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The Practice of Teaching in

Higher Education


Dr Bex Lewis

Assignment submitted for “PE7122: Using the LN

to Support Innovation in Learning”

April 2011

Table of Contents
Initial Needs Analysis and Contextual Overview....................................................................................3
Evaluation and Reflection on Teaching..................................................................................................5
Reflective practice and my programme of teachings.........................................................................5
Critical reflection on observed teaching sessions (Appendix 2).........................................................7
Description, Analysis and Evaluation of Assessment Activities..............................................................9
Small Scale Learning & Teaching Project.............................................................................................12
Results (Appendix 8) and Discussion...............................................................................................15
Reflection on Learning and Development Activities (500 words)........................................................17
Appendix 1: Identification of Needs....................................................................................................20
Areas of activity...............................................................................................................................20
Core knowledge...............................................................................................................................20
Professional values..........................................................................................................................21
Appendix 2: Formal Observations........................................................................................................22
Analysing Visual Cultures, 18/03/09 (Observed by Steven Allen)....................................................22
Design for Digital Media, 22/5/09 (Observed by Yaz El-Hakim).......................................................25
‘Creating and Consuming History’: Exam Preparation 28/05/09 (Observed by Steven Allen)........27
Appendix 3: Reflective Learning Models..............................................................................................31
Model 1: Greenaway.......................................................................................................................31
Model 2: Baud.................................................................................................................................31
Model 3: Schon................................................................................................................................31
Model 4: Gibbs................................................................................................................................32
Model 5: Kolb..................................................................................................................................32
Appendix 4: History Learner Experiences............................................................................................33
Appendix 5: “A good history teacher”.................................................................................................34
Appendix 6: Reflective Diary (Semester 2 2009)..................................................................................35
Appendix 7: Possible Reasons for Adopting a Teaching Practice.........................................................36
Appendix 8: Survey Monkey Data (June 2009)....................................................................................37
Appendix 9: ‘Researching Media Studies’ PowerPoint Slides..............................................................38
Appendix 10: The Classroom Critical Incident Questionnaire..............................................................39

Initial Needs Analysis and Contextual Overview
By the time that I started this module in February 2009, I had already undertaken a significant
amount of University teaching, and taking Education Studies as subsidiary subject for my degree had
given me some theoretical grounding. I gave my first lecture in 1998 to Level 6 History students,
based upon my PhD research. The feedback was that it was well-received (if over-detailed), as
evidenced by the questions asked, as the process of moving from ‘telling people about what I’m
doing’ to ‘helping people learn to learn’ started. As my CV (
demonstrates, this experience has grown, with teaching across a range of subjects, formats, and
levels, as well as a great deal of ‘real-world experience’.

Taking this assignment as an opportunity to look back on my development over the two years since I
started this assignment, I took the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and
Supporting Learning in Higher Education1 and mapped out the learning from the past couple of
years, as well as areas for continued development (Appendix 1). Much of my initial teaching was in a
seminar support role, using teaching materials provided by others, and many of my early lectures
were taking over from others at short notice. It is noticeable that the more closely a module is
aligned with my particular subject expertise, the more confident I am in teaching the material, and in
the learning activities I will choose to use (whether in lecture or seminar format).

One of the seminal moments in my teaching career was in teaching ‘Advertising and Branding’,
which I took over from a well-liked tutor at short notice. Having spent hours preparing the materials,
my first lecture (notes) corrupted shortly before presenting, and I had to talk to the slides, which
made my presentation style far more dynamic, something I have continued to try to capture. CIDRA
(University of Manchester) gave me experience of a larger institution, an excitement about the
interdisciplinary agenda, and an opportunity to challenge students to ‘think outside the box’. I am
giving an increasing number of conference papers, having identified more conferences which avoid
the ‘talk-at-me’ agenda, and offer a more engaging, interactive and supportive environment –
methods which I seek to bring back into my teaching. Working as a tour leader gave me a lot of
confidence in being timely in situations which changed at short notice, public speaking, being
directive in a friendly way, and in dealing with ‘difficult’ people. A number of training courses,

Higher Education Academy (February 2006),,
accessed 27/03/11.

particularly training as a life coach, have given me a great deal of confidence in trusting my instincts

As someone who likes to keep their options open, it is enjoyable teaching history, media studies, and
digital pedagogy, and seeing how each can inform each other. History students gain the opportunity
to gain with a more theoretical perspective, whilst media studies students are challenged to look at
the history behind the modern media world, and tutors are encouraged to understand how digital
tools can enhance the teaching and learning process. I have always enjoyed seminars more than
lectures, especially when the students are engaged (a topic which I look at within my mini project),
but as a result of this course, have experimented with bringing some of the seminar dynamic into
the lecture hall, which fits with my aspirations to make sessions interesting and inclusive, stirring up
passion for the subject.

In choosing sessions for formal observation (Appendix 2), I looked to those in which I had the
opportunity to prepare my own learning materials, rather than working with a pre-devised seminar
plan, and offered a range of teaching styles. Observations were a half-hour Media Studies lecture, a
one-hour History exam revision session, and a three-hour Digital Media workshop. Always seeking
for ways in which to get the students to contribute in seminars, I undertook specific research with a
Media Studies (Level 1, compulsory) group for the small project for this assignment.

I have already completed the other modules of the PGCLTHE: Using the Learning Network to Support
Innovation in Learning, and Examining Professional Practice in Higher Education.

Evaluation and Reflection on Teaching

Reflective practice and my programme of teachings

In 1933 Dewey identified three characteristics or attitudes of people who are reflective as: open-
minded, responsible and wholehearted. Models of reflection help us to: “Look at an event -
Understand it - Learn from it”.2 In undertaking reflective practice, practitioners are “encouraged to
continuously evaluate the impact of their own pedagogical approaches and choices on their
learners.”3 There are a number of models of reflective practice, as outlined in Appendix 3,
Greenaway, Baud, Schon, Gibbs and Kolb, all of whom identify the need for ‘experiential learning’.

