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없다: Do not
exist, absent
아니다: To not be
같다: To be similar
그렇다: That is right or yes.
크다: To be big, large
많다: many,much
좋다: To be good
어떻다: how,what.. do you think of
이렇다: Like this
중요하다: To be important,weighty
어렵다: To be hard, difficult
쉽다: To be easy
필요하다: To need
작다: Small (in stature) 적다: of small volume
높다: High
아름답다: To be beautiful
밤이 ~ 길다: To be long
힘들다: To be hard, difficult
아프다: To hurt
경험이 ~ 적다: To be small, few in number
빠르다: Be fast, quick
넓다: Broad
가깝다: Close
재미있다: interesting,fun
갈 길이 ~ 멀다: To be far
비슷하다: To resemble
싫다: To not like, to hate
괜찮다: To be okay
어떠하다: To be how
짧다: Short, brief
고맙다: To thank
바쁘다: Busy
나쁘다: To be bad
늦다: To be late (time), to be overdue
낮다: Be low
즐겁다: To be pleasant, agreeable
예쁘다: Pretty, lovely
맛있다: Delicious
맑다: clean,pure
가볍다: Light
건강하다: To be healthy
밝다: To be promising
복잡하다: Be complicated
깨끗하다: To be clean or pure
미안하다: To be sorry
유명하다: To be famous
춥다: To be cold
무겁다: Heavy ; a stuffy atmosphere
비싸다: To be expensive
시원하다: to be cool,refreshing
반갑다: Be happy
안녕하다: To say hello
위험하다: To be dangerous
집값이 ~ 싸다: Be inexpensive
슬프다: To be sad,sorrowful
조용하다: To be quiet,still
피곤하다: To be very tired, exhausted
덥다: Be hot, heated
죄송하다: regret,be sorry for
친절하다: To be kind, to be nice
맛 달다: to be sweet
재미없다: Boring
고프다: Hungry or famished
배고프다: To be hungry
맵다: Spicy

배부르다: To be full

음식이 ~ 짜다: To be salty

맛없다: Bad flavo

그러하다: To be so or
깊다: Deep
나이가 적다 어리다: To be very young, juvenile
젊다: To be young,youthful
강하다: To be strong or powerful
다양하다: To be various, diverse
이상하다: To be strange,queer
심하다: To be extreme,intense
커다랗다: To be very big/large
자연스럽다: To be natural
훌륭하다: To be excellent
정확하다: To be exact
무섭다: fearful,dreadful
부드럽다: soft,tender
심각하다: seriousness,gravity
굽은 데가 없다 바르다: Be straight; be honest
옳다: To be right, correct
단순하다: Be simple-minded, rather undeveloped
푸르다: To be blue, to be green
부족하다: Be short of, lack
자유롭다: To be free
당연하다: Be natural, be no wonder
아름답다 곱다: Beautiful
간단하다: To be simple
알맞다: To fit, be fitting, suitable
희다: White, fair
수많다: Many and many
편하다: Untroubled from cares
어둡다: To be dark, dim, gloomy
하얗다: White
확실하다: To be sure, certain
착하다: To be nice
색깔이 ~ 검다: Black or dark
不可能- 불가능하다: Impossible
충분하다: To be sufficient, ample
기쁘다: To be happy
특별하다: To be special, extraordinary
더 좋다 낫다: Superior
가난하다: Poor
좁다: Narrow
틀림없다: No mistaking it
불편하다: To be unpleasant
놀랍다: To be surprising
궁금하다: To wonder or be curious about
약하다: To be weak
행복하다: To be happy
굵다: Be thick or fat
낡다: Clear
붉다: Be red, scalet
차갑다: Cold
화려하다: Splendor, magnificence of a display, a look
불안하다: To be uneasy, anxious
낯설다: To be unfamiliar with, to be a stranger to ( a person)
순수하다: To be pure
대단하다: Considerable, grand
편리하다: To be convenient, handy
활발하다: Be lively, sprightly
조그맣다: Be tiny,small
부끄럽다: Be shameful,disgraceful
빨갛다: deep-red,crimson
편안하다: To be peaceful
부럽다: Be enviable
급하다: Be urgent or pressing or iminent
짙다: Be dark, dense
완벽하다: Perfect
솔직하다: frankness,candidness
안타깝다: To be heart-breaking
빠르다 이르다: to be early, premature
자랑스럽다: To be proud
적당하다: To be appropriate
귀엽다: To be cute
답답하다: Feel anxious
신선하다: Fresh
가늘다: Thin or fine or slender
어색하다: To be awkward, shy with words, speechless
평범하다: Plain, average
아무렇지 않다: To be indifferent, casually
안전하다: To be safe
엉뚱하다: Be extraordinary, extravagant ; to misdirect somebody`s
영원하다: To be eternal
튼튼하다: Solid, compact, firm
조심스럽다: Cautious, to be cautious
진하다: Be dark, deep
저렇다: Such a thing as that
노랗다: Be yellow
불쌍하다: To be deplorable
친하다: To be intimate, familiar, close, friendly
까맣다: to be black
더럽다: Foul, dirty
불행하다: Do not permit
외롭다: To be lonely, lonesome
기운이 ~ 세다: To be strong, mighty
얇다: To be thin
파랗다: To be blue
괴롭다: Be painful or distressing
가득하다: To fill
밉다: Be detestable
익숙하다: To become accustomed to
날씨가 ~ 차다: cold,chilly
그립다: Beloved or sweet or affectionate

