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Organizing Toolkit
Bradley Manning Support Network

May 2011
Truth is the foundation of democracy!


Individual action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Guide to Working with the Media . . . 13

If you have 60 seconds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Creating a media advisory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
If you have 20 minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Pitching the story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Got another 20 minutes? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The post-event press release . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Other recommended actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Raise awareness about Bradley Manning
Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
at existing events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Bradley Manning Support Network contacts . . . . . 16
Tabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Allied organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Activism from home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Places to find and advertise events . . . . . . . . . 16
Use social media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Donate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Petition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Volunteer with the Bradley Manning
Support Network! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Ad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Contact your government representatives . . . . . 4

Event organizing guide . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Host a film screening / house party . . . . . . . . . . 6
Steps for planning your screening . . . . . . . . . 6
Host a public education event . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Plan a demonstration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Finding help for organizing your event . . . . . . . . 9
During the event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Bradley Manning Support Network Steering Committee: Gerry Condon, national co-chair of the Veterans for Peace
GI Resistance Working Group; Mike Gogulski, founder of; Bob Meola, member of War Resisters
League National Committee; Jeff Paterson, project director of Courage to Resist; Loraine Reitman, privacy advocate;
Kevin Zeese, co-founder and executive director, Voters for Peace.
Special appreciation to toolkit contributors Emma Cape and Melissa Roberts of Courage to Resist.
For additional toolkits, and other related “Free Bradley Manning” campaign materials, please contact:
Courage to Resist 484 Lake Park Ave #41, Oakland CA 94610 • • 510-488-3559

i H Organizing Toolkit

Blowing the whistle on war crimes is not a crime!

Action Guide for Individuals

Note: This guide is intended as a starting
If you have 60 seconds place for people who have limited time and
resources, or who prefer to be active as
Sign the petition to free Bradley Manning! individuals. If you’re ready to be a leader
in the movement to Free Bradley, please
Go to: check out our “Event Organizing Guide.”

Please take five minutes to e-mail the petition to friends,

neighbors, and other members of your organization
encouraging them to sign as well.
Sample letter To: Q
Dear ______________ officials

If you have 20 minutes I am writing to demand that you end the inhumane,
degrading conditions of Bradley Manning’s pre-trial
confinement and respect his human rights. Specifically, I
What you can do: ask you to lift the “Prevention of Injury (POI) watch order”.
This would allow Bradley meaningful physical exercise,
Write the officials at Quantico and demand that they end the uninterrupted sleep in night clothes, and a release from
inhumane treatment of Bradley Manning. isolation.

Background info: The United Nations (UN) Standard Minimum Rules for the
Treatment of Prisoners (SMR), which are internationally
The Marine Brig at Quantico, Virginia, is using “injury recognized guiding principles, provide that “Untried
prevention” as a vehicle to inflict extreme pre-trial punishment prisoners shall always be offered opportunity to work”
on accused Wikileaks whistleblower Army PFC Bradley should they wish to undertake such activity (SMR Section
C, rule 89). The current treatment of Bradley Manning,
Manning. The 23 year-old has been held in solitary who has not demonstrated violence towards himself or
confinement since his arrest last May. the other residents at Quantico, amounts to punishment of
David Coombs, Bradley Manning’s attorney, has helped shed a prisoner awaiting trial, which is expressly forbidden by
the UN SMR. The conditions under which PFC Manning
light on the specifics of his confinement. Usually enforced is held appear to breach the USA’s obligations under
only through a detainee’s first week at a confinement facility, international standards and treaties, including Article 10
or in cases of violent and/or suicidal inmates, the standing of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Prevention of Injury (POI) order has severely limited Manning’s (ICCPR) which the USA ratified in 1992 and which states
access to exercise, daylight and human contact for the past that “all persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated
nine months. He is allowed to exercise for only 1 hour a day, with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of
and he is only allowed to walk, not run. Additionally, Bradley’s the human person”.
sleep is regularly interrupted. The military’s own psychologists Judging from numerous psychological studies of
assigned to Quantico have recommended that the POI order prisoners in isolation, Bradley Manning’s current
and the extra restrictions imposed on Bradley be lifted. conditions pose a danger to his health and psychological
well-being and raise a number of legal questions about
On March 10, 2011, State Department Spokesman Philip the validity of any testimony he gives in trial. The fact that
J. Crowley called the treatment of Bradley “ridiculous and this case has prompted investigation from the UN office
counterproductive and stupid.” Two days later, Crowley had on torture issues makes clear that Manning’s treatment
to resign as a result of his comments. Nevertheless, the New is also damaging Quantico’s reputation. In conclusion,
current circumstances must change immediately so that
York Times, the Washington Post, and the San Francisco Bradley Manning is treated like other inmates in Quantico,
Chronicle all issued editorials in March condemning Bradley’s in clear accordance with international law.

Organizing Toolkit H 1

Action Guide for Individuals

A sample letter is provided on previous page. You can send a

copy of your letter to each of the following addresses: Sample letters To: m
 edia editor
(Remember to check newspapers’ word count

Quantico Base Commander requirements for letters to the editor before sending
Colonel Daniel Choike yours.)
3250 Catlin Avenue, Quantico VA 22134 Dear Editor,

I read your [date] article entitled [title] on the topic
Quantico Brig Commanding Officer
of Wikileaks. While I liked/had some issues with your
CWO2 Denise Barnes coverage of the controversy surrounding Julian Assange,
3247 Elrod Avenue, Quantico VA 22134 I was very disappointed that you failed to mention the
Note that CWO2 Barnes replaced CWO4 Averhart on 24 January 2011 other principal person involved in this controversy,
the American soldier Bradley Manning, without whom
Wikileaks would not be a household name. US Army Intel
Analyst Pfc. Bradley Manning is alleged to have released
Got another 20 minutes? the “Collateral Murder” video, the Iraq War Logs, the
Afghan War Diaries, and the US Diplomatic Cables.
The “convening authority” of Bradley’s court martial will have
Twenty-three year old Manning has been in solitary
the final say as to whether he will face the death penalty at confinement in the military brig at Quantico, VA since last
trial. Simply stated, write to tell him, “Do not try to kill Bradley.” May. He is awaiting trial for a charge of indirectly “Aiding
the Enemy,” which may result in the death penalty. This

Maj. Gen. Karl R. Horst, Commander case is alarming not only because of the conditions of
US Army Military Dist. of Washington Manning’s pretrial confinement, which have prompted
1400 Defense Pentagon investigations by Congressman Dennis Kucinich and
Manfred Nowak, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, but
Washington DC 20301
also because the charges imply that those who blow the
whistle on war crimes and government corruption via a
public source, such as a major newspaper, may now be
Other recommended actions tried for indirectly “Aiding the Enemy.”