In looking for illustrations of learning cycle diagrams to use within

this assignment, I came across Figure 1, a model by a training
organisation, keen to encourage people to break out of that ‘safe
cycle’ of ‘we know what works, and we’re going to stick with it’,
which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. As Brookfield identified,
it is natural as a novice tutor to look to more experienced tutors
for advice, guidance and knowledge as to what students want,
but “length of experience does not automatically confer insight
and wisdom”, as ‘experienced’ teachers may be caught within
self-fulfilling frameworks.4 In having broken out of the safe way of
thinking myself (in leaving a ‘safe’ academic job, experiencing a
Figure 1: Taming Tigers Learning, ‘The range of different cultures and ways of thinking in global travels,
Taming Tigers Philosophy’ (2011) and in following my passions on return), I am keen to apply the
/philosophy.cfm, accessed 27/3/11
experiences I have had to engaging my own learners in the
process. Throughout our academic careers, we need to continually evaluate our own practice, and
the effects that it is having on our students, as if we do not analyse our own practice, we remain
naïve teachers, frustrated and pessimistic as to why things never work as we expect them to: “One
of the hardest things teachers have to learn is that the sincerity of their intentions does not
guarantee the purity of their practice.”5 For example, we may also assume that students like group
discussion because they feel involved and respected in such a setting, but Brookfield argues that
such groups reflect the power dynamics and communicative inequities of the larger society,
Arnold. L, and Tindal, I (2006), accessed 27/3/11
Beetham, H. and Sharpe, R. (2007) Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age: Designing and delivering e-learning, p3
Brookfield, S.D. (1995) Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher, p.7
Ibid. p.1

providing a space for egomaniacal grandstanding. Furthermore, should we decide to talk to a group
(to provide guidance), students may interpret this as a lack of trust, or their behaviours because
you’re there, “showing you what a good, efficient, task-oriented learners they are rather than
thoughtfully analysing and critiquing the task in hand”. 6

Figure 2:, based on Kember, 1997, accessed 27/3/11

My original background as a learner, and then my initial teaching, was within the field of history,
where much knowledge appeared to come through a ‘transmission model’ as identified above
(Figure 2). Appendix 4 identifies the possible learner experiences in history, in which I would be
aiming to get the students work at levels five and six, although level four is fine, but levels one to
three, where many, particularly Level 4, history students appear happy to be, is incredibly
frustrating. In seeking to be an inspirational history teacher, I refer to Appendix 5, in which students
outline their expectations.

I now teach across a range of subjects and levels, including Media Studies, which has a far more
theoretical and conceptual framework to it; Aim Higher, for students who may otherwise not expect
to go into Higher Education; other staff within the University of Winchester, in which I encourage
them to use e-tools appropriately within their learning and teaching, and of course giving conference
papers as self-contained units (although I now take advantage of social media to extend ‘the
conversation’). In all areas I am seeking to become more learner-oriented, and where appropriate,
take the opportunity of asking students at the start of a module: “Why are you here (as you are now
post-compulsory education)? What do you hope to achieve from this module?”

Di Napoli (Centre for Educational Development, Imperial College London) suggests that PGCLTHE

Brookfield, S.D. (1995) Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher, pp.4-5

“start getting used to describing your work environment in some detail – this will help you
see things you normally do not see, as you take them for granted… [but] do not stop at the
descriptive level; learn how to routinely problematise your work environment, asking
yourself ‘why’ and ‘how’ things work in a certain way in your classroom, department,
institution and in the higher education system.”

He recommends seeking to identify which factors you have control over, and which have wider
ramifications through wider educational literature reading and comparing your findings with others.
He also suggests asking students if they find the practices you are adopting helpful for learning and
are well received.7 Appendix 6 contains my detailed reflective diary from Semester 2 2008-2009
academic year, which definitely made me think more about the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ as my practice
changed from week to week, and as I discussed why particular activities may/not be working with

Critical reflection on observed teaching sessions (Appendix 2)

In Appendix 7 we see a number of possible reasons for undertaking a particular form of teaching
practice, all of which have influenced my decision making processes at some point, to different
degrees at differing times. I wanted to select a number of different activities, across different
disciplines, for my observations, and met with each of my observers before the sessions. General
feedback was that the sessions were well prepared, that the students were engaged with the
material, and that, in the style of Schon, I was adapting my teaching when things didn’t go as

The first observed session, on ‘Applying Visual Culture’, was observed by my mentor, who is also a
team tutor on the module. Getting involved in Media Studies has led to my first real experience of
team teaching, in which I get to see others teaching, so can both gain ideas for my own teaching, and
can ensure that my teaching draws on what has gone before. As Kuhn and Walsh demonstrate in
one of their examples from ‘Peer Observation’, 8 we can be inspired by other’s teaching, and this was
my first session at really ‘including’ student participation activities within the session, rather than
giving a straight lecture.

The exercises were deemed to be good, although I was encouraged to think about defining the
‘space’ more, to take the students out of their rows. It was noted that I came across as more
dynamic and confident when ‘on the hoof’: I have often been guilty of ‘over-preparing’ and it is

Fry, H., Ketteridge, S., and Marshall, S. (2003) A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Enhancing
Academic Practice (3rd Edn) , pp476-477
Kahn, P. and Walsh, L. (2006) Developing Your Teaching: Ideas, Insight and Action, pp.73-77

interesting to note that Knight refers to the over-conscientiousness of part-timers. 9 In this lecture I
was guilty of trying to ram in too much content: in future I will look for more material that builds,
and in which I can inject more of my own enthusiasm and personality.

The second observed session, with the Director of Learning and Teaching observing, encouraged me
to focus more upon what I have done well, including ‘really interactive and engaging’ teaching, with
a flexible style and to reframe “what didn’t work brilliantly” as “areas for development”. He also
echoed Di Napoli’s advice to focus on those areas in the classroom that you have control over,
including positioning in relation to the students, and demonstrating an energetic appreciation for
those students who have made the effort to attend, rather than worrying about the poor turnout.

The final observed session focused upon revision for a History module. I had already taught this
revision session to two other groups, and had warned my observer (my mentor again) that this
group was commonly the least responsive, but in this exercise they engaged strongly, and I was able
to respond well to further questions they had. Further areas for development offered ideas for a
more structured use of discussion time (to include more participants), really questioning myself what
I want the students to achieve before the session (confidence), and structuring the material to
enable that, to think about body language and managing silence/over-dominant voices, and again to
bring my own experiences to the table.

In my year as 0.4 Lecturer for History, I was also observed by Tom Lawson, who commented that he
thought the lecture was well prepared, the students were well engaged, and there was plenty of
opportunity for them to interact (developing from my experiences in the Visual Culture session),
although it was clear at which points I was less confident in the material (I read more), there was a
danger that the intervals for interaction were becoming slightly formulaic, and how was I going to
challenge those who were not keen to respond (e.g. pick names from the register).

As I continue to work in a team teaching environment within Media Studies, and present frequently
to my peers, informal feedback continues, but I will seek to continue to arrange formal observation
sessions, and to observe the teaching practice of staff in other disciplines which may not only enable
me to change the way I teach, but give me increased credibility in providing ‘Blended Learning’
suggestions to colleagues.

Knight, P.T. (2002) Being a Teacher in Higher Education, p.92

Description, Analysis and Evaluation of Assessment Activities
Boud and Falchikov note that “assessment, rather than teaching, has a major influence on students’
learning. It directs attention to what is important. It acts as incentive for study. And it has a powerful
effect on what students do and how they do it,” building the confidence of some, and demonstrating
the inadequacy of others.10 They declare that the current dominant practice in assessment
constructs “learners as passive subjects”, subjecting themselves to be measured and clarified
through the completion of assignments over which they have little input. 11

Until recently, as an hourly paid lecturer, I’ve had little opportunity to construct formal assessment
activities, largely enacting decisions that others have already made, with a focus largely upon essays,
presentations and exams, with the occasional website. I have written a number of exam paper
questions for history, but the definite expectation has been that the question would be very similar
to the previous year, with a change in case study. In taking over the Level 5 module ‘Dreams and
Nightmares’ for 2009-10, in which students needed to engage with other student presentations for
much of the course, I wanted to use an assessed blog, but revalidation was required, and didn’t have
the requisite knowledge that ‘Chairs Action’ could have achieved this.

