You are on page 1of 88

Gopinathan Elumalai

Agenda Day-l

$- Overview of Vugen

-$ Vuqen scripting with single action * Recordin,g options

$ Runtime settings

-$ Vuqen scripting with, multiple actions $ Enhancing, Vuqen web script

$- Difference between tree view and script view -$ Transaction nam ing convention

-$- Parameterization

-$ Types of verification.

Vuser Generator (VuGen)

1. Records API calls. generated b·y user actions

2. Autornoticolly generates C code (the script)

3'. Script is ployed back to· g.enerate API calls to server'

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3 28 June 2010

Vugen Scripting with sing e Action

Protocol selection

Welcome to Mercury Yirtual User Generator .. _ .

New Single Protocol Script

Categor,y: All

::~ S impleMail Protocol [S M T Pj E£I S ybase CT lib

~ Sybase DBlib

LJ Terminal Emulation fA T E j 8[j Tuxedo 6

[±j Tuxedo 7

~ VB Script Vuser ::~VB Vuser :~VoicEKML '!'rIWAP

.: "Web [HTTP/HTMLj

QI '.

~ Web Services

W~b [H T T P IH T M Lj=:---------------1 Emulation of commuoicetion between a browser and Web server.


G Don't show tbe startup dialog in the f~ture


5 28 June 2010

Record the Business Process

1 - Invoke Client application from VuGen '2 - Record log in action in vuset in it section ../ add 'comments

../ add transaction measuring statements ../ add rendezvous statements

3 - Record business process in Actions section 4 - Record logout in vuser end section

5 .. ' Stop record ing and generate script


6 28 June 2010

VuGen Script Model

7 28 June 2010

Recording Option - Recording level

1 . HTML based - High level recording and easy to debug.

2. URL b'ased - Low level recording and quite. difficult to debug

due' to' lengthy script.

~~--~-il~~'~~~~~------------------~ kil:cm;d i?1~~'

'Fil~Iji!~ BI~ ~~~f!~ ~.5i'Ji01!od C«i~~


M~'~ ~~ ~ It'l!JI'I ~ ~~ ~i:~~,

8 28 June 2010

Vu·Gen Recording Options

1. setting the Recording Options, click OK to start recordinq,

2. Browser will la unch, load ing the URL specified.

3. It is important to understand the business process steps and required data before storrinq to record. This reduces mistokss and, the need to re-record a business process.

- ------- Recordiln'g :~~

PlrQgJ'aFilll I~ lJecoliid ,: MIl i:Clilo~oflt: II nt:el'lne't IE :Hjpllnrteli UilR l.. ,Ad:rn~:"': 1(1&&1 dMIMPi0imRh.;i


INeR___ ]





9 28 June 2010

Running Vuser Script in VuGen

The goal is to:

1. Test the script with one Vuser to verify the basic functional ity ~

2. Configure the Run-Time settings to ensure the correct dote, th ink times and pacing is used.

3. Ensure the script plays back for multiple iterations.

4. Enhance the Vuser script with Porometers, T ronscctions, end business process verification checks.

5. Perform a "sanity check" before the script is assigned in the BPM to ensure there are no errors.

Note: It is strongly recommended to re-run the script after any modifications or enhancements to verify the integrity of the script.

1 0 28 June 201 0

LoadRunner Run-Time Settings - Run Logic

r---G-_<e:-~:F!e--r-aJ.-----""GtMtIl! Rm ~~====================---.,

i~r~_~ -----------------------------------

[j' N'lLrn.hel'tif Imm~ 11

,~djju.aJ ~~tbdes Mkc.tll!n$OI!P.l Ne~k

L.r- ~__.:ji"'" _ -.

:~~~ ;,tmulaJxii'l


I i8~WJ:ter E~ii)11

I~ ernell f'i~~ rF~

i ~~"§i!iYiU:l~

r ~o_~~FIh:et~ ~Qh~

11 28 June 2010

l~tBl~ I


[ fIl.v.:n .. m_ .... er ""I' jenrl>l ,,,d~~ I

8-, _ _ [Btl'

-I _ lImeFji:

El-', !~!,!!lI

_ • AdID-FlI

8-·,., _' 'E~

- _ ~eF,"",end

Run Logic:

Run Logic manages the Iterations and Actions. From this screen a user can:

1) Increase the number of iterations for each action.

2) Add or delete an action,

3) Move actions up or down.

LoadRunner Run-Time Settings - Pacing

.----.............,,=-=------,..-Gnr~ f,~~~-----------------------------,.


LIRrJJnl~ - S!:.!u1 n~Wltl!J1Mttn ,___----------------"""""""

r f ib~ M ~he!prevtlMiR tlier~ ends

li~nk nme: r .. ' . . ,., r.,

. ,Aiter ltI"If:eYlOl.:=: r~ e!ilds::

Ad'~!Tal, aU~I;e$:

IM~e~~@ Y/:rth- I r~ :::J ~~I:II~ Ito oao § set.


L S~S~iM [8~gi!!r, 18'f(iWS!!1i E~~



~'Oli.lnl'~ Filrel"$ IConiie~Cl1ei!'k

,r ~:~ I ~ :oiJ Int~1J ;_ ~1 160.000 ~ ~

0'Yi e.d 'lhMdJ:'je: PI ~Iru ~ i~IS!J"Jl cnd~ by~ tJ .J


IM'I:I't"e ~·mo~ ~ ~\~em~ ~:I~ ~~

!J.~ ~~~~ I , __ H_.~_· _ ....

12' 28 June 2010


Pacing controls how quickly the next iteration starts. The Options are:

1. As soon as previous iteration ends.

2. After the previous iteration ends wait for a fix or random delay.

3. Sets a fixed or random interval between iterati ons.

LoadRunner Run-Time Settings - Log

:lRui1i-'t'im~ 5eu·lfi'!]'5i· .. .

_ ... _- -- _ .. _-- --- ------------------_ ... _-- -------


Logging manages the amount of messages that are captured. The options are:

~-------------r~~~L~--------------------------------------------' ·~e~al

. Fl'1)1'i! Lo gie.




~I o:P'I-- ---------------------------" ~ '~ 's~~ ~.~ q. - . when aIi)I 'Cll'OIi CIC:Ci",_r~ ~ F ~~!~ndOO!::;~

L~ me~ at the d:!'aI "ie",~i @I ------------@ .ID.;:!~d~

r ~.~q ----------,.1

r E~(M1l r .m~~[l'ned ~'ieI'Ii~

P.d .... o!l~t,t~

M~ElmWi.J3 -NeM~

"S~ Slin.MlWi'li Br~er

8l~r c·l'r(.u~!iat:'i

1,1'"I1eiI~ PlOOi;iCL~:

PrcN1' Pre1i91ie~ iJO'~d1F~l tantMtChi!Ck

1. Enable or disable logging.

2. Send messages on errors.

3. Always send messages.

4. Standard logging.

5. Extended Logging

a) Parameters

b) Data returned by server

c) Advanced trace.

