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| : Doc. 6-1a USAF. Letter (Betz Memo), Nov 13, : 1961 se J Vv pean DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FO. MEADOUARTERS UwiTED ETATES AIR PONCE wassimeTow 18.5. Tuer APCMN-1r-0/codonel Bete : waco (T)'AFCIX Intelligence Teas Parsoncel © ° y SNOV 1554 a me APCD IE APCINeL : Tk TRE PROELEU: : : uc ~ 2. (0) To provide qualities persocnel for JPCIR fotellizentt f \ FACTORS BEARING OR TEE PROBLEM: 7 7 ce aa a a S. In addition to thelr staff duty assignocota, intelligence teas © 7 Personnel keve pascetize duty functioss in support of such Air Toree ¥ 7 w Frejects as Vooodust, Bluefly, and UFO, and otker AFCIN Clrecte? quick reaction prejects which require intelligence teac cperaticrel expid{lic, -ther (seg Defietetons), ‘ fae hs E ELS Tes] persosnel attrition, throush Pes, élschirre, rertrecsest, : Eifce BAL Fecuced the pucder of fotellgeace team qualified perscenel lov a eiotuis recuireceot, ane programe? perscnsel losses wit: eat tan renths will halve the correst seaning, "os Fersenael acticas within the autherity of ANG, APCIN acd fe reverse the tread toverd giciefaheest of them (Doc. 1b USAF. Letter (Betz Memo), Nov 13) 1981 4, OD Critert . Intelltzence team perscanel can perfors effectively only vith “an adequate background of traintog and experience. Tnscequately guslified personnel in suck acaizncent vould be a liability rather then an atset to successful accenplishzsnt of the cleston, 5. GS Definicters. 4, Linguist: Personnel who can develop intelligence inforration through {nterrogaticn apd translatica Eros Russlen cnd/or Bloc country languages to English. bd. Tech Max Ration through fleld ex vith exphests on the Mt e. Oey Intelligence téan chief. Qualified to direct intele Lgence rears tn gelaing cccess to tercet, to exploftatien of ener Perscnsel end cateriel, and ia use of field ccmunteaticns equipzeat : t repié reporting ef totelltzeace infercation, Perecanel qualified to develop intel!{seace infor= teation an¢ cnelysis of forefgn cateriel, ings Fregran and technical photesraphy. 4, Afrborne Personnel: Milftary trained and rated perachuttete. Baidencified Piyine Obfects (UFO): Headquarters USAF bes ~~ estabisdnad F prised tot doversigatice of rellasly reported uplteats fied fying cojucts vithin the United States, AFR 200-2 de 17th colleceise respenetbilieter. . £, Blue Fly: Operation 5lue Ply hes beea cetablished to factlé expeditious delivery to Pip ef Yoon Dust or other ites of great tech- steal intelligusce toterest. AFCIN SOP for Blue Fly cpereticas, February 1560, provides for 112728 parttefpetton. §, Moon Dust: As a spactelized aspect of its cver-all saceriel arpleitation progran, Readqusrters USAF hes established Zroject Neon Dust to locete, raccver snd deliver Cesceadod foreign space veticles. Tech #4, 25 April 1961, celineates collection respensibilities, 2 piscuséio! 4. Eesdquerters USAF (APCIN) celetetze (ntelligesce tems es a fevction of APCHI-IS (1127th USAT Fielé Activities Group). Fersornel ecepriting euch tonss have coreal AFCIN-If staf! duttes, and their wel{fisation Cor {erelligence teee epleyesat ts te vtafl duties, Tor le, the Cates of € Cperettons Section, eeditierally parstetpates et ng per ruath for {ateiligesce reas Sues teabntng Gecludca plyeieal traning, elecarocn coatat alrborne ep: 3, fleld prolecs, ete. ta aproxtnttely 18 hoy epleyrsat, tetellt [Doc. 6-1c USAF. Letter (Betz Memo), Nov 13, 1951 ae J wy, oO Ys Intellisence teans are comprised of three cen cach, To foclude a legutet, « tech can, end an ops can. All are atrdome cuilified. Cross-traintng 16 previed each tean sober fo the skills of the ether steam perbers to xenure 4 teas functional cepebility despite cesueltion vbtch cay be tncurred tu expleyneat, a €. Pescetine ecploytent of APCDN {ntelligence tea capability ts provided for iz UFO investigation (AFZ 200-2) end im support of Air Force Systecs Coment (AFSC) Foreign Technology Division (Fro) Projects Moon Dest end Blue Fly, There three peacetice projects all icvelve « potential for expleyment of qualified fleld ‘ntelligence perscnael ca & quick resetion Eesis to recever or parfer= field explottation of unfdeat: flying cblects, or kacve Seviut/Eloc eercepace vehicle weaper 223, end/or reridval components of such equiprent. The intelligence tees capadility to gein rapid eccess, rezerdless of locaztoa, to recever or perform field explottaticn, to cercunteate ant provide {etellizence reports {3 the oaly such collection cepability evatledle to APCIX, end {6 vitally secessery {n vieu of current {ntell! Bence gepe ecaceraiag Soviet/Bloe technological capabilities, 4, Rertize expleyemat of AFCIN Ligence tees capadilicy is” currently prizertly geared to the CONAD/NCHD air defezse efecton Gatch 1). “Tee {atellisazce tees concept vas originally exveloped within the Air Defense Corcend (ADC). Tae ADC Director of Intellisesce’ wee charged in 1553 with crgealsing the 46024 Air Intelligence Service Sceadros (AISS), vith & vartira clsston of exploiting devned eneay "perple, peper, and hardvare" for intelligence {nforration that vould censritute to the etr defense of the continental US, ant ADC vet ellocated eenpever for this funetion (ADC Reguiatien 24-4, 3 Jaa 53, Organization and Miseion of the 4602d Air Intelligence Service Squatros), €, As a2 econscy cove, the 201 epaces of che 46024 AISS vere traces ferred to AFCIN te July 1957 (Sq Comd Goveral Créer 46, dté 8 Jul $7), to provide rocaing fer peacetine AFCIN functions, but vith the cootts Eeacy that AFCIN would continue to catetaie a cepebil{ty £0 support GORAD/KORAD tu the vertioe poopie, paper, end Kerévere ctaston (atche 2 end 3). Prez the 1f¢ spaces that AFCIK allocated to the 100S¢b AISS, ectivated by Ey Ccod General Order #45, 2 Jul 57, thie ezpediiisy ves Provided fer (Sept of AF Ler, dtd 16 Jul $9, subj: Mssien cf the 1006 AISS), and the eazeditity has bees csiateiaed to the present tise, threugh zrsticn of the 1006th to the 1127th Us/E Flelé Activistes Group (/F07E Folicy Ltr 205-13, 12 April 1860), £. Toe vaiztesoace of the intelligence team capability over the four year period since {nactivation of the 46924 AISS hes bees possible largely because cecdere of tae original highly celect and trzine! 46026 peracesel reretned with the org, Bg its eubsccuest dest [LCDS ERR et at RF

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