More sample letters on next page

Raise awareness about Bradley
Manning at existing events
Look for activist groups in your area (such as local members of Bradley Manning Support Network coalition partners) that
may be holding an event, rally or march at which you can give a speech, or host a booth with information about Bradley
Manning. Ask if they can contribute volunteers and resources for Bradley’s support. See our “Contacts Page” for more
Search independent publications in your city or town for listings. Most major cities have a free weekly paper containing
entertainment listings, reviews, and local news not always covered by mainstream news outlets. Such papers often have
sections which list opportunities for social action.
Check event websites. Many cities have popular event websites where relevant events may be advertised.
(See “Contacts Page.”)

Set up a table at a popular community event/busy street corner/your campus with information about Bradley Manning and
petitions. Hand out factsheets and talk to passersby to educate them and collect petition signatures.

Activism from home

We also encourage you to use the power of the written word to educate others about Bradley’s situation.
Write letters to the editors of your local newspapers to help raise awareness about Bradley Manning’s inhumane prison
conditions and the misleading nature of his charges. On the following pages you can find sample letters that you can
modify and submit under your own name.

2 H Organizing Toolkit

Action Guide for Individuals

Use social media

Sample letters To: media editor
If you or someone you know has a well-read blog, you
Dear Editor, can write about updates on the case, and provide links
I read your [date] article entitled [title] on the topic to the petitions and information on other actions. You can
of Wikileaks. While I liked/had some issues with your also use facebook and twitter to post links to our website,
coverage of the controversy surrounding Julian Assange,, and our facebook page, savebradley.
I was very disappointed that you failed to mention the
other principal person involved in this controversy,
the American soldier Bradley Manning, without whom
Wikileaks would not be a household name. US Army Intel
Analyst Pfc. Bradley Manning is alleged to have released
the “Collateral Murder” video, the Iraq War Logs, the
Afghan War Diaries, and the US Diplomatic Cables.
In a chat log prior to his arrest, Manning said he
hoped the released cables would result in “worldwide
discussion, debates, and reforms... because without
information, you cannot make informed decisions as a
public.” Famed Pentagon Papers whistle blower Daniel
Ellsberg has compared Bradley’s actions to his own, The Bradley Manning Defense Fund is hosted by Courage
both in intent and result. Of course, the “War on Terror” to Resist in collaboration with the Bradley Manning Support
has changed U.S. culture significantly since the days Network. With the increase in legal expenses due to the
when Ellsberg was heralded as a hero for helping end death penalty charge, tax-deductible donations are urgently
the Vietnam War. Nevertheless, international support for
needed. Funds are split between public education and
Bradley Manning is building, and hopefully his name will
soon be as recognizable as those of Julian Assange or support activities, and legal costs. Donate online at
Daniel Ellsberg.
Send tax-deductible checks payable to “Courage to
Sample letters To: media editor
Resist” to: Courage to Resist, 484 Lake Park Ave #41,
Dear Editor,
Oakland CA 94610. Please note “Manning defense” on the
I read your [date] article entitled [title] on the topic of check’s memo line.
Bradley Manning, the US soldier alleged to have released
to Wikileaks the “Collateral Murder” video, the Iraq War Or, to make a non-tax-deductible contribution to Bradley’s legal
Logs, the Afghan War Diaries, and the US Diplomatic trust, send checks payable to “IOLTA / Manning” to: Courage to
Cables. Resist, 484 Lake Park Ave #41, Oakland CA 94610. The legal
You failed to mention the controversy surrounding the trust is managed by Bradley’s attorney David Coombs under
conditions of Manning’s pretrial confinement. Although regulation of the Massachusetts Interest on Lawyers Trust
he has not been tried or convicted of any crime, twenty- Accounts (IOLTA) Program and the American Bar Association.
three year old Manning has been in solitary confinement All funds offset Bradley’s legal expenses.
in the military brig at Quantico, VA, since last May,
without access to sunlight or meaningful exercise. He “There are several organizations that are collecting
is forced to strip naked before bed each night, and to donations for the defense of PFC Bradley Manning. The only
stand at attention naked the next morning. According organization that is contributing funding to PFC Manning’s
to Marine spokesperson 1st Lt. Brian Villiard, this is for legal defense is Courage to Resist,” explains Bradley’s
PFC Manning’s own protection. However, Brig forensic attorney David Coombs.
psychiatrists have consistently maintained that there is
no mental health justification for the prevention-of-injury
watch imposed on PFC Manning.
The conditions of Manning’s confinement have prompted
investigations by Congressman Dennis Kucinich and
Manfred Nowak, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture. The
U.S. was once regarded as an international leader for
the quality of our justice system and our fair treatment of
prisoners, but the shameful treatment of pretrial prisoner
Bradley Manning seriously calls that into question.

Organizing Toolkit H 3

Action Guide for Individuals

Volunteer with the Bradley Manning Support Network!

Your skills can make a difference. We need people writing articles, soliciting organizations for
support, making YouTube videos, creating posters and working on our campaign. We need
many people to run this campaign. To get involved, please send an email explaining how you
would like to contribute to: Our needs include:

Local organizers – to harness the energy within your communities

National organizers – to help coordinate the national and international effort to free
Bradley, and reach out to possible ally organizations

Writers – to help write our material for websites, social networking campaigns, leaflets
and media advisories

Online campaign contributors – to help spread the word about our campaign
Graphic designers & artists – to help create posters, music
Videographers & photographers – to help document and promote our campaign
San Francisco Bay Area – volunteers are needed to help with mail handling and petition processing in the
Oakland office of Courage to Resist most weekdays. Please call 510-488-3559 to RSVP.

Contact your government representatives

Demand that the military stop the inhumane treatment of Bradley Manning and drop the death penalty charge of “aiding
the enemy”. Let them know that you support Bradley Manning.