H~------------------------------~ M~ .!.hoe Ii'ti@!..i~ CivSf q fi ~ ~ l~. C!lti~~i(ihm

Note: When setting Log options in VUGen they can be set to ~~Mtays send messeqes" and use the ~~Extended /og~~ options. However~ these settings should NOT be set in the Controller during a load test.

1 3 28 June 201 0

LoadRunner Run-Time Settings - Think Time

I •

'RUlmJ-lbime Settings

.----------r-Geneilaf lhirlk.liim:r-----------------------, "It\iill. rime .~M .:--. ---------------,.

IMiscda~ r-N:~k

~ - - Sp~ Sw'aJ1ooJ

~ Bl(Il'Mle.r

~ - -Iell~' ErrOafUi· :_ I r'I'LetJnet ~'OOOO

:--~I :-111ei'erIBFlcM :-IO~F~~;



(" Mull w ~de:d ~ W7,[E:' by, II

Think Time:

Think Time manages the pause between steps in a Vuser script. The options are:

1. Ignore think time

2. Replay think time As Recorded

3. Replay think time with a multi plier

4. Replay think time using a random percentage of the

I. recorded time.

a 1j~"lfIfjdD(fl ~~ of rOCirfd}d IfrifA I:ilre

N1.~ [m 11-\ t~iit1 ~150 ~b;

r: w. r.4-'~rl 11 ~ ~rJd-

Note: When using Think Time in VUGen it can be set to ~~/gnote Think Time. ~~ Hosever. Think Time should NOT be set to ~~/gnore Think Time" in the. Controller during a load test.

1 4 28 June 201 0

Running the Script


E1'"4I ,A_,~loor(J

~Q~ lrt 'OOI'l}ITiSrcIJ~!:b~:::~.~~SI ~=======================~

- I.:r Thi'ik Vim!::" , 2' [:iGG]

@ -M ~m:~ rQl(i; ~(i.I""!1.ITh¢!"J..r:J,!Q1ir'~,):;'~f!i~ 51 1_. ~ fh.,l~ 1i'iITI~ - ~ (~f;,i 8-m 5ubm~ FiNfI"I~ eem .. MieI~tqiID1ln.:! r. E Tht"ik liime - 2: ($2C,l ~ ~ ~bm~ Faro: Il:OJI1JI')3IC:!;I"!li~'OO1VI~'F'I I_'~ fhnk TTim~'" 13 [~e!;:l Sl"-JITj ~fii~ F'~; ;;;J;f.I1i.~I;;;!I;I}I~!;.~rvi:::!-~ '--·3 Tf"li'ik 'ITime '., a: f!i".e~) a-1l Im;:ge:. niMi'aJ_y ! __ . a I hnl-!. I ima .. , It::eCJ

-m.:.' St.':bm~ FiIIf!IYi: I!:OJI1.~IC!;l"~lo~I~I~

51 Im~G: ::l011·o:iF 1--'"

:--.;!I Im!:lgJ:; H"me

Thie; is!;;! nd 15: SUtT@I,m.d~~ b)l (lorni ~~" Oit'BF:3, '9UlafEimlEie d atllf1&'hil"b8'~iiid t8 biessed wirh bea wti(U1 beaoli'igs_ LU~lIlIt,)! ~MM:S h~'.!8 Ul!:Jen up ro;sidene-e :ahRng mo~t of tti~1 beadtfro1frs IlIn ~he Si,i)Wlllem "oast bu. tneJ'e Sfte ?~il! undevelotyed ~re~-s; om ~!'re e:;.:pas'Bd nal1b!;!m G®a::jE" .and rrulllo!t [i~ liliJE!

iii !la-til!l r i$: in~lfdtiW by 'iilo!hin~ itI'Ol:i ~u6sra:f'irial tfu.~1fI ~Dats_

,RJ3~,iS:1.Eir8~ USBr:;, '!J81ii SiI'iJ htiir~ to 'lind the I~~l 6re part cip~tilill9 !3~rliilii8a..

Us~rMame: ~I---------

P:loElS'WIJJti: 1_

'-;1 5"""'1 =~n-=:.I-~>


...... 'iI.:::.; .. .I!~~::.:"~l~~O~1'!8~, ....... .....;!,

~e'ad abi!lut 0[, ~fI~wred ¥ilt;it. ijes!~n~rjof!s

1 5 28 June 201 0

Vugen Scripting with Mu tip e Action

What is an Action?


A set of recorded user actions in a Vuser that allows you to· emulate a particular user task through script iteration.

1 7 28 June 201 0

Howa Vuser Emulates a Real User

1 8 28 June 201 0


Multiple Actions in a Web Script

vuser end


IRun: ,ontJe'

1 9 28 June 201 0

Creating the Vuser with .Multiple Action Files

20 28 June 2010

Crecteo Scri pt with Actions

Action List


..... Ji AdifumO

21 28 June 2010

Correct Initial and End Conditions

Ollr AHtlll'. ¢:ifUiI;QI Qio.

Wle~ ClOlmle~ b~,ok: to M ie!IrClUiry Toul~l EIf1! er y. om iJ:S err ilt"!foirma,tim"l, tOI ace e$,$ t~ e m~mb~ r-Or! I ~ ~:rea s of th i $ $i~ii1I~. ~f Y,Olj dOIt'j; h Ml~ tai I m9;-- in, ~h~'~$e 1llU ~urt thi~ m,gfstrilt.iot:"i form.

22· 28 June 2010

Why Use Multiple Actions In a Script?

23 28 June 2010

Enhancing Vugen web script

Chapter Objective

1. Viewing a LoadRunner Vuser Script in Tree view and. Script view.

2. Enhance th·e script to verify business process execution.

t/ l.oodkunner T ronscctions l.oodkunner Porometers Business Process, Validation Script Correlations

25 28 June 2010

The Recorded Script in Tree View




S-~tlJlf, lt~rtlBIWJ1Il(f$~ ... ·, ........ , ......... :"' ....... .", .-------------------------------==

: ! -- B: Tll!'1J.: n.~ , 112 [~!;lg1 ~'-f!II S~~t,F(lJ~ _~me;:Cl.(1looluEwlel:5i

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1..m1~l'i:"'~'!!Iff L-f!l I~~: H~~

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USE1r t'<l1:irnEl: IF"'"~~~

pSSswl;lHlI: I

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.' :in,g dc:tion, kti~!ni.

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.' 1 ng V'US9X.. •

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26 28 June 2010

• 'T ree view has icons for the recorded user steps.

