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.Iii!I!U!"'~ D4~IIIIJ..~



Joly 7, 2010

J=:IB~ I27n~s..... N<>rt!wnl'"'o, Wi OlOOO

f 'tl!o"Uold Ukl! to 'Clln:::IiI: lDIJ.roftIl til ~:ink )UU end the 'R-wtd of ~ of the: Ward ,3 !,!,ighbmhnOO 1I,..,.;.noo (W1NA) &"irlclmllngm, ill "'Y _01.,. .. tho <keto<! Wttd 5 City Coundkrt i!iI! '!Io ~'Dur'PO~-'9'~ ~of:l::b!=! ~timJ,~ &w-d of DiudoD..

'~)'QD krww,l h.u.w. bad o["~ ~ ~ taIcitJ.g o(fi.J;;c: In rc:gl.i_td3,to theeole of lbc City Co"ocilo, m n.. w:JNA Il00'''- ln <he """""Qf_=,!.oogbl ~!tom tbe City s..\WrD~I!! .. d "F"" ... _,tio>n.~, ~~ I'tomtl"' __ ...... S"'to Erlcla. Gom!ninioo.

[had SI:N'~H.1 c011~alilJ!D.!!i wid- rN! SlUe Ethlc:!Ii C~ioD to the ~'~ few wub :u.d~e:mhr ~v.cQ II. 'liIri'~ ~ to my h1:qui~, ill IddrIionJ, I ~ the ~ with In,' pUQ"Ml!: legit· ~lln:all cITcrr (Q llh:l:!k ~ in~ti:gltiotJ. Df the l!!ttl:.i'U itincludc:d mao,. ~vnr:m, and :implied t!.' [ram ~,g:ll- PJpf 'Df th~ leuer f'o.(~ tt~

~ an: CU'o pain .. Qr ~ to fj.\Ii!. Thrc: not ill m SII.!di_OIl 17 wbieh pmhih.i..t! ~ eif!}' Cowld.lct r!"(l1fJl":II.cting~ II.I!I: -apt ut' ~ DIl behaJf of the" in EO,[);I,1.nrion wid:! rilly pa:rt:k:u.J.n1DJl;lla matH Crm.fut Ii11l1d, !tIb!JI:I.f':!_ti:d in=eu' co dill: CitY·, Funbu. Stclioll

n\b}p) '!.'i:3.n=s ':" pmhiliiti.:i. mnniBpdCDJPlooJ« ~~pp~in ~"""kiii"" r~~

!:eik'303bk! ba&-ia fur the: imp~. , "'0 'Ibis obvioud,. b~ me! ,is the CRy CO'I.It\clIcr.. 1111 ~-r:1l '" o.~(;-ouoe.lLon. "..oo,:II~~with rtdt-~~doD.l1l.nd~~ vu1n~DbJi=, IfQ a(CWI._.joru; 01 viDWing lk:c! Codfict of In~ bow.

·l'h1.l!l., it li my bdil=f tlu.f It E:.; In '!bJ:=l:J.¢j:r i!:U,-=«d of t,h'I: W3NA :rn.d 1d1sdf Q the City CounclD.J: eo ~~ ~~_gn from mf ~r:;ion &lI~ rnt=r.DDer of~ Board Cif:Dlt-ttro~ Qr 'tht= ''lNA Th.i:l ~!:W[thl.tJl.llcling, J mIl believe dt:u: it il. OipPtu~k: rot W W.ud 3 Cit)' CoYjjnlm: CD I~mrul

1hc ~tifigs 't-GI'pltn'id.i:! ~,t-e!I,-Itn:d ~ .. d~ iinf' ~ ql1J!:!llllans o:r ~onCec.n~ H~'Cf. 0:Il tbl:: -:J.dvioc of my·~ooru:dt r ~'ile tb:a.I; it i! lIQt ~ppopriD.lC. fCrt. the. ,City c:otOOOI; r;o $ on too"!:!!: PQr~D!!i' of ~ ~t:irLga 'l,lllUcb migb~ be I!:tIm1d~~ It') &.!l in du: t:I::::Il.I:nL of .:.on.ffit:t of in~t, SIJCb. piUUc1._p;i1:iot"l ~ ~.:m7 be ~'lfmu aH"rin.g'JI !.ihlll.dml wh~ rn.c- C'OUIJdlw: ;, w><iW., ;"I!um<od by <b. WJNA _~.

