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aNoor Khan
aHashaem Khan ² Bad Surrogate
father figure
aAnthony Clark - Mentor

aSalem Khan ² Villain

aJody Simpson - Rival


aNoor is having her most important fight to

win a title but her father and the community
won·t let her fight because she is a Muslim
women and they believe it to be against their
a Hashaem Khan Noor·s older brother has just finished a prison sentence for GBH and is supporting
his sister. The fact that Hashaem is helping Noor, angers their father and makes Salem look even more
down on boxing because of ¶ his disgraceful son· is involved. Noor gets a spot on the Great Britain
Youth boxing camp but receives hostility from other girls and the teacher seems to show distaste for
Noor·s head strong attitude. After Noor has a spar with another girl and it gets out of hand, Noor goes
home after being picked up by Hashaem she decides the experience ¶ was a waste of time·. Noor begins
to get isolated as she unknowingly pushes the few friends she has left away to focus on her boxing. Her
best friend Zakir argues with her before a fight and she feels like she has no one. In addition she ahs a
huge fight with her family and Muslim friends after her father says that id she fight he will disown her.
Her Muslim friends think she is a traitor to her religion for boxing. Hashaem talks to Rav saying she
needs support for this fight and while Noor is driving to the arena they get minority of Muslim and
people in her community to support her.

aNoor & Jody face off and after a brief 3 second

hit o the floor Noor is able to beat Jody on a points
decision after breaking her hand. The audience goes
wild and it ¶ appears· Noor now has a minority of
Muslim supporters.

aAfter fight interview of Noor saying she

hopes her community and most importantly
her father will support her in the future.

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