.• This view leverages dioloq wi.ndows to

chang:e script properties

• It a Iso featu res a snapshot view of each step'

The Recorded Script

Script View


',~;;t ~ ~;;-: ~11 ii~) ~ ~;";~ ~~[) !' h ,~,~ : /' /1 ~::-;lb;; I:./;;;':~~~'/h~;:l i-:~:-~;-;' [,e--;: s ~ r.! t;h!g ;;;;c~~~ --;i ~;~y -::~~, 51

, !i¢t i,I;I'[1 , I;: f ,12:l ); w~b_i:rrw.f1'1il f "HI:;I~"'!" 'j i:>;I;!!l& ,.I)"I;~O~S fu 1 w Il :!:lI:;I!dy 'byt~ .• ,~ Il h ~~~Itl;t"' 't:q/tO,1;; r M'Stl' ld! ~ M!.~C

I1!:Jid! i ~g .:ii~t i on ~t i 0:1::1. •

-.J11~~"<f It.·I~C. f)L 1~

~:t:u:!!!. ng V1.lser ,', _ •

S'iI:,ai:t'"1l::i n,~ I!!i~'t i Eiln ' .. nl,se::r- _'~~l!d. • E;~,fi! ~ ~8' .!I;c't:, i ~\t'L \rl,i ~!i.".l" _toi,nd. _

_ ', I;I-!;:;g~ T~~'Jitii, i1!~ tj~d_ •


~i~n() ~


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F!:I;iCCOill te nt;Typ;::;;, ,t;;:.:{t.."h t:ml" r Referer""r

St1:o.psno1t -i 1 • i n,t II '"

Mode -H1'M[' " ~

[.A'~'I') ~ .

Lr:_t,hink_tirne ( 12: i .

web_:B'U,htflit_fo:r.:J!l! ( "cOJJj ,,]J:1er'Cu.r-yt.o'U 1:"S • s8'l"", r l i2<t , S i e! nonSe:rvlo:at II ,,"' "Sno!!.iPs:BO'it;-t2.inf'''",


I;N8.tfl8 -iL:iS!:9:rNa Itl!E:! ';" ,;IVo!I.1 ue - j 'C!j 0';.. ~}':lD'1'I'f:M ...

i''I!!! -pa9a~~C!~d ". 'Val!J I!:I-b eE!i,t'L ":r ~1Dl"!'![::M I' "J:!~ftlt'lIj"'log1il _,:."(!! ,_ 1!'\!.alll!!eI- 17'!! ,.' 'EN,[).r:t,E1IL !"tlijc.1I11:l '""~ ~8 i:n ,,:I!' ~ !IV.!!. 1 RJ!1I;ti":::,,, Ia~v ITIat.;l, E.XTRl\'!iRES 1"

"'Ur 1 '-" . /1[; 1 o3:::s8s/1(;:0..1 EI!l'tc;l;3T ..... 8]) O'WCD 1 ende.r-. c: 1 ass;; ~ ;I:R:€:I farer- "~ E'llDTITM" "[Jr 1 '- •• /c 1 e,Bs!:Is/,e0.1 18'!!1!der/Cal Se! 8 Gt _ a lass" ~ I; Pe fl9.'~r- '." ENID ITE:M ..

"Uri -. _ /C 1 a'ssee r e:a 1 EIi~da :r" ..... 'ShOMCo!I_ t e:t:l,d!.!Lr"E~ytttA.c t 1:. cn , e: 11 8JS8 ":. .. ~B:f...:rrElll~- ;I:r ~

[_.~_ST') ~

• In Script view each step' is shown as C COde.

• This view allows users to use 'p'rogram C code directly In the Vuser Script.

Note: Anything that can be done in Tree view can also be accomplished in script view.

27 28 June 2010

Workflow - script creation

Gather relevant test information

28 28 June 2010

.----\ -=,I

Record Script

.----\ -=,1-

I Transactions

Playback script to verify succ:ess

What is a LoadRunner Transaction?

A LoadRunner T ronscction:

1. Is a measurement of the round-trip time between the client req uest a nd server res.ponse

2. Can be added During or After recording

3. Can be nested to measure a complete business process as well as steps within' a business process

4., Does not measure the time spent rendering a screen on the User Interface

29 28 June 2010

LoadRunner Transaction Dialogs

._- _ .. _--

n~Q;jfJ .":"_

L Tr~N ..... = Il@urn :J




OK 11 ~

30 28 June 2010

Start· Transaction Dialog': Name the



E.nd 'Transaction Dialog: Select the correct name and transaction status. The status can be








Best Practice: Add Transactions During

Recording .

While Recording:

1) Click on the start transaction button to start the transaction

31 28 June 201 0

2) Continue the business process,

3) Click on the stop transaction' button when the last step that is. to be measured is complete.

13"1 A~~ilJllIl il

r-"~ UI~ 1,oI,W\I'!iI.nler~.tranj'IfI~, eem L". ~ Think T~1fIf',: _, 2S [[:~J

: "'~; Sef<vice: ~ Coa&~:

r" .3i Service; MId Cookie:

: ,,~ Ult i ,hbrnl

t" B Ttlink Tjme - 86 [[~:J

~~, ~~~~~~:: ~Or:~:OtiQ~cr~

- ,,·t •.. '- li1~.': C'~IJI'fle' Lib:r~ ~CI.4r,pem ~ Af:G!1ned] r'" ,'. Think Tmloe • 12 [r~J

L" .... u,k: D 01N1l10EiQ t-" '. 'Thft;')K Tiirt'li;l! • 1 1:@l

Workflow - script creation

Gather relevant test information

32 28 June 2010

Record Script

.--\ L{-

Play.back script to verify succ.ess

Po ra meterizotion

Recordea Scri~t

Select San Francisco Selection is, hard coded and will select San Francisco on 'every run

Parameterized 8eript

Select <dep_city>

Selection is parameterized and will select different value on every run

33 28 June 2010


Ae8pl~lle~ Fra~'kf,ilA'n:

Lancia iii I, -'



I " '

Po rt1. end

S M Frarudi:soo Seiat1J~e Sydney Z~fiileh

Why Parameterize Data?

To Emulate real-world behavior and to create realistic results!

'Varied input to the Web' site

Static input

to the Web site

Recorded script (Virtual Users)

34 28 June 2010

Types of Parameters Available

There are several types of parameters that are supported by L.oadRunner.


• Date I Time

• File

• Group Name

• Iteration 'Number

• Load 'Generator Name

• Random Number

• Unique Number

• User Defined Function

• Vuser 10

Note: How can you levetage these standard types' of parameters to create a fully unique value? (hintbeyond using a unique number)

35 28 June 2010

When to Pa ra meterize Data

36 28 June 2010

ST,EP 1 Start Application

5,TEP 2 Type username and passwor .

