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Introduction to PL/SQL

Kristian Torp

Department of Computer Science

Aalborg Univeristy torp

November 30, 2009

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1 Introduction

2 Stored Procedures
An Overview
Data Types
Parameter Parsing

3 Packages
Case Study: Table API

4 Summary

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Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes
Understand how code can be executed within a DBMS
Be able to design stored procedures in general
Be able to construct and execute stored procedures on Oracle
Knowledge about the pros and cons of stored procedures

Note That
Concepts are fairly DBMS independent
All code examples are Oracle specific

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Knowledge about the SQL select statement
Knowledge about SQL modification statements, e.g., insert and delete
Knowledge about transaction management, e.g., commit and rollback
Knowledge about tables, views, and integrity constraints

Procedural Programming Language

Knowledge about another programming language of the C family
Knowledge about data types, e.g., int, long, string, and boolean
Knowledge of control structures, e.g., if, while, for, and case
Knowledge of functions, procedures, parameters, and return values

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Move processing into the DBMS from client programs (database

Code accessible to all applications
Access from different programming languages
Very efficient for data intensive processing
Process large data set, small result returned
Enhance the security of database applications
Avoid SQL injection attacks

Missing Standard
Unfortunately, the major DBMS vendors each have their own SQL dialect
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SQL extended with control structures
Control structures like if and loop statements
Used for
Stored procedures (and functions)


Types a.k.a. classes

In very widely used in the industry
In the SQL standard called SQL/PSM
PSM = Persistent Storage Model

The focus is here on stored procedures and packages!
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Motivation for Stored Procedures

The Big Four Benefits

Increases readability
Implementation hiding
Can change internals without effecting clients
Modular programs
More manageable and easier to understand
Reuse, reuse, and reuse!

This is not different from any other procedural programming language!

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A Procedure: Hello, World!

c r e a t e o r r e p l a c e procedure h e l l o w o r l d i s
dbms output . p u t l i n e ( ’ H e l l o , World ! ’ ) ;
end ;

It is a procedure, i.e., not a function
It is a begin and end language, not curly brackets: { and }
It uses a built-in library dbms output.put line
The package dbms output has the procedure put line

Uses the dot notation for invoking functions myPackage.myProcedure

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A Function: Calculating Your BMI
c r e a t e o r r e p l a c e f u n c t i o n bmi ( h e i g h t i n t , w e i g h t f l o a t )
return f l o a t is
i f h e i g h t <= 0 . 3 o r h e i g h t > 3 . 0 then
dbms output . p u t l i n e ( ’ h e i g h t must be i n [ 0 . 3 , 3 . 0 ] meters ’ ) ;
end i f ;
i f w e i g h t <= 0 then
dbms output . p u t l i n e ( ’ w e i g h t must be p o s i t i v e ’ ) ;
e l s i f w e i g h t > 500 then
dbms output . p u t l i n e ( ’No human ’ ’ s w e i g h t i s 500 kg ’ ) ;
end i f ;
r e t u r n weight / height ∗∗2;
end ;

It is a function, i.e., has a return statement
It takes parameters height and weight
It is strongly typed language, i.e., parameters and the return value
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Executing Stored Procedures

Log on to your Oracle server

−− t o enable o u t p u t from t h e s e r v e r
SQL> s e t s e r v e r o u t p u t on

−− execute t h e procedure
SQL> execute h e l l o w o r l d ;

−− execute t h e f u n c t i o n
SQL>exec bmi ( 1 . 8 7 , 9 0 ) ;
−− r e s u l t s i n an e r r o r , v a l u e r e t u r n e d by f u n c t i o n must be used !

