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(NASA-C'- 14 2 ) U ,5 ll
PLAT. (J-t Prop il:ilon ib.) p Fi g -p 9.25
,:SC:L 01B
63/141 '"

^ entis and Mercury as Planets


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EVOLUTION OF THE PLANETARY into Earth's atmosphere to break water vapor
SYSTEM into o x ygen and hydrogen. This is importam
because the hydrogen would bubble off into
Planets of the solar system probably formed
, pace like steam from a saucepan arid grad
four to five billion years ago when hosts of
ually Earth would have lost its oceans in this
,mall rocky particles and clouds of gases
-ollected together by their own gravity.
Gravity appears to be a universal property of A phutographic mosaic of the Earth, taken
natter, as a result of which every particle, by Mariner 10, is shown in Figure 1.
-io matter how small, attracts every other.
Thus, left to themselves in space, individual
:)articles lend a gas consists of particles.
nolecules) tend to collect together into large
Masses. Venus is very similar to Earth in site and
mass its rhanieter rs 7,520 miles compared
So after the Sun condensed front pri- with Earth's 7,920, its mass and density are
tieval nebula, planets of different sites and slightl', less than those of Earth. Physically
)robably different composition originated the two plari:;ts -ire almost twins, but they
from concentrations of matter present at seem to have groan up quite differently.
various distances from the Sun. Arid electric
and magnetic fields in the gas forced these Venus, too, is Earth's nearest neighbor in
'ondensing planets into o. pits around the space after the Moon. Its closest approach is
central Sun and spun them on their own axes 26 million m' ompared with 34 million
like tops. miles for Mars.
Figure 1. A mosaic view of the Earth taken
But a telescope reveals virtually no details on by Mariner 10 on its way to Venus and
The larger craters ore Mi-s, the Moon, and
Venus are thought to be gouged by filling the bright disc of the planet. Some obser• Mercury. Such pictures were used by the
vers Have recorded faint arid elusive markings, engineers and scientists to test the space-
bodies during the final stages of planetary
visible in the near ultraviolet, ill-defined dark craft's cameras in space. These pictures were
accretion. as the process o f falling together is
termed. Smaller ones represent a continuing shadows and aright patches seemingly be- taken when Mariner 10 was 120,000 miles
iraviit rJ v^ry much as cloud systerns might front
but much lower rate of bombardment by
solar system debris. behave.
quantities of heat that might have been the
The absence of surface features or persis- cause of extensive volcanism to generate the
While Mariner 10, now on its way to Venus,
tent cloud features made it difficult to deter- dense atmosphere of Venus.
is not designed t o find out anything directly
mine the period of rotation of Venus on its
about life on Venus, .he scientific informa-
axis. Wildly varying estimates were made, Venus has been the target for several earlier
tion about conditions on Venus may be im.
ranging from a 24 hour day like that of Earth space missions: two successful flybys were
portant to biologists seeking understanding
to a day equal to the Venusian year. The made by earlier Mariners, and Soviet Veneta
of why Earth spawned lite and Venus did
question was riot answered until recently spacecraft flew by, orbited, and landed cap-
not. It was life in the pr i mitive atmosphere
Men radio waves penetrated the thick clouds sules on the surface. These probes confirmed
of Earth which helped to produce the
of the brilliant planet. Surprisingly, it was a high surface to iperature of around 4750C
oxygen-rich atmosphere that in turn keeps a
found that Venus rotates in 243 days in the and a pressure at the base of Venus' atmos
lid on the oc-any and stops them leaking
opposite diraction to that of the Earth. This phere about equal to that at a depth of 400
off into space. Oxygen, converted to ozone
is slightly longer than the Venus year-the fathoms in Earth's oceans. Genera„y Venus
it high altitude by the Sun's rays, prevents
time the planet takes to revolve around the is a hot dry planet with only slight traces of
solar ultraviolet from penetrating low enough
Sun, which is 225 Earth days. Because of water vapor in its atmosphere of 95 per-
the rotation and revolution in opposite di- cent carbon dioxide. There are also traces of
Cover The planet Venus as it has been rections, the day on Venus is only 127 Earth oxygen, nitrogen, and inert gases, it is
ohs.?rved from Earth through the technique days. But these figures pose the question of believed.