STEP 3 Click on Sign-In button

S'T'E'P 4 'W,ait for 'confirmation

STEP 5 Select a departure an arrival cities

S'T'E'P 6 Enter dates

STEP 7 Enter credit card details

STEP 8 Click on Submit

How to Parameterize Input Data

37 28 June 2010

Unique Constraint

If in d' det a ill sd iiinfDlrm m~ion alb ~ urt

,y~ur des:tinatilon,



38 28 June 2010

Since user names are unique 'jo]o' can be used by only one user

Data Dependency

I Fili nd A ,FI,g tit I



Iff In d d st a ill:ed

iiinfo rm aUon alb n IJrt

,'V Q] ur de st in ation .

39 28 June 2010

Password value is dependent of the User Name value. Both these values have to correspond to log in successfully.

Date (Temporal) Constraint


U5e our Flight Finder to search for th e lowest fate on participating ai rli nes. On ce you VB bccksd )four fli g-ht I d nnt fa rg et to visit th e Mercury T O!Jr5 Hctel Find er to re serve 10 d9in9 in your dastinel io n c.ity.

Type: ~ Round Trip (} One Way Passengers: [·1 ... 1] Tleparting From:

On: II 1~:;t'iIL .....

Retu rn i n 9:

Se·rvice Class: IB E con amY' tie 55 Huainass els sB C~ First cl El9S

Airline: "No Preferen ce


40 28 June 2010

Departure date works for only current date of future date

Data Caching

41 28 June 201 0

Select the Data Access Method for a Data File

.E~ D~~ ItrotlliD1.di!ll !J1~1.w:~,· I

1---- Product-
)1 LOol!.;:A~
2 WlnFunner
~ T(!j:l~_· _
,4 ~ I.e:s>!iD P G
5 Q'uiot. f e~tp:!1

lE.d~, .. I II ~~~,~'i!old .. I ,~Co._. I ~$elBct GoILI"lin====--"'====== I!l ~Y~ •. ~I: n 81M! flail)£!;

~'Ei led: f"I Ellol t 0Ci...-r .u,!~td ale 'W i!lILrt omit

Note: Select next row tells Loa dRunner in what order to use data from the file (data· source)

42' 28 June 2010

-~»lE~1' vd~ n thp el3h~!;:f\",,"====== ~ &t,L1~.t~.W,1~~ - Mb.Mtt. I

I ,~

Seq uentia I Method

'.' Each Vuser 111:1;;F·e-:·'s the iE"':IiI'm,- '-:'le-' ro 'W" . of d lata for ea .. ··c·.'h·····

'_:_!':":,'\,;.,,_,_ ··.:...',;!il!'·.·_.- ... ·~;'.:..:._.·, .':_" .. :,~ .;JiiQ .. !I, .. _!·._:i 11:':..:.'." '10.1\, !'_:.;!:..J'.:~ .. ' ,_:'..,.:._II 'II;;;.,',.:.:_! __ " .. '_'

'i't,e' rati ,0, nl

iii :RoIV11 1, js used for iteration 1:)1 R\Q,V\I 2 for iteration ,2

Depart:llr'e A tap 1111£:'10 londlliliill

Hie N 'iDilr'!k:

Par_~' s

Po F t l.alilid

s a n Flr'tilll1.c iSle:111 Seattlle' S'ydney


43 28 June 2010

Ra ndom Method

San IlFlr,anci§'col S@at'lt:ll@ :£ydO'81;J


44 28 June 2010

Unique (by Row) Method

• Each VU,5"er'h'ii1S, a block ,o,f ·rIOW'§1 fer its exc lusive 'use

IL··,·· . ··d·~I;R'~··:·i" r,·,·, ," " "-.' . ·,.,,·~I· .... , I't' " ..... ,'-. I-'j' 'it: ' ... , ,. ,,' -, -- .. ' ., ,- .,-: . " '~.' .,-. -,. '., I" . "'.:.

• ... _Iola! ... .'! i .. :IUin'n,e,r ·expe'r" m!luls' .. _" ,le:nSlur,le lun!l,'qu'en1es,s

f d ta 'iii t-; h 't'- ah 't-

_.-, , : ;.' 'i-' .. -_"_ i I " . - I ,_ .. _ _ .

. ' Ii' . '. I '. -, ; ~. i : i I"" .. . : .. , . i" I .. : .i

o _ ._:.. la" ~._... II nl .~: ,1,1 e ..,:.1 '. e

m; de;p,_ ci t,. da~ I!!II!1I3

- - - --

fI~ idlt l,ea~eh t!le'lpl Dlelp ar t.Ulr s' Ill: i tl Alc,a PIU 1 ell l.OllITidOI

Helwi Y Ilrllle


"o!rtl alnd

S'an Fralliiic:i:sco S:e,a 't,t le


2:ulr ic IiII

45 28 June 2010

Sa me Li ne as <parameter> Method

m s ig ni:n. dat ~[iiiJ] il31


F as 5:IV}'lln~ dl

11 II ~

]0]11 Ibsl,anl

r a rio Ib DIIVJ

jno [r ea nl

'f D fll II b![b o!

46 28 June 2010

Verifying Correct Execution of the Parameterized Script

Run-ttme Settings -

r---,~~. e-. n-e-ral-, I--------r- GenerJilI: LQg-------------------------, 1-- '~!Jf:9 ~Qlmi@ T- .. If1~IJ!illTII

1 - .. ~

1- LGl§

- ''rlIf1It,itk 'flme: l_ M I~ell~n~~

.. N et!,N€t[k

L. ~'~e8i]j s imuJaJJ_~ .. 'm:row~e.~

l L 1f2j' (£' I.-I"

, I ~.~~~~:7:~~~=i~!~n

!.- 'If-\r@i":i:l I ~ ~

: .- I~re'fererm.~es

r, :~~tef!t~h~Gk

Log eptions

r !5 end me.&s;ages €Inl}l \"\hein an error occurs ~ Ajwal':f sene! me:s&a§j,e:

T- - 01• 'S-' iCIIiiICI, p-:-' ~i 'Fa m-'-::-:: "'D'.,ftr "...jIi!,"" !P''3'j; jfn--:-, !",~, DI :Ex:~-:,D;'CU-'-! -,f '~-"n :111 '~;'a C,D l,I--':' : ·E··~'. :",ond:~'

. .:.:.... ,:,~ '."" a..1 ;'_", . ',~ ~'_ 'Ud~, ,_._ ,Ufl, ~ .. , _,~, ,"'::"';., _.'. _, _I ,ib!U:3jI:f ~Ii; .. '. ,. " . '._' !1,;1!!l;;; ,_, '_,":':". ,ItfLII'

~i -,.-,-'_ [I-I ,,0' - -,--' --', ;,,--,-,,- --:L",""" iili,'"',L ," ,11-:- ,- ." -Ii"IL,-. 'R' . - .. ,ih'-·-,·- !If: """'I"'h -. --, ,-

!!l;iD:S a~n:·· F"a",ame!r~er ,SII'u::I!' i"~ itiD !1.i~:!D,n I ,n:!ur I,:e I , .. un! ... '1I-11,m,!e.' .~ :",,, I!II··-:_. "-.,

47 28 June 2010

r :9.~a heard 'log ~

r ~'€Ita returned by server r .4.dvafwe€l Y9GB

Hi~t-----------------------, Move the mot:lse elY. et any item tEl see its de.~cri~tiol!:



Run-Time Settings - Run Logic

Run-time 5ettuDligJs ' ~,

IHlrnt~~-----------------="""'!!~ lMIitI¥!:!, ~h;:i ffJC!IJ~~ ~)l!liir ~1"1P il~liffi ~~ ~"~I!5: d~Pktn.

