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Kenia SAE-104 2008 PAPER Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 150 Note: The candidate has to answer 15 questions @ 5 questions from each section. Each question carries 10 marks. — SECTION I 1. (a) Explain various approaches to measure national income. OR (b) Explain the problems in measuring national income. 2. (a) Explain the important objectives of the 10" Five Year Plan. oR (b) Explain the role of private sector after economic reforms. methods of measuring poverty in India. OR 8. (a) Explain (>) Explain the methods of measuring unemployment in India. 4. (a) Explain the objectives of monetary policy. OR (b) Explain the impact of cconomie reforms in the Banking sector. 5. (a) Explain the pattern of revenue collection after economic reforms in India. OR (b) Explain the principles of public expenditure. SAE-104 1 P.T.O. (b) 7. (a) 8. a (b) 9 (a) (b) 10. (a) (b) SAE-104 SECTION IL Why are Land Reforms implemented ? What are the main laws pertaining to Land Reforms in Andhra Pradesh ? OR Explain the scope of Land Reforms in Andhra Pradesh and assess success in computerisation of Land Records. How is Andhra Pradesh economy popularly classified ? What are the relative shares of the three regions in the GSDP of Andhra Pradesh in the recent years ? oR What is Green Revolution ? What is its impact on the agricultural economy of Andhra Pradesh ? Examine the structure of occupations pursued by Andhra Pradesh people and the proportion of SC-ST population in the total population of Andhra Pradesh. oR Write notes on (i) Measures taken by the Andhra Pradesh government to empower women. (ii) Infant Mortality and Death rates in Andhra Pradesh in the recent decade. What are the direct and indirect taxes levied by the government of Andhra Pradesh ? OR Write notes on : (i) Debt composition of Andhra Pradesh government (ii) Tax revenue and other resource inflows into Andhra Pradesh government from the Central government Explain the pattern of resource mobilisation for the public seetor in the 5-Year Plans of Andhra Pradesh in the recent decade. oR What are the total outlays of Andhra Pradesh’s X and XI 5-Year Plans ? What proportion of the outlay is allocated to agriculture including irrigation ? 1. (a) Cy) 12. (a) (b) 13. (a) (b) 14. (a) (b) 15. (a) (b) SAE-104 SECTION UL Examine the growth and structure of industries in Andhra Pradesh. OR Explain the significance of SSI in the development of Andhra Pradesh and mention the incentives extended by the government to this sector. Briefly explain the need for administering agricultural commodity prices and mention the administering machinery. OR Explain the basic features of Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) and its performance in the state. Examine the causes for regionel disparities in Andhra Pradesh and measures initiated by the government to reduce the same. OR Explain the causes for backwardness of certain regions and suggest measures for development. Examine the role of SHGs in Andhra Pradesh in meeting the credit requirements of rural people. oR Examine the importance and development of transport and communication in the state of Andhra Pradesh. State the importance of service sector in the development of Andhra Pradesh. OR Write short notes on : (i) Kisan Credit Card Scheme (ii) Providing Urban Facilities in Rural Areas (PURA) 3 P.1.0. SindSeu : Berks wSardssu) O20 15 SHOH Sirqrsiw ab 2635, Brio hod & WHY wowed. 3 (SHH 10 Sroyev. iT 1 (@ 2 (a) (a) 3. (0) (®) 1. (2) (a) 5. (a) (a) SAE-104 grits I arboircroteny Swsirds aiairhod O24 Sge&oo rosod. es erBaircrasrdy Sosood* sis) Siogo Dds ? PHOS 105 Soshs wor OS Sows og gow [wrovsod. as 698 So%zSaro wSodso BySen Soh DS Bosod. 3 wd Bho BbOsd SOT Sgsoew OS ? se eds Shos® DBEFgrrdy sod Sgeeoo Dab ? (Gbg Aor ogrger Ddvss ? 3s wgo8oh dottow wQS Som tmo werd DOs 7 BE Somytao edoSIo wcrc’ Sired* Arto [Prosiod. 8s Bwsg Sas Arjros wood. @) vo de SAE-104 6. (d) @ 7. (2) () 8. (2) (@) @ 10. (2) @® 3AE-104 arise IT Jotho$ wren THs ? wos SAIS ge Sos, Sook Sowodods [Sos Serer ID ? 3s vos SEIS Frwoxy¥ao 409 OD 7 wr osredrdg SHsero Sopgodssad PHodS Derold, Borys». wo BAH UQS Ssh Sqrdsor 2 Dsdor ShsoHw 7 also SossyChvos vos [BAT TH eqrobod urd rome aby areren 2 DSorr amryon 7 3s HOS DGSo wo MBE 7? vos BAF Sgdrab wos sysop od ers 7 wog SAF Sue dyho Aoyerd) SOMowdsan. Svgo wg) erard* ting Here», wéo weren I LH sarjov ? as Asre» (rots : () 40S SAS DAKO PASSH TSS Svgen. (i) ASO SrHOS wo[s [AT S Riero Horde Ler dep. wold AE Wrdg DSS) Sgs SOE Sk) SD 7 3s Bsn rosie : (i) Go (SBT doe Srsy (ii) ZoBo%0d vos SST Tyas Sono ertiarging air add Ago SBDo%. ndSO Srpos® vols BAF Beg Fos Sovsy Bors Ido 88m Bx Ddorcrsv. as ¥0.{5. 105 11d SoS Bross" Beh Ergo Byoden ood ? DG Sedo Seo D DUS Sghrosrd8 Mook Seronpny’ ? 5 P.T.O. arise HE 11, (0) vod BSE Sods Sophie ATywi MOawy 49d SOBs Sn. aa (B) vos SST COS Oso OS SIH Sopito rorssSio Dhow HPawo Ss Fords iSaveigo DJOoOS Mornsow Heywan. 12, (Q) SgS0H SHH So (administering) wSSTOD 00% asd BVYS Dowy asojworo 00d Hsorr Moowvdn. bo (O) o%% DgrOs [Ser Sobs Sy9 (TPDS) [SS wor Mow THosos ar SSW BMdordSn. 18, (2) vos GBT Sot ooh Syegrow sderow Waly PoBos Rergro Showy Sersyiw SHS oes Wogom Ho VoxySn. bo (2) 82) owe Bod aocdoss sere D6000 ard w)QS Sdgoms sro. 14. (2) (re bdo S853 vdsrom SHyoS* wos SF SodO SHG © Sk SOROoHAv. ba (8) vod BSE TyySmom Gro How siwrgodas [Sdwngsio MO wHSGdI SO*MDosSy. 15. (D) Gos (SEE Gnd, DorSins* dardorian Sw, HqorsgSH Bersysn. ba ® of S503 rosin : () 85S BS s§ Sg¥o (Kisan Credit Card Scheme) (i) (rke Broerod* S45 BSrgos wityy (PURA) SAE-104 6 10,200

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