Sill«: I id_~t.J ~)' ;:riU.Pd 'thle' u=n:ml!l' mteting -:Lt !.h:.c W,altr[ Salve- H~ which mD5t Dntn an run :PUt 1:(N): p.m,~ , il'i:!sp!ct6illy n=qucM 'that 'I be ~ fn£ CI. .5pro_fiE rimC!. web: :u! 1:;3(l p.,m, DIl the W3N.A~8 ~,~ji~ My bciDg ~~~ for;l ~ ~dm~;l pflit::1k:1! .af!m Ll:S~d em variow;. ~.ty URll1QI .i1crru~ will hc:"Jp boUJ, ,tnyJdf:u wii:n lUI tm: WJNA Boa.n:l CI'f D~I from dlA=' peeeepticn of hll.''I'lng viobkd the ~ and ~gWat:irms of die. Sbi_m Bl7':llni (~f.&hia:. 11w: rWd.e. T W'Dl pkfl co 5r.:1J'J;Qg f.o.I: thli! d~ Qffhe ~g:tI, ~u • .ilia:u.k:t an .. p.d.a ilmL I!;nmC up o.tillihoul:d. diaaw.iti!:ll of a.Df Matte: thaI ~~ Illl: ~am ~::I. potcntid cibia v£ol:i!l~on. I will ~1 CUU!c m~ & 'the tnecGng w'Lth IIr;I tink: distup_tion u pceeihle,

"l'1wJ.k JI1'C' to'! }'Oill und£m:a:ndlnt- h i!i my ~ ·tfta~ in ,"Sig1!l: 't.hiJ, ~ CI.O'IiI'~ 1 .ttl b-:iDg p[QJ.~1C in p.P:"~~pa!~dliJ" b!!'!~ ~ ciulle:ops ~ o.y 1IIIK,in, the: ~ It ~ honot ~.tU'iIIC: the: OOt'Ul~t:tl1 o-{War:d J 1ilDi1i:lu.4k, fO'I:II~ fDt_:lDdJoliiii:iJg ~ ia the W}NA &tac[d of Dh::.::1i:tnnJ.

ee 0.- f.....".,..DW<lj F=I zm.,<><h

M:k!:kfu::u!. WH.vt:~ B~I:



J<mrifu R< u.. DeI'~no

Am.iJ:! ~iruotl Gl"""p.,m J.,..".' Modie",,= Tim. P~r.lbill. M11iditJm,M[;Kim Timf'iml:r

Commonwealth of Massachllsells STATE ETHICS COMMISSION

JtJltn 'W_ M"CQ('j'l'Ii!!lt:1ii' Of&~ BuITdn!jl - On. A~l'IbUi'lOtl' ~ ~ iFlDdm Ei19 6o!!ton. ~ru:O;in08-1S'11

lone 7,2010

J~.ngdilli PJ~rnall IWf;ri,S_ Noni'lam.p'[[)O, MA 01 060

I 0Im. writing itl! response to )~ur' 2J~ 20 I OT ttqu.cst ret advi.ce Udder Ihl!: corllli~t 'Of (ntor~ 1:iJ'N' end LO c:1;l-tlJi:rm QIn' l~l.~l'.1eet.nveJ'!iBl.iOfi1l. CI r MlIY 25 and May 26,_2010.

You..". City COLU>CilDr for Il>o Clt)'o[No-nlwnpto_o ("City''). YO" bave osI«O whether you may serveen dlc Boam, ofD~ as B votilJ,l; .. mf:f.fibetofth~ WBid J N~s;hbcubood A.:i.5.ocJ.nion r~"), "tbe As~·i'lIlon " ~ pdvate "l"Ewliiltion. Y(I" liilmcd thJU tlw A.G:!;oeitction i.!I ROlltlln'ellll.lj' \qe;orponutd. btLl it in~[l:d.s to ~I: nonprofit:iUU1Ul in the rulUrc. AccoTdmg to its website, lfr:.-.:. As.soa4t:i0ll iII.~ms'~ create ,II, ~I! of co]'fllnuniLy IUltJ 'lg I.npro1,le; OlI'i.dJ tlon! of all lUi. teSldct.iJ.!s, Th~ ~it1i.on ,~cs jl.!$ meml)rn; II f= and holds !e1j'~1;I year. You WDOW nrn tJIC! paid 10 ~ ,~5 ill: mcmbe.t oflh-c .Bce:rd or Dlr<:eb::ltii fo:r we: A5Goeiil1liL"m~

