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op Foothills Medical Centre 0329 sireet NW Calgary, bore, Canad T2N 279 ‘website calgary health region Foothills Medical Centre . CONFIDENTIAL 2008/July 16 Dr. Lloyd Maybaum Medical Lead: Psychiatry - South Health Campus Dr. Maybaum You have now written and distributed widely three separate letters regarding your view - of the arrangements for Mental Health at the South Health Campus. Some of your observations have been factually accurate, and some of them not. Some of your reflections were highly opinionated and some of them might be described as inflammatory. Much of it would be supported by many in mental health, ' You, as an individual have the right and privilege to communicate your views to your peers. As a member of the management team within Mental Health and Addictions which is working on the project at the South Health Campus, you have the responsibility to ensure that your information is accurate, and that there has been reasonable consideration of the consequences of your actions upon the overall project. Once any ‘one of us takes on an official role, it becomes increasingly difficult for others to separate a message from the person as distinct from a message from the role. This sa challenge ‘of boundaries for all of us, Although you have been designated as a “leader” this does not mean that you are empowered to lead alone without reference to others within the management group. This is an aspect of any formal leadership position. You have not reviewed any of the content of these letters with any of the Executive of Mental Health ‘and Addictions, the group to which you are ultimately accountable for your actions in your role as Physician Lead for South Campus. These leifers hove raised considerable discussion, some which may be quite helpful, ‘and some which is not helpful. There have been unintended consequences within the community of Mental Health and Addictions of which | believe you are not aware, but are disruptive to the trust within our community. The consequences beyond the commurity of Mental Health and Addictions remains to be seen, but this is an action which you have taken on without the support or counsel of any member of the Executive. At iis point, Lom forced to make a clear statement that further communications of this nature without discussion and review with members of the Executive of Meritél Health ‘and Addictions wil require me (or SINE in my cbsence) to ask the Executive to formally review your role as Physician Leader for Psychiatry to the South Campus project. Thisisnot a matter of forcing you to be quiel, but itis a matter of teamwork and leaderstip. Ican tell you that itis my wish and the wish of others that you remain an active and valued member of the South Campus team. It is clear that you have much to offerin this role, but your role cannot be viewed insolation from others, including othe! leaders within the Department.

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