−− Wrap t h e f u n c t i o n c a l l
SQL>exec dbms output . p u t l i n e ( bmi ( 1 . 8 7 , 9 0 ) ) ;

Output from server is not enabled by default in a session!
Return value of a function cannot be ignored!
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Using SQL in Stored Procedures

c r e a t e o r r e p l a c e f u n c t i o n g e t s t a t u s ( s t u d e n t i d number )
r e t u r n varchar2 i s
v s t a t u s varchar2 ( 5 0 ) ;
s e l e c t s t a . dsc
into v status
from s t u d e n t stu , s t a t u s s t a
where s t u . s t a t i d = s t a . s t a t i d
and stu . sid = student id ;
return v status ;
end ;

The declaration of the variable v status
The usage of the into keyword in the select statement
The usage of the parameter student id in the select statement

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Calling Other Procedures
c r e a t e o r r e p l a c e procedure p ( s t v a r c h a r 2 ) as
dbms output . p u t l i n e ( s t ) ;
end ;

c r e a t e o r r e p l a c e procedure c a l l p i s
p ( ’ H e l l o ’ ) ; p ( ’ World ! ’ ) ;
end ;

Can call own and built-in stored procedures
Will use the procedure p instead of dbms output.put line
You are now officially a PL/SQL library builder!!!
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Control Structures: A Crash Course I

c r e a t e o r r e p l a c e procedure pb ( v a l boolean ) i s
i f v a l = t r u e then
dbms output . p u t l i n e ( ’ t r u e ’ ) ;
e l s i f v a l = f a l s e then
dbms output . p u t l i n e ( ’ f a l s e ’ ) ;
dbms output . p u t l i n e ( ’ n u l l ’ ) ;
end i f ;
end ;

Is this stupid?
Recall three-valued logic the root of all evil!
We will use the procedure pb in the code that follows!

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Control Structures: A Crash Course II

c r e a t e o r r e p l a c e procedure count 10 i s
i i n t := 1;
w h i l e i < 10 l o o p
dbms output . p u t l i n e ( i ) ;
i := i + 1;
end l o o p ;

What is printed 1 to 9 or 1 to 10?
PL/SQL also has a for statement, very different from C
PL/SQL does not have increment/decrement operators, e.g., i −− or ++j
PL/SQL does not have compound assignments, e.g., i +=7 or j ∗=2

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Surprises: In General

The code is stored in the DBMS!

{ has been replaced by begin and } by end
SQL and programming logic blends very nicely!
A strong-point of PL/SQL
Procedures are different from functions
The assignment operator is := and not =
The comparison operator is = and not ==
Control structures are quite different from the C world
Three-valued logic will time and again surprise you!
Server output is not enabled by default
Which is a big surprise

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An Example
c r e a t e o r r e p l a c e procedure u s e b a s i c t y p e s i s
v s t r v a r c h a r 2 ( 3 0 ) : = ’A s t r i n g ’ ;
v i n t i n t : = 2 ∗∗ 65;
c p i c o n s t a n t f l o a t : = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419;
v f l o a t f l o a t := v i n t ∗ c p i ;
p( v str ); p( v int ); p( v float );
end ;

A string
Forget what you think of data types and size!
Very high precision on all number types in both SQL and PL/SQL
The size of strings must be defined
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Overview: Scalar Data Types

Description Type Examples

smallint -100, 0, 100
Integers int/integer -1000, 0, 1000
positive 0, 1, 2, 3
number 10.3
Floats dec/decimal 123.456, 3.4
real 123456.7890
varchar2 Hello, Theta-Join
Strings nvarchar2 Tøger, Dæmon
char World, Noise
Boolean Boolean True, False
Date/time date 2007-09-09
timestamp 2009-09-09 12:34:56
Not all of these data types are available from within SQL!
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Quiz: The Decimal Data Type

create or r e p l a c e procedure u s i n g d e c i m a l i s
v dec decimal ( 4 , 2 ) ;
v dec := 12.34;
dbms output . p u t l i n e ( v dec ) ;
v dec := 12.344;
dbms output . p u t l i n e ( v dec ) ;
v dec := 12.347;
dbms output . p u t l i n e ( v dec ) ;
end ;

Will this compile, note that it is decimal(4,2)?
What will be printed (if it compiles)?
Are you surprised?

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Overview: Other Data Types

Description Type
Composite Varray
Large Objects CLOB
Reference Types

We will only use records in this lecture.