One area over which I have had control has been in the provision of feedback. I have always put a
great deal of time, effort and thought into feedback, but am keen to look for more efficient ways of
providing feedback which don’t disadvantage the students. Training as a coach, and my own
experiences as a student have ensured that I am eager to provide more on ‘what has been done
right’ and to reframe ‘what was wrong’ into ‘areas for development’, effort which can take time, but
reaps rewards in more engaged students. In writing feedback, I am also looking to give ‘feedforward’
in the form of more generic advice with what may help them with their overall programme, rather
than what they could have done differently the marked assignment (already considered done and
dusted), and I am keen to see what others such as Natalie Norton and Lim Teoh have achieved with
audio feedback.

The University of Winchester TESTA project has already produced useful thinking with regards to
provision of feedback, noting that: end of module feedback does not feed forward; feedback
followed by unlinked or different tasks is often wasted; late feedback is wasted (definitions of ‘late’
vary); written feedback is often meaningless to students; without actively engaging students, much

Boud, D. and Falchikov, N. (2007) Rethinking Assessment in Higher Education: Learning for the longer term, p.3
Ibid. p.17

carefully crafted feedback is wasted; modularity leads to compartmentalisation; some students lack
the confidence to talk to lecturers.12

A module on which I’m teaching, ‘Manipulating Media’ has emerged from a TESTA audit, and the
course has completely changed for the 2010-11 academic year 13 I was originally scheduled to lead
the module, so I’ve had more opportunity for input in this particular module, with all tutors
discussing potential assessment opportunities. The double-module is academic skills driven, an area
that is traditionally incredibly dry, but drawing upon the work of Buzzetto-More, 14 takes an action-
learning approach, in which students undertake group projects (with the marks allocated according
to the outcomes briefed for specific roles), submitting their work in an online format, accompanied
by regular reflective blog entries.15 Laurillard has noted that the technologically based elements of a
course need to be integrated, rather than presented as an ‘optional extra’, where students then see
them “as peripheral to the real teaching, and invest less effort than they otherwise would.” For an
technologically integrated course such as ‘Manipulating Media’, however, this does require thought
on the part of the tutors, to identify what counts as good performance. 16 Will students will be
assessed on the basis of the production values, the content, their imaginativeness in using a
particular format, or a strict focus on upon the information generated by a project. As tutors,
therefore, we have had to focus on the academic skills the students need to acquire, such as
academic writing, appropriate referencing, group work, debates, presentation, and enrobe these
within the deliverables of the project.

Manipulating Media offers consultancy-style tutorials to students throughout the project, with a
focus upon feed-forward, rather than feedback, which students are clearly finding helpful:

“the video had been something that was worrying me, as I wasn't sure how to convey our
work in a 2-3 minute video. However with the pointers Bex gave us, I'm feeling more

“We got a lot of inspiration from our Friday meeting with Bex, about what we want our
video to show and how best to present the work we have done.” 18
TESTA Programme Portrait, University B, Professional Oriented Degree (POD),
studies, accessed 27/03/11
‘Manipulating Media’ (2010-11), accessed 27/03/11
Buzetto-More, N., ‘Using Web-Enabled Project Based Learning to Build Information Literacy’, in Leaning, M. (eds) (2009)
Issues in Information and Media Literacy: Education, Practice and Pedagogy, pp51-74
‘Student Blogs’ (2010-11), accessed 27/03/11
Laurillard, D. (2002) Rethinking University Teaching: a framework for the effective use of learning technologies (2nd Edn),
Jonnud, T. “Meeting with Bex II” (2011), accessed
Martin, A., “Going Well” (2011), accessed 27/3/11

10 | P a g e
There is still some desire for post-assessment feedback, but as we continue to reflect upon the
course, we can adjust this, and draw upon research such as ‘Effective Assessment in a Digital Age’
produced by JISC in 2010,19 and authors such as Mason/Rennie.20

JISC, ‘Effective Assessment in a Digital Age’, (2010), accessed 27/3/11
Mason, R. and Rennie, F. (2008) E-Learning and Social Networking Handbook

11 | P a g e
Small Scale Learning & Teaching Project

A frequent question I and my peers have expressed is “how can I get my students to participate
more actively in class”? Booth notes that this is particularly important for those seeking to move
away from the ‘transmission’ model of teaching, and the solution is generally not found in a single
method, with a particular focus upon activity, which “might mean the teacher breaking up teaching
sessions with debates, sub-groups, brainstorming, mini-projects, and so on, whilst remaining in
charge of the discussion”. Booth compares the teacher to a “master craftsman, supervising
apprentices who are guided through the acquisition of the skills of the trade by practising upon a
variety of products”. The tutor is responsible identifying the knowledge required, framing the issues,
and then “building up a repertoire of techniques that help students to engage more actively in the

We need to be sensitive to cultural reasons, “in that some of my students may come from cultures
that view the lecture as a ‘teaching’ venue in which the learner should not participate”. 22 This has
been particularly noticeable with oriental students, who appear unprepared to contribute unless
they are exceptionally sure of the answer, even more so than other students. Figure 3 outlines a
number of factors which may affect students and their engagement with learning and teaching in
general, although we are particularly concerned here with participation in small group learning.

Booth, A. (2003) Teaching History at University: Enhancing Learning and Understanding, p.61
Kahn, P. and Walsh, L. (2006) Developing Your Teaching: Ideas, Insight and Action, p.13

12 | P a g e
Figure 3:, p7 accessed 27/3/11

Kahn and Walsh stress that it’s important to structure teaching in a way that promotes dialogue with
your students, as conversations are unlikely if the teacher only presents material, or only asks for
questions at the end of the lecture. Instead, “you need to build the expectation, or even
requirement, of a conversation into the structure of teaching”, and don’t be afraid if things go off-
plan.23 Aside from gaining knowledge and understanding from the content of a seminar, “students
suggest that participation, belonging and being involved are important dimensions of the
experience”.24 We need to find ways of seeing students as individuals, rather than one of an en
masse group. As inexperienced teachers, we may be more prone to putting up physical and
intellectual barriers (intentionally or otherwise) to create a defence between ‘us’ and ‘them’, which
can include desks, lecterns, or it may make us contemptuous of inane student questions. 25 One
action from my formal observations was that to encourage participation, we need to be prepared to
provide positive feedback to whatever input students give.