$~~6t it€«!: [Y,'.t: 1'H:aq~~lial

Ui'!!I~i!I ... ,!hi!l en, I tool) il8l'<Iii!ln

j \'<Ihr:fl ~' rI 'h,i J!':II' Ifrnl~J£I:Wlh la

- ~ ~~' da - Ii' -, h - -- Ii' '-I (1.h' ad'

T'- '.'-,'-"-',Ij;, :-' , -- "--'t-- ----,'--"---,' ,.-'-' ilrJ_,'--"----'--",,-,III;o;,--j ,-' -"-'--,'-',-' ,- --:'1'-- --,"-'

! IL!' - III., , ' I - , , , - ',-": , I"" " ~ , !, ' , ' '11,,1" - ,,- I' I: -,,' , " -, ' "I' "

_ 0_, ,_:c, ,'- _ la"" :_'_,, __ a U~,1.n-81 _' __ ,e ,r,_ __ qu~n,- _ka _, ac:c _:c ,=-,;5 ,m, e ---- --'" I'

-- ,IlL ..-.-_".., 'I -, ,~'~ , 'h I~ d" lth ' f""~ 'dl

,Nu,m'~' ,ai,' ,"';t,~_~:a;,tlon~J S:_-;_,OU_I,:_:_: elqjula'_, 'J'_:i!ei :niUT_:~,=,r 'ID:,_' r'or_-_~,~-,~n: me

d-' - f-";'-I'

data ':, ite

48 28 June 2010

Workflow - script creation

Gather relevant test information

49 28 June 2010

.----\ -=,I

Record Script

.----\ -=,1-

Playback script to verify succ:ess

·What is a Checkpoint?


A checkpoint is a step in a Vuser script which verifies whether a visual cue appeared as expected;

50 28 June 2010

Visual Clues Indicate the Success or Failure of a Business Process

51 28 June 2010

Pleals e ptiint a (:,oIPY of this 8:(: reen fOlr your reccrde. Thaln'lt; yau fOIr

c h o(lsinJg, I¥1€lWU~)Jl' Tours. -

-------------- -

IF I iglhl Co ilIfinrn o::.tUIIJ'1l ft 211)03 J!) 1-23$ 1 2fI0J J1J11I--23 ~ ID ~42 ~3:1.1l

,~_IC::J'PltiliOO ~1i!I 111 ricb

1 t23I.t!OOS @ :$; 0;3 pl!lii 1{.I,rl13il,!11:! S k ie~ Ailrli!ll;!'!;l 130 Cilalch

$7((6 each

:Zuri dh tg A~~IP.'~!1!;l{!1 .

1 /24fJOq~ @ 12; 2:3 lP1:l wi S~IJ!e S'kies Airline 8 ~1 01 Co@ch

$700 each


Methods for Verification

i - ---

I y: '.'-!I~U-'(;>~··'n' I ,a:.-· .Il __ ~ .. =. ya"".-.': 'U. (, !ii1ft.· I ·:i.·",'d·-:d:! 'C,;-:-,~",[·:-t-po·!~·"-.··'" '.:' !,:.n.'--.··i'iPrl-,·iIF :'. 'f.·.~:'D~-.···' iF _'Q,,'.·n·:-'!!!;"fi"'IJ' F!:Iii.:- 'O-.'!oD:- .. 'O'-- .. ··,

_ , , .. , .. _,J'.! '. _.IJ,LI'."lii' ,"" , !~ Q .... I .. ,1:.":"." ' _ _"'_ IU!LI!!Y' .' .:I;'~'''', __ ,_I'!!l'li;;.i!!!'iil!l' :_-,:_",_,.

, ' ,

!du~ri:na: or ,iift",e!r r!K'Olr1di' ,P8:.

52' 28 June 2010

Gopinathan Elumalai

Agenda Day- 2

Various types of correlation Manual correlation

-- Automatic Correlotion :. Usage of WDiff tool

When to correlate

::: Debugging Techniques

Workflow - script creation

Gather relevant test information

Record Script

.--\ L{-

Play.back script to verify succ.ess

Recording Dynamic Values

i VuGen Script I

1.Log in

User Name jojo Password bean

2.Your sessiontd@@@12345

3. Request tor product info

4. Product info found

D' ._- -_, "'-" . -, 'IIJ .-- d' ,_" t ',-. Iii '_'. h-·· - ,-' - d""'-" ,-" ,_, d ed- ,"' ...._ . th-' -. , '.'-'_ --, . - .... -." t' "."

fU'n:,lam':' ',," '·'l~'C· ' " . a·: "! . ,a, j '"'I 'is' ." la·"· r'j'" 'ii!!C'" ;C" ,"':'-I1n"'j .' (:'e'-' 'i§'if""'J--'lrIP' .. ','. :.,

, J1' ';",:' 1_; , " ... - "" "" ",'. ,::::,1 ,;,::_ ...... ~. "",', . ",~ _, ii,,;'" _. ""-'I: ,1_.-",':

Playing Back Dynamic Values

i VuGen Script I

1.Log in

User Name jojo Password bean

2.Your sessiontd@@@23456

3. Request tor product info

4. Product info found

- - - - --

'II d - rft_~ Iii Iii ,III

RMlna r;ecor _ ed uJnamtc data Will cause errors wnen you replay the Knpt

Solution - Correlate the Script

Correlation Methods for Web Scripts

1. Manually insert correlation functions

2. Automatic correlation can be done

v' After Recording ~ During Recording

Manual Correlation-Steps

Play Back with Server Data On


I ~ - ,

:- nl1ln L'ilSlIE:;

l, Pacini""!

I ....


! "TEli~Ti~

L Mi.MeUatu:olft .- Metwork

i L._ Speed S irmJlaticn ! Eh~me1'

L Blo!,i,l~e~ .[;:il'fIura1ion

L I nI.emel: PmbEicoil


:-. I-'Io~

i ~e'~r~ce}

i D:J~_niiOh~i:ik

1;1 [iilafile'Iili!Jgi:)g L~ g~'liem;

II C' :S:I!Jtd rm~~i!i~.~ li:lril}ll ~Wi .!1m li!lrnru ,~otIr~

IG ,AJ~ ~nD iM$:S~:ea:

_og IiIleSi-.a~~ et ~~e debaille.Y,E!! !:Ii! ========= r: itat'i~i3~cllo~

~ \~~~n!i=d l~ ============1

W ear,oam ebe:.· ·~!.!.hi~ibullll{1

'r,:;:7 )latal Ptl~Ij(Ir100 l~"'serter

r M\l-a~e~ hr-afl;l!l.