느리다: Be slow,
시끄럽다: To be noisy,boisterous
우수하다: to be superior,excellent
차이가 없다 고르다: Flat or even; to make size, height, volume the same; to flatten,
make level
멋있다: stylish,tasteful
밤늦다: It is late at night
우울하다: To be melancholy, gloomy, depressed
날이 ~ 흐리다: Cloudy (weather)
걱정스럽다: Anxious or uneasy
배가 ~ 부르다: To be full
씩씩하다: Be brave,valiantl; to be vigorous
그만하다: Be about the same or be neither better nor worse
잘생기다: To be handsome
마음이 언짢다 안되다: To refuse to accept
연하다: Tender, soft, mild
사랑스럽다: Lovely
사이좋다: Be on good terms with
소용없다: To be useless
서투르다: unskilled,clumsy
싱겁다: Taste flat, have no flavor
피로하다: To be fatigued, weary
얕다: To be shallow, superficial
부지런하다: Be diligent
나물이 ~ 쓰다: Bitter (vegetables)

새롭다: To be
불과하다: to be nothing more than
엄청나다: To be absurd,wild,terribly large
분명하다: To be clear/obvious
일정하다: To be regular, established, uniform ; changeless, constant, certain,
definite ; invariable (mathematics)
독특하다: Unique, characteristic, distinctive, peculiar, specific
바람직하다: Be desirable, advisable, to be appropriate, good
올바르다: Be honest, straightforward
흔하다: To be everywhere
강력하다: To be strong or powerful
풍부하다: To be abundant, copious, plentiful
상당하다: to be proper,suitable (2) fairly large
적절하다: Appropriateness, relevance
위대하다: To be great,mighty,grand
거대하다: Huge or gigantic or enormous
소중하다: To be important,valuable
철저하다: thoroughness,cleanliness
못지않다: Be just as good as
거칠다: Coarse (texture) or wild (behavior) or (rain and wind) rough or wild
진지하다: To be serious, earnest
특정하다: to specify
엄격하다: To be strict, serious
완전하다: To be perfect and faultless
마땅하다: Be right, approppriate
不可避- 불가피하다: Inevitable, unavoidable
아쉽다: To miss, feel the loss of
귀하다: 1) noble or high 2) dear 3) lovable or precious
굳다: Harden or become hard
유리하다: To be profitable, favorable
환하다: To be clear, unobstructed ; to be light, bright (opp. 어둡다)
멋지다: Be splendid
억울하다: To be regrettable, disappointing
건전하다: to be healthy or sound or have vitality
다름없다: Be similar, not different
당당하다: 1) fiarly (2) in a splendid way
폭넓다: To be broad
별다르다: Be of a peculiar kind
뻔하다: almost,nearly
유사하다: To be similar, to resemble
강렬하다: Intense or strong or severe
밀접하다: Be close,intimate with
성실하다: Be ripe
왕래가 ~ 잦다: Be frequent, incessant
투명하다: To be transparent, clear
고통스럽다: Be painful or torment
곤란하다: Difficulty or trouble
귀찮다: Annoying irksome
아깝다: regrettable,pitiful
어리석다: juvenile,foolish
우습다: To be funny, amusing
적합하다: suitability,fitness
힘차다: Be forcible,powerful
고요하다: Be quiet or silent or still
날카롭다: Sharp
대적할 만함 만만하다: Be soft, tender ; to be easy to handle, deal with
못되다: To go wrong
못하다: Be inferior, worse than
상관없다: To not be of concern
신기하다: To be marvelous,astounding
명확하다: clear,precise
자세하다: Be detailed
불리하다: to be disadvantageous,unfavorable to/for
잘나다: To be handsome,excellent
싱싱하다: Be fresh, full of life; (food) crispy, fresh
지루하다: Be tedious
끝없다: Endless or unfathomable
쓸쓸하다: to be lonely,lonesome
어지럽다: To be dizzy 2) to be in chaos, disorganized
눈부시다: To be dazzling
주요하다: To be chief,principal,leading
탁월하다: Be excellent, prominished
끊임없다: To not end
넉넉하다: To be enough
중대하다: importance,gravity
참되다: To be true, honest, faithful
갑작스럽다: All of a sudden
섭섭하다: Be sorry,disappointed
세련되다: To be polished,refined
손쉽다: Be easy, simple
특이하다: Be peculiar, special, unique
귀중하다: To be precious
다정하다: To be affectionate, warm-hearted
무리하다: Be impossible
선명하다: To be clear,distinct
단단하다: Be hard, solid
웬만하다: To be just only barely passable, fairly good
조그마하다: Be tiny,small
신기하다: To be novel,original
기막히다: Be at a loss for words
지겹다: To be tedious,tiring
평화롭다: To be peaceful
힘부치다 힘겹다: To be not strong enough to do
깔끔하다: Be sleek and smart
꼼꼼하다: very careful or meticulous, doing it in a very detailed manner
서늘하다: Be cool,refreshing
엷다: Be thin, light
우아하다: To be elegant,refined
흥미롭다: To be interesting
그럴듯하다: Be plausible or specious or likely
따스하다: to Feel warm, to be warm

