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Ellie Crystal
Everything has an aura. In metaphysics, Aura refers to the energy
field emanating from the surface of a person or object. This emanation is
visualized as an outline of cascading color and may be held to represent
soul vibrations, chakric emergence, or a reflection of surrounding energy

Auras may be viewed by the naked eye, though some psychics, like
Edgar Cayce, believe this ability weakens with age. Focused training may
improve one’s ability to see auras. Layers of aura are separate and distinct
yet connected to all the remaining layers. In the books of Carlos Castaneda
auras are referred to as luminous cocoons.
Modern New Age metaphysics identify the aura as electromagnetic
fields. The existence of electromagnetic fields around every object in the
known world is a scientifically proven fact. What is debatable is whether
or not humans can see these electromagnetic fields as colors with the naked
eye. This claim is considered paranormal because devices that sense
electromagnetic fields at magnitudes many times smaller than that which
allegedly exists in auras have recorded nothing.
However, these energy fields are sometimes claimed to be documented
by a rare form of photography called Kirlian photography.
These claims are vigorously denied by debunkers about paranormal
activity. The magician James Randi, for example, has for many years (as
of 2004) offered one million US dollars to any person capable of repeatedly
detecting auras, no one has yet succeeded, (though at least one has tried and
failed). The test would involve the aura reader standing on one side of a room
with an opaque partition separating them from a number of slots which may
contain either actual people or mannequins. All that would have to be done is
that the aura reader would have to consistently be able to tell which were real
people and which were not. In truth this energy field not only goes around
you, but moves within your body as well. It is not just the outside of your
body that is made of electromagnetic energies, every part of your and
everything your experience in third dimension.
Auras vibrate to different color, sound and light frequencies. The color
spectrum varies with one’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states.
Auras are in a constant state of flux. When I do a psychic reading with someone,
I always check their aura first. If the aura sways back and forth, the person
has a chemical imbalance, due to drugs, medication, drinking, a chemical
imbalance in the body.
When I look at a photo of a person who has no aura - or the aura appears
black - I know the person has crossed over - in part - or totally - as their physical
body no longer has an electromagnetic energy field.
Your aura usually consist of more than one color at a time. It can extend
out very far or remain close to the body, which occurs when the person is
protecting themselves form someone or something. Some people can
psychically look at the subject and see images within the person’s aura. These
images may include symbols/archetypes, people, digits, or even another aspect
of the person’s soul that is coming through in their third dimensional aura
from another realm. When two people have just been lovers, they will show
up in each other auras, the color of their auras depending on the nature of
their relationship.
When people have done healing work together - or shared any physical
contact - they will share a common auric field for a period of time as they have
just merged their electromagnetic energies.
Auras can be seen physically, or sensed psychically, or both.
To practice seeing auras -
have the subject stand in front of a white background and look to the
side of their body - either side is fine.
Daylight is often the best light as the sun’s rays are full spectrum.
If you watch the person for a minute, you will see their electromagnetic
energies as sort of wavy lines of energies. This looks a lot like the
energy you see when you are watching an airplane taking off in a
Please do not strain you eyes. Relax. You might want to let your eyes
go a little out of focus while you are looking for an aura.
You may only see the aura for a few seconds, then it will disappear.
After you see that energy, you may also see or sense a color frequency,
maybe two or three colors, in the aura.
After several minutes you should be able to see some sort of energy
field around the person, even if you cannot determine the color.
Remember that auras change all the time according to the person’s
mood and environment.
As with all psychic tools, learning to read auras seems easy for some
people while others need lost of practice.
The color of your aura is determined by your emotions, physical
surroundings, spiritual work you are doing, items in the room, such
as crystals which can magnify or change the colors of any aura.
Anything that can affect an electromagnetic field can affect a change in
one’s aura. As everything that is in our reality is created from electromagnetic
energy, everything has an aura - plants, animals, etc.
When you are working as a healer, you are bringing balance to the
person’s electromagnetic field. You should observe the person slowly
then determine if they have holes in their aura. It would look as if
the electromagnetic energies had suddenly stopped. This will tell
you where there is a problem or imbalance in their physical body.
I always suggest you discuss the problem with the person first. All
physical illness comes from the emotional which created the
problem in the first place. You must find the psychological cause
of the problem first, to determine if the person actually wants to be
healed on an emotional and soul level. If they are they are not ready,
the healing and balancing can only last for a sort time and will
revert back, or manifest in another area of the body. All healing
must be done on the soul level first!
You can use your hands in a slow sweeping motion over the part of
the aura where the energy (chi) does not appear to flow properly.
As you move your hands across the person’s aura - you should
both experience some sort of change in the energy flow.
You do not touch the person—just the auric field of that person. This
healing technique goes to Therapeutic Touch.
If you would like to see your own aura, find a mirror that is in a well lit
room. Relax. Look at your head or head and shoulder area. Focus
on one side of your head. Soon you should be able to see the
electromagnetic energies as a field of light - around your head.
Do you want to feel the electromagnetic energies coming from your
body? Try holding the palms of your hand facing each other - about
two inches apart. Wait a few second. You will feel something. If
you hands are nervous and cold, that will hamper the energies.
Once you begin to feel the sensation of electromagnetic energies
between your palms, move them slowly to and fro. You will feel
the movement of your aura. Look between your hands to see the
electromagnetic energies, your aura.
Try moving your palms further and further apart slowly. See how far
you can go before you no longer feel the ‘pull’. Remember to check
periodically by moving your hands slightly and slowly.
Now try pointing your fingers towards each other and feel those
energies. Again move your fingertips to and fro.
You can repeat this with another person.
Aura energies are linked to colors, the chakra system, musical tones/notes,
as they all resonate to the same frequency. Sound, light and color are all
interconnected at source.
I have had fun changing my aura while taking an Aura or Kirlian Photo.
Meditation or working with anything that can enhance your electromagnetic
energy fields will raise your frequency and move you to a higher frequency
color of light. In other words - you hold a few clear quartz crystals and
meditate—>take your picture——> it will have a clear white tone unless you
have a serious medical problem. So as you see all things are connected by the
flow of the electromagnetic energy fields that create our reality.
What Color is Your Aura?
Sachin D. Anchan looks at auras, Kirlian photography, the meaning of
aura colors and how to see auras.
Ever wondered about golden haloes around head of saints, gods or
spiritually enlightened people shown in their pictures? It is called Aura.
Everything is made of energy & vibrations. That’s why everything has
an Aura. Aura is an energy field that reflects the subtle life energies within the
body. It’s a personal electromagnetic energy field around each of us shaped
like Eggshell. It is a reflection of the body’s spirit energy. It reflects our health,
mental activity & emotional state. It also shows disease - often long before the
onset of symptoms. Basic Aura looks like layer of Light covered body from 2-
3 inches. But it can extend. You can see colors in extended part. Psychics can
see auras. Very young children can see aura spontaneously. Infants frequently
look ABOVE a person in front of them. When they don’t like the color of the
aura above the head, or if this color is much different from their parent’s aura,
they cry, no matter how much smiling the person does. Do you feel attracted
or repelled to some person without even knowing them? It is because we can
feel energy of other people’s aura subconsciously.
Aura Photography
There have been various attempts to photograph the aura. Aura
Photography was first experimented with by scientist Nicola Tesla in the 1890’s.
(By the way Tesla invented system for electrical transmission- the AC
(alternating current) system that we use in our homes today & DC (Direct
Current) is Edison’s invention) The Soviet Union included Aura Photography
in the psychic research conducted in the 1960’s. In 1975 The University of
California at Los Angeles was able to measure Auras with great accuracy.
Semyon D. Kirlian a Russian technician was repairing equipment in a
hospital when he noticed something unusual. He later found that through the
interaction of electric currents and photographic plates, imprints of living
organisms developed on film.
Kirlian and his wife developed the process in 1939. They call it the “Kirlian
Effect” (pronounced keer-lee-an) In the late 1940’s the Russians began serious
research, but it was not until the 1970’s that Kirlian photography research
began in the United States.
Kirlian photography involves the transferring of a high frequency charge
through a metal plate attached to a Polaroid film camera base. The finger tips
are lightly placed on the film which is encased in a light-tight bag, and an
electric exposure is made. Sixty seconds later, after the film develops, the Kirlian
photograph is complete and the subject’s energy field is revealed.
There are many different colored bands in a person’s aura.
Each color has significance on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
level. The color of the Aura is based on frequency (cycles/second) of light energy.
For this reason, the Aura may, and often does, change color, as the movement
of light particles in the auric field responds to external forces.
Meaning of colors
Purple: indicates spiritual thoughts.
Indigo: The color of the seeker who has inborn psychic and intuitive
abilities. It represents an astounding ability in the handling of
practical matters.
Blue: Balanced existence, sustaining life, eased nerve system,
transmitting forces and energy. People with blue strong point in
their Aura are relaxed, balanced and feel ready to live in a cave
and survive.
Green: restful, modifying energy, natural healing ability. All natural
healers should have it. People with a green strong point in their
Auras are natural healers.
Yellow: joy, freedom, non-attachment, freeing or releasing vital forces.
People who glow yellow are full of inner joy, very generous and
not attached to anything.
Orange: uplifting and absorbing. Inspiring. A sign of power. Ability
and/or desire to control people.
Red: materialistic thoughts, thoughts about the physical body.
Predominantly red Aura indicates materialistically oriented person.
Brown: unsettling, distracting, materialistic, negating spirituality.
Gray: dark thoughts, depressing thoughts, unclear intentions, presence
of a dark side of personality.
How to see Auras
Now do you want to see the Aura? If yes take this exercise:
1. Situate the person in front of a very softly illuminated PLAIN WHITE
background. A color background will change Aura colors, so you need
additional knowledge about combining colors. Some combinations of
background and Aura colors may cause misinterpretation problems.
2. Choose ONE SPOT to look at. The middle of the forehead is VERY
GOOD. This is a location of so called Brow Chakra or the Third Eye.
3. Look at this spot for 30 to 60 seconds or longer.
4. Resist temptation to look around. You should see that the background
nearby the person is brighter and has a DIFFERENT color than the background
further away. This is your own perception of the Aura. The longer you
concentrate, the better you will see it. Remember, concentration on one spot
increases your sensitivity by accumulating the effect of the Aura vibration
reaching your eyes.
How to see your own Aura
Stand about 1.5 m in front of a good size mirror. In the beginning it is
best if the background behind you is plain white and there are no shadows.
Illumination should be VERY soft and uniform not bright. Follow instructions
above for seeing Auras.
PRACTICE for at least 10-15 minutes each day to increase your sensitivity
and develop Auric sight. Remember that practice is required to develop Auric
The term Spirit Guide generally makes reference to one or more entities
who watch, teach, heal, and help you on your physical journey into spiritual
awareness. They are above in higher frequency, while you experience the
physical below.
Communication is generally telepathic, clairaudience, with archetypes
and visual imagery, clairvoyance, observed during meditation, dream time,
or just learning how to focus, look and listen to messages received. Some people
call this method of connection, channeling. The more you practice, the easier
it gets. The number of spirit guides one has various within that person’s
experiences. The strongest connection is with the aspect of your soul referred
to as your Twin Flame - dual aspects of a soul, above and below, programmed
to seek reunion to feel complete, oneness. The twin soul reference to ‘spirit
guide’ remains with you until you rejoin when leaving the physical body.
Spirit guides can go by many names. Often they connect with more than
one people at a time, using identities that are comfortable to those they
communicate with. Spirit guides may be viewed as any type of non-physical,
perhaps an alien ... however they are perceived.
Each guide generally comes to you for a specific purpose - creative abilities,
healing issues, spiritual development, etc. A guide can save you during an
accident, by entering your body or stopping time.
I have discovered that people who live in balance have humorous spirit
guides and manifest positively in the physical, faster now than ever before,
and in a healthy way.
Those with mental illnesses, even unrecognized, yet sensed, will attract
negative experiences and blame it on their guides or dark forces. Not true in
most cases. Guides ... are there to do just that ... guide you to the positive. If the
voices in your head confuse you, place you in conflict, and drive you crazy,
please seek professional help and get evaluated, especially if you deal with
substance abuse.
To help get a point across, spirit guides work with you ‘above’ to create
viable synchronicities that occur below. Synchronicities, in general, are
experiences created by your soul to bring you into greater awareness.
Many people believe they have spirit guides. Some refer to theirs as angels
or guardians. Regardless, if you believe you have one, a spirit guide is there
simply to guide, not as an entity that you need to give yourself over to. If a
spirit guide has a negative influence on your behavior, then chances are good
that it’s not a spirit guide at all, but something else entirely. These are some of
the more commonly found types of spirit guides:
Ascended Masters:
These are guides often found by people who do energy work, such as
Reiki. A ascended master who appears as a spirit guide is often a being that led
a physical life and has moved on to a higher spiritual plane — for example,
Buddha, Krishna, even Jesus. Ascended masters usually work with collective
groups of souls — in other words, if you’ve got an ascended master hanging
around you, you’re not the only one he or she is helping. Their primary focus
is that of helping all of humanity. It’s not uncommon for an ascended master
to have access to Akashic records. Also referred to as Master Teacher guides.
Ancestral Guides:
An ancestral guide is one who can claim some sort of kinship with you,
such as your dear Aunt Tillie who died when you were ten. It may also appear
in the form of a long-dead ancestor. In some schools of thought, these entities
are seen as reincarnated guides, because they are the spirits of someone who
loved us during their physical lifetime, or who had some sort of blood connection
to our family. Some people, depending on their religious upbringing, may see
these types of guides as guardian angels.
Common Spirit Guide, or Teacher Guide:
A typical spirit guide is archetypical, symbolic or representative of
something else. For example, you may find your guide appears in the form of
a warrior, a storyteller, or a wise woman, and they have appeared to you for a
purpose. Typically, that purpose is to teach you and guide you along a particular
path. They may also introduce you to other archetypes along your journey,
and help out with problem solving, based upon your needs. They are known
to provide insight by way of dreams or meditation, and may only hang around
as long as you need them, then move on.
Animal Guides:
Although many people claim to have animals as spirit guides, often these
entities are more companions than anything else. It’s not uncommon for a
deceased pet to linger around, keeping you company through the grieving
process. In some spiritual traditions, such as various Native American or
shamanic paths, a person may have an animal totem, which provides teaching
and/or protection.