Look up US Congress addresses and phone numbers for your state at
Email your state
representatives via the web-
-no email client required!--at
Look up full contact
information for your state
Senators, including links
to convenient web forms
where you can contact
them, at
Send an email to President
Obama at whitehouse.
gov Write to President
Obama at The White
House, 1600 Pennsylvania
Ave NW, Washington, DC
20500. Leave a comment
for President Obama by
calling 1-202-456-1111
or faxing 1-202-456-2461.
Call the White House
Switchboard and leave
President Obama
a message by calling

4 H Organizing Toolkit

No secret trial for an American hero!

event organizing Guide

Organizing an event is a key way

to educate community members, gather
signatures for the Stand With Brad Petition
(, enlist other volunteers
to take action, solicit media attention,
and raise funds for the Bradley Manning
Defense Fund. Thank you for taking this
crucial step!
To notify us of a planned public event
or if you’d like assistance in organizing
one, please contact us at emma@ Tell us the date, time and location of your event and we’ll help promote it via website, social networks
and affiliates. Additionally, we can send you promotional materials such as stickers, info cards and buttons.

Dear Supporter,
If you have opened this guide, you have taken an enormous step towards direct political
action. You have made a choice to support Bradley Manning by organizing an event in
your community. This is a courageous action and we applaud you for it.
You are not alone, and putting your event together does not have to be a monumental
task, even if you’ve never organized a community event before. We’ve put together a
few helpful documents to get you started. Even if only you and a few of your friends
stand together to support Bradley Manning, you are making a difference. You are
standing up for human rights for all. You are standing up for the rights of all prisoners
suffering right this moment at the hands of a government that wants to silence them.
You are standing up for all people who believe that the world should and can be
different, and will not be silent until it is, no matter what it takes. People like you have
been changing things since the beginning of recorded history. Together, we can do it
Here are some ways to ensure you will receive the latest news, information and updates from the Bradley Manning
Support Network:

• Sign-up for weekly newsletter at Enter your e-mail and click “get updates”.

• Join our Facebook page:

• Follow us on Twitter:

• Subscribe to the BMSN Supporters Email Discussion List

• Send an email to:

• Participate in our online discussion forum:

Organizing Toolkit H 5

event organizing Guide

• Organize! Organizer kits are available without charge to activist group leaders. E-mail for more details.

• Also, “Free Bradley Manning” gear including: shirts, stickers, buttons, whistles
and more are available at
We hope this guide will help you as you take action to help save Bradley Manning.
Our sincerest regards and thanks,

The Bradley Manning Support Network

Host a film screening / house party
You can host an event in your home and invite friends and family. Or you can choose to make it a public event. If you want
to open the event up to a larger crowd, it might make sense to request permission to use space in a local coffee shop, art
space or a public facility such as a library.

Steps for planning your screening: Critical components

We suggest using the “Collateral Murder” video of a U.S. helicopter gunship attack of a successful event:
that killed a dozen unarmed civilians in Iraq as part of your event. Bradley Manning • well-planned event promotion
is facing court martial for leaking this video. • an accessible and
comfortable location
1. Plan all necessary logistics. • interesting speakers
Prior to the film screening, visit • refreshments
to download the film onto your hard drive. Choose a location for the film screening • Optional: music/entertainment
and make sure it is available on your desired date and time. Ideally, you will know
the date, time, and location of your event at least two weeks ahead of time, so that
you can mention specifics when inviting others to join you. You will need access
to technology allowing you to show the film from your computer for your crowd. If
you’re using a projector, don’t forget to also have a good audio system.

2. Recruitment
Set a goal for the number of event attendees you’d like to have. A good rule of
thumb is that you’ll need at least twice as many RSVPs, because many people
cancel at the last minute. See the pages with “Recruitment Tips” for some ideas to
help you reach your goal. Keep a list of all the people interested in coming to the
event, along with their contact information.

3. Reminders
Two to four days before the event, make reminder calls and send e-mails to all of your event attendees, with the event
date, time, directions to the location, and your phone number in case they get lost.

4. Prepare discussion points for after the screening

The Collateral Murder video often elicits strong emotions, so this is your opportunity to allow people to express what
they’re feeling, as well as to help them turn those feelings into positive action. Some suggested discussion questions and
talking points are provided on the next page.

5. Prepare for action

Your event should, ideally, end with attendees taking some form of action. This should include having everyone sign the
petition and donate money towards the cause, writing letters to Quantico, and/or creating a committee of volunteers to
help plan a larger event. Decide what you want to happen and prepare the necessary materials prior to the day of the
screening itself.

6. Document successes
At the end of your film screening: take photos of your group in-action, and e-mail them to us!

6 H Organizing Toolkit

event organizing Guide

Host a public education event Sample discussion points for

Organizing a structured public event can be quite effective for film screening:
educating community members and raising money for Bradley • How are you feeling after watching this video?
Manning’s defense.
• Have you seen the video covered in news or
1. Establish an event agenda have your friends talked about it? How do you
Ideally, you should start planning your event a month or think it has impacted other members of your
more in advance. In order to draw a good crowd, it helps to community?
have a few notable speakers, such as prominent activists • In 2010, the New York City Daily News listed
or community officials. Additionally, your event may include WikiLeaks first among websites “that could totally
entertainment or a full meal. If you already know people who change the news.” Do you agree with this?
could make ideal speakers or entertainers for your event,
contact them right away to make sure they are available on • There is talk that Wikileaks has played a role
your desired date and time. Otherwise, you can make phone in the recent protests in the Middle East, in
calls and send letters to prominent community members particular those in Tunisia, because of the
requesting their service at your event. corruption of the Tunisian government that was
revealed in the U.S. Diplomatic Cables. In his
2. Consider logistics supposed IM (internet messenger) conversation
Major areas to consider and plan for include: size of space or with Adrian Lamo, the hacker who reported
building used, utility support needed, setup (tables and chairs, Bradley to the authorities, Bradley states the
tents, portable toilets, parking, signage), coordination, cleanup, information should be in the public domain
transportation. because “without information, you cannot make
informed decisions as a public.” Do you agree?
3. Budgeting and fundraising
• Since May 2010, Bradley has been held in
The logistics of your event will depend somewhat on the
solitary confinement, and subjected to physical
budget you have to work with. If you can recruit multiple
and psychological abuse through denial of
community organizations to help sponsor the event, they
sunlight, meaningful exercise and regular human
will hopefully be willing to contribute to your budget. Local
interaction. The military may not have solid
stores are often willing to donate supplies and food for charity
evidence linking Bradley to Wikileaks or Julian
events if you explain the cause to store managers and offer
Assange and could have difficulty proving their
to promote their establishment. Chain businesses often have
case in court. Since Bradley has not been proven
established rules for donations, and require more advanced
guilty, why do you think that he is being held in
notice than independent businesses. If your event agenda
such harsh conditions? (Hint: To set an example
includes a substantial meal or entertainment portion, you may
for future would-be whistle blowers. Also they
choose to raise money by charging for tickets. Alternatively, to
may be attempting to gather information for
encourage a larger crowd you can host a free event and pass
charges against Assange.)
around donation jars at the end. Either way, don’t be shy about
asking for money and clearly explaining why it is needed! • If we had 60 seconds to communicate to
All funds collected, minus your expenses, should be someone who knew little about the Wikileaks
submitted to the Bradley Manning Defense Fund. story, and explain to them that Bradley is being
treated unjustly, what should we say?
4. Plan publicity
• How can we effectively reach out and educate
Promoting a special event takes creative thinking balanced
other members of our community in a compelling
with practicality.
way so that they see this issue as relevant to
Brainstorm all the available media including marquees, school them and want to take action?
newsletters, church announcements, social media, listserves
of supporting organizations, popular event websites, and cable
and commercial stations. Make a detailed list with names of whom to contact and when, and create event descriptions
tailored to specific audiences. Begin promoting your event as early as possible.

