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~ Essay ~

Volunteering is an action in which you take part

because you want to. Because you want to do
something good for the enviroment or just an action you
do for the good of the comunity.
You also should try to be an volunteer. Curiosity is
one factor that makes you want to be a volunteer. If you
live in a poluated town or you know one there is only
one thing you can do for it: become a volunteer and try
to help that town to get back to life.
From my own experience I can say that it’s fun to
be a volunteer. Volunteering has that thing that you
can’t forget, it’s magic. You feel better after doing
something good for an area that was poluated and after
you went home that place looks totaly different. It’s
cleaner , it smels better and you can see the river
passing through and there are no bottles in it.
If you are with the right group you can also have
fun while you are volunteering. When you are working
you don’t have to be tensed you can laugh and do
something else.

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