Staff need to create positive learning environments, which allows for trust and respect in all
directions, establishing a learning climate that “supports and encourages questioning, critical
thinking and ultimately deeper learning”,26 but also an environment in which students want to
participate (Figure 4), start to act, and start to change their thinking. In order to establish such an

Ibid. p.34
Fry, H., Ketteridge, S., and Marshall, S. (2003) Op. Cit., p74
Kahn, P. and Walsh, L. (2006) Op. Cit., p.36-37
Ibid. p.35-36

13 | P a g e
environment, you “need to be willing to expose something of yourself, even to risk something”,
including demonstrating to students where you have messed up and learnt from the process. 27

Figure 4: Light, G & Cox, R. (2001) Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: The Reflective Professional p47

Students feel short-changed if small-group work appears to continue expositions that began in
lectures, as small groups offer a space to consolidate learning, and correct misconceptions. 28
Teachers tend to “continue to talk to fill the silence caused by learner not being ready, willing or able
to contribute.” Race suggests that if silence goes on for too long, rather than filling it with ‘answers’,
the tutor should “clarify the question, putting it into other words, or breaking it down into more
manageable sub-questions”.29

As can be seen from the background material, it’s already standard in Learning and Teaching
textbooks to devote a significant amount of space to small-group teaching, designed to allow
students to find their voice, and effective tutors will exhibit the following characteristics:

Figure 5: Race, P. (2005) Making Learning Happen, p145

Ibid. p.36-37
Cockburn, B. and Ross, A. (1975) Participatory Discussion, p.iii
Race, P. (2005) Making Learning Happen: A Guide for Post-Compulsory Education, p142

14 | P a g e
The module used for this project was a Level 4 module:
‘Introducing Media Studies’, Semester 1 2009-10, held
post-Monday-afternoon lecture, for which I had two
tutorial groups. After the first 2-3 weeks in which the
same voices were contributing to debates, I sought for
methods to encourage greater class discussion, and I pre-
informed the students that I would be doing so.

Taking into account The Learning Pyramid depicted in

Figure 6: Saranne Magennis and Alison Farrell,
Figure 6, and bearing in mind that the Learning Outcomes ‘Teaching and Learning Activities: Expanding the
Repertoire to Support Student Learning’ (2005)
and activities in general were defined by the lead tutor (to
1/magennis.pdf, accessed 27/03/11
ensure consistency across seminar groups), I sought more
activities where students could be more engaged in
‘practice by doing’, and ‘teach others’. In looking for activities to use with students, a number of
activity suggestion books were used to generate creative ideas to allow the students to engage,
including Chambers, Tiberius, Habeshaw et al, Kahn, and Fry et al. 30 In the first few weeks I had
already been encouraging students to work in small groups before contributing to a class
discussions, and encouraged summaries of this material on the board throughout the course, firstly
from the students (to teach each other), then adding further notes as debate continued, an example
from the end of a session can be seen in Figure 7:

Chambers, R. (2002) Participatory Workshops: a Sourcebook of 21 sets of ideas and activities; Tiberius, R.G. (1999) Small
Group Teaching: A Trouble-Shooting Guide (2nd Edn); Habeshaw, S. Habeshaw, T, and Gibbs, G. (1992) 53 Interesting things
to do in your seminars and tutorials; Kahn, P. and Walsh, L. (2006) Developing Your Teaching: Ideas, Insight and Action; and
Fry, H., Ketteridge, S., and Marshall, S. (2003) Op. Cit.

15 | P a g e
Figure 7: Introduction to Media Studies: Has the internet produced significant change between producers/consumers?

The activities that had pre-existed before research were:

 Free choice (no requirement to contribute)

 Small groups before contributing to whole class debate
 1-2-1 confirmation before contributing to the whole-class debate

The activities that were added for the research were:

 Taking names ‘out of a hat’. The last person to speak would pick the next name out. The
names would then be placed on the desk until all names had been read out, when the
process could start again.
 Number ‘bingo’. A number was generated by an internet site, and the name corresponding
to the number was expected to answer. It was possible to be picked more than once.
 ‘Sweets’. Quality Streets were brought to the session, and each time that a student
contributed to the debate, they were rewarded with a sweet.
 ‘Work faster for a reward’. Students were encouraged to fill up the board fast in order to be
allowed to either watch a ‘fun YouTube’ or leave the session earlier.

We returned to ‘free choice’ in the final week to see what students would do.

In the last teaching week of the semester, students were asked (personally, and via a group email) to
fill in a survey via Survey Monkey: (I used the free

16 | P a g e
version, as I had less than 10 questions, and less than 100 responses were required). Responses
were stressed to be both voluntary and anonymous.

Results (Appendix 8) and Discussion

Survey Monkey returned some very interesting results, with a strong response rate: 25 students (out
of a possible 30) responded.

 The gender split was: 68% female ; 32% male; we had established via dialogue that none of
the group was over 30, but the official response was 80% aged 18-21; 20% over 22.
 There was a wide variety of subject combinations in the group, including History, Film,
Journalism, Drama, and Creative Writing.
 The students main reasons for attending university were: Vocational/Career (44%),
Interested in the Subject (44%), “the thing to do” (8%), and ‘develop general skills’ (8%).
 22 students answered the question ‘why do you think your tutor wants you to contribute to
seminar debates’, with the majority of answers illustrating that most felt that it was to
ensure that students ‘demonstrated understanding’, but it was also encouraging to see
contributions with regards to sharing ideas amongst the group, and to develop confidence in
public speaking.
 22 students answer the question re: which method encouraged you to contribute the most,
with the majority (54.5%) indicating that the opportunity to discuss in small groups before a
whole class debate was best.
 Qualitative responses were sought regarding each of the methods used:
o The general consensus was that talking in small groups before contributing to a
whole class exercise was less pressurised, allowed experimentation with ideas, and
built confidence, although it was still possible for one member of the group to take
o 1-2-1 discussions were seen as the ideal method, providing reassurance, but there
was a recognition that this was time-consuming and impractical, and maybe
hindered original thinking.
o For names out of a hat, a couple felt that this was childish, but the main response
appeared to be fear, panic, anxiety and feeling under-pressure. There were some
positive responses however, including ‘alert and prepared’, ‘would make me do the
reading’, ‘nice to have the chance to say something’ and ‘it did make me talk’.
o For number ‘bingo’ the responses were largely the same as ‘names out of hat’. The
unpredictableness and pressurised to speak on a subject with no contribution to
make were clearly causing difficulties here.
o Sweets. There were a couple of negative responses of ‘unnecessary’ and
‘demeaning’, but the response was overwhelmingly positive to this (with a request
for more sweets in further weeks). In contrast to previous weeks, students didn’t
feel forced to get involved, but encouraged to come up with answers in order to gain
a treat. The mood was also felt to be much lighter, ‘fun whilst learning’.
o Work Faster for Reward: Some noted that this encouraged them to contribute, but
the general feeling was that this meant that ideas/thoughts were rushed, over-
pressurised, and that important information might be skipped.