Organizing Toolkit H 7

event organizing Guide

Plan a demonstration
Dozens of public events in support of Bradley Manning have already
been held around the world.

1. Getting started
First, decide how many attendees you want at your event. Choose
a location that is both easily accessible and highly visible to many
members of your community. Remember, the more time you give
yourself for planning, the more likely your event is to be successful.

2. Decide the format of your event

You can gather 10 or 20 people to hold signs with clear, simple
messages by a busy highway to educate people driving by. Or, if you
have more planning resources, you can rally a large crowd in the city
square and invite speakers. You can also have musicians perform at

3. Planned public resistance

Public resistance can take many forms. Peaceful collective actions designed to grab
attention by disrupting the public order often take place at the end of large rallies. * Blowing the whistle on war
Some of the most common include marches on major streets, picketing government crimes is not a crime
buildings or recruitment centers, and guerilla theater such as die-ins. * Truth is the foundation of
(Note: If you are contemplating organizing a form of civil disobedience that might democracy
result in arrests, please check out United for Peace and Justice’s How-to Guide:
* No torture, no death penalty for accused whistleblower
4. Material preparation * No secret trial for an American
After you have envisioned your ideal event, you can work on creating event
materials: * The people have a right to know
• Event flyers • Colorful, large • Petition clipboards • Catchy slogans * Whistle-blowers are heroes
signs and banners the group can
• Press advisories • Educational fact * Shine a light on war and
with campaign learn quickly occupation
messaging and chant
loudly. Chants:
5. Recruitment
Hey Obama don’t you know?
Once you have created event descriptions and flyers, you can begin getting the Torturing Bradley has got to go!
word out about your event. See “Tips for Event Recruitment” below for some specific
tactics that have proven to be effective. Exposing murder is not a crime,
Bradley should not be doing time!
6. Media timeline
(Download our Guide to working with the media for more information) Bradley’s conscience was his
Three weeks before your event: Have “who, what, when, where, why” down... We are here to take his side!
and start telling folks!
Hey Obama! listen to me,
Two weeks before your event: Research. Bradley Manning should be free!
Conduct research to compile a list of local news sources and contact information for
specific reporters/editors who might be interested in your story. Please set Manning free today,
He’s the greatest hero in the
One week before your event: The Media Advisory. USA!

See media packet for sample media advisory. Send out your press advisory to your Telling the truth is not a crime,
media list again two days before the event. Bradley Manning is a hero of

8 H Organizing Toolkit

event organizing Guide

Three days before your event: The Story Pitch.

Come up with a 30 second pitch to reporters. Sample event:
On February 24, 2011, Berkeley activists
It’s best to pitch print reporters in the morning between 9-11am, before they
organized a speaking event at the
have afternoon deadlines. Radio reporters and News Editors are also easiest Unitarian Universalist Church, featuring
to reach in the morning. Pitch TV assignment editors anytime, a few days famed Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel
in advance of a media event, or the morning of the event between 8:30- Ellsberg, which drew 40 attendees and
9:30am, when they hold meetings to decide on coverage for the day. raised $3000 for the Bradley Manning
Defense Fund.
The day after your event: The Press Release.
Early in the morning, send out press releases to your media list, both to
any reporters who joined and to those who did not.

7. Document your event

Make sure to take photos and videos to show the world!

8. Post-event follow-up
Send us a story about your event, or email us and we’ll interview you
for a story on our website. For help with your story, email rainey@
Send us your photos to share online. Email
Thank your organizing team, speakers and other helpers. Follow up
with phone calls, thank you emails, short notes or texts thanking them Sample event:
for their help. A student from Sonoma State University
created a facebook event posting for
Finding help for organizing your event a Bradley Manning rally in a downtown
San Francisco park and invited their
friends. Another organizer decided to
Gather a team share the event link on a few local event
websites. Within a week, RSVPs for the
Working with a team to plan events, especially ones you hope to be well
event grew to 50 people. On March 20,
attended, is highly recommended. Not only does working with a committee 2011, a crowd met at the park and after
allow you to share the work of planning the event, but for each new person 4 people gave brief speeches about why
you involve in organizing, you expand the group’s immediate social network. they cared what happened to Bradley
Manning, everyone moved with their signs
Where to start? and flyers to spread awareness near a
If you are not already working with an established organization, begin busy street. Cars honked in support and
several new volunteers were recruited.
forming your event organizing team by talking to people you know: friends,
family, fellow church and club members, etc. Remember, a face-to-face
conversation or a phone call is more likely to result in a positive response
than an e-mail. After trying your personal network, you can give in-person
talks at meetings of related organizations. (See “Outreach to Allies” below) Sample event:
When approaching people about taking a leadership role personalize your Leafletting about Bradley Manning on
“ask,” so that others understand why you think it is important to organize campus.
an event to support Bradley. Make sure potential team members are clear
about what you’re asking them to do and what sort of time commitment is
involved. You can establish specific team roles based on individuals’ abilities
and interest, for example “Promotions Manager,” “Fundraiser/ Donations
Manager,” “Materials Producer,” etc.
Once event plans have been established and organizing tasks have been
divided up, your role as team leader is to maintain regular contact with
each of your team members, helping to remind them of when tasks need
to be completed, and making sure they have all the resources they need to
perform their role. You should also show your continued appreciation for
their work.

