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DivShar Film Time Comment Comment By

e Code
0:11 0:09 Bad Transition/Cut, Overlap of Shot. Matt

0:59 Use of cross fades and then one fade through black. Mr Hood

1:33 0:24 Shaky Camera. Josh

1:38 0:24 Location Problems with using shots close-up of school. Mr Hood
Possible long shot of school. Not obvious it’s a school.
2:22 Use of outside the school front and then inside. Dean
Transition between entering the school.
2:30 Photoshop sign over the top of the sign. Holly.

2:40 Cross fades of walking into the school. Mr Hood

3:05 Good tension building Mr Hood

4:00 Wrong text titles used. Not professional looking text. Mr Hood
Solid and Fading? More serial killer.
4:09 Buzzer cuts too early. Needs to fade out. Distracts the Sam B
audience away from the screen. Possible use of
5:00 Footstep sounds carry on too long and also wrong Sam
surface material, sounds like walking on concrete when Mr Hood
should be walking on carpet. Matt
6:14 Poor framing with Miss Jones. Mr Hood
6:42 Perspective of text is wrong on the sign.

7:33 Sign is still on the door. Continuity error. Dean

8:38 Toms name isn’t on a sign. Spelling Mistake. Shaky Matt

Cam in corridor. Mr Hood
9:18 Film is too short. Needs to be longer. Mr Hood.

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