A Step Failed During Playback

~' ~w !,odt, fi~

~ &,7,; -tBl., '~ <!\ ,

Step Name:: Su1bmit For'm: icolm.mercuryt'ours,~slervlet.ltenerar


~,~ Il.IJ~ OOOIi.rn~rew]A_oYfs.mWl W~I!:I.,.je{

_ ~ e. 11.-~1', f ........... ,..,..,..., ....... ..,.,ili~ .. "' ..... j".,J-. 'i:'~a', .. ; ~'" ., ""'~ '"'''''''''II!-!. ''''!H'~ ........ !b"""""""'".r'"....,' ... _I''i'~ ... ~1'w. ... y,1Pj

. ¥".' Su'brrMt f~m: ~~EiI,.II~~,~~'R~¥l1!liQm;~r:W crI' a SIJOOlillF<IlCiro:; cOOLrrm~~.~l'Pt!id;~~~t, ",",Iii S!~ f!l)!~ CUfbrn:llO!.Jl~$.~~~~feSeM:U .t-,~ !iiM~~; ~~~j,Il :~ :iji( iii' Se!ipj;,Aboiledl - r_endl ~~J)J


S Ubrioll Fum com rrt::fcwyi:Q...'s ~cr'r~1 Itcn:-J~Iy$eT ... kl

- - -

'Subm It Form:

rom. merc!Jryto~rs. 5 ervil et, UenerarySeN let

Step creat i on IF,a'! led failed

IQ; Why Idild 'the s'tap creation fail?

1 ~ Make a, no 'e of whi1ch s't1epl 'f8ined~ '2,. ~nvesl1Iia,te the EXecution LOlli I'



Execution Log Revea Is Problem

web:...._slIlbwi. ( "c 151t!l: a, l'Uialrr.::u ~t.rEI'urs . St8';I:V'l at. . I' 'tenEi ra a=ySe l""V'1 at. " .~ "Snapshot me 7 i i ():E MI i!'

l[T[MDATA ~.

i'l;_l _ f l' t....-. 2 f1i 2-' oi "'.~' 1, ... < 1-''G''I!i'''' " "[;:;iL.'iIT'I·V-Tii"Y

,.,._"alOO . _l.g.n.t:._ ll! _ ~, .... QjJ!.!J9 ._.r,·.1r Z ,~ .l::.f'ilLI . .L ,!:-L'Il! ..

IIN6me. f 1 i ~l n t_2 (!I S MI~, IIV'a hu~ I!I (OFf I II.. EN1IITEM .. IIName'-fl igbt_206 il~, I'Va 1 ue=en" ... , :E~.DlTEM~

I'Noma Cl r-emoveSEIl Ei ct ad • Jot 'I ,",' !lV",l ue:c: SO!! ~ :fND l:-.E:M ,"' "N'liIme I!I removeSa.l eet ed . y II .. , II Va I ue 10 II... :[~m r:,EM ... :IT..AST) ,~

1.:r- _ t:b"l n k_t im.e ( :1. ),~

'~ei:b~imafJe ( I" S i g n -ef f !' ... '"Al t'.'sig:~-off""

II!::" ' 'Il.. .... t- 8 f. .i

- ~:napS,t~o.; - .' .1 fJ . -- ~'

:ILAST) ,~

The Executi:on loB shows that the tr"eques,tecl form w'as, no,t found. Exlp 10 ri Im.'t he Cla,rre~poli1mllnl Iii ne i iii the seni pt trev'R Is ,that ~he fcni lin that sub m11tted -the de,'.,t,e' i,f il1'erar:y' inrfo:r1 .. ati on was not found ~

WDiff Highlights the Differences

0; ",al1l~ = bU!JIF lllt,gh t s ., x' i, •• ' u e =23"· '~, END W T EM, "H\alltl!i",bu IFlI!i ht s L 1 II, "'lJalulEIlCI:17'":!IJ EN~m TEM,

It" t h1Alk t111l~



we b'_,il1li3'g e(! !i It f.nellr.a f'J' i iii

1l1l0111t iii i tilli1!@,t", at",~'·1 !~ !i!>Sna:p.sho'I]:,=,t:€J. .11n f-"! II'

L.BSli :~I :;

w.etb_imalge,(!!itlhlllier,ar'!t! II'

.. ~Il t'iii.t:i5ill~ t"'alt",!f" ~I "Snap snct= t,~1 .1ln-if ,;, ~

l-nJST~ :;:

lr thiA~ tillt~( 11 };

WE!ihi_s:ullb ni t _f.o,rm( "":C'iiH~. m~ r'cull'",~:iI::I1IIUli":§' L s@""'Ii,!'jIl,~!t • I 'iii: ~'I'iII@Ii"',a !~'S:na,p :s:ho'Il::=,t,7 • iln F" III


!~NalJu!i:=flilg IlIit_2IB2:"·" 'o! U .8llJ!i:e,=:<:OFIF :>,.~ '~ [:HOI I TEI~I, ""Hl.alfi!i!'IiI'Flil::'lillt - :210§:"·. lUi ,liallli1i1i II {OFf) "', (IHIlII I TEIM: '~'NalJ)e=flighlt~21 oo.!' ''''Uallue=on'" ~ E,HDI1iEMII!I ""t!f,a11U!! iiI't"@lITIDu:eS@lllE"c:t@11iI ,. x;" ", II Ualll!.l!l!! -1 01" t END I ""HaB'lt!',=rE!'mo uleSe t e C:ttll~ '., ", "lJall!JJ e =13"'.. E tiD ,[ 1

\ilE!ilb _ 5ubll.lli:t _,FIQ t"'iTII( I "'Ii:'!1!IllI. mE)i!r c:I!II:'"!'iIt illl!llt"!i ~ !i;;@t"lIJ.Il@,t • filt:l!in@talt

">t" 'h: t. ... ,' i !I!'"

-- ,,-,nap :!ii'IIUO',.;;:= IL i .: -1I!l~ - - ~

'~:TEMDilnA ,

"'Ualllll' =:fli![I hit ~'2 02!~ jo !'~IU allue:= (iliFF:>" ~ EIND 1: TEIt1 ~ "'"!.am!! iii 'Fli,- hit 205'''1. '"I", dlluEl!'. (OFF) "'.. EIItID!J TEH ;1 - "nal1l~=f'light'~206"" ~ ~'"Ualw~=on·' ~ [tUn TEH,. ,

II "\a lit Ell all""@IItDU @'S@l ~ I:: ted ~ H"', '" UlaluE!i -8 0' ", END I 11 '·H'alJ)lI'=t"el1l~H,e'Sel'ected ~ .... "U1alue=1 W"" E,HD:[ ~

L.~ST1; .

lr thiAk tillt~( 1 );



Wh ich Va I ues Need to be Correlated?