17 | P a g e
o Free Choice: Students noted that this could be quiet, and it was hard to be the first
person to contribute, although it was good to be responsible for your own
contributions, and a number felt that when they had something to say, they would
say it. Some liked to hear the opinions of others, but tended to hear the same
people repeatedly, those not participating ‘don’t get as much out of it’, and it’s easy
to hide if not forced to respond.
 Interestingly, 31.8% of the group felt that some methods would cause them to contribute
less than usual, although 78.2% saw no (real) difference.
 The main reasons for remaining quiet within group debate was a fear of ‘getting it
wrong’/looking stupid, a lack of confidence, feeling they had nothing to contribute, dislike of
public speaking. An interesting response from a methodical thinker was that by the time
s/he is ready to say something, it doesn’t seem relevant any longer. There’s an encouraging
number happy to speak up, or to allow others their turn.
 Ideas which may encourage students to contribute more include: the board work was
particularly popular (more was requested), tutorials, more time to think things through, not
being put under pressure if you have no answer. A couple requested that the tutor ‘explain
more’ (which we have previously referred to as undesirable, as we’re seeking to expand
student engagement and deeper understanding).

Overall, it appears that the more positive reinforcements are appreciated by the students:
opportunities to sound out their ideas before open discussion, and no-pressure. Whether students
always know best is, of course, a topic for a much larger debate!

18 | P a g e
Reflection on Learning and Development Activities (500 words)
The PGCLTHE has provided both challenges and encouragement. It has provided a space in which to
discuss with others going through similar stages in the learning and teaching process similarities and
differences, and to share good practice through case studies. It has also challenged me to provide a
much greater theoretical underpinning to my teaching.

Throughout the programme I have developed both skills and knowledge, but my most pronounced
development has been an encouragement to experiment more with new methods in both lectures
and seminars, and to seek other types of learning interactions. Previous practice, my own and
others, accompanied by theoretical perspectives, informs new choices made.

In 2009 and 2010 I taught ‘Researching Media Studies’, a compulsory Semester 2 module for Level 4.
In Appendix 9, you can see the difference made in the course of a year. Knowing that there’s no
need to start from scratch, and taking some of the findings from the previous semester’s project into
seminar engagement, I looked to embed more group activities within a 3 hour “lecture” session. In
the first year I had struggled to make the material mine; in the second I took more ownership of it
and was prepared to experiment more. The students responded well, particularly as I sought to find
ways in which they could undertake discussions in smaller groups, rather than to the entire class.
Later in the module, we had a fully interactive session with the clickers, which came through in the
Learning Diaries and feedback forms as the favourite part of the module for many students:

Figure 8: Student blog from 'Researching Media' module

In my role as Blended Learning Fellow, I will continue to develop my professional practice, but aside
from engagement and motivation, I am also interested in the debates surrounding student feedback

19 | P a g e
of teaching, with Fry et al noting that when teaching evaluation was first mooted “some academics
considered it an affront to their academic autonomy, whilst others viewed it as needles kowtowing
to student opinion”.31 Throughout my teaching career, until 2009-10, all my class feedback had been
positive, but I then received negative feedback from two history modules, one of which said I was
“too friendly” and appeared under-prepared, another that I spoke from notes too much. I naturally
wanted to refute this and explain the processed involved, but was advised to keep the responses
factual (so another learning lesson there). It was frustrating, as throughout I had sought to make
myself approachable, and encouraged students to talk to me if anything was an issue so that I could
resolve it. Brookfield offers an interesting dynamic on this, as he used his troubleshooting times to
ask students to speak up re any problems, to be “met with silence and by serried ranks of benign,
smiling faces”, followed by ‘take no prisoners’ final evaluations which indicated that students said
the course was “of no real use to them, was uninspiringly taught, and was a waste of their time.”
Student may be reluctant to “voice misgivings and criticism to people who exercise substantial
influenced (through the awarding of grades) over their career destinies and their self-concerns.” 32 He
developed The Classroom Critical Incident Questionnaire (Appendix 10), to allow anonymous
student feedback throughout the course, lessening the risks to the students, and allowing the tutor
an opportunity to correct the issue.

Fry, H., Ketteridge, S., and Marshall, S. (2003) Op. Cit., p198
Brookfield, S.D. (1995) Op. Cit. , p.118

20 | P a g e
Arnold. L, and Tindal, I (2006),
accessed 27/3/11

Beetham, H. and Sharpe, R. (2007) Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age: Designing and delivering
e-learning London: Routledge

Booth, A. (2003) Teaching History at University: Enhancing Learning and Understanding London:

Boud, D. and Falchikov, N. (2007) Rethinking Assessment in Higher Education: Learning for the longer
term London: Routledge

Brookfield, S.D. (1995) Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher San Francisco: Wiley

Chambers, R. (2002) Participatory Workshops: a Sourcebook of 21 sets of ideas and activities London:

Cockburn, B. and Ross, A. (1975) Participatory Discussion Lancaster: School of Education

Fry, H., Ketteridge, S., and Marshall, S. (2003) A Handbook for Teaching and Learning in Higher
Education: Enhancing Academic Practice (3rd Edn) London: Routledge

Habeshaw, S. Habeshaw, T, and Gibbs, G. (1992) 53 Interesting things to do in your seminars and
tutorials Bristol; Technical and Educational Services

Higher Education Academy (February 2006),
ardsFramework.pdf, accessed 27/03/11.

Jessop, T. and El-Hakim, Y., (2009-2012), accessed 27/03/11

JISC, ‘Effective Assessment in a Digital Age’, (2010), accessed

Kahn, P. and Walsh, L. (2006) Developing Your Teaching: Ideas, Insight and Action Abingdon:

Knight, P.T. (2002) Being a Teacher in Higher Education Buckingham: Open University Press

21 | P a g e
Laurillard, D. (2002) Rethinking University Teaching: a framework for the effective use of learning
technologies (2nd Edn) London: RoutledgeFalmer

Leaning, M. (eds) (2009) Issues in Information and Media Literacy: Education, Practice and Pedagogy
California: Informing Science Press

Light, G. and Cox, R. (2001) Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: The Reflective Professional
London: Paul Chapman Publishing

Magennis, S and Farrell, A. (2005) ‘Teaching and Learning Activities: Expanding the Repertoire to
Support Student Learning’, accessed 27/03/11

Mason, R. and Rennie, F. (2008) E-Learning and Social Networking Handbook London: Routledge

Race, P. (2005) Making Learning Happen: A Guide for Post-Compulsory Education London: SAGE

Taming Tigers Learning, ‘The Taming Tigers Philosophy’ (2011), accessed 27/3/11

Tiberius, R.G. (1999) Small Group Teaching: A Trouble-Shooting Guide (2nd Edn) London: Kogan Page

22 | P a g e
Appendix 1: Identification of Needs
Based on the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher
Education, certain areas of activity and core knowledge are required. My reflection on how my
needs have developed, based on this framework, is represented below.

