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Week 2: Friday

March 11, 2011

This lesson is designed for 10th grade biology students

Michigan Content Expectations:

B1.1C- Conduct scientific investigations using appropriate tools and techniques
(e.g., selecting an instrument that measures the desired quantity—length,
volume, weight, time interval, temperature—with the appropriate level of
B1.2D- Evaluate scientific explanations in a peer review process or discussion
B2.1A– Explain how cells transform energy (ultimately obtained from the sun)
from one form to another through the processes of photosynthesis and
respiration. Identify the reactants and products in the general reaction
of photosynthesis.
B2.5D – Describe how individual cells break down energy-rich molecules to
provide energy for cell functions.
B3.1A – Describe how organisms acquire energy directly or indirectly from
B3.1B - Illustrate and describe the energy conversions that occur during
photosynthesis and respiration.
B3.1C – Recognize the equations for photosynthesis and respiration and
identify the reactants and products for both.
B3.1D – Explain how living organisms gain and use mass through the processes
of photosynthesis and respiration.

• Students will adapt the reactants, products and overarching themes for
respiration into a foldable.
• Students will prepare the film canisters for data collection on Monday.
• Students will explore the structure of a stem using prepared slides in the
lab, “Leaves, Stems and Roots.” (ELL students)
• Students will discuss the lab, “Leaves, Stems and Roots” while challenging
the misconceptions that plants exist for our use.

• Students will need:
o Lab books
 Analysis questions for “Leaves, Stems and Roots”
o Microscopes (ELL students)
o Prepared slides (ELL students)
o Lab protocol (ELL students)
• Teacher will need:
o PowerPoint: “Leaves, Stems and Roots”, “Chapter 8”
o Film canisters
 WI fast plant seeds
 Beaker with water
o Foldable
 Blank paper
 Colored pencils
There are no safety concerns for this lesson.

Greet students, take attendance.

Instructional Flow:
1st hour:
• Discuss sauerkraut
o Talk through 3 questions, have students complete an entrance slip
• Introduce Part B of “Leaves, Stems and Roots.” Instruct students to go
back to the lab and begin working.
o Slides will already be placed on each stage
• Students will complete analysis questions 1-3, 5, 7-9 in their lab books

2nd- 5th hours:

• Discuss sauerkraut
o Have students answer 3 questions on an entrance slip
• Discuss “Leaves, Stems and Roots”
o Emphasize that plants do not ‘work for us’, but we can benefit from
them. Discuss all analysis questions.
• Collect lab books
o Grade procedure questions and completion of analysis questions
• Explain film canister set up
o Have one person from each lab group set up a canister before
beginning the foldable
• Explain foldable
o Draw a diagram of the foldable on the board
o Write out the grading expectations on the board
o Demonstrate how to fold the paper.
• Send students back to the lab to work on their foldable for the remainder
of class
• (ELL Students) Remind students that their analysis questions are due on
Monday. Also inform them that we will discuss Part C of the lab when we
discuss the analysis questions.
• (Hours 2-5) Remind students that their foldable, if unfinished, will be due
on Monday

• The entrance slips completed by hours 2-5 will be graded for completion.
In hour 1, the entrance slips will be graded to see if students retained the
answers we discussed as a class. In hours 2-5, I am looking to see if
students are making the connection between sauerkraut and cellular
• The lab books will be graded on the procedure questions only. The
analysis questions will be informally assessed as we discuss them in class.
Students will get points for having these questions completed in their lab
• The foldable will be graded on Monday. The checklist I will use for this
are the same expectations given to the students in class.

ELL students will be completing Part B of “Leaves, Stems and Roots”
today. The other classes completed the lab on Thursday. This is planned
to give ELL students some time with the microscopes, although still
keeping them on track to take notes on Monday. Lab books for ELL
students will be collected on Monday.

This lesson is designed to wrap up cellular respiration (hours 2-5) and the
lab, “Leaves, Stems and Roots,” for all classes. I will discuss Part C of
“Leaves, Stems and Roots” using a PowerPoint on Monday with them to
ensure that all material has been covered. All classes will be prepared to
take guided notes on Monday, as well as analyze the data collected from
the film canisters.

This was a successful lesson. Throughout the day, I altered my
instruction; however, there seemed to be enough variety and activities to keep
students interested for the duration of the hour. Students were engaged and
there were minimal behavior problems. Some students got really excited when
they we given the liberty to be creative, with some drawing broken eggs (for
bonds breaking) and chickens crying out of a broken egg (chicken= energy,
tears= water)!
The entrance slips gave me invaluable information regarding the listening
skills, retention and critical thinking of my students. In 1st and 2nd hour, I walked
students through the questions step by step, and even then, student wrote
incorrect information down on their slip. For example, students wrote that
fermentation is aerobic, taking place in the Krebs Cycle. Other students
mentioned that vinegar was soaked up by the cabbaged, when vinegar was
never included in the experiment. For 3rd- 5th hour, I discussed the demo with
students, explicitly stating the answers for questions 1 and 2. I then told
students that I wanted to know their ideas for question 3. I got many results,
with a select few understanding what was going on.

If I were to do this demonstration again, I might have each lab group

make their own sauerkraut and record their results. I would definitely make it a
more prominent feature of the unit and discuss fermentation more extensively. I
expected students to deduce the process on their own, with some scaffolding.
Rather, I ended up discussing the answer with them, with many misconceptions

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