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Exam 70-432: TS :MS SQL Server@ 2008, Implementation and Maintenance

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You are managing a SQL Server 2008 instance which implements on a Windows Server 2000 computer and utilizes
mixed authentication mode for the You should make sure that the SQL Server 2008 authenticated logins
has the same password complexity rules which are enforced by Windows Server 2000. You should also make sure that
the password complexity rules should be enforced. Which is the correct answer? (select more than one)
A. You should utilize the ALTER LOGIN ... CHECK_POLICY = OFF statement to change the whole logins.
B. You should utilize the ALTER LOGIN ... CHECK_POLICY = ON statement to change the whole logins.
C. You should utilize the ALTER LOGIN ... CHECK_EXPIRATION = OFF statement to change the whole logins.
D. You should develop a method which prevents any violation of these rules through Policy-Based Management.
E. If a rule violation is founded, you should develop an SQL Server Agent job which implements to raise an alert

Answer: B, D
You are checking the security of a SQL Server 2008 instance which includes database TestDataBase. The following
requirements are listed below: There are only successful and failed logon attempts in log files.If records could not be
written to the log files, the SQL Server instance is closedIn order to set the SQL Server sample to conform to the
requirements .Which is the correct answer?
A. sp_configure 'show advanced options', 0;GORECONFIGURE;GO
B. sp_configure 'default trace enabled', 0;GORECONFIGUREGO
C. sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;GORECONFIGURE;GOsp_configure 'common criteria compliance
D. sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;GORECONFIGURE;GOsp_configure 'common criteria compliance

Answer: D
You are managing a SQL Server 2008 instance for You use a Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis
Services (SSAS) instance. A data mining structure shouldbe deployed which contains the Microsoft Clustering mining
model. From Scalable K-Means to Non-scalable K-Means. You should alter the attribute of the mining model. Which is
the correct answer?
B. You should change CLUSTERING_METHOD
C. You should change INDEXDEFRAG
D. You should change SHRINKFILE

Answer: B
You are mastering the company database, including the SQL Server 2005 database which include a table called
Production. Product. The table has more than 50 columnsThe most common queries are listed below Transact-SQL
statements. --QUERY 1SELECT [Name], [ProductLine], [ListPrice], [Class], [Style] FROM [Production]. [Product]WHERE
[ProductLine] = 'T' –QUERY 2SELECT * FROM [Production]. [Product] ORDER BY [Name] When you are minimizing the
space required for the indexes. You should select the best indexes to maintain the most common searched to the
Production. Product tableWhich is the correct answer?
A. You should develop a clustered index on the Name column.
B. You should develop a nonclustered index on the Name column.
C. You should develop a clustered index on the ProductLine, ListPrice, Class and Style columns.
D. You should develop a nonclustered index on the ProductLine, ListPrice columns.

Answer: A
You are managing a SQL Server 2008 sample which includes an On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) database
together with a dimension table called Tester for the You should refresh the Tester table each hour. The
Tester table includes data which is not useful. In order to keep the disk space used to reserve the Tester table.Which is
the correct answer?

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A. You should the technology of Windows NTFS file system compression
B. You should the technology of Page compression
C. You should the technology of Row compression
D. You should the technology of Transaction compression

Answer: B
You are managing a SQL Server 2008 sample which includes a database called Tester for the There is a
table named Production which owns a clustered primary key called ProductID on the ProductID column in the database
and a single XML column called ProductXml which stores XML data. On the same XML column, there is an XML index.
you increase a new column called ProductName to the Production table. You should make ProductId primary key. Which
is the correct answer?
A. You should change the XML index and set the ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON option.
B. You should use the statement Drop the XML index on the table. and change the primary key. And the reproduce the
XML index.
C. You should make the XML index on the ProductName column disable and change the primary key.
D. Before Clearing the XML information from the original table by configuring the ProductName column to NULL. You
should transfer the XML data to a temporary

Answer: B
You are managing a SQL Server 2008 instance for the The SQL Server Import and Export Wizard should
be used to output information from SQL Server to a Microsoft Excel .In order to save the package definition to a file. You
should make sure you should run the package from the command line. Which is the correct answer?
A. You should use the command of sqlmaint.exe
B. You should use the command of update.exe
C. You should use the command of dtexec.exe
D. You should use the command of Register.exe

Answer: C
You are managing a SQL Server 2008 instance which includes a database called TestDB for the
are two tables listed below in TestDB databaseThe OrderHistory table includes two table partitions; one partition includes
the whole information and the other partition is null. You decide to create a process to transfer information from the
partition which includes information for the oldest month of the Orders table to the proper partition of the OrderHistory
table. You should make sure that the process could be doubled at the end of each month.Which is the correct answer?
A. Before changing the Orders table through utilizing the merge selection. You should change the partition function of the
Orders table through utilizing the split
B. After changing the Orders table through utilizing the merge selection. You should change the partition function of the
Orders table through utilizing the split
C. You should modify the configurations of the Transaction Logs
D. You should change the partition function of the OrderHistory table by utilizing the split selection. Change the
proper partition of the Orders table to the proper
E. Change the OrderHistory table by utilizing the merge option. Change the Orders table by utilizing the merge

Answer: D
You are mastering the company database, with SQL Server 2008 computer named SQLTEST1The master database
on SQLTEST1 is down. Some SQL Server Agent jobs should be included in the SQLTEST1.The whole database
should be backed up every day. You rebuild and restore the master database. You should make sure that SQLTEST1
functions as it did before the database lost. Which is the correct answer?
A. You should reserve the model and master databases for the database.
B. You should reserve the Log Transaction for the database.
C. You should rebuild the whole table schema for the database.
D. You should rebuild the whole SQL Server Web Service for the database.

Answer: A
You are managing a SQL Server 2008 instance which includes a database called TestDB for the There is

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a table named Products which owns several indexes and many of rows in TestDB database which gives an enterprise
Web environment which is often used. Forty percent of the indexes on the Products table are fragmented. You should
make sure that the effect on database availability is minimized. Which is the correct answer?
A. You should utilize the option of Online.
B. You should utilize the option of Offline.
C. You should utilize the option of Full index.
D. You should utilize the option of Page index.

Answer: A
You are managing a SQL Server 2008 instance for the order to know the amount of workers who
processed the SQL Server instance through utilizing Windows System Monitor. Which is the correct answer?
A. You should capture the object of SQLServer:Exec Statistics
B. You should capture the object of SQLServer:Buffer Manager
C. You should capture the object of SQLServer:Access Methods
D. You should capture the object of SQLServer:General Statistics

Answer: D
You are managing a SQL Server 2008 instance which includes databases for a shopping application and a
manufacturing application for the You set the Resource Governor to cut the maximum CPU search time
permitted through the applications. The administrator of the manufacturing application tells you that that some reports
could not run successfully. You should make sure that you change the Resource Governor settings to permit the
manufacturing application to cost more CPU time. Which is the correct answer?
A. The workload group that clarifies the shopping application
B. The classifier function that is used by default
C. The workload group that is utilized by default
D. The workload group which is utilized through the manufacturing application

Answer: D

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