Areas of activity
1. Design and planning of learning activities and/or programmes of study. I have moved from a
reliance upon the material of others (although always a good starting point), and become
more confident in developing my own learning activities, with a focus upon what I think the
students will gain from engaging with those activities. I have also become more
sophisticated at ‘pitching’ my material to different audiences.
2. Teaching and/or supporting student learning. This project has considered ways to encourage
more engaged and motivated students, but this is an area I want to continue to develop.
3. Assessment and giving feedback to learners. I need to continue to develop understanding of
what works as a form of assessment, what truly measures learning, and what will encourage
student engagement. How to get a better balance of feed-forward and feedback.
4. Developing effective environments and student support and guidance. I have been learning
to balance being ‘friendly’ with the students, to being the person they know will give them
honest support and guidance.
5. Integration of scholarship, research and professional activities with teaching and supporting
learning. To continue to develop the practice of applying lessons from workshops,
conferences and independent research to professional practice.
6. Evaluation of practice and continuing professional development. To continue to evaluate my
own practice once the PGCLTHE is finished, finding appropriate training to continue
developing my skillsbase.

Core knowledge
Knowledge and understanding of:

1. The subject material This is an area that is continual, and in starting to repeat some
material/working with material closer to my core knowledge, it’s becoming easier to add to
and develop materials.
2. Appropriate methods for teaching and learning in the subject area and at the level of the
academic programme. We have been allowing time to experiment with new forms of

23 | P a g e
teaching (particularly within the Media Studies programme), which ties in with an
appropriate level.
3. How students learn, both generally and in the subject. The PGCLTHE, CET Lunches, and
participation in the Learning and Teaching Development Unit have given a greater
theoretical understanding of teaching and learning, which I need to continue to find time for
within my Blended Learning role.
4. The use of appropriate learning technologies. This is a strong part of my role as Blended
Learning Fellow, and I continue to experiment with tools I am keen for others to use in my
own practice, in order to provide ‘case studies’.
5. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching. Feedback forms can be a dispiriting
return on the effort involved in teaching, and are not always produced at a helpful time in
order to be act on any negative feedback. I am keen to look for other ways to gain ongoing
feedback, e.g. within Manipulating Media, students undertake reflective blogs, and Tweet
6. The implications of quality assurance and enhancement for professional practice. I know
about the QAA benchmarking statements, but need to understand more about how the QAA
affects teaching in practice.

Professional values
1. Respect for individual learners. It becomes very easy to talk to the students ‘en masse’, and
with a lack of continuity between subjects, to get to know the students enough to know who
they are. I need to develop memory practices for this.
2. Commitment to incorporating the process and outcomes of relevant research, scholarship
and/or professional practice. To continue to develop the practice of applying lessons from
workshops, conferences and independent research to professional practice.
3. Commitment to development of learning communities. I have developed a real interest in
developing ‘Communities of Practice’ (CoP), and will continue to apply this with a particular
concern for the Blended Learning CoP
4. Commitment to encouraging participation in higher education, acknowledging diversity and
promoting equality of opportunity. I have been involved in Aim Higher events, and continue
to look for ways to provide a range of opportunities for students to participate and present
their learning (e.g. more audio-visual methods for dyslexic students).
5. Commitment to continuing professional development and evaluation of practice. To
continue to evaluate my own practice once the PGCLTHE is finished, finding appropriate
training to continue developing my skillsbase.

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Appendix 2: Formal Observations

Analysing Visual Cultures, 18/03/09 (Observed by Steven Allen)

Year 2: Compulsory module for Media, Film and Journalism students, approximately half-hour
towards the end of a much longer session.

Had struggled to get the material down from a 2-hour interactive postgraduate session to 35 minute
2nd year material. Still felt a bit stilted, but had deliberately looked for ways to still make it interactive
and challenging thinking! Were large chunks which applied the PhD mentality to “would you fight for
it over this bit”.

Noted: when needed people to come forward to have a look at the database as quite small/lots of
detail, could have made even more of that – made it a part of the session: invited them to move
around/asked them to talk to the other lecturers – really take advantage of the fact that it’s a team
taught session.

The aims/purpose of the session were very clear, but could have made more of the learning
outcomes as related to the session/module... reference to why it is relevant for
media/film/journalism students, building up previous and future learning. From the title, it’s obvious
– we’re dealing with visual culture in all those subjects (in different ways, and that is what this
session was intended to draw out).

End felt a bit rushed (Paul had given permission to take as long as possible, but at 20 to, either
needed to go on til the end or let Paul have some time!). Would have been worth re-using the
introduction before going onto the methods (and note that film students tend not to use
methodology).... tick off what we’ve already gone through so have an idea of how much more to

Clearly well prepared, with a lot of research gone into the material. Agree possibly pitched it a little
high, but manageable.

Was logically structured for the discipline base. Still quite a traditional lecture at the end of the day.

Demonstration of the database really useful, not seen anything really like that before, and good to
get the students thinking about how the methods can be used for real. Be MORE EXPLICIT about
your own process, reverse it, and show how you get back to where they are now. What are the

26 | P a g e
student expectations and pare the material back to fit that? Paul may have been over-repetitive...
look for ways to repeat without repeating.

Film Studies will have used psychoanalysis a lot, and media studies will have used discourse analysis
a lot. Students were clearly engaged, but could have drawn on this knowledge even more and
highlighted the different disciplinary foci!

Was good to have an early activity, and were well spaced (keep a pattern), although would have
been good to use that first activity that you alluded to.... rather than saying “I did this last time, but
nuh-nuh you can’t do it!” Images used well, could have used those “blank” images to get the 2
halves of the room to discuss the images, and the different disciplinary aspects (refer back to Week
2, Traditions). Who can think of different questions?

Be careful about using terms without a chance to draw them out... e.g. “ocular-centric” and
“postmodern” felt like were using them because “should” rather than because what the students
need, and INTERESTINGLY, think about what you are asking about the session, questions are largely
about own performance, when are aiming to be a student-focused teacher, thinking about what
THEY need to learn. Change the questions from “Did I...?” to “Did they ...”

Lecture had a clear focus in that it was clearly to give information, and summarise/an overview of
visual methodologies, so great as an introductory session.

For THEORISTS, check out Gallespie, Open University text, has great information on content analysis
and discourse analysis.

Institution – question their understanding of this term (and other terms) – would be a really useful
exercise contributing to overall goals of the module. Use it as an example of discourse analysis – is it
meaningful? Why do they use the term “quack” – do the students understand what this means –
highlights the dangers of using historical materials without giving them an understanding of the
historical context/terminology.

The pre-prepared questions you used were quite difficult, and the postgraduate origins were fairly
obvious. The questions you used on the spot were excellent as follow ups when you got no
response. Used good open questions, e.g. “what would this be like with no picture?”; when
expressing own ideas helpful to expand and push in new directions.

At one point almost objective/aims of the thesis... too much!

27 | P a g e
Include team to walk around and ensure students are engaging with the exercises (if can’t see,
encourage them to come to the front/work collaboratively), engaging with each other and the

TOO MANY WORDS – use visual image almost immediately to break the ice, and give an easy
example/way in. Otherwise generally good balance of images and other information.

Early questions were a bit closed, afterwards were more open and got better responses. Held with
the silence in some instances – could hold longer!

