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Foreclosure Rescue Scams:

How to Avoid Becoming a Victim

oreclosure rescue scams target homeowners fac- Q Initial discussions emphasize a “fresh start,” and
ing foreclosure, particularly if they are equity-rich often feature “testimonials” from other homeown-
but cash-poor. Rescue scams cost consumers ers the rescuer has supposedly helped.
thousands of dollars and, often, their most valuable
asset — their homes. [This information was updated Q Scammers may instruct the homeowner to cease
in April 2009 from an article originally published in all contact with lawyers or the mortgage lender
the 2007 edition of the Community Liaison.] and let the rescuer handle negotiations. This tac-
tic cuts off access to refinancing options while
With foreclosure rates on the rise, foreclosure rescue running out the clock on legitimate ways to pre-
scams are also increasing.1 The elderly, and people vent the foreclosure.
with low incomes or blemished credit, are particularly
vulnerable. Q The homeowner loses the property when the scam
is completed or the house is sold to someone else
at foreclosure. If there is a foreclosure sale, there
Common Types of may be little, if any, equity remaining.
Foreclosure Rescue Scams
Perpetrators of rescue scams promise much-needed Facing Foreclosure:
help to homeowners in financial straits. The fraudulent What You Can Do
practices generally fall into the following three cate-
gories. The following outline advises homeowners on con-
home, although there frequently is no written doc- structive ways to deal with pending foreclosure:
Q Phantom help - The rescuer charges exorbitant umentation to substantiate agreed-upon terms and
fees for telephone calls and paperwork that the conditions. Q Do not panic or avoid the issue. The problem will
homeowner easily could have handled, or promis- not go away, and will worsen if ignored.
es robust representation and services that never How Do Rescue Scams Q Check the Web site of the U.S. Department of
materialize. In either event, the homeowner may Work? Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to locate
have little or no financial resources remaining to a HUD-approved housing counselor. HUD’s Web
save the home. While various programs can work to some extent for site lists certified counselors by state at
Q Bailout - The rescuer bails out the homeowner by some borrowers, homeowners should carefully consid-
helping “dispose of” the house. The homeowner er and review foreclosure rescue offers, especially
when the potential “rescuer” seeks them out. The fol- Q Check the following Web sites for foreclosure pre-
typically surrenders title to the house while believ- vention resources:
ing they can stay on as renters and buy the house lowing list comprises tactics frequently used in fore-
back once they resolve their financial matters. The closure rescue scams: X HOPE NOW at
terms are typically so onerous, however, that Q An individual or a company, after reviewing pub- HOPE NOW is an alliance of HUD-approved
repurchase becomes impossible, the homeowner licly available foreclosure notices, contacts the counseling agencies, mortgage companies,
permanently loses possession, and the “rescuer” homeowner, offering to lend money to “stop fore- investors and other mortgage market partici-
walks off with all, or most, of the homeowner’s closure” or “save your house.” These businesses pants that provides free foreclosure preven-
equity. often refer to themselves as foreclosure consul- tion assistance. The site features information
tants or foreclosure rescue specialists. Initial con- about the HOPE hotline, 1-888-995-HOPE,
Q Bait and switch - Rescuers tell the victims they will which is staffed by HUD-approved credit
obtain a new loan that will solve their problems. In tact may occur by telephone, personal visit, or
card/flyer left at the home, and often consists of a counselors who can guide homeowners to
reality, the homeowner signs documents that give foreclosure options.
the scammers ownership of the home, while the simple yet powerful message such as “Stop fore-
victims remain responsible for the mortgage closure with just one phone call,” “I’d like to X NeighborWorks® America at
repayment obligations. $buy$ your house,” “You have options,” or “Do
you need instant debt relief and cash?” NeighborWorks® America administers the
Many homeowners believed they were signing doc- federally appropriated National Foreclosure
uments for a new loan to make the mortgage cur- At this point, the lender has not foreclosed on the
property, although foreclosure is possible because Mitigation Counseling (NFMC) program,
rent, or arranging for an intermediary to negotiate which was created to significantly increase
more favorable terms with the lender. Victims say the homeowner has fallen behind on mortgage
payments. the availability of housing counseling geared
they had no intention of selling or giving up their to homeowners at risk of foreclosure.
1 Foreclosure filings in the U.S. climbed 30 percent in February 2009 from the previous year, according to RealtyTrac, Inc. data. Properties with first-time foreclosure filings totaled 161,976, the highest number in
RealtyTrac records dating to January 2005. One in 440 U.S. housing units received a foreclosure filing in February 2009; filings rose 6 percent from January 2009 figures.
Rescue Scammers: How They Set the Trap Foreclosure Service
How do companies successfully lure borrowers into res- information about foreclosure deadlines, legal rights, Scams: Know the
