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Ok, my friend i will tell you about my favorite animal.

Among animal in safari, I like snowleopard because

they are unique and interesting animal. In safari, they
are colony snowleopard. The one of troops, safari
named him snewy.
Do you know ? snewy is male snow leopard. Safari got
it about two years ago. safari got it from ilegal animal
trafiking. Now snewy is 2,5 years old.
Snewy is great. He has soft fur like snow with black
spots to help him for camuflate, small ears , long
whiskers, long tail, the strong paws and fang, but the
one of most interesting is he can’t roar, and until now i
don’t know why snewy can’t roar?.
Well, snewy is clever and gentle animal. Snewy has
good instinct of huntering, but in safari he can’t fell the
natural live again and when i look he just silent...and
keep silent...... And thank you for your attention......

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