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Anchored Data Types: Type

create or replace f u n c t i o n get status anchored (

s t u d e n t i d s t u d e n t . s i d%t y p e )
r e t u r n s t a t u s . dsc%t y p e i s
v s t a t u s s t a t u s . dsc%t y p e ;
s e l e c t s t a . dsc
into v status
from s t u d e n t stu , s t a t u s s t a
where s t u . s t a t i d = s t a . s t a t i d
and stu . sid = student id ;
return v status ;
end ;

The anchored type using the %type
Very convenient of maintenance reasons (avoid “hard-wiring” types)
Widely used, you are encouraged to use it!

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Anchored Data Types: Rowtype
c r e a t e o r r e p l a c e procedure g e t c o u r s e r o w t y p e (
c o u r s e i d course . c i d%t y p e )
v row course%rowtype ;
v tmp v a r c h a r 2 ( 5 0 0 ) ;
select ∗
into v row
from course c
where c . c i d = c o u r s e i d ;
v tmp : = v row . cname | | ’ : ’ | | v row . dsc ;
p ( v tmp ) ;
end ;
The anchored type using the rowtype
Creates a record
The dot notation for access elements of the record
String concatenation is ||
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Surprises: Data Type

Strings are a basic type, not an object like in Java or C#

A maximum size must be specified
The sizes of the basic data type are very different from C and Java
Date and time are basic data types!
This is very handy
The anchored types is something new compared to C and Java
Booleans are not a basic data type in SQL but in PL/SQL
This sometimes leads to very annoying problems
Support for composite data type is not very good in PL/SQL
compared to C and Java
LOB objects are plain stupid
But sometimes necessary

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create or r e p l a c e procedure p i n ( v a l i n i n t ) i s
v tmp int ;
v tmp := val + 5;
−− v a l : = v a l + 5 ; / ∗ i l l e g a l v a l i s read − o n l y ∗ /
end ;
c r e a t e o r r e p l a c e procedure p i n o u t ( v a l i n o u t i n t ) i s
val := val + 5;
end ;
c r e a t e o r r e p l a c e procedure c a l l p s i s
v in i n t := 10;
v i n o u t i n t := 10;
p in ( v in ) ; p( v in ) ;
p in out ( v in out ) ; p( v in out ) ;
end ;

When execute call ps prints 10 and 15, why?

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c r e a t e o r r e p l a c e procedure p i n o u t ( v a l i n o u t i n t ) i s
val := val + 5;
end ;

c r e a t e o r r e p l a c e procedure c a l l p s i s
v in i n t := 10;
v i n o u t i n t := 10;
p in ( v in ) ; p( v in ) ;
p in out ( v in out ) ; p( v in out ) ;
end ;

What are the formal parameter(s)?
What are the actual parameter(s)?
Is it call-by-value or call-by-reference?

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Out Parameters

c r e a t e o r r e p l a c e procedure g e t x y c o o r (
c o o r i d i n i n t , x coor out i n t , y coor out i n t )
x c o o r : = round ( c o o r i d / 4 . 2 ) ; −− s t u p i d c a l c u l a t i o n s
y c o o r : = round ( c o o r i d / 7 . 5 ) ;
end ;

in and out parameters can both be used in same procedure
The out parameters are write-only
More than one value is “returned” by the procedure
The calculation is naturally plain stupid
round is the built-in rounding function

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Parameter Mode

Mode Description
in Formal parameter is read-only
out Formal parameter is write-only
in out Formal parameter is read-write

in is the default parameter mode if the mode is not specified
Stored procedures cannot be overloaded on the parameter signature
There is a nocopy compiler hint for in out parameters

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What is Wrong Here?

c r e a t e procedure p r o c 1 ( i i n t ) create function func 1 ( i i n t )

is return i n t is
begin begin
−− s n i p c o m p l i c a t e d s t u f f −− s n i p c o m p l i c a t e d s t u f f
return i ; return ’ hello ’ ;
end ; end ;

create function func 2 ( i i n t )

create function func 3 ( i i n t )
return i n t is
return i n t is
−− s n i p c o m p l i c a t e d s t u f f
−− s n i p c o m p l i c a t e d s t u f f
return i ∗2;
p ( ’ h e l l o world ’ ) ;
p ( ’ h e l l o world ’ ) ;
end ;
end ;

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Additional Comments on Parameters

A default value can be provided for each parameter

Stored procedures cannot be overloaded on the parameter signature
Stored procedures can be called by position or by name
Works like in most programming languages, however different syntax!