• These values represent the screen locations of mouse clicks

• They are used by the script but eo not need to be correlated

'Name buy,Flights.x , Value 5'2 l ENDITE'M, Name buyFlights.x , Value 23 , ENDITEM',
'Name, buyFlights.y , Value 15, ENDITEM, Name buyFlights.y , Value 17 , EN'DITEM'
, lr think ti me( 2 ); Ir think ti me( 1 );

i Ir think ti me( 7 ); If think ti me( 11 );

'-------1------'---' 'alue on , EN , Name flig 206 , ' alue on ; EN D ITEM,

"-"'- ..... elected,x , Value 1 01 ,ENDITEM" ame removeSelected.x ,Valu 8 ,ENDITEM,

Name remo elected.y, Value 13 , ,ENDIT,EM, Name removeSelected.y , Value 10, ENDITEM,

,Ir think ti me ( 1 ).
\ ,
lhink ti me de not need t@ fule eorrelatecl Flight na is d~namie eng requires correlation

web_reg_save_param Function Arguments

web_reQ_save_param has following arguments

User-defined parameter name


r=:: .\

lndicates line more attributes" A

(t<=. ===i1 "'====-;;;1

(lI'param_'namell, <List of Attributes>", LAST);


II L '8 = ~ I, II 'R '8 =,11, 110 R 'D'=' II ,

The left & right boundary of the parameter orthe dynamic data

Optional indicates ordinal or instance or the match

*See the LoadRunner documentation for a complete list of attributes

Find the Text Boundaries in Server Response

ij[i B··, -. ,Adion()

11 ~ ... ~ Ulk GliJffrl. m;ereIJJ}!bl)l.JI~,s~vlet.WelcomeS;er~.t

. "'~ Syb~ Foffll'l; ~i!I"!,~~o[jJ}i~o!Jj~.t~vleUi;i!:l!'JO~'lS~~vl~,

~ ·"~fiil' $ubITilll F a\mt OO[fi. fIIl:EfiCUi],itOUj'j'. ~e1vle'lFl'e~j:vaoonSe~vl~

~ B~, :Sub_ F 0Ml1( o,rnn liIK~c~to~; 8~:",!IG!:_Pur:cfi~8C£'GI-kt t··:i] ~ubrrol F G11lfi: ooUfl.IiIlC~eUU}!toulS,. selvlelPur.ehaseS e~t_

: ,,~ :1M,!Igl!: itiMli1in'~rjtl .

~ ""fill '5ub.-' F--o:rm-' . ~-(_;;~-liIii-~~'-. fIIiE-·-'-~C-iJl.1-,·t-o-LU-.~-" e.-·l,;i-·;le""'L""I~-:eii!-~e1-, ·15i-f;--S-e-f~--'- ~

L..·~I Image: sign-off

climt ,ReqUJe'Jt

5mapshotofReQO;r:d=m=g~ ~~=m~[~~

EI ~ lile~Olil!5e : ... -~ tI'ead:er

~·-II: 6nd,' I$:I·J~ :Ui Liilil ~ .. ,~:I,F '


"';3:'; IbgiC 011.0 &111,;' ~iCC CCC C'").('font f E!!'c'e .;. ARliL ' Iff. oitlP<:jbx/ fon 0< /:f©nt;>

- 1:1 - I

ErllOlr ~279'"l9: Requested fOlrtli n t i 01] • C ( 3:2 ): we b_s ubnri t.~jf orm hiS hes t siever i

11~I-!!:bb~a1'$P8qS- ilB'V~ i 51\11. m *'

- - "cb kb II " RB I.

LB: type= c iec _. __ OX name= _ :_.:.

Find Occurrence (instance) Count

Add web-re9_save_param to the Script

lweb_dearl!~~;_,.au~q_:head~rs iwebL_ cle~I1~~~,tt'!ok.ies l~eb;_c.(itt~I\e:nl.end

'Para~eter Cr~alion Dptiont~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


~ 1 de~;~jlt~ne'r.ary

R ig1t Boundary:

web_re9_save_param IIp'aram_namel

Parameterize the Dynamic Value(s) Script




CIO rre I o:!lUO III P I ck _, We b I~HllP/HTML]

_... • - I

W!9i:b~::re,g=,sa'V!9~paI"am ( IIdal_i,t ine,re.ry II ,,"' lI['ll=type='\" IIcheckbo:x,'\, n UQJm~=' ID II ~, ,iRBi:'· If II'"

'iOrd,-? ii ~,

I.J'"ST,) ;,

'~'q~b_:hna8le ~ ~! 1 tine r~ r'/i i ,~ lI.Al t =; t inarery 11" IISnQPshot=t~ ,. inf 1111 ,F

:LAST') ~ lr:_tbink_tj_m~ ( 1,1 ).,~

web_sou hrn i t_fonn ( I~ C'ORl . :me!l!ClU rytOU,l"S' . 56 [VI 'et '. It en,era rySe~rvl et II ,iI'" nSn.apsfict,=t 7,. i.n:f "'-II"

11'ENDi\1' A,,",

IINa:me"",f 1 i ght_20:ZIIi ,/, 1:1V'e.l'ue=<O:FF> ~I ,/, END ]['IE~, ...

liN dlllB ,-' _' '_ -I _' 111_ U e = < OF'F) !II '" END rIEM ii'

i!Na:nte {de.'i_i t'ine.rarl}ii.., i'V>!J;l'uei'lloE'ii i~,,,, ENDITEM" J

liN ame:... ,",' "Ve I ua= B 0 I i~, 'Et;liD ITEM' #' liN a:me '=re:nllove S~ 1119'0 te d m Y I~ ,",' IIVa I ue =.1 (1111 if' ,[t.]D ITEM, #" :LAST') ~

Play Back the Script to Verify Correlation Works

"Virtual U ter G ener .ator - [1;0 nela~iQln_pl ay back. utr - Web [H T T P IH T M LJ] II!!II~ EI

J Q .. j~ .. ~ ~ I r~~i.jl

5'talrt ~6'CeFd '$ ttl~ j

~ ltiiGram LIst ~ ~I.d ntlm Set~ln~s

r die'l~ P~'ii;luet>!t I


Snapshot 8F'Recording


"ht,tp' :,/ /localhost/ima'gee/ranns.

