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Wet Sock Treafment

The wet sock treatment is best if repeated for three nights in a row, or as instructed by your


Sore throar or any inflammation or infection of the throat, neck pain, ear infections,
headaches,migraines,nasal congestion, upper respiratory infections, coughs, bronchitis,
and sinus rnfections.

ctuuloL't\"Y' ri7lo ,iocl
1 pair white cotton socl.s Uj.r/^-il!-1
I pair thick wool socks
Warm badr or warrn foot bath


. Take a pair of corrcn sock and soak rhem completely with cold wacer. Be.sure-towring
the sock olt rhoro.lghly so they do not drip. (o{ w+1, tr;rt ne1 s-.-* +, f ,f i^ ft'toxr u"Wl* 9o4'\-b'q',
-' )
. Warm your feer first. This is very important as the uearment will not be as effective
and could be harmful if your feet are not wanned first. lTarming can be accomplishedby
soaking your feet in warm warer for at least 5-10 minutes or taking a warm bath tbr 5-10

' Dry off feet and body with a dry towel.

. Place coid wer socks on feet. Cover wifi thick wool socks. Go directly to bed. Avoid
getrlng chilled.

. Keep rhe sockson ovemight. You will find that the wet cofton sockswill be dry in the

Effects of the Wet SoclcTreafinent:

This treatmenr acrs ro reflexively increase the circulation and decreasecongestion in the
upper respiratorypassages, head, and throat. It has a sedatingaction and many patients
..por. rhar they'si.ep Lu.h berrer during the treatment. This treatment is also effective
foi pain relief and increasesthe healing responseduring acute infections.

I 1231 SEMarketStreet,PortlandOR 97216 503-255-7355 1005

FAX: 503-255-
The National CoUegeolNaruropathic N{edicine

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