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A cursor is a mechanism that ensure a result set can be identified by a
declarative language such as SQL and processed by a procedural
language such as PL/SQL or C#

Solves the well-known impedance mismatch problem!

Knowledge about cursors in PL/SQL is directly transferable to many other
programming languages.

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The Unix ls command
c r e a t e o r r e p l a c e procedure l s i s
cursor c tables i s
s e l e c t ∗ from c a t ;
v t a b le n a m e c a t . table name%t y p e ;
v type c a t . t a b l e t y p e%t y p e ;
open c t a b l e s ;
f e t c h c t a b l e s i n t o v table name , v t y p e ;
e x i t when c t a b l e s%n o t f ou n d ;
p ( v t a b le n a m e ) ;
end l o o p ;
close c tables ;
end ;

The view tab is a table that contains all table names
The cursor is declared, opened, fetched, and closed
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Cursor Attributes

Attribute Type Description

notfound Boolean True if a record is fetched unsuccessfully
found Boolean True if a record is fetched successfully
rowcount Integer The number of records fetched from the cursor
isopen Boolean True if cursor is open

There are additional attributes for bulk operations.

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Quiz: Using rowcount

c r e a t e o r r e p l a c e procedure l s c n t i s
cursor c tables i s
s e l e c t table name from c a t ;
v t a b le n a m e c a t . table name%t y p e ;
open c t a b l e s ;
f e t c h c t a b l e s i n t o v t a b le n a m e ;
e x i t when c t a b l e s%n o t f ou n d ;
p ( c t a b l e s%rowcount | | ’ ’ | | v t a b le n a m e ) ;
end l o o p ;
close c tables ;
end ;

What is printed?

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Quiz: Using isopen?

c r e a t e o r r e p l a c e procedure l s i s o p e n i s
cursor c tables i s
s e l e c t table name from c a t ;
v t a b le n a m e c a t . table name%t y p e ;
v s t a t u s boolean : = f a l s e ;
v s t a t u s : = c t a b l e s%isopen ; pb ( v s t a t u s );
open c t a b l e s ;
v s t a t u s : = c t a b l e s%isopen ; pb ( v s t a t u s );
f e t c h c t a b l e s i n t o v t a b le n a m e ;
e x i t when c t a b l e s%n o t f ou n d ;
end l o o p ;
v s t a t u s : = c t a b l e s%isopen ; pb ( v s t a t u s );
close c tables ;
v s t a t u s : = c t a b l e s%isopen ; pb ( v s t a t u s );
end ;

What is printed?

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A class like concept

Very good for building libraries
A way to cluster related stored procedures
Has a header and a body (think C-style languages)

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To build a uniform way to address the data stored in table!

Name Description
exist(<primary key>) Return true if primary key exists
to string(<primary key>) Return string representation of row
print(<primary key>) Convenient way to display a row

Many more methods can be envisioned
Think object-relational mapping (ORM) tools

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Header File: Course Table

c r e a t e o r r e p l a c e package ccourse i s
f u n c t i o n e x i s t ( c i d course . c i d%t y p e ) r e t u r n boolean ;
f u n c t i o n t o s t r i n g ( c i d course . c i d%t y p e ) r e t u r n s t r i n g ;
procedure p r i n t ( c i d course . c i d%t y p e ) ;
end ;

The header lists all the public stored procedures
The naming convention table name course package name ccourse
The design is influenced by the Object class from Java and C#

Why is the method called exist and not exists?

