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1 GRAMMAR comparatves, a...05 fess. than. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct comparative fre ofthe adjective / adver 1 The weathers worse — today than twas esterday (bad 2 Please drive out pong oof (slowh) 3 fled the test 1 work —__ ner time, (hard) 4 Here is — since ae bad her second cit (ress 5 That joke is ‘han the atone you tl (canny) 7 6 The climate in northern Europe is ___ than ithe south, (et) 7 Shesings —than you (good) Basketball s___ dan bse inthe US (popular bb Rewrite the sentences using as... a 1 this vacuum cleaners queer than hat one. That vacuum cleaner sl tsietarthieone 2 Carls speaks move quicl than Davi Dovid 3 Mossia is bigger than the USA. The USA 4 Borsa played batter than Greece, Gree = 5 Davin dives more carefully than Mark, Mark Tie isthe coin of your ie. Oy you can cde aw to spend it ont ater people pend you, Cat Sg Ata poet 6 Tolyo it more expensive than London, London 7 Tana deesses move elegantly than Bias Bianes 8 Classical music is mon Rosk male — 2 PRONUNCIATION 5, word stress 4. Underline te stressed syllable in these words, ase 5 American 9 journalis Dime 6 harder 10 today S paren 7 generation 11 shes happened § machines 12 longer bb Noweitcle the a! sound, fy Be careful thes of them have two /a sounds Practise saying the words in a 3 VOCABULARY expressions with tine Complete the sentences with these words spend wmte on takea long Aone have ough sve 1 Dottie time doing tings you do enjoy to New Zalnd is ging to 3 Tan soreyt sie tn se you td 4 She ncads to moe time studying we goon the matory rach es traf © Dhope we arive sine, My da is mecing 4 READING gona Beata beach bea af fhe P Great Fe he si ‘Wy de you say at sen longer to cach some s. nthe nig, 0 to see my hen Inthe 1 We dak win ad play the uae Tm us spt him. thn a9 MBA fam 2s You cn. I yr tt fi tw bye igeer bat. Tanith the rie yl get Fr caine a ing mare ik sem dey fh fc Fen oben Then ol be able eave ae nia Cyan fall reve to New Ye eres call rat the ciara al hati asked te cesT (True) or F (False sed moe ish, oped his Het mercan veunted i 1 work nde 4 He tld the Mexican ro buy sto 6 He probably did't conve the Mesa More Words to Learn ‘Wirlte translations and ty to feeb the word, Word Franti ie ne ss with led acre |v lkse on you ansver these question? Are you ser now than yu were ye" Do you wok ory ade no than 2 et Wool yu he sour toam acy 2 bis London? ve omer utero ore eit) ‘oyu speak ngish a vl as our He

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