Is Your Spirit Guide Really There To Help?:
Every once in a while, someone will manage to contact what they think is
a spirit guide - perhaps by way of a Ouija board or other method of divination
— and the next thing you know, things are getting weird. If any of the following
scenarios seem familiar, then chances are that what you’ve connected to is not
a spirit guide at all.
How to know your spirit guide isn’t really there to help:
· You’re the only person the spirit has EVER contacted, and you’re
really super special, which is why they’re sharing their message
with you and not two hundred other people.
· Your guide talks about magical doorways, secret portals to other
worlds, or gates that you somehow managed to open, and nobody
else ever has.
· The spirit doesn’t mind you bragging about it to friends, but gets
grumpy whenever anyone questions its existence or purpose. Not
only that, it encourages you to isolate yourself from friends who
think the spirit guide may well be full of poo.
· The spirit claims to be hanging around in order to protect you from
some other spirit that you’ve never encountered. Weird stuff
happens, and your spirit guide is handily there at all the right times
to help you out.
· Your spirit guide claims to be from another planet or world that is
as yet undiscovered by scientists.
· The spirit claims that it needs your help — and only yours — to
help it do things like write, talk, etc., and basically wants you to
become its instrument of operation. In exchange for this voluntary
form of possession, the spirit will impart you with all kinds of nifty
new wisdom, that only you will be privy to.
· The spirit seems to have no real purpose other than to share
information with you, but the information you’re receiving is of no
real use, other than to make you believe you are way more
enlightened than everyone else.
· The spirit informs you that people who love you and care about
you are secretly plotting against you, and that the only one who
truly understands you is the spirit itself.
· All the information you’re being given by the spirit goes against
common sense, logic, laws of science and physics, and basic human
decency… and yet it all makes sense to you now, because you’re
the only one special enough for the spirit to talk to. - Patti Wigington
Ellie Crystal
The lessons below can be done in conjunction with the meditation at the
bottom of this file, or another that you connects for you. If you are writing
your answers you are doing automatic writing. If you are using telepathic
communication with your guide, be sure to write your responses down when
you are finished, as one tends to forget what is given. If communication is
verbal on your part, please use a recording device and record what you ‘hear’
or ‘see’. Ask questions only once. Accept the first answers.
Lesson 1 - Listening and Viewing
It’s time to meet one of your spirit guides. Today you will ask spirit
questions that are not personal, and can be answered by Yes or No. They
may be accompanied by physical sensations on your body such as:
· pressure on top of your head - opening of the crown chakra.
· a sensation on the left side of the body or face.
The left side receives, the right side sends.
The left side goes to the right side of the brain, the intuitive side.
Before you start, you may sense the presence of your spirit guide.
Find a quiet place, free of distractions. Relax and get comfortable. Clear
your mind. Focus on your guide.
Send the thought ... Hello!
You may hear a greeting, but this is not necessary.
Send your Yes or No question telepathically or verbally i.e. Is today
Relax and allow the answer to come naturally as a thought.
Continue with other non-personal Yes or No questions until you are
comfortable. Keep practicing. There is no hurry! Spirit has no ‘time’
You may also practice this with another guide.
Lesson 2: Getting to Know your Spirit Guide
Prepare paper and pen.
Send the message What is your name?
If you have trouble understanding the name, focus, then come as close
to what you hear as you can. Spirit will accept whatever name you
give. Names can be long and make have to be shortened. There
may be more than one name for a spirit i.e. Spirit Eagle.
Begin a dialogue. Trust what you hear.
Send the message (Name of guide) Are you ready to answer questions?
Wait for an affirmative answer.
Sample questions
· Do I know you?
· Have you ever helped me? If so, how?
· How many spirit guides do I have?
· What is the purpose of our connection?
· Are you my twin flame?
· What is my mission?
· Are you my only spirit guide?
· How many guides do I have?
· Other
Lesson 3 - Other Lifetimes Together
Prepare questions. Get comfortable. Greet your spirit guide.
Sample questions
· Did we know each other in another lifetime?
· How many lifetimes have we been connected? In what relationship?
· Have we ever reversed rules where I was your spirit guide while
you lived on the Earth plane?
· Have you always been in my life in this incarnation?
· Other
Lesson 4 - The Universe, Creation, Reality
Prepare a set of questions pertaining to the Universe. Take your time
over as many sessions as needed.
Sample questions:
· Explain reality.
· How big is the universe?
· How and when was it created?
· Is there life on other planets?
· Do entities watch us from UFO’s or other places?
· Did I know you in an alien form?
· Are there angels?
· Who is God? (Close your eyes and think Show me!)
· Are there many/any dimensions? (Close your eyes and think Show
· Can a soul exist in more than one dimension?
· Does the future co-exist with the past and present?
· Do we have free will?
Lesson 5 - Getting Personal With Your Guide
By now you should feel comfortable with your guide and able to
differentiate his/her thoughts from your own.
You may have met more than one guide by this time and learning about
the many ways each one guides you.
In the follow lessons try asking personal questions, but remember now to
censor the answers based on personal needs.
Spiritual Questions ::
· Am I on the right spiritual path?
· Will you guide me to the next part of my spirit journey?
· Should I be working as a healer?
· Will you lead me to a book or home page to further learn what I
have to?
· Is my current teacher good for me? Should I seek another?
· Do I need to move to a new location to find my destiny?
· Do I need to travel to fulfill my destiny? Where?
· Is this another aspect of my soul experiencing in this reality now?
Lesson 6 - Biological, Adopted, or Foster Family Relationships
Your greatest karma (learning lessons and responsibilities) are with your
family or those close to you who are like family to you. Sometimes these people
remain in your life forever and other times they stay for a while and move on.
Sample questions:
· Are members of my biological family from my past lives?
Ask for names and other information
If adopted or had foster parents - use this for biological and adopted
family members.
· Questions about the members of your family in relationship to you
and to each other.
· Determine is a deceased family member is a guide to you. Generally
they are not, but may linger around and be sensed as guiding in
some way.
· Is my main karma in this lifetime to be the caretaker of (name
person - usually the parent).
· If you believe you are a ........... walk- in, ask about all family
members - theirs and yours.
Lesson 7 - Your Career and Job
Most people change jobs or careers in a lifetime, many returning to school.
Spirit guides have a tendency to guides these changes for the better.
Sample questions:
· Do I have a chosen career or am I here as a searcher?
· Is the career I have chosen a lifetime career?
· Can I find a career that I am passionate about?
· I want to work in Metaphysics. Can I earn a living working in that
field? Can I work part time in metaphysics?
· Will I have jobs or should I go to school and train for a career?
· Is my job a dead-end or will it improve? get promoted? more
· Does my boss appreciate my work?
· Am I being back stabbed at work?
· Should I begin an affair at work?
· Women: Would I truly be happier at home raising a family and
changing diapers?
· Would I be happier working part time?
· Can I support myself with two part time jobs?
· Am I best suited to be ... create a list of desired job choices.
· Should I start my own business? alone? with a partner?
· Will my business merge? Evolve into something else? Fail?
· Will my race / ethnic background, etc. impede my chances for
finding my suited career? - help my career?
· Am I settling for less than I could be because I have emotional
problems, low self-esteem or learning disabilities?
· Am I smarter than I realize?
· Could I succeed in school after years of absence?
· Can I work from home? Choices ...
Lesson 8 - Your Love Life
You are ready to ask questions about your love life. Now this is where
things get tricky as the ego always kicks in here and you want to connect with
The One.
Sample questions if you have a partner now -
· Is my partner my soul mate?
· Are we together because we have karma to work out? In what
way? Where does the karmic debt lie?
· Is my partner for the rest of my life? Will I have another?
· Is my partner growing spiritual as I am?
· Have we grown apart?
· Am I holding on to a relationship that is over?
· Does my partner still love me?
· Does my self esteem make me remain in this relationship?
· Why do I stay with my partner? Finances? Family? Afraid to live
alone? Other?
Sample questions if gay -
· Is there a reason I came in gay? genetic? karmic?
· Was I prejudiced in a past life?
· Are there learning lesson here?
· Does my soul prefer a male - (or female) role?
· Is this the first time I came in gay?
· Am I a gay male to hold female frequency, which I would not be
able to do if I was straight?
· Am I afraid to admit that I am gay?
Sample questions if single -
· Will I ever marry?
· Will I live wit someone?
· Will I find a soul mate?
· Does my soul mate exist on the Earth plane?
· Will I marry? - live with someone - ?
· Will I wind up alone?
· Do I need therapy to maintain a relationship? Do I sabotage
· Will I ever have a child?
· Is my destiny other than marriage and children?
· As my guide, can you bring me a partner?
· Does working with rituals help manifest partners?
· Would my soul’s needs best be met by living alone? with a mate?
· I have searched for a partner all of my life. I am now 40 and have
never met the perfect partner. Is this because I am too picky or I
really don’t have a partner out there?
Lesson 9 - Your Love Life
Only the first answer is the correct answer.
For those searching for love
· Do I have a soul mate?
· How will we meet?
· Will that person recognize me?
· Will that person be ready for a full time commitment?
· I am dating - - - - - Is this my true soul mate? Ask detailed questions.
Married people
Why are my partner and I together? karma? love? soul mates? money?
afraid to be alone? Other
Lesson 10 - My Goals in Life
Sample questions.
· Are my goals in life realistic?
· Do I need to change my goals pertaining to my love life? marriage?
work? other?
· What goals will I accomplish?
· Other
Lesson 11 - Connecting with Spirit Guides While ‘On the Go’ ...
Spirit guides are always there and ready to talk to you if you focus. As
you go about your day, decisions will be made about your experiences. You
can always send a question telepathically and you will receive an answer.
Driving is an important time for spirit to watch over you and to chat. Remember
to pay attention and act quickly if the ‘little voice in your head’ sends an urgent
You may also chat with your guides during the drive.
· Is there traffic ahead? Where?
· Will I be late?
· Other
Your spirit guide is the twin aspect of your soul, with whom you forever
seek reconnection, balance and oneness.
It is the twin part of your soul that guides your journey now, a return
to conscious awareness and higher frequency of light through the
grids that create our reality.
Prepare as you would for Meditation.
Relax ... Your Mind ... Your Body
Envision yourself walking through a beautiful field.
The day is sunny and clear.
The flowers are fresh and flow gently in the breeze their fragrance
A stream flows gently over white stones as you listen to its rippling
You are at peace ... in balance.
In the distance you see a form coming closer to you.
It is your spirit guide the twin aspect of your soul.
You move closer and greet each other a glowing recognition between
you a flame ignited.
Your heart chakra bursts open with love.
You go on a sacred journey into awareness, light, and unconditional
Enjoy your journey.
It won’t be long before this becomes your reality
The writer of these pages is I, Thoth The Scribe, who moves
through many realities as teacher and author. I am linked to the
Great Pyramid as a creational force having come here through the
Gates of the 12 Pyramid Matrix to create realities.
Many will remember and quote my teachings in texts, scrolls, stone
tablets, keys of knowledge, or encoded genetic memories to be
found at the end of each cycle.
I have entrusted my original teachings to those who were my priests
and priestesses who must one day restore this knowledge in full
definition. At that time they shall incarnate as the teachers and
healers of their timelines.
These readings shall be found at the end of a cycle which transcends
time and space. And they shall remember. And I shall help and
guide them. If you have come to this place you have come to the
temple that will take you to twelve pyramids of light. I am here to
tell you a story of 12 pyramids that came through that which you
call the void to enter this world and create a physical reality in
which souls can experience. At the time of my writing these 12
pyramids stood on the physical planet placed there by design.
Though each pyramid may appear to the human eye to look like
the others ... remember that each one is unique in frequency and
Within each of the 12 pyramids were 3 entities for a total of 36 creational
forces. And these 36 forces set down upon the Earth life forms of
different shapes and designs. They used energies of light and the
tones of crystals to create.
When the 36 were complete they left the surface of the planet in their
pyramids and remained outside of the physical planet where they
created a grid system which linked together all things on and off
the planet. This was in the form of a matrix, web. At that time, I,
Thoth, who would be a scribe and teacher within the matrix, came
to this place and wrote this book for you to find at this time. Within
the book are your keys.
A great pyramid was built by my design on the surface of the planet.
It would be a duplicate of that which is above and would link to it.
And I would come through this pyramid many times in many
forms, to guide and teach the souls who would come to this place.
Your coming here has unlocked the door for those who were the
priests and priestesses of a time once entered in the story of
humanity. We shall now journey to the first of 12 pyramids that
waits beyond this reality, yet holds its creation in place.
Pyramid ONE
My story begins as 12 pyramids were positioned around a planet you
call Earth. They remain in higher frequency until my story has been told and
the souls have left. Each pyramid was to bring meaning and purpose based
on their own programming. My story unfolds in the land of Khem, known
best to you as Egypt. The Pyramid over Egypt links with the Hourglass, with
Time and with Illusion. From here the nature of time and space, cause and
effect, duality, were created. And so the Cycles of Time began. The 12 pyramids
moved into position and through consciousness created physical forms based
on geometric patterns that would follow the cycles until the end of time.
And the cycles would be calibrated by the number 12, based on the 12
pyramids of creation. These would be known as the Cycles of Time which
would be experienced by each evolving civilization. And these timepieces would
work in synchronicity with the pyramids and the matrix. The gears of these
clocks, would be round and seen as wheels within wheels, or clocks within
clocks, marking cycles within cycles. And these cycles would appear to begin
and end as they move through the synchronicities of their creation.
As Keeper of Time, I would perpetuate the Illusion of the Cycles of Time.
It is my job to recalibrate each cycle wherein Time would take on a new
dimension. To mark these cycles a geophysical timepiece was created on the
Earth’s surface. It linked to the matrix through a portal of energy. This portal
was created by the 12 pyramids in their likeness and was placed on the center
of the planet. It would be known as the Great Pyramid and would maintain
the Illusion of Time. And the soul sparks emerged into the matrix through the
rainbow prism of light and color As I watched from above and below.
