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April’s Trail Socks

Designer: Diedré M. Blake


 1 Skein of Cascade Heritage Sock Yarn (75% Merino Superwash Wool, 25% Nylon;
100g/3.5 oz; 437 yds/ 400m; Colour: 5602, Dye Lot: 9902)
 1 Set of 5 Double Pointed Needles (dpn) Size 2 ½ (larger or smaller needles to make
larger or smaller socks)
 Stitch Markers
 Tapestry Needle
 Optional: Cable Needle (cn)
 Gauge: 28 stitches and 40 rows= 4inches

Stitch Notation:

 k- knit
 k2tog- knit 2 sts together
 m1- make 1 increase
 p- purl
 p2tog- purl 2 sts together
 pm- place marker
 rnd- round
 sl- slip
 st(s) – stitch(es)
 ssk- sl knitwise twice & k slipped sts together

Special Stitches:
 b3- sl 1 knitwise, k 1, yo, k 1, psso (pass over all three sts)
 c6b- sl 3 on dpn/cn hold back, k3,k3 from dpn/cn
 c6f- sl 3 on dpn/cn hold front, k3, k3 from dpn/cn
 cr2f- k 2nd st on needle, k 1st st, & slip both sts off needle
 t4l- sl 3 sts on dpn /cn, hold front, p1, k3 from dpn/cn
 t4r- sl 1 on dpn/cn, hold back, k3 p1 from dpn/cn
 t5b- sl 2 on dpn/cn, hold back, k3, p2 from dpn/cn
 t5f- sl 3 on dpn/cn, hold front, p2, k3 from dpn/cn

Note: Socks worked using 3 dpn to hold stitches. Extra dpn to be used as cable needle.

Cuff (6 rnd Pattern. Repeat 3x for approx. length of 1 ½ inches.)

Cast on 60 sts and join. Spread sts as follows:
Needle 1 – 14 sts; Needle 2- 30 sts; Needle 3- 16sts

Rnd 1: *p2, cr2f, k2; repeat (rep) from *

Rnd 2: *p2, k4; rep from *
Rnd 3: *p2, k1, cr2f, k1; rep from *
Rnd 4 & 6: rep rnd 2
Rnd 5: *p2, k2, cr2f; rep from *

Work pattern twice. Work first 5 rounds of pattern for a third time. On round 6, work across
Needle 1. On Needle 2, work across until last 2 purl sts. Shift sts as follows:

 Shift last 2 purl sts from Needle 1 to Needle 2 (Needle 1- 12sts)

 Shift last 2 unworked purl sts from Needle 2 to Needle 3 (Needle 3-18sts)
 Shift sts from Needle 3 to Needle 1 (30sts – these are heel flap sts)
At this point, sock sts should be on 2 needles only.

Heel Flap (Worked on Needle 1)

Row 1: *sl 1, k1; rep from *
Row 2: sl 1, p to end
Repeat rows 1 & 2 until flap measures 2 inches, ending on a knit row.

Turning the Heel (Should be on wrong side/purl row)

Row 1: p 17, p2tog, p1, turn
Row 2: sl 1, k5, ssk, k1, turn
Row 3: sl 1, p6, p2tog, p1, turn
Row4: sl 1, k7, ssk, k1, turn
Continue working to stitch before the gap, purl/knit that stitch and the stitch following the gap
together, then purl/knit 1, and turn. Work all stitches. A total of 18 stitches left on needle. End
having worked a knit row – do not turn.

Heel Gusset
 With knit/right side facing, pick up 15 sts on left edge. (Needle 1 – 33sts)
 Work across Needle 2 in established Cuff pattern, (Rnd 1)
 Using spare needle, pick up 15 sts on unworked edge, then knit 9sts from Needle 1. This
becomes Needle 3. (Needles 1 & 3- 24sts)

Note: Heel Gusset worked in typical fashion, decreasing on Needles 1 & 3 until there are 15 sts
left on Needles 1 & 3. On Needle 2, however, a new pattern follows and the sts will be
decreased from 30 to 29. Pattern is worked over 24 rounds.

Remember: After round 17, Needles 1 & 3 will be straight knit for every round. Do
not decrease when repeating pattern.