cue arrangements? As described in a National Consumer and low-cost alternatives that can save the home.
Law Center Report, here are a few commonly used ploys. Warning Signs
Q Using various fraudulent and deceptive documents, The Department of Justice’s U.S. Trustee Program
Q Employing saturation marketing of purported rescue
including forgeries. Scammers use many complex outlines red flags that homeowners should keep in
services, commonly characterized by exaggerations,
documents that disguise the rescuer’s equity-strip-
misrepresentations, and pressure tactics.
ping intent. Unscrupulous companies also may use
mind if they are falling behind on their mortgage
documents that run out of space for signatures on payments or facing foreclosure.
Q Capitalizing on the homeowner’s desperation to save Q Be suspicious of any person or company that
pages containing critical text. The homeowner signs a
the home, obtain needed cash, or make a fresh start,
generally conducted in a manner in which the home-
blank page, and his/her signature is fraudulently calls itself a foreclosure consultant, foreclo-
transferred to an entirely different document. sure service, or similar designation.
owner is encouraged to conclude there is very little
time to act.
Q Using affinity-marketing strategies. These approach-
Q Be wary of high-pressure marketing tech-
es appeal to the homeowners’ belief that people who niques. This includes the use of flyers or
Q Exploiting the homeowner’s belief that someone door-to-door solicitations.
share similar ethnic, racial, religious or age profiles
would not lie to his or her face - reinforced by many
sympathetic-sounding and often face-to-face sales
are their advocates, protecting them from those who Q Proceed with care if an individual or compa-
don’t act in their best interests. ny attempts to collect fee(s) before providing
pitches - or the false assurance that s/he is being
helped when, in fact, the homeowner is left in a worse services to you, or instructs you to make your
Q Preying on homeowners who lack financial aware- mortgage payments directly to the individ-
financial position.
ness, particularly about sophisticated mortgage loan ual/company.
Q Keeping homeowners “in the dark” about the fore- Q Be suspicious of offers to take title to your
closure process. This includes failure to provide home and lease it back to you, with the
promise that you can buy it back over time.
Q Avoid promises to “save your credit” or find
a buyer for your home within a specific num-
NeighborWorks® America participates in cially stressed borrowers avoid predatory foreclo- ber of days.
the HOPE NOW Alliance. sure rescue scams.
Q Never sign a contract or other documents
X The Obama Administration has launched a Q Contact your attorney, not one referred by the under pressure. Review all paperwork with a
comprehensive Financial Stability Plan to individual or company that is involved in the fore- representative of your choosing, preferably a
address key problems in the current housing closure prevention/agreement. real estate attorney.
crisis. A major initiative of that effort is Q Do not sign documents containing blank lines
Q Do not sign a contract under duress. Request time
“Making Home Affordable,” a plan to stabilize or spaces. Unscrupulous parties could add
to review documents. If you do not understand a
the housing market and help up to 7 to 9 mil- information later without your knowledge or
document’s contents, ask a trusted family mem-
lion Americans reduce their monthly mort- consent.
ber, attorney, or financial planner to review the
gage payments to more affordable levels.
documents with you. Q Obtain all terms, conditions, provisions and
Check the Web site at http://www.making
special arrangements in writing. Make copies of for further information. Q Do not accept verbal representations. Obtain
the paperwork for your records.
offers in writing, and review all written offers
Q Make sure that your home actually is in foreclo- thoroughly.
sure. If you are behind in your mortgage pay-
There are legitimate organizations, including nonprof- Excerpted Article From The
ments, you will receive a delinquency notice from
it consumer advocacy groups that provide services to
the lender. These letters notify you of your delin-
distressed homeowners. Reputable foreclosure rescue
quency and give you a chance to resolve the debt.
organizations will work with borrowers who are
If you receive a Notice of Trustee’s Sale, or simi-
unable to meet their mortgage obligations, and assist
lar document, your home is in foreclosure, and
homeowners in making mutually satisfactory workout
you need to respond accordingly.
arrangements with their lenders Q
Q Ask your lender about renegotiating or refinanc- — Prepared by Stacy Messett
ing your loan or working out a payment plan. Be
honest about your financial situation. The sooner Senior Project Manager in Compliance and Consumer
you contact your lender, the sooner you may be Protection, Office of Thrift Supervision, Washington, DC.
able to remedy the problem. The federal bank, — Updated by Stephanie Caputo
thrift and credit union regulatory agencies are
encouraging financial institutions to work with Senior Compliance Program Specialist in Compliance and
homeowners who are unable to make mortgage Consumer Protection, Office of Thrift Supervision,
payments. The regulators also have advised finan- Washington, DC.
cial institutions to consider working with rep-
utable consumer advocacy entities to help finan-

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