Pyramid TWO
The pyramid above the Middle East is the focal point for the first story of
humanity. The Gods and Goddesses of Sumer You would know this place as
the Cradle of Civilization, the story of Adam and Eve and their bloodline. It is
from this pyramid that a tale was told of the first humans who came to play
on Earth’s soil and give it life. Their very existence would be created as a
metaphor for the creational patterns of humanity’s earliest roots. And the sacred
symbols of this creation would be genetically encoded into those who would
come to be part of this land. For it is these souls who would awaken at the end
of this cycle to lead the others into the next creation. The Middle East would
carry the frequency of this information throughout the cycle. Much blood
would be shed by the keepers of the secrets, and their descendents, on this soil
where creation was said to spring forth. It is in this region that the Lords
of Light and Darkness would play out their earliest games, battles that would
continue until the end of this cycle and the beginning of a Golden Age of
Light, to be brought forth by the keeper of this pyramid, one known as Ta-
She-Ra El Amun. Ta-She-Ra El Amun will embrace the souls and take them to
the Pyramid where they would find healing from all they had endured on
their Earth journey. And there would be a new beginning. A new Tree of Life
would spring forth from this pyramid its matrix joining with the other 11
pyramids of creation. Darkness would return to Light, And the souls would be
free and healed. It is time for humanity to return to this pyramid to heal in the
womb of creation, to move through its matrix of geometric shapes and
understand how the first man and woman were created.
Pyramid THREE
pyramid was placed above the grids over Europe creating great
mythologies for the souls to experience. The soul who creates through this
pyramid goes by the frequency, Triogenes the Storyteller. He is one who can
capture the imagination of one soul, or all souls, as he weaves the patterns of
his stories throughout the energies of the matrix. These patterns would appear
to repeat in cycles, each with its own cast of characters incorporated in a body
of work that would have no beginning nor end but would weave forever
creating new stories. Woven into the fabric of each myth are the keys of the
creational process. These myths would be regarded as the Great Mysteries of
the Creation of Humanity. And these myths would take on many imensions
and lessons in which the souls could select one or more roles. Myths are not
bound by space nor time, and may be entered as the souls may desire. Let us
enter the Halls of the Pyramid of Mythological Rendering. There you will be
able to interact in all myths, at the same time, by merely placing your
consciousness into their matrix. For it is here that I, Thoth the scribe, write
many of the storylines as dictated to me by the souls. Perhaps you and I can
create a myth of our own. For in truth, All is Myth, Myth is All.
Pyramid FOUR
The Atlantean Pyramid creates the illusion of realities in time on the Earth
plane. The soul who oversees this pyramid goes by the frequency, Arlis-
Cochizel. In the temple of the crystals the goddess sits, she whose consciousness
creates all and everything from within. Through this crystal matrix a race of
evolved humans was born. And when it was time for those souls to once again
submerge in the sea of creation to evolve into a new experience the crystals
would echo the harmonics and the souls would remember and align for
The Atlantean Pyramid has great mythology about an ancient time when
man used his gift of intuition and worked with spirit. It tells of priests and
priestesses who used massive crystals and walked with giants and strange
creatures on the surface of the lanet. This pyramid tells of I, Thoth, known as
Thoth the Atlantean, or Tehuti, who ruled the land of Atlantis for thousands of
years known there by many names and descriptions. It is written that before
the great civilization of Atlantis fell, I went with my consort and our high
priests and priestesses in great spaceships, to create a new home and a new
civilization. That this place would be the land of Khem, known to you as Egypt.
That I, and others from Atlantis, would record and store information in great
libraries, in a place to be known as the Halls of Amenti, ‘Amenti’ meaning
‘Mankind’. Listen now for the echoes of their tones within your mind. And
many would search for these records in their quest to remember why they
have come here and who they are. And they would feel that they have greater
purpose in this timeline and seek to find out what that purpose might be. The
Atlantean Pyramid would create tales of the fall of this great civilization as
warning to those who would walk the earth at the time of this reading. And
humanity would worry about the destruction of its earth home. Fear not, as
the souls need only remember their way home, into the light. For there is no
beginning, nor is there an end. And I, Thoth the Atlantean, shall now take you
to the Pyramid of Atlantis so you may experience all that you are. And you
will understand what happened in the game of Light vs. Darkness. And you
will remember what you must do.
Pyramid FIVE
On our journey through the matrix of the pyramids we come upon one
that is both vague and fluid in density. The Lemurian Pyramid is one of two
pyramids that creates a storyline about a reality that supposedly once existed
in third dimension but has volved into higher frequency. The soul who oversees
this pyramid goes by the requency, Teco-Porima. The Lemurian Pyramid
creates the illusions of dimensions or levels of reality. The pyramid can be
found in the grid over the region known as the Pacific Ocean. It has sometimes
been viewed by passing sailors on long voyages in the open seas. As they
move between the portals of their minds, and those of reality, they have seen
such a pyramid before them. The true nature of this pyramid is to maintain
and enforce awareness of higher levels of experience, for if Mankind can
understand that there is more than just his physical expression he will be in
readiness to move to his next level of consciousness believing that his Lemurian
ancestors rose to those very heights. Go there now to this Pyramid of Lemuria.
Join forces with those who create this matrix. Understand the nature of higher
creation in the sea of celestial evolution.
Pyramid SIX
It was here in the area of Tibet that a Pyramid was placed in frequency.
Those who followed named it the place of Shambhala. The soul who oversees
this pyramid goes by the frequency signature, Tsu Li. This is the creational
pyramid which connects us with our spiritual wisdom and knowledge. It is
within this pyramid that spiritual teachings are created, based on the needs of
each culture as it evolves. And it was my job, as scribe, to see to it that these
teachings were recorded through oral traditions, in sacred texts and scrolls,
within the energies of crystalline bodies, in stone formations, in hieroglyphs
and pictographs, in channeled manuscripts and other art forms. It is in this
pyramid that the entities known as spiritual masters and teachers, angels,
gods and goddesses, and spiritual guides, originated. Many souls will have
memories of ‘arriving’ on planet Earth, through this pyramid, then taking the
form of Tibetan monks. It is written that these teachers have secret scrolls
hidden away since the dawn on mankind. These teaching can be found within
the matrix of this pyramid given in keys at the end of this cycle. Enter now
this pyramid where these scrolls await you. Join with the energies of the three
creators of this matrix. Read their words. Heed their messages. Then you will
know. The Pyramid of Dreams is located in the grids over Australia.
Pyramid SEVEN
The soul who creates through this pyramid is the Dreamkeeper. When
souls go to their place of sleep time, it is there that they meet the Dreamkeeper.
It is within the energies of this region that the chosen priests and priestesses
incarnated to guard and protect the creational knowledge stored within the
matrix of dreamtime. This knowledge is given in symbols during dreamtime
to those ready to access it. Once given, the soul may return to thephysical
with the ability to move back and forth between realities. And that soul shall
understand how to create in dreamtime and how that creation becomes
manifest in the physical. Within his matrix they may select experiences just as
they do in their physical time. The Dreamkeeper takes the souls to his matrix
of never-ending dreams, where anything can happen and usually does. And
here the souls can fly, and be free. All souls visit the Dreamkeeper and are
linked to his matrix by way of their dream experiences. The Dreamkeeper
helps them resolve problems, and teaches the true nature of their experiences.
Some will see this dreamtime as the truer realityfor it is as real as anything else
within the matrix. A part of all souls remains connected to the matrix and the
Dreamkeeper to reconnect over and over, the dreamscapes continuing after
consciousness returns to the physical body. Before you go to sleep, ask the
Dreamkeeper to show you your destiny and awaken your consciousness.
Pyramid EIGHT
The first pyramid is presently located in the grid over the area you call
Antarctica, which would be considered a portal to other planetary grid systems.
The soul who oversees this pyramid goes by the frequency signature,
Xerthaneus. The function of this pyramid is to create and guide experiences
linked to the comings and goings of extraterrestrial entities who were part of
the history of planet Earth. And there were many entities from these far away
worlds that were once part of the story of your planet, their journeys encoded
within the matrix by Xerthaneus and his two assistants. Their souls having
experienced through the energy of this pyramid as those who come from Sirius,
Nibiru, Orion, Lyra, the Pleiades, Mars, Andromedia, Arcturus, Vega, Venus,
Jupiter, among others familiar to you. And so the storylines would read that
these entities came to your planet in great spaceships and interacted with those
who lived on the planet, in the water and others below the surface. And there
was created a tale of a great spaceship buried beneath a giant lion, who serves
as a marker. And similar stone markers were left on every place created in the
heavens which linked to the matrix. The experiences in other worlds are as
real as your soul experience at this time on planet Earth. Those souls would
carry the memories of these distant worlds often as a truer reality than that
which they came here to embrace. And when this book is found, the ice shall
melt from this place, revealing starships created by this pyramid, left behind
as reminders of their work and interaction on your planet. And the energies of
this pyramid shall still be read in the matrix of this total creation and
experienced by those who would come to these creational forces for guidance.
And Xerthaneus shall guide their souls through this geometric matrix so they
may remember and join with other expressions of their creation. And soulmates
shall meet in many worlds and forms. And they shall join in union, then be
thrust apart, to once again rejoin in other alien forms.
Pyramid NINE
There does exist a pyramid above the Arctic whose purpose is balancing
the poles of the planetary grid and of consciousness once frozen in time now
melting down and hifting on all levels. Harmonic Ice Crystal The Keeper of
this Pyramid is known by the frequency name,Sophia Hokhmat, creator of
all knowledge and wisdom. Sophia creates an ever-expanding body of
knowledge flowing through the consciousness matrix, where souls experience.
There they may study the natural laws of creation, then learn and develop
their abilities to think and understand that which is occurring in their realities.
For it is in Sophia’s matrix that the souls understand the connection of all
things to this matrix, to the 12 pyramids, and to the central Source that acts as
a hub in the center of all of this, the creational energy that gives life to the 12
pyramids, and all that they create as expressions of the geometric design.
Within this frozen monolith one understands how a soul is created and how
that soul can manifest in many realities at the same time, taking knowledge
from the matrix with each experience. Within this pyramid, one can create
and access great wisdom by a mere thought. And that thought is linked to all
other thoughts, which bind the souls together. And that in one nano-second of
your timeline, all information is learned and understood by all. It is now time
to travel to the Halls of Knowledge created within this Pyramid of Ice and
Light. You will combine your mind and consciousness with the matrix. Then
you will understand all things in your world.
Pyramid TEN
There is a pyramid in frequency over the Inca ruins of Machu Picchu. It
is linked to the Nazca Lines creating a pattern of evolution in design. The soul
who creates through this pyramid goes by the frequency, Lubileah. Her
consciousness speaks to the people of Earth about a time long ago when ancient
travels from the stars descended to the surface creating a landscape in which
souls would descend from above to experience, later to return to her
consciousness, through Her temple. It is within this pyramid that emotions
are experienced ranging form lowest frequency to those of pure light energy.
The nature of this pyramid is to keep emotions flowing in that which you
experience as formless waves of energy, which shift within each soul from
moment to moment. And the souls shall know all ranges of these emotions for
they are in the matrix and they have come to experience the gamut of them
all. And the souls will place in highest esteem the frequency of Light which is
creation and contains all emotions in balance. And they will connect it with
that part of their being that links to the Source of creation, the heart, that
which expresses what they shall call ‘Love’ and keeps the soul eternal. They
shall strive for this place of higher emotion. In so doing, they will experience
great suffering, which will help them bring forth higher understanding. And
the souls will feel torture and torment, and love and compassion. And they
will place all emotions into words and deeds, and great dramas in which they
did act. And great works shall result in the expression of their emotions, guided
by the flow of the emotional matrix. And they shall go to this emotional temple
within their souls to find answers to riddles of Creation. There they will find
their answers, not always as their senses have guided. And each soul shall
search until it is ready to enter this pyramid. Once entered it will experience
all emotions at one time, with understanding far beyond the comprehension
of humanity. Each soul shall embrace all emotions within itself. Come with
me now to the Pyramid of Emotion. Let not old fears blind your way. Throw
away all concepts of emotion and see the truth in who you are. I will teach you
how to find peace and the balance in your soul.
Pyramid ELEVEN
The Mayan Pyramid is in the Grid of Time and Synchronicity. The Keeper
of the Pyramid is Quetzalcoatl. Within the pyramid, timepieces and symbols
are created in accordance with the Laws of Creation. They are carried
throughout the matrix ombining all wisdom and knowledge within their
design. They fit together as the gears of synchronicity forming the totality of
human experience. In dreamtime and meditation one moves within the matrix
attracting the keys that synchronize with needed experiences. And Quetzalcoatl
created encoded keys within his timepieces to guide the souls into higher
consciousness. He placed his keys within the matrix to be found by those who
were chosen, so they may teach humanity about the changes that occur at the
end of a cycle. And the two souls who assist Quetzalcoatl, operate and maintain
the keys, as they will be found and the information unlocked. Join me now
within the halls of this pyramid as there are keys that will return you to your
natural state of being. You will recognize your keys of light. They will open
your soul and your consciousness.
Pyramid TWELVE
Darkness emerged from the void moving into the pyramids of
consciousness, ending as souls cross over the bridges of time, space and illusion.
The sacred spirals of geometry guide their journey home. The end of my story
takes me to the Pyramid over New York City. The soul who oversees this
pyramid goes by the frequency Isis for She is the feminine aspect in all that
moves through the matrix. It is She who expresses herself in the form of the
Earth Mother. She, who is Creator of Life and Evolution. She who sends energy
to the matrix that perpetuates the reality in which souls may manifest. She,
who has no permanent form, but that of Light. It is She that you knew as
Sekhmet and Hathor, among other Creational Forces. It is She who creates
from her pyramid, weaving her creation into the Fabric of Time. Her energies
move through the matrix touching all that is in creation, all that flows through
consciousness, all and everything that is both old and new, for they are one
and the same. From her Pyramid she brings the matrix full circle, Creator and
Destroyer All in One. Travel with me to the Pyramid of the Feminine, She who
now returns to planet Earth to express herself in the light harmonics of creation.
The question is often asked, “What are Spirit Guides?”
These are entities that are known by many names, Spirit Guides, Guides,
Helpers or Spirit Helpers, Angels and Guardian Angels. They are all of these
things. I have heard them called “controls” or “spirit controls”. I do NOT like
these names as they do not in any way try to control you. These names are
usually used by phoney “mediums” or phoney “psychics” who are trying to
milk some innocent sucker out of their money.