As we dlscassed, the c.onflk! ofie,tc.res:t I~w willl1D't p .. rurubjt yo~ trom sta:'I,/:I~ es a !1:neD'lb~ of the' Bl,iDrd ofDifl!dcfS. fur the A~ioo. provided 1h.oi.1 ynii, comply with re.slrictLOtl::S under' OJ .... I:~ 261A~ §§ 17 aad 23.1

seeueo 1-1 ,"",if! p:roh:imi yo-.. ,[ro:rn :u:trng -= 21n or oPttom....-y on behalf i[I r ll1..e Aaso.ciad.on in COi'iDCCtion with ~ p.;u1;~u.hlr IIllIItU:f I.h::U is of dir~t and ,wbstllGlial inl.cresl to lM: ·Ct[y. III addi.Htlll, § 17 will pro.b"tbil )'GU rrottJ recei .... in.s QO.rnpi::fitlltiaq from I~ Association. W ccrmeerlon wi!h IifLy p<"1tUcuJar m:alf!:t IDOit is IJ r direct aru;I substantiiil in,te:~ .. tc Ihe City, In preceden :malyzln,g'~ term "dlrect ;a:nd i!luMtilf'ltl:lllI," ;If't(:

Com:mi~ion h:tS:iEld.icarm mal any inlcrstll crlbc public: entity rn the QUlwme of proceedings mU$! """ ,5+gn.iti(r;:1lJ~ Jmd direct 10 the pubHc. entity ,iIfj; aD ili!;rillIHitl_ii, ~_ffo:=tfl1",g ~_~lalltEilIIIC'g21l, peqmi:ary, .,1" pltlpcrly rl,ghl!i .or li~Hiti$ I;l-r jhe .. C!l'lit)",. For -e:x,unplll!-, u.n~·'J7~":rou. mayoo~ ~tJ~a.r beTrin:: 1m:' rn1r. as B ~brer 9flhItA$oc;i~ti~,m~$ Soan.1 of Dj~f1k~:IITl;duil_foflih~ As;bciar,ori,;j IWttddilWn.,yOu rn~y IfQll as:"orm.e:ln:k~of'[tlo:" .""",=

t, ~:::!i;..;r ;fi' :~ '," j I li,l·r ,,'. r ·~1 r , r: l::,'·~f""

I ~;~.J~~·~~lnf~!l~F~lin"~PrQ"~~k·~~iidO.::s.~~ ltull.he ,i\,;Kirilt\oit. 1&'111 ~ I;OII!;r~r~·~ bwiriGt. ~ ill ""bGH~ ~!i.OD'1;fQl!ptqIOXSClhl:t~ oodllkt Df~1 iIiI.'III'. 1'1iit:i:'I!!!lm-,:rom inQl,;ll.r).uor:st ntA"1ili5c: o.~ isUc:!; IIfitI1:=:t·G_1... "-:::,t68A..., LI} ..


PKONE, oI71:l7'"95~C or aaaJ'ij5,47GG F,o,x: a17172"..58S' WW'ft'.f1I&_S.!i.·~I.I"!e.!II

I\ P!iJ.S;5Imm June 7. 2010 Pog<lof)

ruaocillltion ~ It ~ of Dirt:tltOl"!li wri(.e a lejree to ;(ill)' mllnk:ipaJ ef.ItitY'IlD behalf 0 r (he AsSIDCial:ililil wid you miljl' tltlt make any tclephonc. r;:0I.1I~ ,on Ixl:.iIlf of 1M As5:o-elatinn to :my municipal o rnci~.

PlCiUe tltl4:i!: I.lJ.ll1 ftie I3}]lniGl.- of Inleresl raw wiu 00'1 prohL"ool yt:IQ rrum !li::tlDg as :1m agent for in.di:vtdual City ~de'flb if;'! i5 pllrl ~f)'QDT oJTtciaJ dl,lri~ as ,ill City C[J[II'JCi lor !md Y<i'u .rue iJ~nning Wnit"Ltuerte)' 'iV01t f(lf ~.a.:mple,. j'Q1,I ma_y can the DPW Q'f'L i)e:hi!lJr of a ooruuiruem toll request lhm Ii. pol-hole is fixed o.n theOOt1Stll1.iCIt's street Gm«aUy~ yt)u wllt be GDR5td~ [Q bel pocrfo:rmillS con5tiI1lCElJ:;Y worl: ,1U.g 'City C:ot.L.tLCiI,rtJ1' ~ )"Qll ~ ~tiI!8 on behaiforpriYoJ:leciti~ if. the &rion!.:tte withh. u,_~ scope or the your job ~bilitit3; )"011 receive no cornpens:ati,ll:ln bc)'tmd your regul.l:r $.1bu:y;. yo1.I n.we.:no fin.:uteial ilJ.t~! in tru;:' ml!!i..tI=r;"'o OQJ!;~aitucnl t!> OCt rill n::.!a.ljve or:i busi~GS{ICiatCl. er a parmer, ~~ I;Iffi«r or ,u_l-roctor tlf:an olll~ti(l.n-wiOl wMeh you ,m:re 2.$soci~; you ,are not tWDg cctlon IJ.:! jhe CO(ISlitu.en!·s au:m:I:IeY'. and the CCIJ..~i!L'UcIII' or den 'i:JUsi.rI.~ wilhill :t:hc ..;;1ity 01" 1o'INrJ.