Rnd 1*-Needle 1: k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1

Needle 2: p2, k4, pm, p1, t4l, sl 2 on to cn, hold in back, k2, k2tog, p2 from cn, p3,
t4l, pm, p2, k4
Needle 3: k1, ssk, k to end
*On Repeat of Rnd 1, Needle 2 as follows: p2, k4, p1, t4l, t5b, p3, t4l, p2, k4

Rnd 2-Needle 1: k
Needle 2: p2, k1, cr2f, k1, p2, k6, p6, k3, p2, k1, cr2f, k1
Needle 3: k

Rnd 3- Needle 1: k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1

Needle 2: p2, k4, p2, c6b, p6, b3, p2, k4
Needle 3: k1, ssk, k to end

Rnd 4-Needle 1: k
Needle 2: p2, k2, cr2f, p2, k6, p6, k3, p2, k2, cr2f
Needle 3: k

Rnd 5-Needle 1: k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1

Needle 2: p2, k4, p2, k6, p6, b3, p2, k4,
Needle 3: k1, ssk, k to end

Rnd 6-Needle 1: k
Needle 2: p2, cr2f, k2, p2, k6, p6, k3, p2, cr2f, k2
Needle 3: k
Rnd 7-Same as Rnd 5
Rnd 8- Same as Rnd 2
Rnd 9-Same as Rnd 3
Rnd 10-Same as Rnd 4

Rnd 11-Needle 1: k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1

Needle 2: p2, k4, p1, t4r, t5f, p3, t4r, p2, k4
Needle 3: k1, ssk, k to end

Rnd 12-Needle 1: k
Needle 2: p2, cr2f, k2, p1, k3, [p3, k3] x2, p3, cr2f, k2
Needle 3: k

Rnd 13-Needle 1: k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1

Needle 2: p2, k4, p1, t4r, p3, t5f, t4r, p3, k4
Needle 3: k1, ssk, k to end

Rnd 14-Needle 1: k
Needle 2: p2, k1, cr2f, k4, p6, k6, p4, k1, cr2f, k1
Needle 3: k

Rnd 15-Needle 1: k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1

Needle 2: p2, k4, b3, p6, c6f, p4, k4
Needle 3: k1, ssk, k to end

Rnd 16-Needle 1: k
Needle 2: p2, k2, cr2f, k3, p6, k6, p4, k2, cr2f
Needle 3: k

Rnd 17-Needle 1: k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1

Needle 2: p2, k4, b3, p6, k6, p4, k4
Needle 3: k1, ssk, k to end (Needles 1 & 3- 15 sts remaining)

Rnd 18-Needle 1: k
Needle 2: p2, cr2f, k5, p6, k6, p4, cr2f, k2
Needle 3: k
Rnd 19-Same as Rnd 17 (knit on Needles 1 & 2)
Rnd 20-Same as Rnd 14 (knit on Needles 1 & 2)
Rnd 21-Same as Rnd 15 (knit on Needles 1 & 2)
Rnd 22- Same as Rnd 16 (knit on Needles 1 & 2)

Rnd 23-Needle 1: k
Needle 2: p2, k4, t4l, p3, t5b, t4l, p3, k4
Needle 3: k
Rnd 24-Same as Rnd 12 (knit on Needles 1 & 2)
Repeat these 24 rounds without decreases for desired length of foot until 2 ½ inches short of
foot length. (Note: A total of 2 sets
of 24 rounds equals approx. 6inches.)

Set-up for Toe Decrease

Complete following for Needle 2: (Needles 1 & 3- Knit each round)
Rnd 1: [p2, k4] x2, p2, m1, k3, [p2, k4] x 2
Rnd 2: [p2, k1, cr2f. k1] x 5
Rnd 3 & 5: [p2, k4] x 5
Rnd 4: [p2, k2, cr2f] x 5

Toe Decrease
Rnd 1-Needle 1: k to last 3sts, k2tog, k1
Needle 2: k, ssk, st for st to last 3sts, k2tog, k1
Needle 3: k1, ssk, k to end
Rnd2- Needles 1 & 3: k
Needle 2: st for st

Complete rounds 1 & 2 seven (7) times, leaving 16sts on Needle 2, and 8sts on both Needles 1
& 2. Work Round 1 until 8sts on Needle 2, and 4sts on both Needles 1 & 3. Using Needle 3 knit
across Needle 1. Finish using Kitchener Stitch. Weave in all ends.

Kitchener Stitch:
Break off yarn leaving a 6 inch tail. Thread yarn through tapestry needle. Holding dpns parallel,
*pull tapestry needle through first stitch on front needle as if to knit & slip stitch off needle, pull
yarn through next stitch on front needle as if to purl & leave this stitch on needle. Pull yarn
through first stitch on back needle as if to purl & slip off needle, pull yarn through next stitch on
back needle as if to knit & leave on needle. Repeat from * until all stitches have been worked.

Please, let me know if you find any errors in this pattern

and I will correct. Thanks so much!

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