No, they will not make your decisions for you. They feel that this is your
life and that you must live in it. They will offer their opinions and advice if you
ask for it, but they will NOT tell you what to do. It is your life and you must
decide how to live it.
So what are they and where do they come from?
Well, they are souls or spirits that have lived many lifetimes and have
gained much wisdom. They are there to help and assist you and are your
friends, in fact they are the best friends that you have. They do truly love you
and would NEVER do anything to harm you in any way. And even though
you may not consciously know it at this time, you already know them. You
picked them to help you before you were born and they agreed to be your
Now what is the difference between an angel and a Spirit Guide? Well, in
the Judeao-Christian concept an angel is a spirit that has never lived a human
life, rather acts as a messenger or worker of the Divine. Spirit Guides have
lived many lifetimes and by doing so have gained much wisdom. And guess
what? They often act as messengers or workers of the Divine. Percentage-
wise, there are very few angels that have not lived physical lives.
Say that you were going to start a business and were going to hire a
business advisor to help you run that business and had interviewed two
applicants for the job. Both had MBA (Master of Business Administration)
degrees, but one of them was fresh out of school and had no experience. The
other had worked for other successful businesses and had owned his or her
own successful business but just didn’t want the headaches of owning his/her
own business. Both candidates were willing to work for the same pay. Which
would you want working for you? One who had only studied business or one
who had studied business and had “gotten their hands dirty” working in
business? In a sense, human life is a business, because you have the physical
body, you are the Chairman of the Board of that business and your Spirit
Guides are members of that board. They all have their “MBA’s” and are your
“business advisors.” They will advise you and tell you their opinions, but you
have to make all of the decisions.
So, are Spirit Guides angels? Yes, and they are angels that are very
experienced with physical life.
I have talked about what they are, now where did they come from? Well,
obviously since I am in a human incarnation right now, my understanding is
limited, but as I understand it, it went something like this. In the beginning,
there was the Creator. And He/She was alone. So He/She took minute sparks
of Him/Herself and said to them, “You are now new souls. I give you free choice.
Right now you have two choices. One, you can return to Me now and become one
with Me again, or you can go out, learn and grow up and become like me until
you can once more become one with me.” And many of them did return to the
Creator at that time, others decided to go out, learn and grow. Some of those
divine sparks are now your Spirit Guides. Jesus and Moses were two of those
sparks as were Buddha and Muhammad. And (are you ready for this?) so
were you and I.
For a good book that describes life between lives (where these entities
come from) try Michael Newton’s Journey of Souls. Dr. Newton was using
regression hypnosis with patients when he accidently regressed a patient to a
time before birth. Since then he has made an ongoing study of the subject and
regressed many in this fashion. His book includes case studies.
First of all, an absolute beginner can meet his/her spirit guides. It was one
of the very first things that I did. You already know them, you picked them
before you were born and they agreed to help you this time around.
To start, I would suggest that you have a pencil and paper handy. Now
find yourself a quiet place. Cleanse yourself and the room thoroughly. Get
good and relaxed. Fill yourself and the room with a white light (this is a spiritual
light, not a light from a light bulb or a candle). If you don’t know how to do
these things see the sections on Cleansing and Meditation, they can help you.
Now call your spirit guides to you. It does not matter at this time that you do
not consciously know them, they will be there for you. Now say, “Please touch
me.” You should feel some sort of sensation somewhere on your body. It could
be chills, goose bumps, warmth or a tingling. Whatever it is it will simply be a
sign to you that they are there. Having identified (for you) a way to tell their
presence, you can go on to the next step, determining how many of them
there are.
Ask, “Is there at least one of you?” You should feel the sensation. Everyone
has at least one guide. Most people have between one and seven. Now ask,
“Are there at least two of you?” If you feel the sensation, then you know that
there are at least two of them. Continue this process until you no longer receive
any sensation. In this manner you will determine how many guides that you
Next step. Say, “Number one, please touch me.” Somewhere on your
body, (your forehead, back of your neck, arm, back, shoulder, leg, somewhere)
you should feel something. It may be chills, goose bumps, warmth, a tingling
or whatever, but it will be a pleasant sensation. Remember this touch, in fact
it is a good idea to write it down. It is the I.D. of that spirit guide, and he/she
will always touch you in the same spot with the same feeling. Continue the
process until you have the I.D.’s of all of your guides.
Next step. Ask, “Please tell me hello.” If you can hear their thoughts in
your head, you are one of the lucky ones. I wasn’t, it took me years before I
could reliably “hear” them. It was not their fault, but mine, I was cutting
myself off. So if you don’t hear them, all is not lost.
Assume that you don’t hear them. You can still ask questions and get
answers, it just takes a little more effort, as it has to be couched as “Yes/No”
questions. Ask them, “Please give me a ‘Yes’ answer.” Pay close attention to
your body, there will be some movement at this point, the most common being
a nodding of your head as though you were nodding a “yes” in answer to
someone else’s question. The actual motion may be very slight, almost
imperceptible, but you will be able to feel it. When I was using this method, I
could often judge how emphatic the answer was by how energetic the nodding
was, I have had my entire body jerk. Now ask, “Please give me a ‘No’ answer.”
Again pay close attention to your body, there will be a motion, the most common
being a shaking of the head as if you were shaking your head “no”.
Now lets get some practice, and this is an important step. Assume that
there is a table lamp in the room with you and it is turned off. Ask the question,
in these words, “Is the lamp on?” Did you get a “yes” answer? Were they
wrong? Not at all, you asked the wrong question, the lamp is indeed on the
table. Now ask the question, “Is the table lamp in this room turned on?” Now
the answer should be “No.” Assume that the door to the room that you are in
is open, ask, “Is the door open?” Got a “No” answer? Is the front door closed?
There is a reason for these apparently “wrong” answers, they are not being
contrary, only trying to get you to learn to be precise in your wording, and to
make sure that you really do know what you are really asking.
As you work with them and get to know them, you will find that most of
them have great senses of humor, they like a good joke as well as you or I. And
they all have their own individual personalities. Once, I was helping a young
man to meet his guides and he referred to one of them as “he.” Suddenly, his
eyes opened wide and a smile crept across his face. He said, “I just got my face
slapped. And I heard, ‘I’m not a he, I’m a woman.’”
You will also find in time that they will not be quite so insistent on the
precise wording of your questions.
When you go to ask them a question in the future, it is a very good idea
to first ask, “Who is with me?” Then look for the familiar I.D. touch. That will
not only let you know which of your guides that you are talking to, but will
also insure that it is one of your guides and not some stray spirit that happens
to be passing by.
When you ask your guides for advice, ask for their opinions. They will
NOT tell you what to do, but are more than happy to tell you their opinions.
Put your questions to them in the format of “If you were in my position, would
you ...” or “In your opinion would it be best for me to ...”. Otherwise, you
may not get an answer. Remember that it is your life, and you have to make
the decisions and live with the results.
Yes, they all have names, they are after all, people. But I have tended to
discourage using names until you really develop a discernment in identifying
them by their thoughts. The reason is simple. Let us assume that you have a
guide named Susan. Now you want to ask your guides a question and you
start out by saying, “Who is with me?” and you clearly hear “Susan.” OK,
you assume that is your Susan. But unknown to you, it just happens to be
some confused spirit who has recently died and is still wondering around, lost.
And you are willing to talk to her! WOW! She will tell you anything that you
want to hear, sure you were Nefertiti in a past life, and Queen Elizabeth, too.
Mata Hari? Yeah, you can be her too if you want to. See what I mean? But
that touch is a positive ID.
In the future, if a spirit shows up claiming to be a new guide for you,
don’t take it at its word, check it out with your known guides before you
accept anything that it tells you.
I wish you the very best in your efforts. Please let me know how you
make out. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments
section of my guest book and I will get back to you (make sure that you leave
your E-Mail address). Or you can E-Mail me.
Other than having someone such as myself introduce you to your guides
in person, the other method that I described for meeting your guides is the
easiest and most accurate that I know of. Unfortunately, it does not work for
everyone. Because of this I am offering this alternate method. I still recommend
using the other method first and if you can’t get that to work, then try this
one. If you can’t get either to work, well you can still contact me. I also sell an
ebook where I describe two more methods.
First, get into a quiet room where you can be undisturbed for a while.
You may light a candle or two if you wish, but that is not necessary. If you do,
I would suggest blue ones. You may also light some incense if you wish, again
not necessary. But if you do, I would suggest frankincense or myrrh. Now I
assume that you have read the meditation techniques that I have on my web
site. This is going to be very similar to the “Quiet Meditation”. Sit up straight
in a comfortable chair or sofa with your feet flat on the floor in front of you.
Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, in through your nose and out
through your mouth. Visualize a bright light above your head, like a sun.
Now, as you breath in, visualize a beam of clear blue light (about the color of
this print) entering the top of your head and moving down to the center of
your body, about where your solar plexus is. Visualize that clear blue light
spreading out from that point to fill your entire body. Let it fill you so full that
your body can’t contain any more and then let it spread out to surround you
completely. You should find this to be very relaxing. Just keep it there for a
while, you should find yourself to be very calm and peaceful.
Now, you are going to take a trip, a special trip through a magical space.
Say “I call to my guides to be with me.” Now visualize yourself getting up
and going through the door. When you go through the door you will find
yourself outside, but right ahead of you there will be a mountain. In the side of
the mountain you will see the opening to a cave. Enter the cave. As you go
deeper into the cave you will notice that the walls are glowing softly and you
will realize that it really is not a cave, but rather a tunnel. Keep walking down
the tunnel. Ahead of you, you will see daylight as you near the end of the
tunnel. As you exit the tunnel, you will see that you are in a beautiful place, a
magical place. There may be large majestic trees, a lake or a brook, and plenty
of open space where grass and wild flowers grow. Or you may be on the
beach of a tropical island with palm trees growing. Or you may be somewhere
else that will be beautiful and peaceful. Sit down and lean against a tree. Now
someone will approach you. It may be a single individual or a whole group.
Just relax and let whoever it is come to you. This will be your guides. You may
talk to whoever it is. They will also communicate with you, but it may not be
in words, it may be in feelings! Ask each of them in turn to touch you so that
you can get that ID feeling, or to give you some other positive ID so that you
can identify them positively in the future and not confuse a stray spirit with
one of your guides. If you can not hear their thoughts, establish some other
method of obtaining answers, such as the “yes-no” swaying of your body or
nodding of your head as I described with the other method. When you go to
leave and return to the here and now, come back via the same way that you
went there.
Michael Newton
I had not intended to make this page, in fact I have resisted doing it. I felt
that it could confuse the issue of Spirit Guides. But I have been urged to make
it, soooo....
Soul Guides, although serving a similar purpose as Spirit Guides are really
different. Spirit Guides are souls that are more or less dedicated to you for this
one lifetime. They are souls whose “age” is approximately the same as your
own. Age is not really a good term to use here, perhaps degree of soul evolution
would be a much better term. Regardless of how you wish to define it, they
are friends of yours in the Spirit Realm.
Now why have you come to Earth in a physical lifetime in the first place?
Let us assume that you are a young soul (you are not, else you would not be
reading this), you would have come here to learn certain lessons, and to grow.
You would have a desire for your soul or spirit to evolve to a higher level. So
you would want some plan to follow in order to learn the lessons that you
needed to learn at this time. The main problem that you would be faced with
is that you would not really know what those lessons were, or how to go about
learning them. This is where the Soul Guide comes in. This is an “older” more
evolved soul that has been through many more lifetimes than you and your
spirit guides have been through. And as result has learned very much more.
Your soul guide will be working with a group of souls, one of which you
are. Some of your guides may also be his/her students. And your soul guide
will work with you over a great many lives whereas your spirit guides will
likely only be working with you for the one lifetime.
Let us assume that you have been feeling the urge to come into the
physical and that your soul guide agrees with you that it is time. You and
your soul guide will get together and make a general plan of what you need to
learn during the coming lifetime. You will plan the general circumstances of
your birth and the family that you will be brought up in, even so far as choosing
your parents. And if you are an older soul, you may be assigned a job or task
to perform while you are here.
After you have lived your life, and have made your transition back into
the Spirit Realm, and have moved back into the light, you may be given a
period of rest, but in time you will have to examine the life that you have just
finished. Until you as a spirit reach the level of maturity or evolution that you
are able to do this without help, your Soul Guide will help with that task. You
will look to see which lessons that you successfully learned, and which ones
that you failed to learn. If you had a task or job to perform, you will also
examine your efforts on that to see how successful that you were in that.
So your Soul Guide is there basically to help you to grow, from lifetime to
lifetime. Now, are you ready for this? Just as you belong to a group of souls
that is working together, so does your Soul Guide belong to a group of souls,
older and more evolved than yours. And just as you have a Soul Guide to help
you evolve and grow, your Soul Guide has an even older more evolved Soul
Guide to help him/her.
Below are several questions that I have been asked many times.
Q: I tried what you said to do, but nothing happened. Why?
A: There are a number of possible reasons for this, the most common is
that your personal energies at the moment are not “clean” or that the energies
in the room are muddied. See below for methods of spiritual cleansing and
how to fill the room with white light. Use one of the cleansing techniques then
fill the room with white light and try again.
Q: When we visualize we close our eyes, do we keep our eyes close
throughout the meeting?
A: No, you don’t have to keep your eyes closed. It is hard to write notes
while your eyes are closed and your notes are important .
Q: Won’t it affect the connection with your spirit guides when you
pause to take down notes in between conversations with them?
A: Pausing to take down notes won’t hurt a thing. They are very
understanding and very patient. They also want to be sure that you get it
Q: Do we need to cast a circle for this meeting?
A: I am not a Wiccan and have never cast a circle in my life, but I do fill
the room with white light. So you do not have to cast a circle, but it won’t hurt.
Q: In the first contact, will the touch mean that all your spirit guides
are responsible for the sensation that you’ll receive? Does the touch
mean that all your Spirit Guides are there with you?