사소하다: Be
상쾌하다: Be refreshing,exhilirating
썰렁하다: chilly,feel cold
재미있다 재밌다: interesting,fun
점잖다: To be dignified,well-bred ; decent
진실하다: Be true, truthful
색다르다: Be different,novel
신속하다: Be quick,rapid,speedy
신중하다: To be prudent,cautious
은은하다: To be distant,faint,indistinct
정직하다: honesty,uprightness
해롭다: To be harmful, injurious
不平等- 불평등하다: Inequality
엄숙하다: Seriousness, solemnity ; being grave, serious
곧다: Be straight or upright or erect
독하다: Be poison
無意味- 무의미하다: Be nonsense
창피하다: To be ashamed
번거롭다: Be troublesome. 할 일이 많아서 아주 바쁘다. annoying and
difficult to discern correctly
초조하다: Be impatient, irritated
순진하다: To be naive,pure
지루하다 심심하다: to be bored
한가하다: To be free, not busy
不完全- 불완전하다: To be imerfect
값싸다: Cheap or low-priced
不必要- 불필요하다: To be unnecessary
쓸데없다: To be useless
간편하다: Simplicity or convenience; simple and convenient
분주하다: Be busy,crowded
침착하다: Self-possession, composure
캄캄하다: To be pitch-black
만족스럽다: Satisfied
용감하다: To be brave, courageous
손에 ~ 익다: Get familiar with, experienced with
여전하다: Be unchanged, the same as before
속상하다: Be distressing
지저분하다: Be messy, soiled, dirty
고급스럽다: To be high-class
맛이 ~ 고소하다: Taste of sesame oil or taste of a nut
얄밉다: Be offensive, mean
유능하다: To be competent,talented
이롭다: Be good for
포근하다: To be soft and comfortable, downy
건조하다: Ry or arid or become dry
不確實- 불확실하다: Be uncertain
야하다: To be gaudy,garish
굉장하다: Be grand or magnificent or splendor
동그랗다: To be circular
무덥다: sultry,sweltering
짜증스럽다: To be annoying
無責任- 무책임하다: Not responsible
서툴다: poor,awkward
순하다: Be gentle,docile
촌스럽다: Unfashionable
꾸준하다: Be steady or unflagging
무사하다: Be safe, peaceful
sexy- 섹시하다: To be sexy
못생기다: Ugly
게으르다: Lazy
미끄럽다: To be slippery

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