Rest of room couldn’t always hear the responses, so echo those out, as relaxed started to thank the
students more for their contributions, good to have lots of positive feedback. As echo it back can
reframe the material into a way that it would be useful for the whole group.

The exercises were good, could be a way to use more, and break up the space (get students moving
around a bit so not ‘in rows’).

Students were clearly engaged as there was not much chatting going on, they were clearly

When reading out your material, you were putting used sheets to one side but still had a BIG pile in
your hand... implies there’s a lot to come, so not a good look, so tuck the sheets under!

Gave students option to move forward, but none of them did... had said if they could hear, fine, Bit
quiet at times (but had explained recent cold), and would have expected to see more enthusiasm for
your own work! Why did you do your research? What did you do in your research? Go through and
find the excitement and demonstrate “I’m doing similar to you, maybe at a different level, but..”
Explain how they can use this information in their seminars...

Pace was good, not too quick even though there was lots of information to get through. Flagged up
rather than explained (fine for overview). Looked down/up and made eye contact!

The 5 images for this session – how used/found – PERSONALISE it – create rapport: “We’re all

Your confidence is clearer when you’re on the hoof – far more animated! More eye/hand gestures,
more engaging. Less preparation obviously works for you.

Summary advice:

28 | P a g e
 Well prepared
 The students were engaged
 You weren’t flustered when the students weren’t
 Bring pitch/words down, look for more repeatability.
 Take content back
 Inject more of your own personality
 Was good to refer to more information on content analysis/discourse analysis, etc.

Design for Digital Media, 22/5/09 (Observed by Yaz El-Hakim)

Year 1: Design for Digital Media, compulsory 3 hour workshop (but students have found that they
are still able to submit assignments even if they don’t attend/is confusion over time slots)

Collaborative Enhancement of Teaching: Peer Observation of Teaching Form

Feedback on Teaching Session

Lecturer: Dr Bex Lewis

Teaching Session: Workshop
Date, Time & Venue: 22-05-09, Tom Atkinson Building, 2.00pm,
Programme: Digital Design for Media
Session Title: Workshop - presenting their portfolio websites/briefs

Preparation and brief description

The following feedback is based upon areas identified in the pre-observation discussion
and reflections on the session from the post-observation discussion.

Preparing for a workshop is not always easy as there is always an uncontrollable of how
many people will have done the work required for the workshop to occur as it has been
prepared for. This session started slowly as there were only 3 from an expected 11 students
and this clearly impacted the session on a quite profound level, in terms of planning and
structure. Bex worked very hard to maximize the benefit of the session and its context, for
the 3 students that had turned up and had completed the desired work. Bex followed the
initial plan for the workshop and used PowerPoint slides to draw the attention of the

29 | P a g e
students to key points for consideration and this clearly took less time than if there had
been a full class. However, Bex remained professional throughout and flexibly moved into
the presenting section of the workshop and not ‘flogging a dead horse’ in this case – a wise
move and showed good connection to the class mood and environment.

Positive Features of the Session

During the observation and our discussion, we discussed a range of features that were identifiable as
good practice including:

- well prepared for the session and was there in plenty of time to be sure there were no technical
problems given the use of computers was essential to the session.

- clearly had a good working rapport with the students who listened to feedback and interacted well
around the questions posed

- worked flexibly within the session and reacted to the situation very well

- clearly enjoyed working with the students who seemed to be very passionate about what they
were doing

Areas for Feedback

During our discussions a few suggestions were made about areas where performance could be

1. There was a clear issue with the lack of people present in the room and I thought you may have
been disappointed with the poor turnout and that may have slightly reduced your zest for the
discursive aspect of the session and to always think (controllable/uncontrollable). For example, the
‘students arriving’ is uncontrollable (therefore don’t worry about it or take it personally), however,
your preparation and delivery of the content is controllable (therefore allow nothing to interfere
with your plan except you). It’s a difficult one to manage but you are still growing in confidence and
developing your teaching style (which was really interactive and engaging), it will grow quickly over
the next year and you will soon have your own strategies for overcoming disappointment.

2. Consider your positioning which at times was directly behind the students and this can sometimes
be disconcerting over periods of time. The students take an awful lot of information from body

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language and facial expressions and therefore if looking at their work and showing your interest (as
you clearly were) would add to their confidence in what they are doing.

3. I liked the fact that the three students worked on the one computer and that seemed to work but
you may consider the three of them using some of the extra time from a shorter Q&A section to
polish their presentations before going through them. That way you could possibly speak with them
individually and then they could more formally present their websites/briefs after you have worked
round the three of them. This obviously would need to be a limited period of time and that could be
another thing to consider in your reflections, in terms of time management.

Developmental Action Points

During our discussions a few suggestions were made about future developmental activities that you
may be interested in pursuing?

- Observing other lecturers from your subject

- Identifying good practice in ensuring students come to class

- Maintain eye contact when communicating with the students even if it is difficult in the context
of looking at computer screens

- Set the environment and the energy levels for the class you want (lead from the front – your
disappointment is contagious, just as your smile is)


Overall, this was a good session given the poor turnout and I thought you would learn lots from this
experience even if it was not ideal considering your preparation. The conversation following the
session showed me you were certainly reflective as a practitioner and that is essential in becoming
an excellent teacher at University.

Observer Date
Yaz El Hakim 23-06-09

‘Creating and Consuming History’: Exam Preparation 28/05/09 (Observed

by Steven Allen)
Year 1: Creating and Consuming History, compulsory History module (for which I had three seminar
groups: the observation was with the third group).

31 | P a g e
 Students were responsive, taking actions, and continued talking [and this was a group which
have been hard to get going in the past]
 Question of room layout – using the formal/informal room, had thought the room had
worked fine earlier in the day, with the students working in mini groups and then feeding
back generally, but in this, they had their backs to each other, so was less group inter-action,
as they inter-acted with me, rather than each other, find ways to minimise this!
 Questions were participatory, could open up even more.
 Cut the thinking/planning more, and focus more on the time that they have to focus on their
own findings/material.
 Encourage those GOOD IDEAS more, any kind of participation.

Can use the 10 minutes in a variety of ways, e.g.

 2 minutes individually
 3 minutes groups
 2 minutes to summarise group findings
 2 minutes feedback

Push on the variety of methods [i.e. I tried linear and mind-mapping, and few took up the mind-
mapping option], but generally worked well!

Identify the relationship to the rest of the module more, part of the bigger picture

 I’m not at the lecture, is this an institutional issue, that they don’t see my full engagement?
My comment ‘I’m not marking it’ (what impact does this have?), and not 100% sure if the
marking criteria focused on grammar/spelling, indicates lack of cohesion in some ways...

Generally students seemed to think “film=bad”, “history=good”, how to challenge this.

Information from University of Manchester was good, but make it more concise, and see if it’s
possible to split over the slides, as wasn’t sure which bit needed to look at.

Had a sense was trying to pack it all in, but the students have a responsibility, see their compulsion
over “facts” [or was that mine?]. Felt some tension over the start time, but wait if you know people
are coming.

