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FEDERAL BOREAU OF INVESTIGATION JOHN WHITESIDE PARSONS PART 1 OF 1 BUFILE NUMBER: 65-59589 FILE. DESCRIPTION BUREAU FILE SU Bu ECT. JOHN Wi ttesipe (Tack) PARSONS FILE NO._¢5-s95g9 : + + | msl} me IN VTHTTSS1 be. FARSOUS, aka, ek Parsons Subject, on Septender 15, 1950 -Temoved certain documents‘ pertain- ing to Jet propulsion motors and rocket propellants without authority fron Hughes Aircraft Company, Cul ; “«~ city, California, his place of employ Rents On Septembor 16, 1950. he left A gic same at the residence of, ee ¥e er Tornia, Who was to make EXCE typewritten copies of them. Above see documents procurred from i on September 25, 1950 dy = ye SD oe, officer, Hughes i Wircraft Company and writer, and - Placed in custody MAJOR.Z.. Je KRENZ, | Ue Se dir Force, jughes Aircraft. Sonpany, Pending deternination sccurity ” Slass:fications .Subject voluntarily Same to the Los Angeles office Septenber 27, 195 and in signed stateaent adniticd infersation fron them as aic in compit= _ *4n3 cost proposal on Jet propulsion motors. He planned to subuit this : Mith eaploynent application through A®erican Technion Society fcr enploy= Been ment in the country of Tsracl.

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