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Nama : Kurnia Isnaningtyas

Kelas/No Absen : XI IPA 5 / 14

1. Larutan sebanyak 10 mL diambil dari sebuah botol cuka.

Setelah diukur pHnya dengan menggunakan pH meter, ternyata pH
larutan tersebut sebesar 3. Jika Ka asam asetat = 1 . 10-5.
(Mr asam asetat = 60). Tentukan konsentrasi (M) dari cuka dalam
botol tersebut !

Kunci jawaban : MCH3COOH = 10-1 M = O,1 M

1. 10 mL solution take from a bottle of vinegar. After measured the pH used pH meter,
pH of the solution is 3. If Ka acetat acid = 1 . 10-5. (Mr acetat acid = 60)
So, the concentration (M) of the vinegar in the bottle is.....

Answer : MCH3COOH = 10-1 M = 0,1 M

Cara penyelesaian :

Konsentrasi cuka =
Ph =3
[H ] = 10-3

Ka = 10-5

CH3COOH (aq) ↔ H+(aq) + CH3COO-(aq) asam lemah

[H+] = √ Ka. M
1 . 10-3 = √ 1.10 . M-5

10-6 = 10-5 M

MCH3COOH = 10-1 M = 0,1 M

Steps :

Vigenar concentration =
Ph =3
[H ] = 10-3

Ka = 10-5

CH3COOH (aq) ↔ H+(aq) + CH3COO-(aq) weak acid

[H+] = √ Ka. M
1 . 10-3 = √ 1.10 -5
10-6 = 10-5 M

MCH3COOH = 10-1 M = 0,1 M

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