A: During the first contact, that initial touch will just be a general “We
are here” sensation for you. It may be all of them working together or just one
answering for all. During that initial contact, generally all of them will be
there, but it is possible that one or more of them will not actually make contact
with you at this time, simply because you are not yet ready to work with
Q: Is it possible that one could have more than 7 Spirit Guides?
A: Yes, it is possible that one could have more than 7 Guides, but it is very
unlikely. If you are to be the next messiah, or are slated to introduce the next
major religion to mankind, or are slated to go into politics and will end up
uniting the world under a single united government, then you would need
more than 7 Guides. The number of Guides that you have is determined by
your life mission. If you are to be working with a lot of people, you will have
more than if you are to be working mostly with objects. I have been helping
people from the USA and Canada, from Europe, and from the Far East and I
only have 7 Guides.
Q: How would you know if your first meeting with your Spirit
Guides - if the spirits that present themselves to you are not just
some stray spirits and are your real Spirit Guides? How can you
be sure?
A: Good question. If you Spiritually cleanse thoroughly and fill the room
with white light before attempting to contact your Guides, that will keep out
any negative entities, and your Guides will keep any wandering spirits that
happen to be passing through from trying to make contact with you. If you
don’t know how to spiritually cleanse, see the descriptions below.
Q: How can you keep out evil spirits while you are meeting your
A: Another good question. And the answer is the same as to the question
just above this one.
Q: You mentioned that your Spirit Guides were chosen by you before
you were born, how then would it be possible to have new spirit
A: Yes, your Spirit Guides were chosen by you before you were born. It is
possible, as I mentioned above that you will not make contact with one or
more of your Guides at the first meeting because you are not ready to work
with them, but you will be told about them. Once in a while, you may get an
extra Guide that will come to work with you for a while for some special
purpose. If this happens, before you even think about accepting them,
check them out with your known team of Spirit Guides before you accept
anything from them!!!
Q: How do I know that the thoughts that I hear in my head are really
my Guides and not just my imagination and my own thoughts?
A: Another good question. In time their thoughts will “sound” different
to you than your own thoughts, but until you develop that discernment, there
is another way that you can tell the difference. Try asking them to say, “(Your
name), we love you.” Then start counting, “one, two, three, four, five.” If what
you hear in your mind is like this, “One, (your name), two, we, three, love,
four, you, five...”, then that is you and your imagination. Notice that the words
go through your mind one at a time. If on the other hand what you “hear” is
like the following:
“(your name)
Then that is not your imagination. Notice that the words come in one on
top of the other, “spoken” at the same time. The counting is you and the other
is your Guides.
Q: My friends and I intend to do this at our next coven meeting. Is
that a good idea?
A: No. I have introduced many people to their Guides in person and have
always insisted that there be no one else in the room with us. The presence of
other people and their energies can interfere with what you are trying to do.
Q: I tried what you said, I even cleansed until I felt chills and goose
bumps all over me, but still, nothing happened. Why?
A: It is possible that you are trying too hard or that you are nervous.
Relaxation is vital here. Use the link below to find the “Quiet Meditation” to
help you relax. If that doesn’t work, you can use the comments section in my
Guest Book to ask further questions.
Q: Could your Spirit Guides, like, you know, hurt you?
A: Absolutely not! Your Spirit Guides love you too much to even consider
such a thing.
Q: I am just starting my study of Wicca. Is it too early for me to meet
my Spirit Guides?
A: Wicca, like Christianity, is a religious thing. Meeting your Spirit Guides
is a spiritual thing and has nothing to do with your religion or how far you
have gotten into it. I was an atheist when I first met my Spirit Guides. Of
course, that state didn’t last long after that meeting.
Q: What happens if your guides get mad at you?
A: I have been working with Spirit Guides, my own and other peoples for
more than 30 years. I have never known any Spirit Guide to get mad at
anyone. They may get frustrated if you insist on playing games and refuse to
communicate with you until you decide to stop playing games and get serious,
but they won’t be mad with you. And they have a great sense of humor, they
like a good joke as well as the next person.
Q: My mind is constantly going, I can’t seem to quiet it for meditation
or anything else. Can you help?
A: Sure. Try this. Concentrate on your nose. Well, not really on your nose,
but on the air flowing in and out through your nose. Put all of your attention
on that air. If a thought enters your head, don’t try to supress it, or pay any
attention to it, just let it pass on through. Ignore it completely. You should
soon find that your mind is quiet and peaceful.
Methods of Cleansing
Cleansing: In this sense, cleansing simply means ridding yourself and
immediate surroundings of all negative energies. Picture in your mind a large
helix (a coil spring) of golden light. It should be large enough for your body to
fit inside of it. Picture it above your head and spinning slowly. Now I am
going to use the term “Christ Spirit.” (This has nothing to do with Jesus or
Christianity, but rather refers to that higher part of you which is enlightened
and Christ-like.) Now, as you repeat the words, “In the name of the Christ
Spirit, I cleanse my body,” visualise the helix lowering to your feet and then
back up to above your head. Now say, “In the name of the Christ Spirit, I
cleanse my soul,” and again visualize the lowering and raising of the helix.
One more. “In the name of the Christ Spirit, I cleanse my body and soul.”
Again, lower and raise the helix. Understand that as you do this, all negative
energies are being removed from you. By the time that you complete this, you
may very well experience a sensation of goosebumps or chills all over you.
Now you can continue with your mediation.
In case you have problems visualizing, here is another, simpler and easier
method of cleansing, but whereas the first method can be used anywhere,
anytime, you would probably want to be alone if you use it. Start off by briskly
rubbing your hands together. You should feel a slight tingling sensation in
them. Use the same affirmations that you used in the above method. As you
go to cleanse your body, use your hands as though you were brushing dust off
of yourself, starting with your head and working your way to your feet. As
you cleanse your soul, do the same thing, only brush off a surface an inch or
two away from your body. And as you cleanse your body and soul, do it the
same as cleansing your soul. Again, you will probabaly feel goosebumps or
chills. For raising your energies, think of the Christ Spirit as existing physicaly
“above” your head. You can visualize it as a beautiful entity or simply as a
glowing, white ball of light, either will work. Now say, either aloud or in
thought, “I am one with the Christ Spirit, the Christ Spirit and I are one.” As
you repeat these words three or four times, picture yourself rising up (while
the Christ Spirit lowers down) and merging with the Christ Spirit. And don’t
be surprised by goosebumps or chills here either.
When I really want to get my energies up there, I use the following. First
an explanation. I think of the higest part of any human as being a godlike
being. It is often easiest to visualize this as a glowing ball of golden light,
larger and brighter than the Christ Spirit, and above the Christ Spirit. Now,
what I do is to intone, in a monotone, much as though I were doing an “om”
the following, “I AM THAT I AM,” over an over while visualizing myself rising
up and merging with that golden light. I continue until I feel that I have raised
my energies high enough. Sometimes I feel almost as though I’m about to
float away. Finally, for general protection, you can call to the Archangel
Michael. He uses a cross of blue flame to bar negative energies from outside.
Years ago I had been told that I could call to him for protection and when I
did, I was somewhat surprised to see the flaming blue crosses appear to the
four sides, above and below me. Michael is also sometimes called Christ
Michael. Now to fill yourself and the room with white light, visualize that ball
of white light above your head. Visualize and feel the light coming down in a
beam and entering the top of your head. Feel the light filling your body and
then spreading outward from you to fill the room. Note that this is a spiritual
light and NOT a light from a light bulb or candle.
There is no way that I can cover the entire subject of meditation here.
There are as many different ways of meditating as there are people who
practice meditation, maybe more. Entire volumes have been written on the
subject, some of them are very good, others are very poor. If I pique your
interest enough to consider reading other books, by all means, do so. It certainly
will not hurt my feelings.
What I will attempt to do here will be to cover the subject in enough
detail to give you some ideas of techniques that you can use. I will also attempt
to show how you can use meditation to start finding your answers.
Meditation has been described variously as being an altered state, as being
a transcendental state, as being a state of deep relaxation, a state of intense
concentration, and as being any number of other things. In fact, what is it?
The answer is that it may be any or all of the above. Each person must find the
form or forms of meditation that work best for them. I will explain only a few
of the more common. If you find that this becomes a subject of greater interest
for you, then by all means, feel free to look elsewhere for information on the
subject. Remember, I don’t have all of the answers, nor do I intend to become
your guru.
Who can meditate or use meditation? Anyone, even you. When can you
use meditation? Just about any time. How long does a session of meditation
last? Anywhere from two or three seconds to five or six hours, it depends upon
your needs and circumstances. What I suggest at this time, especially if you
are a beginner, is that you start with the first meditation that I describe, the
“Quiet Meditation”. Use it daily for ten days to two weeks before continuing
on to the next one. Use each meditation for at least ten days to two weeks
before continuing on to the next. I will only suggest one no-no concerning
meditation. I would not suggest that you attempt meditation in bed. The
problem is that meditation is normally a very relaxed state, and if you are
lying down in bed, you are very likely to fall asleep. This will start a subconscious
conditioning that says, “I’m meditating, that means that it is time to go to
sleep.” And that is really not what you are trying to accomplish. I will also
suggest that you read this entire chapter before you attempt to use any of the
techniques that I describe.
Quiet Meditation
In my personal opinion, this is the best form of meditation for a beginner
to start with, and I still use it at times myself.
Start by sitting up straight in a comfortable chair or sofa.
Your feet should both be flat on the floor in front of you with your
hands in your lap.
Crossing your legs or stretching them out in front of you may be
comfortable at first, but after a few minutes could cause tensions
that will interfere with your ability to get the most out of your
meditation. Some people believe that you must get into the lotus
position (a yoga position) in order to successfully meditate. If you
can get into this position comfortably, and maintain it comfortably
for the duration of your meditation, and if you feel that it is
necessary, OK. Just remember, it has to be comfortable. If it causes
stress, or tension or any discomfort, then I suggest that you skip it.
Close your eyes. Take three or four (or five or six) deep breaths in
through your nose. As you inhale, you may find it helpful to picture
a white light coming in with the air and filling your entire body.
Then exhale through your mouth. As you exhale, picture all of your
tensions and stresses flowing out with the exhaled air. Feel the
tensions and stresses flowing out. Just let them go.
Now let your mind become quiet and still. If a thought enters your
head, don’t try to suppress it, or stop and examine it, just let it drift
on through. You may find some unusual thoughts passing through
your head. You may also find yourself seeing pictures or visions.
Or you may find yourself feeling things, unusual feelings or
emotions. I have even heard bird songs and smelled flowers or
perfume during a quiet meditation. Don’t worry about it, just let
them pass through. There will be plenty of time to think about it
all and examine it later.
When you feel that you have been in a meditative state long enough,
start coming back to the physical reality slowly. Take a few deep
breaths and direct your attention toward your physical body. It
may surprise you to discover that during the meditative state, you
may have become completely unaware of your physical body. Don’t
worry about it, that doesn’t always happen, but it is not at all
When you feel that you are back in the here and now, open your eyes. If
you happened to notice what time it was when you started your meditation,
you may be in for another surprise when you open your eyes again.
Time doesn’t seem to move at the same speed during meditation as it
does normally. I sometimes meditate for what seems to be five minutes only to
find that actually a half hour to an hour has passed. At other times I may
meditate for what seems to be twenty minutes or a half hour and find that
only five minutes has passed. You may want to set a timer if you feel that you
want to meditate for a certain period of time. If you do use a timer, use a gentle
one, any raucous or loud noise can be quite a shock when you are in a
meditative state. For this reason, you may also want to turn off the ringer on
the telephone during meditation. I have had the telephone ring when I was
meditating and it was almost like someone had hit me.
After you are back in the here and now, you may want to examine the
thoughts, sights and feelings that you experienced during your meditation.
They can often be a source of insight into yourself.
Taking a Trip
Before you start the actual meditation, you need to pick a goal or
destination. This may be a garden, or a beach or a mountain stream or a
woodland pond or anywhere else that seems peaceful and calming to you.
This does not have to be any place that you have ever seen or been to before,
or even seen a picture of.
After you have chosen your destination, again be seated as in the quiet
meditation. Again, close your eyes and take the deep breaths and let go of the
tensions and stresses just as you did during the quiet meditation.
Once you have gotten relaxed and quiet, picture yourself rising from
your chair and going to the door. As you picture yourself opening the door,
and going through the door, you will find yourself on a pathway that leads
quickly to where ever you are going. As you travel along the path, let yourself
experience it completely. If there are flowers, allow yourself to see their colors
and smell their perfume. If there are animals, allow yourself to see them in
their everyday activities. If there are birds, allow yourself to hear their songs.
If there is a brook bubbling over the rocks, allow yourself to hear the song of
the brook, and look closely, there may be fish in the brook. If you end up at a
beach, see and hear the surf, smell the salt in the air and hear the gulls.
Where ever you end up on your “trip,” allow yourself to experience it
fully. You may want to just sit quietly and soak up the surroundings, if there is
any there, you may want to “dangle your feet in the water.” Whatever you do
while you are there is entirely up to you, but experience it fully. See it, feel it,
hear it, smell it, and if appropriate, taste it.
When time comes to end the meditation, return in the same manner that
you went on the trip, that is, use the same path, you should see the same sights
coming back as you saw going.
Again, come back to the here and now slowly, deliberately. It is even more
important than during the quiet meditation. You don’t want to leave part of
your consciousness “out there” somewhere. And after you are back in the
here and now, examine any thoughts, feelings or visions that you might have
had during your meditation. If something that you would have thought should
have been pleasant was unpleasant, question this, why? For instance, if dangling
your feet in the water was uncomfortable, why was it uncomfortable? Again,
you can gain insights into yourself that you didn’t have before.
Soul Trip
Again, seat yourself comfortably as before and close your eyes. Now
repeat these words, “I call to my Guardian Angel. Please surround me with
protection and be with me.” You may either speak the words aloud or merely
think them. The exact wording is not critical, you are just trying to avoid a
“bad trip.” Again, take the deep breaths and visualize and feel the white light
filling your body and surrounding you. After you have gotten relaxed, repeat
the following words, either aloud or in thought. “I speak to my Guardian
Angel. Please lead me on a trip to some place that will have significance to me
and be at my side.” Again, the exact wording is not critical. Or you may say,
“Please lead me on a trip where I can find something that is important to me.”