" - 'lI:', 'I' l!. ~


t~1783ime: lD44-byt~ r~apaDSe

Correlation of Data Dependent Fields


i.' yiOIU want tOI test your shopping application

with several different merchandise items

'.' After pararneterizin .. g theitem name, the application works 'fair the recorded itern and fails for all others

: S,O'.L,UTI,O'N

:. F'i'nd and parerneterize the dependent data la.s well as the name of the merchandise item

Vuser Replay Fails

Results Summary'


Execution ~started :: 6/30/Cl 1 _, 1 ! : 02 :' 0 0

Exercution ended : 6/30/01, ,_ 1, 1 : 02 : 09

failed lFaile~ Faile,d

Z J .4

St.atlJS' Times





lf all iterations fail. except the

i one which used I the recorded

I value, that

usually indicates a data dependent value hare-ceded tn your script

Identifying the Problem

• Parameter li>:::t H IE3

,f;aamiJliBi ~j;!E!: _l',;;F;;;:i~========-,::9

~ile !'i:iI1~"!I~I;-======i~ ~Yifilii dtfirrM!.er. IICernrn:a B

1'1 ~


Identifying the Problem - Continued

Create Another Script for Comparison

i • Re-record the script with exactly the : same user step '"IS,



! • If the dynamic value you need to capture

is dependent on an input data value, then change only that input data value

ls the ~Item Number in oUlr exarrple dspsndam on

any' user input daf'a?

_ " ~", I~ I _ II_ ,1_ ", I~::, _ j~- _' Ijj

Yes. It is dependent on the Item, Descrlptlon,

Correlate Dependent Value(s)

About Automatic Correlation After Recording

To work correctly, automatic correlation requires at Least one playback

Web pages captured during playback are compared to Web pages captured during recording El

After playback, use the built-in Scan for Correlati oris tool tC)1 correlate

How to Correlate Automatica Ily After Recording

IPitay back the script,

--, If the script fails, determine if It needs correlation .. I~f yes, ena b Lie' Seve correlation information ,d'ur,i'n,g rleplt,IQ',Y in General Options,

-. , P1tay back the script again.

. Click Select Te,s,tR,es'ult button, in the Sn;a:psllot of Results pane, 'Select the, most recent 'iteration that failed.

_. , Perform the s'can Ibiy clicking ,on Scan for correlation button m'

. , Under Correlation Results tab, determine dynamic values t:OI correlate.

, . Verify correct execution.

When to Correlate During Recording

Automatic Correlation During Recording

Automatic Correlation During Recording

'1. !Eina,:b,:l,ie'C',o.rretc,ti'on' d,u'rlnl,~ re',ctJ",.,dln',g' fn Recording Options 2 ~ Create new appl ication

3 Po Create new rule 'f'lor the newly created ,a Pi plication and

define Ip: rio Pi e rti es for the new rule

4., Test the newly created rule (optional) 5·~, Record the script

·6!., Ip1lay back the script to 'v'erif'y' correct execution

When to Correlate

Correlation Summary

Debugging Techniques for Vuser Scripts

U;si ngl lllt}!BJ'd Ru n Mr' P'ri nt IF'un;CI:i,o,ns,

1'1he, LR !out,put i:m,e:ssa,g;e'f.li1n(J.'t~,o,lil5: 'lUs@,standaFld: IC, hlrmaue,'E"',& (%B',I! '%.d ~ fJX;i'fi~ e,tlll..)'~ y'!ou Ic,anl IUg,e' 1JhS'8e 'I~o, otiJt;put imle'sssges Bind v:aJ:ue !o:f: :pail!'a:nte·'t,ers :a.n,d C'CNFllllll:Ed:ed dala~,

itr _'0 ut iP'Ut_ m(!·,s,:&,~ge' {~~h):Si !~s fM· !meSSi~lge~ '0/05, W i',f. ;tr _ ev,a] _ S1: iii n9 It ~R],( so m'9lpa ram] ~i'») ~

ill!" _ v U99,;r:_;slat:U9_,me'S9,a,se(~~1:I e,liB,ti,o"n in um ,be"r %s.n ,=' ,[r~BV,~_ stlf:~i,!II1g f~'{1 t,e :1I'~:n: " - :_1 ur l~;

B'reakpo'in'ts, and S:t1epIs,

You ean set :bm,a·t, pCI]m:S andi steiP' 'thm:uQ.1h :8 SCl~Ft ste':~by.<m:e!p" Th~s !enS,U:Ii\B'.S" y,ou ean ,510"P' ibe'fcre a f.a-;a'~ 8·]"IrOI" ,-' :IJ S[t,iQ,p h'1il,Q· a iPro,'b"Ee;:m~ iche·c:ldnll what d'ats: hi, ibe·lng used 'by'

lI·h .... ,1 'S~III.I"'i"p

111:-1K;ll ~ = 'r~-~ i ,IE'

Does the,· script !s,ndil in the" ,-- ;,-!9· :st',atls, th,a1 it be·'gan?

I' _,'n illlla~dns W E,eV:use:r s iilt ~ s ve,~ :E 1m port iant '1'0' e!nd I ihe" 'bus] ne'ss iPflO'CS':gs WIIHI:.h f'be, apl!p~ ilca~ :Ilo;:rli ~In 'Uhe' .~. I; Ie, S1::am/pHos,~ tIi ,Oiin a s :I'~ w'ss w~hei 111 "U::le' :p,mce,Sl:s, W3:s:slaMJed., !FoE"'

19)[a"m R.!Ii9l: IC o'·se' :aO e ~':Red! w,mdow.s a,,nd lime n us"" ,anali :fr'9t,uml to" '~:ihe ,5·EU1",9' .s1:a:rUI!I'V!I :8,Cli1e~e'n ..

IF Ir"=" Ill' !Il!!~

IU:s,lngl 'the" R[e"c1olr,d!ln'gl ,and! Ex:,e,cut~io'n Logls.

When try,ln,gl ttO d]:agnase' a ipJ',ob1!eml :~nc[f'!e·ase, ttle 1III'o:Qlgl:ng to 8'XI,e,oo[ed] :~I'og~~rHgl :and! data II!e~um :by- aeN'ler., Th1is 11l'!e1:ur:ns m,Oire, ,data fili'om th,e, server :re:s,'",

Look for Dyn,amic DI,311:,a

AJ'e, 'UI1SlU'e" an,y sesslon ]ds.j, da.1aba:se. ;keY,8 ,0:11" :8nry 101 he "I' tv:p9.·' ,at d,na,:m:~,c~ dalts: 1hal :~s :Sflnl ib,y 1he, se·n!I!'f.. iU the!1'e :~s: ,ei,.' ,.- :llc Id;aI,~ti1 carr[e'lail'le' 1:hls Idata~

Improve Usage Model Simulation

1. 'Think times

,/ Simulate: real .users b.y pausing between user actions.

2. ltarofions

,/ Run Vuser repetitively as required.

,/ Keep faster Vusers running while slower ones are still

processl ng.

vuser end


" " "

Loign to sample application, During the course of exercise, you need you incorporate the fo Ilowi ng concepts in your script.

v' T ransacti ons v' Verification

v' Parameterization v' Correlotions

v' Iterations

Thank you!

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