of radar mapping, in which a radar signal is how Venus might have slowed down from
bounced off the surface of the planet. The rotating as the other planets do and started The clouds of Venus, which, according to re-
three light areas marked with Greek letters to rotate in the opposite direction. One of cent spectroscopic observations, may have a
(a, 13, and h) are rough sections that may be several theories is that Venus captured a large topmost layer of concentrated sulfuric acrd
mountains, but could also be craters or Moon like body moving in the opposite di- droplets, are about 18 to 25 miles thick, and
bouldor field's. The mapping was done by rection to Venus' spin and that this body their tops may be about 90 miles above the
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), using crashed onto the surface of Venus. The surface, compared with Earth's highest clouds
the NASA/JPL deep space antennas at Gold- impact would have stopped Venus from rota- of six miles or so. Below the Venus clouds
stone, California. ting and would also have released tremendous is a clear atmosphere, while the cloud em-

selves probabl y consist of stacked layers of atmosphere build ap such high pressures? One theory suggests that water rs flapped in
different composition, for example, carbon How could bodies plunge throerfll this dense volurninous polar cap', of Venus, another,
dioxide ice at some levels and water ice at ahnospheie to produce craters detected by that all the water was lost because water
;ethers. riidar? vapor could rise in the atmosphere of Venus
and be broken down by sunlight into oxygen
Cloud features seen in ultraviolet light appear Answers to these and other questions about and hydrogen. The hydrogen !riled off into
to move around the planet in only four days. Venus will help us understand how planets space. But what happened to the oxygen ? It
There are also some large scale ulr and-down evo ve and why there is an Eden like Earth does not aplwar to be left in the atnwsphere.
pulsations of the cloud layers. while nearby planets are so inhospitable.
Understandinghow the atmosphere of Venus On the other hand, the major differences
An •iteresting theoretical aspect of the dense became, or stayed, inimical to life may help among the terrestrial plane. s may have arisen
but clear atmosphere below the clouds of us prevent our own atmosphere front to;;ause these planets former; at different dis-
Venus is that if a student could stanc r on the wrong too, either from natural or man- tances from the Sun aril thus consisted of
surface and look around, he would appear to made causes. An Important question today different rrlaterials in the first inst,.nre. For
be standing in the bottom of a vast bowl. is whether pollution might tugger drastic example, Mercury might have formed from
Looking into the distance in each direction, change s in Earth's atmosphere which could materials rich in iron, whereas Venus formed
he would see a blurred, ruddy red landscape change our planet into another Venus.
F ;rom silicate-rich materials. Arid Earth may
curving upwards towards the cloud layers as
have accreted in a region in wfuch there were
though he were inside a hollow planet: the At the distance of Venus from the Sun itt
water containing substances while Venus did
atmosphere, acting like a grant lens, v )uld temperature would ue expected r j be abcat
not. Calculations have shown that the pri-
bend the light rays upwards in an eftrct GOoC on the average if it we a an aide-,
meval nebula mryht have separated in this
similar to a mirage appearing on a hot road body. Why the , ) is it so ,such hotter, es-
way at vanous distances from the Sun.
surface in summer. oecially when its clouds reflect a large part
of the solar radiation falling upon them?
This strong bending of light might turn night
The answer seems to lie in the atmosphere .t THE CHARACTERISTICS OF
intoa dull day oil night side of the planet, carbon dioxide. This gas acts, with wa,.:r MERCURY
and this could explain the ashen light of
vapor, as a one way transmitter of Mercury, 3000 miles in diameter, is probably
Venus. Astrononers have claimed that they
heat energy from the Sun. It opens a dour the smallest planet in the solar system (Fig-
see this faint glow on the dark side of the
to let the energy in and slams it shut when ure 2). The outermost planet, Pluto, might
planet when it is turned towards Earth. But
the energy tries to go out again. The planet
this ashen light, first seen in 1643, is nowa- possibly be smaller. Mercury is halfway
heats up like the inside of an automobile in
days believed to be an auroral glow, like the between the Moon and Mars in size. Even
sunshine with its windows closed.
northerr, and southern lights over Earth's two satellites of the planet Jupiter are as
Polar region. Since Venus does not have a large as Mercury, though much less dense.