Organizing Toolkit H 9

event organizing Guide

To sustain a movement, the Bradley Manning Support Network

not only needs teams that help organize a single event, but also Sample outreach letter to
local leaders who can continue organizing future events. If you are community group allies
interested in being one of these local campaign organizers, please
Your Name [Mr./Mrs.] Contact Name
e-mail After thanking other team Your Address Organization Title
members for their work, ask them to consider taking on a specific Your Apt. # Org Address1
role in helping organize future events as well. Yourcity, ST 00000 City, ST 00000

Invite people to attend your event Dear Mr./Mrs. Contact Name:

Remember: When you are inviting strangers to a large event, only My name is [Your Name]. I am a resident of City, ST
a small percentage will actually wind up attending. Start early and am writing to ask your organization to support
US Army Private First Class Bradley E. Manning, who
with promoting your event, and think expansively. If you can write
is currently being held at the US Marine Corps Brig
advertisements that relate your action to recent headline news, Quantico, VA, awaiting an Article 32.
that may help you gain a wider audience.
A 22-year-old intelligence analyst, Pfc. Manning faces
Begin by inviting friends and members of organizations with decades in prison for allegedly leaking a video of a
which you’re active. Face-to-face conversations and phone calls US helicopter attack that killed at least eleven Iraqi
should be used, when possible, in addition to e-mail. Think of a 60 civilians to Wikileaks. Among the dead victims were
second “elevator speech” explaining why participating in the event two working Reuters reporters. Two children were
also severely wounded in the attack. In addition
is important, and then make personal calls. Your goal should be
to this “Collateral Murder” video, Pfc. Manning is
concrete commitments. suspected of leaking the “Afghan War Diaries”—tens
of thousands of battlefield reports that explicitly
Sample elevator speech: describe civilian deaths and cover-ups, corrupt
Bradley Manning is the young soldier who is alleged to have officials, collusion with warlords, and a failing US/
leaked the famous Collateral Murder video to Wikileaks, along NATO war effort.
with documents detailing war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, “We only know these crimes took place because
and diplomatic reports discussing corruption in a number of insiders blew the whistle at great personal risk ...
governments. The effects of the release of this material have Government whistleblowers are part of a healthy
been far reaching and likely played a role in the recent celebrated democracy and must be protected from reprisal,”
pro-democratic protests in the Middle East. Bradley Manning is noted Barack Obama while on the campaign trail in
currently being held in a military prison and subjected to physical 2008. While the President was referring to the Bush
Administration’s use of phone companies to illegally
and psychological abuse. We want to join Pentagon Papers spy on Americans,Pfc. Manning’s alleged actions are
leaker Daniel Ellsberg, U.S. Veterans for Peace, and a number just as noteworthy. If the military charges against him
of other prominent peace leaders and groups in protesting the are accurate, they show that he had a reasonable
conditions of Bradley’s treatment and his charges. Can you join belief that war crimes were being covered up, and
me on [date, location]? that he took action based on a crisis of conscience.
If Pfc. Manning is indeed the source of these
Outreach to allies materials, the nation owes him our gratitude.
Groups to contact: However, since the charges, some first brought by
the US Army Criminal Investigation Command (CIDC)
• National Organizations with Local Chapters - CodePINK, Peace in June 2010, Pfc. Manning has been held at the
Action, Iraq, Veterans Against the War, Amnesty International, Quantico brig in conditions so torturous that they are
and Veterans for Peace being investigated by the human rights organization
Amnesty International, and have been criticized by
• Local Organizations of All Stripes – Most mid-sized or larger a member of the US State Department, assistant
communities have local peace coalitions. It’s also worth secretary of state for public affairs P.J. Crowley.
contacting progressive and libertarian wings of the Democrat
As an organization known for [cite reasons why you
and Republican Parties respectively in addition to local branches
feel this organization would be open to supporting
of third parties like the Libertarian and Green Parties. Bradley], I feel that your public support for Pfc.
• Traditionally Sympathetic Churches - For example, the Friends Manning would help shed light on his plight. I would
welcome the opportunity to speak to your organization
(Quakers), Peace Mennonites, or Unitarian Universalists.
about this matter and join you in such an effort.
• College Organizations – If you have a University in your town, I appreciate your time and attention to this letter. More
contact some student organizations who can pass on the word information about Pfc. Manning can be found at the
to other students and teachers. website of the Bradley Manning Support Network
Most kind regards, [Signed]

10 H Organizing Toolkit

event organizing Guide

Send a well-composed e-mail to group leaders

about your event, asking them to pass it on to Sample Event Flier
their members. Then follow it up with a phone call
asking them to mention the event at their next group n d
atment a
meeting. Consider inviting other organizations to d in g h u mane tre r…
deman arges fo
endorse or co-sponsor the event with you. dis
M a n i ng
Join us in missal of all ch
The follow-up ask
Each time someone expresses interest in your event, B radley
e-mail them a copy of your flyer and ask them to help
you recruit others. Specific goals help (“Can you try to
bring 5 more people to this event?”).

Create an eye-catching flyer with event logistics as
well as clear instructions (“bring your own poster,” “be
ready to march at noon,” etc.) that you can e-mail and
hand to people to pass on to others. Post the flyer in
h t o Q u antico
& Marc
coffee shops and other common spaces. See sample an
ation and
flyer, next page. Rallyd Up for Freedom tothInisfoyrmoung soldier did!
Stan cy – As
Local news sources Democra
on our bu
your seat
March 2
Reserve nion Stati
ton DC (U ,
For large events, write an event advertisement for tico rally

Sunday, 0 p.m.
Washing ) to Quan
:3 0p m departure d- tri p:
12 ro un
only $10
local newspapers that they can publish one week
rg /b
avis Hw ff D
ahead of time. Post advertisements on popular event Rt. 1 (Je dom”
eet and ng’s Free
Main Str Tri a n g le , VA r Bradle
y Manni
websites as well. See Contacts Page for some ideas. us on Fa
– “Ral ly an
d March fo
. Endorse
d by Veter
ans for
ort Network Resist, and others
Look for Contact: ing Supp
Mann to
the Bradley Courage
e Center,
Social media Organiz ed by
gton Metro
Chapter of Washington Peac
the Washin Women for Peace,
de Pink:

Peace, Co

Create an event page on facebook with all of the

details, and share the link with all of your friends and
on other groups’ pages.

