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SUMMONS - CIVIL ‘STATE OF CONNECTICUT EEE teste bre, st.00, 81.80, s2480, SUPERIOR COURT See page 2 for instructions 52-48, 52-258, P.B. Secs. 3-1 rough 3-21, 5-1 “X" if amount, tegal interest or proy ‘in demand, not including interest anc ‘TO: Any proper officer; BY AUTHORITY OF THE o costs Is less: than $2,500. bce vale Lill treiahaelthaelecd STATE OF CONNECTICUT, you are hereby "if amount, legal interest or property in demand, not including interest and ‘commanded to make due and legal service of costs is $2,500 or more. {his Summons and attached Complaint. (C)*X* claiming other slit in adition to or in eu of money or damages. ‘eee oc a ara wa a Oar pa BD THE a7, aT, et Hp cosy | Tlaphone wane ofaank | Ruri Date ual bea Tsday) (0.853 §951946 61-950 (wth eres code) Caadonaiialie an (ans) soe se agg — 20 “PR ssicitvitet lex ‘Re CTown in wiih writs retuned) (CGS. 6G 57-340, 81-348) ‘Case ipe code (See avon page 2) 0) owsing session A nerer Now Haven Major. V Minor, 04 For the Plaintiff(s) please onter the appearance of: ‘Name and edaress of eitorney, law tin or pani felfzepresenied (Nomber, creel, own ond zip code) [ure naniber tobe ented by ate ory) Law Oftices of R. Bartley Halloran, 74 Batterson Park Rel, Farmington, CT 06034-0887 412123 Tolephene cunt (ih ra 008) ‘Shnaiaof Prt eteprsenic (860) 676-3222 ‘Number of Plains: 2 Number of Defendants: 4 D1 Form JD-CV.2 attached for atonal parties ariies ‘Name (Last, First, Mice ill) and Address of Each party (Numibor: Steot; P.O. Box: Town; State; Zip; County, ifnot USA) Fiat [MRE Susan Sorvin as Administrator of the Estate of David Servin Pa prist,, — |Adiress: 422 Sheldon Court, Orange, CT 06477 tame: Frank Servin as Administrator of the Estate of David Sorvin P09] Adtionat [ectous: 422 Shekdon Court Orange, CT 08477 Fiat [Rane Jason Anderson, 440 River Stok, ford, CT 06460-3318 - Day efits y /Adtross: Serve: Hugh Koofo, Lynch, Traub, Keofe & Errante, PC, 52 Trumbull Street, New Haven, CT 06510-1002 Auaiuonat’[Wene" — Richard Pisani, Milford Police Deparimont, 490 Boston Post Ra, Milford, CT 06460 HF Aaitons! |agdroas: Serve: Clerk, City of Milford, 70 West River Street, Milford, CT 06460 Jaana” [Nine Keth Molo, Milford Police Depariment, 490 Boston Post Ra, Milford, CT 06460 Dal Dutomdeat |Atdress: Serve: Clork, City of Milford, 70 West River Street, Milford, CT 06460, Aaattionar Ramer — CH OF MNTFOTG, - Aadlsional Jaddrese: Clork, City of tllford, 70 West Rivor Street, Milford, CT 06460 Notice to Each Defendant 4, YOU ARE BEING SUED, This paper ie a Summons in a lawsuit, The complaint atached lo these popersstste the claims that each plant is making against you in his lawoui 2, Ta be noid offerthr proceedings, you or your aitorney must fle fem called en "Appearance" with tho clerk ofthe above-named Cour atthe above Court address on 07 before tho eodand day afr tho above Return Dato. The Relurn Oate is nol a hearing dale. ou do nol have lo come lo court on the Return Dale uniess you recaive a separate noice teling you to come to cour. 3. tyou or your atorney do et le a vaten "Appoaranca” fom on time, a judg ‘oblalned atthe Court address above oat wvijul gov under "Court Forms: 4. Ifyou belave tha! you have insurance that may cover the claim that is being made against you In this lavsu, you should immediately contact your induranoe representative, Other action you may have to [ako is deseibed in the Connecticut Practice Book which may be found a a superior court law Foray of on-line al vu jud.ct gov under "Court Rules.” 5, Ifyou have ausetions about the Summons and Complaint, you shoul tak 1 an attorney quickly. The Clerk of Court is not allowed to give advice on {may be entered agains you by default. The "Appearance" form may be legal questions. et po ond affeerip : EEE ATT a rv Sg aTTA Da set re f Sirona ih ‘iv 4 Cl attonaen | Kaitin Halloran oat7it4 if this Summons is signed bya Clerk [___ ForCount Use Only 2-The stung has baon done so tal the Plt) wl not be denied acess othe courts Fistile » His the esponsibity ofthe Plaintiffs o see thal service is made in the manner provided by tam. ‘©, The Clerk ie not permite to give any lagal advice in connection wth any lawsuit {The Clerk signing tis Summons at the request of the Pls) is nat responsible in any way for any errors ot ‘omissions in the Summons, any allgations contained In the Complaint, or the service ofthe Summons or Complaint ‘ined (Sik Roproseriod Pa ale jo3ri7int certify Thave read and understand the above: Tams and addoes of poreonfeogilsd te posecula Ith amount T3280 Concetta Aresco, 77 Birchwood,Dr., New Britain, CT 06052 Cereta arecast/ eronmoodee raga [oa aaa v rere pe Sr [oor fawn fia SL (Page 1 012)

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