G.!.. c.US .... ~ n(l>xt) I""vid es, 'n """in"", pert, """-",, poblio ""'pill.,..,. ttuly U$t" his Llfficial poSition to' W\w&ri':£litled. pri'Yil~~ (;II e..~empl.iom of substlUl631 •

.. 1 ue ror'im",lfoT'Olh"", '''''''''''Vl<. und<T§ 23[bj(J.),J"l" ""'YllO' llSellIly mlUli.-cipoti ~rct$ for !he: Aa$OclattilD or any erits tJ:'I.dPbWf5.

Section lJ(b)(l) prohibit.. m""ioil'lll <rnpIoyee tmm "'WIlling .. condUCl wbieb gives ,Ii ~o.nnbh: ba:sj:s for !.he:: !tmp.~D thilun:r-,~ er I:ntity ~ iIDp~!y j·f1.fh.ll'Jflc:e bim cr Illlduly enj-oy hi5 Iavor in Il1c·~ronmttiCeof,!ti!!l om.cia! duties or lll$~ he j,s tikl;]Y to ~r or filij to lie:!: .liS a ff,SiLdr of klmhip, 'ran14 or pos:iliol1. or iHly 'person. In oroer to d''P''llhe _"""" of. <.olIiOl. f 23(hXl) '"'lui"" ,im J'OO"" "10' lUll wri",," di.., IosIu<: .,ilh 1M Clly CIOI:iL 11\ls m",1"""", i s a public <=01. fO,OlI""pE,. if' m.u.ttet" OOr.t'K:S :before you. cs ill Ctty ClllOOi~r Ihnt imrolvC3 lhe Associs:tio:n,. or eee of il! members, th<o prior 10 pmieipati'lg in Iho n,._. )'<I" ,"""W fil •• 2J(b}(J) di"loou", form III dispel iJJ.f: ~~ gf lin)' ,c.on1.1icl :r f YQu ~ urtabl~ h:l, he fllliT' .md tmplU'ti:ill as ,:J_ Cily C'0W"lc:41or ill pa:rtic:<ipatins fn .1'1(1 'I'I1.! 'invo.LII!lt\,@: ill current 1.)1" :~I" privaI:(:; clic:rn.. then )'Qu shonld ebsjain fmm pillticip.u:rng in the matt!::!'".

[ hope that thi,! Ddviee is lWlpfuL a You mD.y obblitl other eefereacc miiterl.o:ls on t.h~ ComJi1i~t1fl'$ wdnjlC ,in WWW .. m1U9.goWe1hIa. Bo1h ihJ$I,C[lCf and your leut:r requesting w\lice are C(!n.fid.f:nlial b)' Blntlll.'e.. Tht: U,mmicioo.l7.lay nll:ll!oise YDLLr rde,niJ)I 'rJlr .!m)' caber identifying in.fimna.tiCD WithoLll ytltll· prier cgnsenL Y g'iJ In~ bcwever, nee to dl$:t;1o~ !hiG g,dvice ,w, M.,fOne you wlsb, but Lf you p.ublicly.dise;lo:te Ulal }!CU have requested crt reeelved advice flam. :Ll'Iie C.Qi'mti tsaicn, the C-ommiision could

Angelo 1'1 as """,, June 7,2010 P""" 3 ofJ

mu-e thl: fun Itoxl "ftl\i$]etlJ:=r p'lIbh~ wirbcut jour OOILSeo.t.J Iryou have .my.a.ck1ilionol qursll_(IrtS or .rl.~ !!IQY fi.n:lher ~t.sta:nc:f; pl~ do lWL haitilh: to .caU.


~;? >lttL___

No rah K.. Mo.lI2m-


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