Street canvassing
Who is B
radley M
Another possible recruitment strategy entails sending
In late M
intellige 2010, Private F anning?
n ir
arrested ce analyst with st Class Bradle
a small group of volunteers to a busy pedestrian , th y
to Wikil suspected of pro e U S Army in Manning, an
location in town or to a popular community event has been ks. This video w viding the “Coll ghdad, was
viewed as as co ate
revealing vered widely in ral Murder” vid
a few days before the protest, in order to hand out On June
a war crim
the mass
media an
6, 2010, d
flyers and talk to people in person. the Unifo he was char
rm Code ged with
criminal of Militar violating
offen y Justice
Army regu ses and four no , including Com
eight Ma ing swiftly behind
lations. Th ncriminal nfred No
at www.
bradleym e full charge shee
s of on wak, Unite these articles, the
anning.or t to d Na offic
html. g/3163/ch is available co rture, confirmed th tions special rapp e of

During the event

arge-she mplaint ab at they re orteur
Bradley’s et- United Na out Bradley’s sit ceived an
arrest was tions spec uation. Tw official
online ch
at confes precipitated by an a joint sta
te m
ial rappor
te ur
o other
s also relea
hacker Ad sion to co
nvict alleged internation ent meant to “re sed
ria al ca
circumsta n Lamo. The deta ed felon and being prot legal principles”, ll a number of
nc ils about ec
unconfirm es around this on and when they tion for so-called
point num

Bring materials ed and so line chat ber three

mewhat are release in “w histle blow
The milit dubious. At the sa about wro ers”
ary me time ngdoing.
Kuwait un held Bradley Ma that Brad several ou
til late Ju nning in ley ’s tlets repo
• Copies of Free Bradley Manning info cards
transferre ly, 2010, Camp Ar prosecutors rted
d him to at ifjan, to incriminate were atte
in Quantic U.S. Marin which time they W iki lea
Julian As
sa ng
e Co ks, by off
o, Virginia.
They have rps Base Quantico be noted ering deals e, co-founder of
– available from Courage to Resist as part of a
him ther
e in solit continue th to Br
Manning ary co
could spen nfinement. If co d to hold is increas at the prosecution adley. It should
nvicted ing durin of whistl
d 52 year g the Ob
Tom Drak ama adm e blowers
Bradley Manning organizer box, or separately. On the 3r
d of Nove
mber, 20
s in priso
10 agents
On Marti
e, Shamai

n (ie:
House, a an from 150 conc th er King Da
developer d the F.B.I. stopp er ned citize y 20 11, Approx
on his w and frien ed David of Qu ns im at
• Copies of the Action guide for individuals
ay d of antico m arched to ely
short vaca back into the Unite Bradley, while couple da base demanding the front
tio d ys Bradley’s
electronic n. They seized hi States from a commande later, apparently freedom.
de s laptop r took ad in retalia A
regarding vices, then procee and othe
r Br adley. Hi di tio nal punitiv tio n, the brig
his visits ded to qu s clo
Organize a photo-op
did all of to Mann estion hi th es e ste
this with in m from him for a co and his eye glas ps toward
out a war g at Quantico. Th co m m uple days ses were
rant or ch ey ander was . Within ta
On the 15
th arges. replaced a week th ken
published of December Glen by a new is brig
Give some thought into creating an interesting visual
Now, at th one.
a key artic Greenwald e
s of Brad le concerning the second m start of the second
ille de
at Quantic ley Mann inhuman growing nnium, Bradley Ma cade in the
for the media and your own reporting about the event.
o. Articles ing’s e list of su
g Greenw
and interv detention whistle pporters nning has a
blowers, , includin
David Ho ald’s story iews followed the Pent Daniel El g famou
Don’t be afraid to ask participants to stage a group
use and , in cluding on ag on Pape ls be s
David E.
a blog en
try by Br e by Rowley
(a rs in 1971 rg, who leaked
adley’s law
yer, 2002) w TI M E “Person of and Colleen
ho retired
photo with banners and signs.
the Year
you will ” for
join us as from the FB I. W
justice in well, and e hope th
this histo act in su at
ric time. pport of

Organizing Toolkit H 11

event organizing Guide

Get signatures for the petition

Make copies of the included “We stand with Bradley Manning” petiton for your event. Ask everyone who attends the event
to sign the petition.

Ask for donations

The Bradley Manning Defense Fund is hosted by Courage to Resist in collaboration with the Bradley Manning Support
Network. With the increase in legal expenses due to the death penalty charge, tax-deductible donations are urgently
needed. Funds are split between public education and support activities, and legal costs. Donate online at
Send tax-deductible checks payable to “Courage to Resist” to: Courage to Resist, 484 Lake Park Ave #41,
Oakland CA 94610. Please note “Manning defense” on the check’s memo line.
Or, to make a non-tax-deductible contribution to Bradley’s legal trust, send checks payable to “IOLTA / Manning” to:
Courage to Resist, 484 Lake Park Ave #41, Oakland CA 94610. The legal trust is managed by Bradley’s attorney David
Coombs under regulation of the Massachusetts Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts (IOLTA) Program and the American
Bar Association. All funds offset Bradley’s legal expenses.
“There are several organizations that are collecting donations for the defense of PFC Bradley Manning. The only
organization that is contributing funding to PFC Manning’s legal defense is Courage to Resist,” explains Bradley’s attorney
David Coombs.

12 H Organizing Toolkit

The people have the right to know!

Guide to Working with the Media

Creating a media advisory

What Is a media advisory?
A media advisory alerts the media, in a concise manner, to upcoming events (like a press conference). Think of it as an
invitation that answers only the important questions: Who, What, When, Where, and Why. Have your media advisory
ready to go a week before your event.

Key elements of a media advisory

-It should be brief and to the point.
-It should contain a headline detailing the most important information.
-It should include the five Ws mentioned above.
-It should include contact information for reporters to get more information for
their pieces and the contact information you would like to be published if this is
for a listing.

