at home
 2 major deductions during

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