By contrast, the atmosphere of Earth has
stro% magnetic field, its auroras can occur only 0.03 percent of carbon dioxide. On
01 over the planet, whereas on Earth the Venus, carbon dioxide ha, remained free in
!vong magnetic field causes the aurora- the atmosphere, whereas on Earth in the
producing particles from the Sun to stream presence of much water it has reacted with
towards the polar regions. One of the space- minerals to form large deposits of carbonates.
craft did observe the glow over the night side Photosynthesis in plants has also extracted
of Venus, and the existence of an electrically carbon from the atmosphere.
excited upper atmosphere, the ionosphere,
has also been confit med by spacecraft. Another mystery about Venus is why it does

Study of the atmosphere of Venus is im-

not have much water. One suggestion is that
the water is still entrapped in molten rock
portant because the whole balance between beneath a plastic surface which resists frac-
heat coming in and heat going out from the tures. In the formation of Venus, high tem-
planet is bound up with atmospheric struc peratures drove off carbon dioxide but al•
ture and composition. This heat budget of lowed water to remain in solution in the
energy income and spending could explain rocks. As the planet cooled, a plastic crust
why Venus is today such a vastly different formed of sufficient thickness to prevent
planet from Earth despite the similarities in fractures and the consequent escape of water
size. The great mystery about Venus is how to form oceans.
a planet about the same size as Earth, which Figure 2 A photograph of Mercury taken at
might have supported oceans in the past as However, the fact that the planet has not the Pic du Midi observatory in France. This
Earth floes today, developed so differently outgassed suggests little differentiation or, at is the best type of picture that can be taken
during its evolution. Why did the planet the least, an inactive mantle. If the planet from Earth, but Mariner 10 shoe dd sent!
lose all its water? Why did the surface were to outgas, the crust would not be likely back Mercury photographs as good as the
temperature rise so high? How did the to keep the lid on this outgassing. picture of Earth in Figure 1.
At oite it w,is thoright that the closeness a kind, n it is temporarily held by Mercury Student Project two
of the planet to the Suit it to turn one before streaming off again Into space.
hemisphere eternally sunwards, just as the From the textbooks now make a list of the
The surface temperature of Mercury is unknowns about Mercury and Venus, their
Moon turns one hemisphere towards Earth.
thought to range from about 325 0 C at local surface features, their atmosphere, their
However, radio astronomers discovered very
noon to -125 0 C at local midnight, but these physical characteristics, their origin, their
recontly (1965) that Mercury rotates on its
temperatures vary considerably with the po evolution. Check with a later pamphlet in
axis I11 58 days. Coupled with the planet's
sitien of Mercury on its orbit as the planet this series es to what instruments are car-
88 day period of revolution around the Sun,
moves in and out from the Sun. ried by M,iriner 10 and what they might ie
this gives Mercur,1 a solar day of 176 Earth
days. So one day of Mercury occupies two veal. Identify those present unknowns that
Mercury's surface is exposed to the fierce
years of Mercury time. Arid because the might be solved by Mariner 10. Later check
erosion of the solar wind as well as to solar
planet follows an elliptical path around the the actual results frorn the flybys and see
heat and light. As with Earth's Moon, the
Sun with its speed in orbit changing as a which of the problems are solved.
solar wind probably changes the composition
consequence, the path of the Sun through of the outer surfaces of rocks and surface
Mercury's sky is quite erratic. Some parts of Student t'ro; y et Three
soils. Solar radiation can vary between five
Mercury experience a double dawn, for e, and ten times that received by Earth be
ample, in which the Sun rises, then slips ba,,k For individual student or as a classroom pro-
tween aphelion and perihelion of Mercury
Wow the horizon, to rise again later. ject. Using the map of the orbits of E, rth,
(most distant and closest parts of its orbit to
Venus, and Mercury prepares) as a project in
Through a large telescope the planet pre the Sun). Imagine a day in Earth's desert
connection with the first pamphlet of this
cents a yellowish color broken by ine gray- with ten suns shining at once in the noon
series, mark a position for Earth with a cir-
ish patches. Mercury is believed to be sky That approaches what it may be like
cle on its orbit. Then on the orbits of
cratered and much like Earth's Moon. The on Mercury when the planet is at perihelion.