The format of a media advisory

-At the top left side of the page, write MEDIA ADVISORY.
-Underneath MEDIA ADVISORY, include the date of your event; for example,
“For Sept. 19, 2011.”
-At the top right side of the page, include your contact information.
-At the bottom of the page, type # # # indicating the end of the advisory.

Pitching the story

When to pitch
It’s best to pitch print reporters 2-3 days before the event, in the morning between 9-11am, before they have afternoon
deadlines. Radio reporters and News Editors are also easiest to reach in the morning. Pitch TV assignment editors anytime,
a few days in advance of a media event, or the morning of the event between 8:30-9:30am, when they hold meetings to
decide on coverage for the day.

You want to do your research and know your target. Do a Google search to see what the reporter or news outlet has
written about your topic or related topics in the past. Make sure there’s not someone else at the same news outlet who
is more sympathetic/likely to cover your story. If you can tie Bradley Manning’s story to what that reporter likes to cover
and flatter them a little bit about their past work, you will be more successful. Some possible topics of focus: democratic
protests in the Middle East, Wikileaks, freedom of information, critiques of the justice system, anti-war public opinion
You also have to prepare yourself for the pitch by getting familiar with your talking points and having resources like Fact
Sheets and background materials ready if reporters want more information.

Helpful tips for crafting a newsworthy story:

Localize it – Your pitch should mention what is going on in your community and which community organizations are involved.

Organizing Toolkit H 13

Guide to Working with the Media

Conflict - A story with a hard-fought conflict makes

news. Describe to reporters who the good guys and bad Sample media advisory
guys are and how the struggle is playing out.
Strange bedfellows - We can often garner [date of event ]
increased news coverage by building a coalition of strange
For more information, contact:
bedfellows. Try expanding your coalition to include partners
outside the traditional anti-war movement. [your name and all phone number(s) at which the press can
reach you ]
Visuals- Striking images and locations can make news
as well as words that paint pictures. Try to incorporate [Name of Town]
interesting visuals into your event.
Rally in Support of Alleged Wikileaks Whistle-blower
Timely – news has to be relevant to what’s happening Pfc. Bradley Manning
now. Connect your protest to major recent events, Members of [name of supporting organizations] and other
domestically or abroad, that have gained wider news residents of [name of town] will join activists across the
coverage. country on [date of event] to rally for the release of Bradley
Practice your pitch Bradley Manning, who is currently being held in inhumane
Tailored – Ideally, you have done your research to find conditions in the Marine Corps Brig in Quantico, Virginia,
out what someone usually covers so your pitch should is accused of releasing to Wikileaks the famous Collateral
reference their past work and make the reporter feel like Murder video, the Afghan War Diary, and the Iraq War Logs,
which reveal war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as
you are pitching them something that is right up their alley.
the U.S. Diplomatic Cables, which helped spark the Tunisian
Concise – Pitches must be very short – around 30
seconds. Practice and time yourself ahead of time, because To protest the charges against Bradley, for which he faces
that’s about as much time as you get on the phone before the possibility of the death penalty, an estimated 100
someone cuts you off and asks for an email. Be concise people will rally with colorful posters and signs in support of
international democracy, government accountability, and the
and pique their interest with the most exciting elements of
humane treatment of prisoners.
the story, such as the newsworthy criteria mentioned above,
VIP speakers, unusual event entertainment, etc. Begin WHO:
pitches by asking “Are you on deadline, or do you have a
quick second?” If they do not have time to talk, ask when WHAT:
you can call back later.
Flexible –you have to be ready to pivot or talk about
a new angle on your story, depending on the reporter’s WHERE:
response. Our goal is to raise awareness about the U.S. Military’s
attempts to suppress a whistle-blower. For more information
Well-organized – not just in your pitch, but have all on the conditions surrounding Bradley Manning’s charges
the necessary information prepared. Anticipate questions, and imprisonment, please visit http://www.couragetoresist.
and be ready to send follow-up information. org/ and

Feedback and follow-up ###

A good way to end your pitch is: “Does this sound like the Courage to Resist is an organization that supports the men
kind of thing you’d be interested in covering?” If the reporter and women of the U.S. armed forces who are speaking
says no, that is a great opportunity for you to ask, “Well, out about their refusal to fight in the wars in Iraq and
what kinds of stories are you interested in covering?” and
figure out if there’s a different angle that works.
Tell the reporter when and how you’re going to get in touch
again to help them cover your story. Be explicit, e.g., “Great, so I’ll send you X,Y, and Z, and the contact info for you to get
in touch with A and B. When’s a good time for me to call back and follow up with you?” OR “Great. Well I hope to see you
at the event on Wednesday, but I’ll give you a call that morning to make sure you can make it. If you have any questions
or would rather set up phone interviews with A and B, please let me know.”
Also beware of letting reporters off the hook if they ask for follow up via email, or claim that they haven’t yet seen the
media advisory or press release you sent. Agree to send an email, and get specific email address info (not a general
newsdesk email), but also offer to set up a phone interview with key players, or set a time for you to follow up with them.

14 H Organizing Toolkit

Guide to Working with the Media

The post-event press release

What is a press release?
A press release has a different purpose than a media advisory. It should read like an article, with quotes and facts, to
stimulate possible pick-up by small papers and to generate print and broadcast reports at larger outlets. Whereas a media
advisory offers basic information, a news release creates an image and story that journalists can use alone or use as
background when writing a story.

