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2010 Math Challenge

Grade 2
Name: ______________________________________ School:_____________________________
Solve each problem and write the answer on the blank before the number.
____________ 1. What is the place value of the underlined digit in 48 375?
____________ 2. What is the value of 6 in 56 394?
____________ 3. 3 x 1000 + 7 x 100 + 4 x 10 + 9 is what number in standard form?
____________ 4. How many tens are there in 4560?
____________ 5. What s the least number that you can form with 0, 1, 6, 9?
____________ 6. What is the least digit that you can put in the blank 7_4 > 728 to make the sentence true?
____________ 7. Write LXIV in Hindu- Arabic.
____________ 8. Write 36 in Roman Numerals.
____________ 9. What is 34 more than 49?
____________10. What is 25 less than 52?
____________11. How many 25 c are equal to P15?
____________12. How many P5 coins are equal to P200?
____________13. What number is 100 less than 659?
____________14. What number has 46 tens and 7 ones?
____________15. What number is 140 more than 487?
____________16. What number is missing in 46 + [ ] = 98?
____________17. What is N in 16, 19, ____, N, 28, 31?
____________18. In 705, the 0 means there are no _____?
____________19. Write 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 54 in a short way.
____________20. 785 = 700 + 80 + 5 = 700 + 70 + N. What is N?

____________21. Which symbol “< or >” will you put on the blank 687 ___ 678?
____________22. What is the position of I in the alphabet?
____________23. Which letter of the alphabet is the 12th?
____________24. What is the last letter in the English alphabet?
____________25. What fraction of the figure is shaded?
____________26. Grandmother has 72 cookies for Lina and her 11 friends.
If she gives each an equal number of cookies, how many will each receive?
24 dm
____________27. Which is smaller, 5234 or 5243?
____________28. What is the perimeter of the rectangle? 18dm

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