Venus aril Mercury draw circles, approxi-
grayish areas may be the same as the lunar mately to scale (that is, the circle represent
Key questions about this tiny plane' concern
maria, the great gray plains of the Moon. Ing Venus should be about the same size as
its rotation, density, and surface molding.
Mercury, like the Moon, does not appear to that for Earth and about 2 11, times the di-
Why does Mercury rotate three times while
have an appreciable atmosphere, and it is a ameter of Mercury) at the correct positions
making two revolutions around the Sun?
poor reflector of light. But its density is for eastern arid western elongation, superior
Might this have produced some unusual Sur
believed to be much more than that of the conjunction (far side of the Sun) and inferior
face features? One theory suggests that the
Moon, possibly a little greater than the conjunction (between Earth and Sun) and
heat from the Sun at perihelion may have
Earth's. This is unexplained. It leads to the half wa y between each of these positions,
produced two opposing bulges on the planet
anomaly that Mercury's surface gravity is that is, eight positions for each orbit.
which now keep Mercury locked into this
greater than that of the bigger planet Mars.
peculiar rhythm of rotation and revolution.
A 100 pound student would weigh 40 pounds Now draw a set of circles showing the rely
on Mercury, compared with 38 pounds on Why does Mercury have the highest density live sizes of each planet as seen from Earth
Mars and 17 pounds on the Moon. On a;nong the planets arise their satellites ? Does for each of the eight positions. On each of
Venus the same student would weigh 91 it have a central core ofiron? Arid what these comparative circles draw the phase of
pounds. processes have shaped the surface of the in- the planet, that is, the part that is in dark•
nermost planet? ness as seen from Earth and the part illumi-
It is unlikely that Mercury can possess all
nated; for example, fully illuminated like the
mosphere, though some astronomers say they Mariner 10 is expected to provide much
have seen veihngs of surface detail at times, full Moon, half illuminated like a quarter
valuable information hearing upon these
Ili the form of a whitish haze. Despite Mer- Moon, gibbous, and crescent shaped. You
cury's greater surface gravity over that of the Will have to calculate the sire of the planet
at each of these phases from the rule that
Moon, Mercury iscloser co the Sun and there STUDENT INVOI—VEMENT if the planet is twice as far from the Earth
fore much hotter than the Moon: molecules
can be heated to move at greater velocities Stud. in Feorect One it will appear half as large (Ili diameter) and
and thereby reach escape velocity. Thus, so on.
F^:?' '^ • s•'ut astronomical textbooks make
gases that may have come from the rocks as four :Ist5 as follows- Note how much smaller Mercury always ap
a result of volcanic activity will, over mil-
(1) Those things about Venus that are pears to an observer on Earth even wh-n
lioitsof years, have escaped from the planet's
similar to those on Earth. close to the Earth, and how both planets
gravitational grasp and rocketeu a, molecules
(2) Those things that are different. turn their dark hemispheres towards us when
into space.
(3) Those things about Mercury that are they are at the very closest.
Mercury does, however, collect plasma from similar to those ore the Moon.
the Sun, the steady stream of particles flung Thus you understand why we. know so Iitile
(4) Those things that are different.
out by the Sun Into interplanetary space and about these planets and why a spacecraft
referred to as the solar wind. Some of this Make a drawing or paint , ng of you. ;mpres flying by them can add greatly to man's
plasma m.ght indeed form an atmosphere of Sion of the surface of M. rcury. knowledge of these neighboring worlds.

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