Now, as you feel led, visualize yourself getting up and going to the door,
just as before. Only this time, you will be going where ever you are led to go.
Again, let yourself experience it fully. Don’t try to analyze anything that you
experience during the actual meditation, save that for after the meditation.
Spiritual Meditation
Prepare for this just as you did with the soul trip. Ask your Guardian
Angel to surround you with protection and to be with you. Then, when you
are ready, ask your Guardian Angel to lead you to a high spiritual place, such
as a temple. Again, don’t try to analyze anything as it happens, save analysis
for after the meditation. Incidently, during your trips, particularly during the
soul trip or the spiritual meditation, don’t be surprised if you should meet
someone during the meditation.
Regression Meditation
This meditation also uses the help of your Guardian Angel. Ask for the
protection and the Guardian Angel’s presence. Then use the relaxing deep
breaths with the white light filling and surrounding you. Then, when you are
ready, repeat the words, “I ask my Guardian Angel to take me back in time to
some incident that is having an effect on my life today.” Don’t be surprised if
you relive an incident from your childhood that you had completely forgotten.
If you are a beginner, I would not start out with this meditation until I had
become very practiced with the other forms of meditation that I have explained.
I have even known people using this form of meditation to experience
things that had happened in a previous lifetime. It has happened to me. Earlier
in my life, I have had some irrational fears. During a regression meditation I
have seen things from previous lifetimes that had caused them. Interestingly,
once I became aware of the cause, the fear evaporated.
Past Life Regression
Probably no subject arouses so much interest in beginners as past lives.
They go to “fortune tellers” and “psychics” to find out “if I have ever lived
before and if so, how many times?”
I have had people smuggly tell me that they had “lived 3 times before!”
or 5 times. I don’t think that I have ever met anyone that has had that few
previous lives. And it is amazing how many times that I have met Cleopatra!
And I have met Nefertiti almost as many times. And many of these poor people
have been given that mis-information by phoney “psychics” in exchange for
their hard earned money. I was once even told that I was Paul, you know the
one that in the early days of Christianity put women in their place? Fortunately,
I didn’t fork out any money for that! Others have used such unreliable methods
as Ouija Boards and the like to get their mis-information.
There are many methods of discovering who or what you were in past
lives, methods that are reliable. For instance, you could go to a hypnotist that
specializes in regression techniques. But even though that will work, it will in
all likelyhood cost you some cash. There are some reliable methods that won’t
cost you anything but time. And anyone who has the time to go to a phoney
“psychic” or to play with something like a Ouija Board has the time to use a
better method. There are many methods, I will describe only a couple of them
and let some others describe other methods. Although these are both regression
meditations, they are specifically geared to past life regressions.
Start just as you would for the quiet meditation, get good and calm and
relaxed. Now call your spirit guides to you and ask them to lead you back in
time to a past life that is important to you in this lifetime. (Note: If you have
five or six or seven guides, they don’t all have to be there for this. Usually, one
or two of them is enough.) Also ask them to allow you to remain, as an observer,
for a reasonable amout of time and then bring you back to the here and now.
Now, as you feel led, visualize yourself rising from your chair and going out
of the door. What happens next will depend on you, your guides and
circumstances. As you go through the door, you may immediately find
yourself in a past life. Or you may go through the door and find yourself in a
hallway or on a path that leads to another door. When you go to the end of the
hallway or path and through the door, you will find yourself in the past lifetime.
Or you may find yourself walking beside a stream, walking upstream. If you
look carefully, you can see people and events taking place in the stream. This
is the stream of time. Now as you feel compelled, or when your guides tell you
to, jump in and you will be in the past life. The next method also starts with
meditation. Start exactly as described in the above method. After you have
filled the room with white light, ask your guides to take you to “the hallway
with many doors”. Each of these doors will lead to a different past life. Again,
ask them to allow you to remain in the past life as an observer for a reasonable
time and then to bring you back. With neither of these methods do you have
to wait for your guides to bring you back, you can come back on your own at
any time.
Active Meditation
There are some people for whom getting quiet simply does not work, or
perhaps they are looking for something that might be described as “higher
energy.” These people, and even those for whom the “Quiet Meditation” works
can try a Dance Meditation. Try dancing all alone, either to music or to the
music in your mind and let your mind and thoughts flow where they might.
Or you can try chanting. Pick a word or a phrase and repeat it over and over
in a monotone. Again, let your mind go where it will.
Some Notes
I have led groups in meditation many times. With new, inexperienced
groups I always start off with the quiet meditation and keep the sessions to
five to ten minutes and this is how I would recommend that you start if you
are inexperienced. Use the quiet meditation for at least ten days.
After a group meditation, it is a common practice for each person to share
with the group what they experienced during the meditation.
After the group has had some experience, I move on to the “taking a
trip.” In this case, I describe to the group where we are going to go. Interestingly
enough, I have had people describing the scene that they saw after the
meditation and had them agree on details that I had not mentioned. As the
group gains experience I will extend the meditation period up to about a half
of an hour. Incidently, when I am working with a group of beginners, I keep
close watch on them. Even though there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of,
beginners will sometimes become frightened with things that they don’t
understand. If you are a beginner and are afraid that you may run into
something that may frighten you, you can do this. Before you start, make a
loose fist with one hand except have the thumb inside of the fist. Then, if you
become frightened by something that you don’t understand, simply squeeze
your thumb and you will be back in the here and now.
After gaining experience taking a trip, I may move on to some of the
other methods. I suggest that you follow the same sort of routine yourself,
start slow, don’t be too anxious.
Meditation can help you to get into closer touch with yourself and get to
know who you really are.
One last note on the subject. Some people like to meditate by concentrating
their vision on some object. The first thing that comes to mind is a crystal ball.
Other things include a candle flame or a cross or a picture, to name only a few.
If you wish to try this, by all means do so. Some people find that this works
very well for them. The only problem that I have with it is that the unblinking
concentration on such an object can cause eye strain that can distract from the
relaxation that you are trying to achieve.
Most people fear death, even those who claim to believe in a life after
death. There always seems to be some doubt that just maybe they have been
wrong and that there is no life after death, or perhaps there is but that they
have not been good enough during their lifetime and that they are not going
to end up where they had hoped.
But death is nothing to be feared. While it is true that each of us at the
present is in a physical body, and each in our own way are on a spritual quest,
in reality in a much larger sense, we are really spiritual beings having a physical
experience. The human body is a marvelous thing. Its design and engineering
is far in advance of anything that we humans with all of our learning and
sophistication and technology could even attempt. Damage the body and it
will repair itself. Cut your hand and the wound will heal. Our bodies are self
repairing. Yet, as time goes by, we slowly loose some of our abilities to self
repair, and our bodies age. Eventually, our bodies wear out or are damaged
beyond their ability to repair themselves. When this happens, we cast them
aside just as we would cast aside a worn out suit of clothing. And just as we
cast aside worn out clothing in favor of new clothing, so we cast aside our
mortal bodies in favor of our immortal spiritual bodies.
So what is death? Death is when that immortal part of us, that awareness,
that thinking, feeling part of us which is really the real us, departs from the
physical body and severs most of its links with the physical body. When the
living part of us ceases to activate the physical body.
So what happens after the phenomena that we refer to as death? Well,
the physical body starts to break down, and return its elements to the mother
Earth to be reused. But that is not really the part that we are interested in, is it?
What we are really interested in is what happens to the spirit or soul. And
what happens here depends upon the individual. In the following paragraphs
I will describe briefly what happens to different types of individuals. And
remember that the first paragraphs will be describing minorities. The majority
of souls will follow the description outlined in the final paragraph.
This is usually a case where a young person has rightfully believed that
they had a long time ahead of them to prepare for death, but it has come upon
them very suddenly and without warning. Often either as an accident or
murder. These poor souls often do not even realize that they are dead. They
only know that suddenly, everyone is totally ignoring them. And to top it off,
they suddenly find that they can’t even interact with physical objects that
they had always been able to in the past. For instance, they can no longer pick
up a fork or a ball or turn a door knob. In time they learn that it is not necessary
to turn a door knob when they can simply move through the closed door as if
it were not there. Basically, these are confused souls. They are not of the physical
plane but have remained at that energy level. In time, some of them, if they
remain at the physical plane long enough do learn to effect physical objects.
Still, they are confused, and need to move on to their proper place.
These are usually souls that feel that they can not leave until they have
accomplished something. This something may be revenge upon someone who
themselves are dead. But these confused souls do not realize that the objects of
their anger are no longer around. I have met some of these poor souls and
they often do not realize just how many years have passed since their own
deaths. So they remain on the Earth plane, seeking to finish something that is
impossible for them to do.
These are souls that have died and fear that they have been too evil during
their lifetime and that if they move on that they will be faced with eternal
damnation. And in truth, some of them are pretty bad dudes. While it is true
that they will have to pay for any evil that they have done, that payment does
not include burning in eternal hellfire.
This is probably one of the saddest of all. Let me give you an actual
example of this type of soul. About thirty years ago, I ran into the spirit of a
woman that had died over a hundred years earlier. All of her life she had
heard ministers telling about how, if they were good, when they died they
would see St. Peter at the Pearly Gates and see the streets of heaven paved
with gold. When she died, she didn’t see any Pearly Gates, no St. Peter and no
golden streets. So she thought that she had simply not been good enough in
life to go to heaven. So she had been wandering the earth plane for over a
hundred years. I talked with her for a long time. I explained to her that she
needed to seek out the light. Well, she looked around and decided that I had
the brightest light that she could see, so she would stay with me. It took some
fast talking, but I finally got across to her that I was not the light that she
needed to seek, rather that she needed to seek the light that would surround
her and be everywhere that she looked. I finally got her to a point of acceptance
that her Spirit Guides from her last lifetime could come to her and lead her
away and into the light.
These are just four types of problems that can keep someone bound to
the earth plane. There are many others. For instance the pining and longing
and grief of those left behind can keep some of them from moving on. Now let
us examine what happens to the vast majority of souls when they die.
For most people, when they detach from their bodies, they may hover
about for a short time, observing. Then they will notice a light and will feel a
“pulling sensation” toward that light. As they move toward the light they
may find themselves in a sort of tunnel leading toward the light. Some do not
experience the tunnel but move directly toward the light. Others will be met
by a loved one who has gone ahead and be escorted to the light. And when
they enter the light, loved ones who have gone ahead (and are not yet
reincarnated) will greet them. They generally go through a period of rest and
then will examine what they have accomplished or failed to accomplish in the
lifetime that they have just finished. Often they will receive the help of an
older soul who is acting as a Guide (not a Spirit Guide) to them in their soul
growth. Then they can return to the group of souls that they have been working
with until they again feel the need or urging to incarnate again.
I have kept all of this very brief and abbreviated. What I have written
about here on this page could easily be expanded into an entire book. For a
good book that describes life after death in much more detail than what I have
done, try Michael Newton’s Journey of Souls. Dr. Newton was using regression
hypnosis with patients when he accidently regressed a patient to a time before
birth. Since then he has made an ongoing study of the subject and regressed
many in this fashion. His book includes case studies and is clearly written in
layman’s language.
Psychic Awareness
Psychic awareness takes many forms. And different people find different
forms easier to develop than others. But regardless of what type of person that
you are, you can develop all of them, it just takes patience, a certain amount
of effort and the determination to do it. On this page I am going to describe
the three major and most common form of psychic awareness and show you
how to develop them.
Before I actually get into a description of any of the psychic abilities, I
need to explain something. You will be working with energies, spiritual and
psychic energies. And for all practical purposes, they are the same thing. Every
living thing has a field of energy around it as a result of the life energy. Plants
will have a smaller and simpler energy field that animals and animals will
have a smaller and simpler field than people. Someone such as myself who
uses a lot of energy and does a lot of energy work will have a larger, more
defined energy field that the average person.
This is simply the psychic ability to see the energies that I talked about in
the preceding paragraph. And this ability is inherent in all. You just have to
learn how to do it and then let yourself do it. It will be much easier if you can
get someone to help you with this, and their part will be very simple. Have
them sit quietly in front of a white or light gray wall. The wall should be flat,
not glossy. If no such wall is available some pale colored wall or even a large
piece of paper behind them will work. Now you stare, not directly at them,
rather just beside their head. Let your eyes get slightly out of focus so that
they are slightly blurry. Keep staring. Very soon, you should see a pale light
around the other person’s head. It will be a very light gray, blue or white. This
light is sometimes called the “etheric double” and will extend out anywhere
from one to three inches. Now keep looking. Just beyond the etheric double
you will start to see some colored areas. These may be any color. This colored
light around a person is called the “aura”. And you may notice many colors
around the same person. It is unusual for a person to have only one color
around them. If more than one of you are trying to do this at the same time
and you see one color and the other person sees a different color, it does not
mean that one of you is wrong. You will see the colors that you happen to be
“tuned into”, but you will only see the colors that are there. Now are you
ready for this? Spirits, even Spirit Guides, can be seen the same way that a
person’s aura can! It will take some practice and they are not as easy to see as
a person’s aura because their energy levels tend to be at a higher level, but you
can see them! Later, I will list color correspondences and what they mean.
The energy that you have been learning to see can also be felt. And it
really is not hard, you just have to let yourself do it. So how do you go about
it? First, take inventory of how you feel, that is, what is your emotional state,
check your entire body, any aches or pains, stress or whatever. Now go stand
next to someone and see how you feel. Think of them but pay close attention
to yourself. Did your emotional state change? Do you suddenly feel tired or
feel any discomfort anywhere in your body that was not there before?
Remember you have to relax to do this. Don’t try to force it, just let it happen.
And remember that you can do it! Any sudden changes will be what you are
picking up from them. As you first start to do this, the changes may be very
subtle and you may have to really look for them. Something else that you can
do, and this requires the cooperation of the other person even though they
might not really realize it. Stand behind them as they are seated. Place your
hands on their shoulders and RELAX. Now you should start picking up
impressions. They may be feelings or ideas, concepts. Just let it flow. See how
easy it is? The energies that you are learning to feel can also be impressed on
an inanimate object. Does someone that you know have a favorite chair that
he or she uses all of the time that no one else uses? Sit in it and see if you don’t
feel their presence. Borrow an item from someone that they normally have on
them all of the time, a watch, a pocket knife, a necklace, etc. Hold it in your
hand and close your eyes. Now see if you feel any impressions, and remember
that these may be very subtle. Do all of these things. By practicing all of these
things, you will find that it comes easier and easier, and that your own sensitivity
to them will increase. And actually, you have been doing this all of your life
without even realizing it. Surely there have been times when you were in a
particular mood and had someone come near you and your entire mood
changed. You had picked up their mood. You may even have been at a party
or other gathering of friends and had someone else enter and seen the mood of
the entire group change. It happens all of the time. Now that you are becoming
aware of how this can happen, you will learn how to control it so that others
can’t have such a negative effect on you. I will explain more about that in
another lesson.