Key elements of a
news release Sample press release
-Your release should be FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Name
written like an actual Date Phone #
news story, in the inverted Citizens Rally in Support of Alleged Wikileaks Whistle-blower
pyramid style of news Pfc. Bradley Manning
writing—with a headline Subtitle
and the most important [Organization names] hosted a rally with [number] attendees at [location] on Saturday to call
information at the top. attention to the mistreatment of pretrial prisoner Bradley Manning, and the military’s attempts to
use him as an example to suppress war crime whistle-blowers. Currently 23 yr-old Bradley is
-Your release should include
held in the Quantico military brig and denied access to sunlight, meaningful exercise, and the
quotes from spokespeople. ability to sleep through the night without interruption.
The format of a Bradley is accused of releasing to Wikileaks the famous Collateral Murder video depicting the
press release killing of journalists and wounded civilians by an Apache helicopter in Iraq as well as the Afghan
War Diary, the Iraq War Logs, and U.S. Diplomatic Cables. The documents contain information
-At the top left side of about war crimes and government corruption and have played a role in motivating recent
the page, write PRESS pro-democratic protests around the world, in particular the revolution in Tunisia. Wikileaks has
RELEASE. received much attention following the release of this material, with its director Julian Assange
named Reader’s Choice Person of the Year for Time Magazine in 2010 and nominated for a
-Underneath, write FOR Nobel Peace Prize.
Daniel Ellsberg has compared Bradley Manning’s intent and actions to his own when he famously
under that, the date.
leaked the Pentagon Papers in 1971, exposing government lies and contributing to the end
-At the top right side of the of the Vietnam War. The full charges against Manning, for his alleged role, were released on
page, include your contact March 2nd, 2011. The tenuous charge of “Aiding the Enemy” means that he could face the
death penalty and came as a shock to many who feel whistle-blowers are instrumental to holding
governments accountable.
-Type and center # # # “Quote from local activist”
indicating the end of your
release (located at the Outraged activists gathered on [date] and [action] to raise awareness about the conditions of
Bradley’s incarceration and to shed light on the military’s fear of transparency regarding facts of
bottom of the page).
the Iraq War.
There is concern among some prominent public leaders that the Obama Administration’s
treatment of this event is damaging the U.S.’s image abroad. The latest development in Bradley’s
pretrial treatment is that since release of the full charges on March 2nd, he has been stripped of
all clothing each night before bed and forced to stand naked at attention the next morning.
“Is this Quantico or Abu Ghraib?” Dennis Kucinich said in a March 7th statement. “This
‘non-punitive’ action would be considered a violation of the Army Field Manual if used in an
interrogation overseas. The justification for and purpose of this action certainly raises questions
of ‘cruel and unusual punishment,’ and could constitute a potential violation of international law.”
For more information from two key activist groups on the conditions surrounding Bradley
Manning’s charges and imprisonment, please visit and http://
Courage to Resist is an organization that supports the men and women of the U.S. armed forces
who are speaking out about their refusal to fight in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Organizing Toolkit H 15

No torture, no death penalty for accused whistleblower!

contacts page

Bradley Manning Support Network contacts

For assistance planning events and campaign materials: • 510-488-3559
For assistance writing material:
For assistance promoting your local activities online:
For national press contact: • 202-640-4388
Funds raised at any event should be made out to “Courage to Resist” and mailed to Courage to Resist, 484 Lake Park
Ave #41, Oakland CA 94610. Make sure to note “Bradley Manning Defense” on the memo line.

Allied organizations
Courage to Resist (based in Oakland, CA): • 510-488-3559
Veterans for Peace local chapters:

Iraq Veterans Against the War: click on the “Chapters” button
War Resisters League local chapters:
Code Pink local groups:
Voters for Peace (based in New York, NY):
Firedoglake online news website:

Places to find and advertise events

First, is your friend. Try searching for “[your city] events” as well as more specific terms such as “[your city]
progressive events” and “[your city] activist calendar.” (Look in the “community” section) (anti-war, computers, LGBT, veterans groups are some suggestions for outreach)
Local free weeklies (event calendar listings often require 3 weeks notice)
Community radio stations

16 H Organizing Toolkit

We stand for truth, for government transparency, and for an end to our tax-dollars funding endless occupation abroad...

We stand with accused whistle-blower US Army Pfc. Bradley Manning

A 22-year-old Army intelligence analyst, Pfc. Manning faces decades in prison for allegedly leaking a video of a US
helicopter attack that killed at least eleven Iraqi civilians to the website Wikileaks. Among the dead were two working
Reuters reporters. Two children were also severely wounded in the attack.
In addition to this “Collateral Murder” video, Pfc. Manning is suspected of leaking the “Afghan War Diaries”—tens of
thousands of battlefield reports that explicitly describe civilian deaths and cover-ups, corrupt officials, collusion with
warlords, and a failing US/NATO war effort.
“We only know these crimes took place because insiders blew the whistle at great personal risk ... Government
whistleblowers are part of a healthy democracy and must be protected from reprisal,” noted Barack Obama while on the
campaign trail in 2008. While the President was referring to the Bush Administration’s use of phone companies to illegally
spy on Americans, Pfc. Manning’s alleged actions are just as noteworthy. If the military charges against him are accurate,
they show that he had a reasonable belief that war crimes were being covered up, and that he took action based on a
crisis of conscience.
After nearly a decade of war and occupation waged in our name, it is odd that it apparently fell on a young Army private to
provide critical answers to the questions, “What have we purchased with well over a trillion tax dollars and the deaths of
hundreds of thousands in Iraq and Afghanistan?” However, history is replete with unlikely heroes.
If Bradley Manning is indeed the source of these materials, the nation owes him our gratitude. We ask Secretary of the
Army, the Honorable John M. McHugh, and Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, General George W. Casey, Jr., to release Pfc.
Manning from pre-trial confinement and drop the charges against him.

_____________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Print name Signature

_____________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Mailing Address City, State, Zip

_____________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Title / Profession (optional) E-mail (optional to receive occasional updates)

Check one: o Publish my name/title o Publish my name/city o Publish my name only o Do NOT publicly use my name

Please return to:

Bradley Manning Support Network, c/o Courage to Resist,
484 Lake Park Ave #41, Oakland CA 94610

This letter will be mailed on your behalf to both Mr. John McHugh and Gen. Casey at the Pentagon.
For additional petitions: • For more info:

Bradley Manning Support Network H



We support Bradley Manning!

“God knows what happens now. Hopefully worldwide discussion, debates,
and reforms—if not, we’re doomed as a species. I will officially give up on the
society we have if nothing happens. I want people to see the truth... because
without information, you cannot make informed decisions as a public.”
That’s an excerpt from an online conversation attributed to
US Army Intel Analyst Pfc. Bradley Manning, now charged
with blowing the whistle on the “Collateral Murder” video, the
Iraq War Logs, the Afghan War Diaries, and many official
cables embarrassing to the US State Department. The chat log
referenced above is both the only known “evidence” against
Bradley, and the catalyst for an international campaign to save
his life.
It’s beyond ironic that leaked US State Department cables
have contributed to revolution and revolt against
dictatorships across the Middle East and North Africa, yet
Bradley Manning is threatened with execution—or at least life
in prison—for being the source. Millions of Americans—and far
more internationally—understand Bradley’s contribution towards
not only freedom of information, but literally freedom itself.
We need your help to give Bradley a fighting chance.

Join us.

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