Question self, what do you want from the students?

32 | P a g e
 Confidence (as outlined at start of session) to revise appropriate material and enter the
exam, so questions/exemplars to use had a clear focus.

Small Groups, find ways to deal with questions:

 Keywords
 Structures
 Comparisons

Question of a difference of focus, on argument, or content?

Warmed up for the second set of questions, encouraged the students by opening up the questions
more, and were more positive about their feed back (1 st set, was very much about time awareness).
Say thank you and ID positive body language (at points had arms folded, what might students read
from that?)... think about the noisy shoes?

Probe with WHY, to action...

Great idea to talk about funding for the researcher, how it’s not 100% impartiality (so history = not
all “good”, as also impacted by external factors).

Encourage “Question me: don’t take what I say as gospel”

PUSH or ENCOURAGE to speak? Big debate! Allow silence? How do you deal with the dominant

Manchester, used that well. Churchill quote = bit dismissive. If you’re dismissive they will be.....
Could say “Can you see this is interesting... and I’ll leave you to ponder that” if time is running short,
and think how helpful the OU video is (and about being dismissive with that!)

Possible Changes?

 Reflect on the Question

 Have a “Countdown Clock” ticking on the screen
 They have 5 minutes to come up with a PLAN (as that’s about how long they’d have for an
o Get them to identify “What do you need to do to prepare for an exam?” (Long Used
(what did that mean?!))

33 | P a g e
Historians – tend to interrogate the text, then construct arguments, it’s more implicit than media

The group did REALLY well considering they usually don’t speak!

Move around (me and/or them?) – change the view!

The student engagement with the tasks was good, not perfunctory, and they were dealing with real
issues. Bex was responsive to the questions, ready to chat to the group!?

More of an informal style, than formal. Does sitting on the table give a hierarchical clue? Is there
scope for more invitation to DISCUSS, as it’s more about trying to get “right” answers in preparation
for the exam...

Option to be MORE informal, be prepared for own vulnerability.

 Own experience of exams, did you like/not like, and how did you overcome any fears, etc?
 Own interest in the topic, how you engage in it

Think about external factors maybe influencing the group – good weather, had time to stand outside
and have a chat/ciggie before the session, what else?

Film, encouraged a more balanced view, that films aren’t ALL bad!

34 | P a g e
Appendix 3: Reflective Learning Models
Model 1: Greenaway

Figure 9:, accessed 27/3/11

Model 2: Baud

Figure 10:, accessed 27/3/11

Model 3: Schon
Schon identified two kinds of reflection 

1. Reflection-in-action: reflecting on the hoof, during an event....this isn't going well; what can I
do now to improve things? This is going well; how can I maintain the momentum? Making
informed decisions based on intuitive split second reflections. 
2. Reflection-on-action: retrospective reflection, you reflect on actions that have already
occurred, usually, but not always, fairly soon after the event. Structured or ‘ruminatory’
thinking re: things that didn't go well; what can I do next time to improve things; thinks that
went well; how can I make use of what I have learned? 33

Summarised from Arnold. L, and Tindal, I (2006),
accessed 27/3/11

35 | P a g e
Figure 11:, accessed 27/3/11

Model 4: Gibbs

Figure 12:,
accessed 27/3/11

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Model 5: Kolb

Figure 13:, accessed 27/3/11

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Appendix 4: History Learner Experiences
Marton & Saljo (1976)

1) Learning as acquiring knowledge – one knows a little or a lot. Understanding means being
able to reproduce what one has learned.
“I know I’ve understood a topic when I know the main areas very well.”
2) Learning as memorising. Detail is still important but there is some discrimination between
points of importance.
“I know I understand something when I can remember parts of it without having to consult
3) Learning as application – being able to apply the knowledge in assignments.
“I know I’ve understood a topic when I can write an essay on it and know how to get a good
4) Learning as understanding – being able to see the author’s intention, interpret material in
the subject and relate it to previous understanding.
“I know I understand when something makes sense and I can tie all the different views
together and come to my own view.”
5) Learning as an interpretative process aimed at understanding reality.
“I know I’ve understood a topic when it all comes together and I can see a period in a
different way and trace its significance in the past and for today.”

Marton, Dall’Alba, Beaty (1993)

6) Learning experienced as personal transformation: through studying one’s subject one also
develops as a person.

Booth, A. (2003) Teaching History at University: Enhancing Learning and Understanding, pp.31-32

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Appendix 5: “A good history teacher”
The principal qualities of effective teachers in the eyes of history undergraduates are listed:

 Approachability: accessible and willing to help students

 Enthusiasm for the subject
 An obvious commitment to teaching
 Expertise (most often mentioned by first-year students): possesses sound knowledge of the
topic or period
 Communicates ideas clearly and cogently
 Brings the subject to life
 Respects student views and is open to their ideas
 Encourages student participation
 Gives clear guidance on reading
 Provides constructive feedback on assignments

Booth, A. (2003) Teaching History at University: Enhancing Learning and Understanding, p.43

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Appendix 6: Reflective Diary (Semester 2 2009)
44 pages

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Appendix 7: Possible Reasons for Adopting a Teaching Practice
Category Reason for adopting a practice
Personal  This has worked for me in the past
 I am interested in taking this on
 I’m comfortable teaching in this fashion
 I found it helpful when I was a student
 This aligns with my personal approach to teaching
Student  Students say they like it this way
 Students learn effectively and get good grades
 Students were able to complete the required tasks
 I am able to address a wide range of learning outcomes
 I receive positive feedback from students
 This leads to good relationships with the students
 The students get involved and ask perceptive questions
 Students choose my question on the examination above other questions
Professional  The resources (technology, technicians, materials, etc.) are in place
 I have time for this approach
 This fits with the pattern of teaching in my department/discipline
 I am allowed to do this
 The process is efficient
 Colleagues tell me they like it

Kahn, P. and Walsh, L. (2006) Developing Your Teaching: Ideas, Insight and Action, p.12

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Appendix 8: Survey Monkey Data (June 2009)
14 pages

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Appendix 9: ‘Researching Media Studies’ PowerPoint Slides
25 pages

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Appendix 10: The Classroom Critical Incident Questionnaire
Please take five minutes to respond to each of the questions below about this week’s class(es). Don’t
put your name on the forum – your responses are anonymous. When you have finished writing, put
one copy of the form on the table by the door and keep the other copy for yourself. At the start of
next week’s class, I will be sharing the responses with the group. Thanks for taking the time to do
this. What you write will help me make the class more responsive to your concerns.

1) At what moment in the class this week did you feel most engaged with what was
2) At what moment in the class this week did you feel most distanced from what was
3) What action that anyone (teacher or student) took in class this week did you find most
affirming and helpful?
4) What action that anyone (teacher or student) took in class this week did you find most
puzzling or confusing?
5) What about the class this week surprised you the most? (This could be something about
your own reactions to what went on, or something that someone did, or anything else that
occurs to you.)

Brookfield, S.D. (1995) Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher, p.115

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