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Body File: Private Method and Cursor
c r e a t e o r r e p l a c e package body ccourse i s
−− p r i v a t e c o n s t a n t
c e r r o r c i d n u l l c o n s t a n t i n t : = − 20001;
−− a c u r s o r used i n t h e i m p l e m e n t a t i o n
c u r s o r c u r e x i s t ( c v c i d course . c i d%t y p e ) i s
s e l e c t c . c i d , c . cname , c . semester , c . dsc
from course c
where c . c i d = c v c i d ;
−− a p r i v a t e method
procedure c h e c k v a l i d c i d ( c i d course . c i d%t y p e ) i s
i f c i d i s n u l l then
raise application error ( c error cid null ,
’ Course ID i s n u l l ’ ) ;
end i f ;
end ;
The cursor cur exist is declared outside the methods
The method check valid cid is private
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Body File: The Exist Method

f u n c t i o n e x i s t ( c i d course . c i d%t y p e ) r e t u r n boolean i s

r e c e x i s t c u r e x i s t%rowtype ;
c h e c k v a l i d c i d ( c i d ) ; −− p r e c o n d i t i o n
open c u r e x i s t ( c i d ) ;
fetch cur exist into rec exist ;
close c u r e x i s t ;
r e t u r n ( r e c e x i s t . cid i s not n u l l ) ;
end ;

Uses the private method check valid cid to check preconditions
Uses the private cursor cur exist
Returns true if a valid primary key is found

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Body File: The to string and print Methods I

f u n c t i o n t o s t r i n g ( c i d course . c i d%t y p e ) r e t u r n s t r i n g i s
v rv string (512);
r e c e x i s t c u r e x i s t%rowtype ;
c h e c k v a l i d c i d ( c i d ) ; −− p r e c o n d i t i o n
open c u r e x i s t ( c i d ) ;
fetch cur exist into rec exist ;
close c u r e x i s t ;
v r v : = ’ course name : ’ | | r e c e x i s t . cname | | ’ ’ | |
’ course desc : ’ | | r e c e x i s t . dsc ;
return v rv ;
end ;

procedure p r i n t ( c i d course . c i d%t y p e ) i s

c h e c k v a l i d c i d ( c i d ) ; −− p r e c o n d i t i o n
dbms output . p u t l i n e ( t o s t r i n g ( c i d ) ) ;
end ;
end ;

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Body File: The to string and print Methods II

Uses the private method check valid cid to check preconditions
Uses the private cursor cur exist
print calls to string

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Exercising the Package

SQL> s e t s e r v e r o u t p u t on
−− execute t h e procedure
SQL> execute ccourse . p r i n t ( 4 ) ;

Similar to executing a stored procedure
Access member by the dot notation

SQL> execute ccourse . p r i n t ( n u l l ) ;

Results in an error “ORA-20001: Course ID is null”

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Summary: Packages

Can have a public and a private part

Has no protected access modifiers as in Java or C#
Is used to cluster related stored procedures
Cursors, constants, and variables can be shared between methods in
a package
The foundation for building larger libraries in PL/SQL
There is a huge library of built-it packages on Oracle
Has very good exception handling facilities

Comparison to Object-Oriented Languages

No inheritance
Only static methods
No concept of an object

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A complete programming language

You are not missing stuff as you sometimes are in SQL
In wide-spread usage in the industry
Adds to your market value
Very good integration of programming logic and SQL
Impedance mismatch is basically removed
PL/SQL data types are super set of SQL data types

Cursors enable the processing of sets (or bags)

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Proprietary programming language

There is a very large number (>1000) of reserved words
Can be hard to come up with a variable name that is not a reserved
Pascal-family language (C-family more well-known)
Which lead to a number of surprises
Object-oriented features are “clumsy”
This has not been covered in this lecture

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Some Topics Not Covered

Limited about exception handling

Parallel, deterministic, and pipelined options
External stored procedures
Invoker rights vs. definer rights
Calling stored procedures from SQL
Pragmas to stored procedures

There are a Lot of Details

Go and study the manuals and books!

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Additional Information
PL/SQL’s home A very good and complete wiki with
PL/SQL information A crash course covering many PL/SQL
A short overview of PL/SQL Many
good examples, too many commercials

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