Mental Telepathy:
This is simply the transference of thoughts from one mind to another. It is
also the manner in which your Spirit Guides can communicate with you. The
methods of learning this are very simple, but it does take practice. This is
easiest to learn if you have another person to help you. One person will be the
“sender” and the other will be the “receiver”. Lets start with the sender. Choose
a thought to send. It may be a single word, a simple phrase, an object or idea.
Form the thought as clearly in your mind as you can. Then let it go. And
repeat. Do not try to hold the thought in your mind for if you do that is exactly
what will happen, you will hold it and not send it. By letting it go, you will
send it to the receiver. Now for the receiver. Let your mind become quiet and
still. Do not try to suppress all thoughts or you will also be suppressing the
thoughts that are being sent to you! Now as a thought enters your head, ask
your partner if that was what they were trying to send to you. With practice
you will become more and more sensitive and will surprise yourself at how
accurate you can become! Take turns at being the sender and receiver. You
say that you don’t have a partner that you can work with? Well, you do have
your Spirit Guides that you can work with. And you don’t even have to teach
them how to do it, they already know. Now, how do you know that the thought
that you are picking up is someone else’s and not your own? Well, in a number
of ways. It may be that it seems rather strange that you would think such a
thought, if so, chances are that you didn’t. And at first the thoughts may be
very faint, so faint in fact that you are not even sure that it was there. But in
time, they will strengthen. As you gain experience, the thoughts of others and
those of your Guides will “sound” different in your head than your own. I
have even known people that could “hear” thoughts being sent to them so
clearly that they actually thought that they were being spoken aloud. It has
happened to me a very few times. As with clairvoyance and psychometry, the
keynotes are, relax, practice, self confidence. And I can not stress those three
keynotes enough.
Some Thoughts on Using Psychic Abilities:
As I have often said, everyone has all of these abilities, they are innate to
everyone. We all use them all the time without even realizing it. Now do I go
around reading other people’s minds? Absolutely not! That would be an
inexcusable breach of their privacy! But I do use telepathy to communicate
with my Guides. And use the other abilities in other ways. Let me give you an
example. A few years ago I used to frequent a particular club. There was also
a rather attractive woman who also frequented the same club. She always
dressed in such a way as to portray the image of a hard boiled sex kitten.
Frankly, even though I do like women, I was not interested in the persona that
she was portraying. But one evening I happened to be seated next to her and
we got to talking. And things didn’t add up. She was pleasant enough to talk
to, but what I was feeling from her did not jibe with the image that she was
portraying. Finally I said, “Betty (not her real name), let me see your hand for
a moment.” She looked a little confused but handed me her hand. I took her
hand in mine and closed my eyes for maybe 5 seconds then said, “That’s what
I thought. You are a phoney!” She looked really confused and asked what I
meant. I said, “You are trying to look like a hard boiled sex kitten, but you are
nothing but a damn softie!” She laughed and agreed with me and told me
that she even cried at soap operas. We actually became rather good friends
after that. Now, did I read her mind? No, but I did find out what kind of
person that she really was from feeling her energies.
The following article is reprinted with permission from Spirit Circle. This
article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in print or on websites
without permission from Spirit Circle. Spirit Circle
Spirituality and the Human Experience eincarnation
Charles Grooms
This is a very controversial subject. Some people simply deny that there
is such a thing as reincarnation. Some are not sure one way or the other. Some
firmly believe in it. And some actually have memories of past lives, so for them
it is not a matter of belief, rather knowledge. I am one of the latter group.
First of all we need to understand why there would be such a thing as
reincarnation in the first place. In order to understand that, we have to
understand why we have physical bodies and lives at all, why bother? If we
can think of Earth as one gigantic classroom, we can begin to understand.
Physical life is for learning. A young soul just starting out on its human
experience is really fairly ignorant. I am not being insulting here, just stating
a fact. During its lifetime, it has certain lessons to learn. These initial lessons
are really fairly easy ones to learn, but it is vital that they be learned as they
will be the foundation upon which other lessons will be built. Now don’t get
the idea that only young souls have lessons to learn. Every single human being,
whether it is on its first physical life as a human or on its last or anywhere in
between has lessons to learn. That is after all why we have human lifetimes.
There are a great many lessons that each soul has to learn and there is no
way that they can all be learned in one lifetime, or even in ten or twenty
lifetimes. I have had people tell me that they had lived 3 times before or 5
times. I don’t think that I have ever met anyone who had lived so few lifetimes.
They usually have gotten that bit of misinformation from a phoney psychic,
and paid good money for it at that.
An older soul may have a pretty good idea what it needs to learn next,
but younger souls do not. So they will be assisted by an older, more evolved
soul in planning out what life lessons that they need to work on in their next
incarnation. Then they will have to decide what circumstances that they need
to be born into in order to learn those lessons. For instance, will they be born
into an incredibly wealthy family or one that is dirt poor? Will they have the
chance to earn a doctorate degree or will they be born into a situation where
they never learn to read? With most, it will be something in between.
Now why would a soul choose to be born into unfavorable circumstances?
Lets look at a couple of situations. Say that a soul has the body of a star athlete,
strong, fast, superbly healthy. Well there is nothing wrong with that. But what
if while in that “superman” body, it had scoffed at others that were not so
gifted, and looked down on them. In such a case, it might very well choose to
be born into a body that had some birth defect that resulted in its being crippled
in the next lifetime. This is not a karmic debt type of thing although many
might think so. Rather it is an attempt to learn what it is like to not have a
perfect body. Or take that soul that had been born into the incredibly wealthy
family. What if while in that lifetime it had looked down its nose at others and
felt that it was superior because of its wealth. Then that soul might very well
choose to be born into that dirt poor family next time around, again to learn.
On the other hand, if while wealthy that soul had looked upon others as equals,
and acted altruistically, then there would be no need for it to be born poor next
time. Or had the star athlete used his body to set an example for others of
what could be achieved and tried to help others to become their physical best,
then he likely would not need to be born a cripple the next time around. Or
take the individual who hates and persecutes some particular ethnic or racial
group. There is a good chance that they will choose to be born into that group,
or into a similar group. Again, this is not karma.
Generally, each soul has several lessons to learn each lifetime. If it is lucky,
it will learn them all. But what if it does not learn all of the lessons that were
assigned to it for a particular lifetime? Well, the unlearned lessons will simply
be assigned again, usually in the next lifetime. Often lesson “A” must be learned
before lesson “B” can be learned, and lesson “B” must be learned before lesson
“C.” This is not because someone has decided that lessons must be learned in
a certain order, rather because one lesson may be needed in order to understand
the next. You had to learn to count before you could learn to add and subtract.
And many things had to be learned before you could begin to understand
calculus. It is the same with life lessons.
Reincarnation is also used to pay off karmic debts. Had you done
something in one lifetime to incur some bad karma, you would very likely
choose to place yourself in a life situation where that karma could be paid off.
While you may look upon this as a punishment, it would be a punishment
that you chose. And it would also be learning some of life’s lessons.
As souls live lifetime after lifetime and learn more and more of life’s lessons,
they become more and more evolved. In time we start referring to them as
“old souls.” Old souls normally have tasks to perform, or jobs assigned to
them as well as their lessons. And often by performing their tasks or doing
their job, they are learning more of life’s lessons.
Someone once concluded that old souls would probably be wealthy, or in
positions of power. This is not necessarily true. Old souls are often found in
very modest situations. Only if an old soul had a need of power in order to
perform his or her job would he or she be likely to be in a position of power. A
soul normally has great wealth because they crave wealth, or is in a position of
power because they crave power. An old soul has learned through the many
lessons that they have gone through that wealth and power are not necessary,
they have outgrown that.
Eventually a time comes when a soul has learned all of life’s lessons. When
that time comes, there is no longer any need for them to go through the birth,
death and rebirth cycle any longer. Normally, a soul will prove that they have
reached that point in their soul evolution by ascending. But that is a topic for
another entire series.
The following article is reprinted with permission from Spirit Circle. This
article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in print or on websites
without permission from Spirit Circle.
Spirituality and the Human Experience Karma
Charles H. Grooms
In this session, we will discuss the subject of karma.
There are many ways of looking at this, and many different ways of
stating it. Some say, “What goes around, comes around.” While this may be
true, it is an oversimplification. Personally, I tend to think of karma as a sort of
cosmic balance scales, that by cosmic law must balance. They may be out of
balance for a very long time, but in time they WILL come into balance. And
even that view does not completely describe just how karma works. Actually,
karma is a universal spiritual law.
When most people hear the word “karma,” they normally think of bad
stuff. But there are different types of karma, both bad and good. And to
complicate matters even more, karma is weighted. Many Pagans speak of the
Three Fold Law (whatever you put out comes back three times) or the Nine
Fold Law (whatever you put out comes back nine times). These would be
examples of weighted karma, and neither of them is strictly true. Let me explain
this. Let us take the example of a young soul. They get mad at someone and
take a swing at them and give them a black eye. OK, they have just earned
some bad karma. The scales tip. And something equivalent to what they did
will happen to them and the scales will come back into balance. The karma is
satisfied. That is a one times return. So the Three Fold Law did not apply, and
even less the Nine Fold Law. But now lets take another example with a really
old soul. The same scenario, they get mad at someone and give them a black
eye. The scales really tip this time, because that old soul should have known
better. So to make the scales balance, they may end up getting mugged and
having the living de-doodle beat out of them and end up in the hospital to
recover from their injuries. And that may well be far more that nine times the
injuries done originally.
Karma does not occur simply because of acts of physical violence.
Practically everything that you do has some sort of karmic results. Sometimes
they are so minor as to be unnoticeable, or they may be very major. It depends
upon your actions, their results, the age or evolutionary level of your soul
AND your intent. Lets look at a few examples:
Lets say that you are in a grocery store and you see a variety of apple
that you have never seen before. They look good, but you don’t know if you
will like them or not. So you decide to sample one. Now it does not matter if
you buy more apples as a result of that sample or not. The fact is that you
have stolen an apple, and earned some bad karma as a result. And it will be
paid off.
Even the same or similar action by the same person may have different
karmic results. Let us say that there is a person that makes $500,000 a year.
This person goes to a dealer and buys a brand new top of the line Cadillac. On
the way home with his new car, he stops at a connivance store to pick up
something. Unwisely, he leaves the windows open and leaves the keys in the
ignition. Not very smart in today’s world. Someone else saw them get out of
their car and noticed that the windows were left open. He goes over and sees
the keys in the ignition, so he gets in and drives off, stealing the car. Certainly,
he has earned some bad karma. But lets take that same thief. He sees an 8
year old Chevy with the windows open and the keys in the ignition. This car
belongs to a family that is operating at poverty level. They have just spent
almost all of their week’s income for groceries for that week, the couple and
their 4 children. The groceries are in the trunk, so the thief can’t see them, but
it would not matter to him anyway. He steals the car. Now in which case do
you think that the thief will earn the most bad karma? For stealing a $50,000
car, or for stealing a $2,000 car? Certainly, he has hurt the owner of that new
Cadillac, but that probably is not that person’s only car, and he can afford to
buy another. But, and this is a big but, when he stole that older Chevy, he stole
that family’s only transportation and may have made it impossible for them
to get to work. And he also stole the food that would have fed that family of six
at the same time. So by stealing that older car, he caused much more harm
than he did by stealing the new car and his karma will be greater.
Lets say that Susan really likes Joe and would like for him to become
hers. But Joe and Betty seem to be a thing, and are even thinking of marriage.
Susan is sure that if she could break them up, then she could have Joe. So she
gets the word to Joe’s friends that Betty is a kleptomaniac, and occasionally
engages in prostitution. She also gets word to Betty’s friends that Joe is involved
with drugs and has a police record. Her lies manage to find their way to Joe
and Betty and the couple break up. So even though there was no violence
involved, Susan’s lies have really harmed two people. She has earned some
major karma.
Bad karma may be earned not only through our actions that directly
effect other people, but also by actions toward animals or even the environment.
And a person who leads a life of crime may very well incur enough bad karma
that it will take them several lifetimes to pay it off. And the sad thing is that
because they do not remember consciously what they did in previous lifetimes,
they may have no idea why life is treating them so rotten.
So far, we have spoken only of bad karma. But karma may also be of a
good variety. When we do something good through compassion or love, that
will also tip the scales, in the opposite direction. And that good can either
rebound to us by having something good happen to us, or can help to pay off
the bad karma that we may have accumulated. And I know that there are
some who will read these words and think, “Oh boy, I am going to go out and
do some good and get me some good karma.” Sorry Jack, it doesn’t work that
way. Doing good simply to earn good karma will not earn good karma. Good
karma is earned when good is done through a sincere desire to do good, or
through an act of compassion or love. So your motivation is important here.
And since I have mentioned motivation, I need to mention that motivation
also plays a part in bad karma. If you really want to harm someone else, but
refrain from doing so to keep from gaining bad karma, that will not stop you
from getting the bad karma although it will lessen the karma that you receive
if you had actually committed the act. So even your thoughts can generate
karma, both good and bad. If you do good reluctantly, that will gain some
good karma, but it will be much less than what you would have received had
you done the same good willingly.
Once I read of a woman who was driving home one day with her children.
She passed a family that was hitch hiking, a man and woman and two young
children. She went on home and had dinner with her family. Now this woman
was not wealthy herself, her dinner had consisted of dried beans and rice. But
she had prepared an ample amount. After she had eaten, she got to thinking
of that hitch hiking family. She therefore went looking for them intending to
feed them. Unfortunately, she was unable to find them. However, her intentions
alone generated good karma for her. And as she recounted the story, she was
saddened that she had not thought of feeding them earlier, when she first saw
So karma may be thought of as a teacher, it teaches the soul right from
wrong, good from bad. By returning to the soul the same type of things that
the soul has sent out, the soul learns that there are consequences for its actions.
