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UNITED STATES STRATEGIC BOMBING SURVEY < eS THE EFFECT OF AIR ACTION ON JAPANESE GROUND ARMY LOGISTICS LIBRARY HARINE CORPS SCHOOLS Military Analysis Division April 1947 FOREWORD Bombing Survey Secreary of War on 3 nt toa dinetive from the tele. Tes mission as fanul expert study of the aitack on Germans, to tensed ir attacks on Japan and to = evaluating the importse Ain power as an insteumeat or planning the Suture de Bates arm forces sconomic polices with Aafense. A Susary re reports contain rey in Germany have been gfairatack in te var suit ‘reports in dapliste tn tho iin 30 fer it 500 ested men, The nilitary egment of the organization was Crum fro the Ary to eect of 69 pment an fom the fig men, supplies Arak Port ane nn Tho Survey operated from headquarters established in Toyo early It September 1945, with subimadgeartrs ia Nagoya, Osaka, Hizochima, ard bile teums operating in cer parts of Japan, the sds of the Pacific, ad the Asiatic maieland, Te wa posible to reconstruct auch of wating apwnese itary planning and execitior, ene ‘ugunent by engagement, end campaigs by cam Palau, an to seer reasrably acematysatisiee fon apanis ecomomy and wat productony plant by plan, and indstry by inte, Tnition, studies weve condntll ot apan's overall eae tegte plans andthe backgrowl of her etry ito the wir, fe interal discusions and negotiations leading tc her eceoplanee of tneonditonal = render, the course of hath and morale aon he civil population, tie aletivones of the ‘Japanese sivlion defense organization, and the fects of the atomic books Separse reports Will be iste covering ch phase of the sudy. ‘he Sarrey temo me than 10 ap nese milter, governed insta fil Teal recvered and taieated many documents ‘whieh not only have Dee useful to ths Survey, 3 hl trash cet wala for to Gebesesce Factors afecting retipis of equipment 6 Reserves and consumption rer Amy z iremons ith resi ribut aan of communications

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