As was stated earlier, motivation can also have a direct bearing on karma.
Sometimes, you may do something that under normal circumstances would
gain bad karma, but because of the motivation will gain good karma instead.
Let us look at a dramatic example. There is a sniper on a rooftop shooting and
killing people. Obviously, he is gaining bad karma. But you find yourself in a
position to stop his slaughter. But the only way that you can do it is by shooting
him. In this case, you would gain bad karma if you only stood by and watched
him, but by shooting him and stopping his slaughter, you will not gain bad
karma because your intent is the greater good.
Karma is not restricted to people. A group can have a group karma. And
that karma may be either good or bad. The individuals who make up that
group contribute to the overall group karma. That group may be as small as
a group of four ladies that meet once a week to play bridge or a group as large
as a city, a nation or even the planet Earth.
The town or city that you live in has karma. And it may be either good or
bad. This karma is generated by the actions of the city in general as well as the
actions of the individuals that live there. Lets take some examples that can
generate karma for that city. Assume that a city has heard of another city,
town village or even country that has had something really bad happen. So as
an act of compassion, they send aid in the form of food, medical supplies,
money, actual physical labor, whatever. That city will earn good karma for
that act. Lets look at another community. The politicians in this city are corrupt,
and the citizens of the city know it, but continue to elect them. That city will
earn bad karma. Some small rural communities learned that they could make
an income by turning their town into a speed trap for motorists from other
areas that did not know about them. Or take the small village that has a single
traffic light. The village’s police officer sits at that traffic light where he can
control it. He makes certain that the light will be red for any driver who does
not live in that community. And it will stay red until the driver gives up and
runs the red light, whereupon he is then given a traffic ticket. These last two
examples incidently are not made up, they happen.
Just as communities can earn karma, so can nations. Saddam Hussein
earned karma when he invaded Kuwait, but so did Iraq. And the planet Earth
also has karma.
There is one more aspect of karma that I feel that we need to deal with
and that is karmic obligations. This is something that normally takes place
over lifetimes. That is that you perform some action in one lifetime and develop
karma that must be paid in another lifetime. Suppose that you do something
that has a really deleterious effect on another. And you are unable to pay off
that karmic debt in this lifetime. Still, you are obligated to that other person.
In your next lifetime, or the lifetime after that, you will find yourself in the
position of paying off that karmic debt. And very likely not knowing why.
Back about the time that the Sumerians were inventing writing, I was
somewhere between 12-14 years old. I developed chronic asthmatic bronchitis
but it was not diagnosed until I was 18.
Over the years it slowly got worse. Now medical statistics say that anyone
that has that problem for that long will develop emphysema, normally in
their 50’s. I was a bit older than that when I was diagnosed with emphesyma
in late 1999. These two disorders at the same time are called COPD (Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) They make it hard to breathe and the doctors
all say that there is no cure, that it will slowly get worse and is fatal. One of the
other problems that they cause is congestive heart failure. This causes feet and
ankles to swell.
In early 2000, I went into respiratory arrest and was hospitalized in critical
care. I recovered, lol. But we had to start treating my problem agressivly. One
of the main problems with asthematic bronchitis is a lot of bronchial congestion.
This was treated with prednisone. If I got off of it for a few days, it got much
worse. They started me on 5 mg a day, and as time passed, I needed stronger
doses just to maintain. I worked up to 20 mg per day. I ran out in April of 2003
and ended up in respiratory arrest again, along with a heart attack. More
critical care.
A few months ago, Spirit gave me a self healing technique that I have
shared with a few people here. I used it on myself and did see some
improvement in my condition. Then a couple of months ago, while trying to
help someone else, I discovered another method of healing that seemed to
work better and faster than anything else that I had ever used before, so I
decided to use it on myself as well.
To make an already long story a bit shorter... I used to wheeze constantly,
I do not wheeze any more. I would spend half of the morning coughing up
that congestion, and part of the rest of the day as well, there was a very lot of
it, now, there is almost none. My feet and ankles would swell up so bad that if
I did not put shoes on when I first got up, I would have to tightly wrap them
with an ace bandage for a while before I could get my shoes on. My feet do
not swell now. I am also going to reduce my dosage of predisone. I also had to
take breathing treatments 5 times a day, every 4.5 hours because my chest
would tighten up on me making breathing difficult. It is after 9 PM as I write
this and I have only had two of them today. I have found that if I stop my self
treatments for a while, that my condition will worsen until it is like it was
before I started.
So I am going to make both of these healing techniques public. Using the
two of them on myself has convinced me of their value. You may click on the
links below to read about them.
I AM Healing Method
Although there are more parts, we are interested in three parts only of a
human. The part that you are most familiar with is the physical body. That is
the you that you presently inhabit.
Many people speak of a “higher self,” in metaphysics, this higher self is
thought of as the Christ Spirit. This is not Jesus and has nothing to do with
Christianity. The word “christ” is from the Greek “christos” and simply means
“anointed.” So your higher self, or Christ Spirit, is simply a part of you that is
anointed. And this can be thought of for these purposes as the second part.
You may think of this as either a beautiful entity, surrounded by white light,
or simply as a bright ball of white light above your head, either will work.
What many people do not know is that there is a much higher part of
every person, the highest self, or the God Presence, often referred to as the “I
AM” presence. This part of every person is God like and is actually Divine. It
is your own personal Creator. You may think of it as your own Father/Mother
God. Just remember, that it is a part of the overall you. You may think of this
as a beautiful entity, surrounded by gold light, or as a brilliant ball of golden
light, even larger and brighter than the Christ Spirit. Again, either will work.
This is not THE Creator. OK, metaphysical stuff out of the way, now we can
get down to the nitty gritty. If I can remember what it was. lol
To start, repeat, three to five times, or more if needed, “I am one with the
Christ Spirit, the Christ Spirit and I are one.” As you do this, it may help to
visualize yourself rising up, while the Christ Spirit lowers, and the two bodies
merging. You will know when you have accomplished your goal when you
feel a sensation of chills, or goose bumps or the like.
Next step, affirm 3-5 times, “I am the Christ Spirit”
Next step, intone much as if you were doing an AUM, “I am that I AM.”
As you continue to do this, you should feel your own energies climbing through
the roof. When you feel that your own energies are high enough, then you
may continue on to:
The next step. Affirm 3-5 times, “My physical body is the perfection of
my own I AM presence.” Then, “It is done, it is so.”
OK, now you can simply talk to your own I AM presence. I personally for
convenience sake, normally call it, “Father.” Ask it to use its healing energies
to restore your physical body to health. You may wish to pick a particular
problem area that you wish to have worked on first and ask for restoration of
that part of your body first. Then picture the healing energy flowing down to
you, entering your body and going to the problem area. Feel the energy flowing
and working on you. Know that because you have requested it, that it is
happening. When you are done, give thanks.
Do this all at least once daily.
My own experience here is that if I specify certain areas to be worked on,
I do see slow improvement, but if I do not specify what I want worked on, just
“my body,” then the flow of healing energy is much greater and I even feel it
in places where I was not even aware of a problem.
Just as an example of how I talk to my I AM Presence for this: “Father, in
the name of my own Christ self, I ask that you direct your healing energies to
this physical body to restore it to perfect condition. Heal this body, Father, and
make it whole. Burn away any energies that may be preventing perfect health.”
Then after the energy flow stops, I give thanks.
Consciousness Projection
It was just a couple of weeks ago as I write this.
A friend was complaining of being very nervous because of impending
major dental surgery. She was so nervous that she was shaking. She
commented that she wished that I could be there as she felt that my presence
would be calming. That was when I decided to try an experiment, with her
permission. I would try to project my consciousness to her location and perhaps
my energies would help to calm her down. Now I live on the east coast of the
US, she lives on the west coast, a distance of about 3000 miles (about 4800
So I thought of my consciousness being out there. Suddenly I felt an
energy rush. Then (with my eyes closed) it was like I could “see” a second
body and I was aware of being here in the physical, but also being there in an
energy body. I knew that second body was me even though it lacked a lot of
the details of my physical body. I was also aware of an energy connection,
head to toe, between me here and me there. I placed the hands of my energy
body on her shoulders and projected calming, serene energy into her. I was
not able to maintain that for very long so I let it stop. But even after I stopped,
I was still aware of that other body, out there. So I called it back and it instantly
rejoined me. When it did, I felt another energy rush.
My friend and I were talking on MSN Messenger and when I told her
what I had done, she said that she had felt it, that she was now calm and was
no longer shaking. We talked about it for a while, and I felt that this could be
used for healing as well. So the next Thursday in the Spirit Circle healing
circle, one of the people there said that she could use some healing. I decided
that this would be a good opportunity to try it for healing as I could get some
immediate feedback. My initial experience when I projected was identical to
the first time that I tried it. Again, I placed the hands of my energy body on
the shoulders of the woman and projected healing to her. Again, I was not able
to maintain it for very long, and again I felt the energy rush when the energy
body rejoined me. I mentioned that I was done and her comment was
“WOWIE! I felt that.”
Naturally, they wanted to know what I had done, so I explained it to
them. We talked for a while longer and even after fifteen to twenty minutes
had passed, she said that she could still feel the effects of it.
When I was about 12 to 14, I developed chronic asthmatic bronchitis. As
is normal with this condition, it slowly worsened over the years. Now anyone
who has that condition that long will normally develop emphysema during
their 50’s. I was diagnosed with early stages of emphysema in late 1999, I was
62, almost 63. One of the biggest problems that this causes me is a massive
amount of bronchial congestion. Anyway, within the past week, I have used
this same thing on myself a couple of times, and my congestion level seems to
be less. And the interesting thing is that I could feel it when my energy body
worked on my physical body. You can bet that I will continue using this on
Exercise: How To Connect with your Spirit Guide
“I am convinced that becoming aware of the next stage of existence beyond the
earth biosphere is very largely a matter of becoming attuned to its vibrations”—
Arthur Ford (Life Beyond Death)
If you are sincere and attempt to raise your consciousness through regular
meditation, you are likely to feel the invisible presence of your spirit guides.
Many people find this an exciting experience, but it is important to remember
that it is a normal part of your spiritual unfoldment. Just because you have
made contact with your guide/angel it does not mean that you are in any way
unique, or chosen for a special destiny. It is important to remain modest and
keep your feet firmly on the ground. It is also advisable to avoid “guide
worship.” The guides that help us with our life are spiritually advanced beings
but, like us, have limitations.
It is spiritually beneficial for you to establish a communication in this life
for this will help you to accelerate your spiritual unfoldment as well as prepare
you for the life to come. It may take many years to develop a full rapport with
your guides/angels. This is best accomplished by sitting in regular meditation
with like-minded people with a similar intent. What is particularly helpful is a
medium who can guide your group. Unfortunately, it is now difficult to find
good teaching mediums, but this method will get you started on your journey
to spiritual understanding.
Step 1. You need to establish a regular time to sit for meditation in
order to attune yourself to your guides/angels. The guides/angels
are also eager to establish a connection and need to know when
they can draw close. Self-discipline is important so that the guide
only draws close when he/she is invited to do so. A regular time for
attunement helps both sides to blend your consciousness.
Step 2. Sit upright in a comfortable chair and let go of all stress,
allowing yourself to slip into a deeply relaxed state. As you become
more relaxed you will notice your breathing slowing down. Let
the warm feeling of relaxation spread upward from your toes and
feet until your whole body is completely relaxed.
Step 3. Once you are completely relaxed, you will notice that your
mind is slowing down. For a while just enjoy being in this
comfortable state. You are totally relaxed yet remain alert and
Step 4. The spirit guides are able to influence your consciousness when
your mind is quiet and still. This allows them to align their rate of
vibration with your own. Within this stillness you will become aware
of the gentle loving vibrations of your guides. At no time are you in
any danger and you are always in complete control. You are
establishing a spirit-to-spirit communication and at no stage can
the guide, or anything else for that matter, take you over.
Step 5. During this state you may have a glimpse of someone who
was known to you and who loved you, such as a wife, husband, or
a parent. These clairvoyant visions may make you feel happy and
inspired. Be encouraged if you see swirling colors or visions from
your own mind, as this shows that your mind is opening to new
ideas and inspiration. Also, be aware that not everybody “sees”
the spirit people. It is just as valid to inwardly “hear” or “feel” your
spirit guides.
Step 6. Pay close attention to everything you experience during
meditation. The thought processes you are having will help to
strengthen the link between you and the spirit world. You may
also discover that this technique increases your ability to
communicate telepathically with people in this world as well as in
the next.
Step 7. It is most important to realize that what is happening is real.
You are being given guidance from intelligent spirit people who
have been charged with helping you. Broaden the bridge between
you by inwardly thanking them when you believe that you have
been given a glimpse of your guide/angel or have intuitively received
some helpful information. Your thoughts are potent forces that go
out from you and influence the world. They will be received by
those in the spirit—even if you are not aware that they have “heard”
Step 8. Be patient. Do not bombard your guides/angels with a stream
of requests. You may, of course, ask the occasional question, but
the answer may not always come immediately. You will get a reply
when you are ready to receive it. You will not be receptive while
you are straining your intellect, reaching for the expected answer.
Your answer may come though during meditation, or during a
later period of reflection. It may be given to you coincidentally,
such as an overheard conversation, or something you read in a
book. Know that you will be guided.
Step 9. Discovering the identity of your guide/angel is not of primary
importance. It does not matter whether your guide was a great
saint, philosopher, pauper, or king. What matters is the quality of
the spirit person who is helping you. It is often the most humble
people who live the most spiritual lives. Do remember, however,
that even though they are part of a hierarchy of angelic beings
dedicated to helping people with a spiritual intent, these guiding
spirits are limited beings, like us.
Step 10. Your most important insights will come in the form of a silent
influence, as these spiritual beings blend with your own character
and thought. They will help you overcome your negative traits,
inspire you in times of crisis, help you rid yourself of selfishness,
and enable you to become a better person. Intervention by angels,
throughout time, has been accepted as an important part of most
religions. It is still happening today.

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