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P a t t y Thoma s - The M ira c le s Of J e s us M i nis t r y w w w . P ra y Out L oud . c om

©Cop y rig ht , 2 010, A L L R IGH T S R ES ER V ED

There i s su ch a pro fou nd seeking fo r mani fest at ion s o f t he sup ernatural

today, t hat d ec epti on s run rampan t in our chu rc hes and ho mes. Making
regul ar “sold -ou t” appearan ces, l uci fer is hard at w ork deceiving ev en th e
eli te.

With an awaken ing hunger, peopl e are beginning t o cry o ut for God, only t o
see the fal se mani fest at ion s o f a u su rping devil. Worse, he’s no t on ly
st ealing t hei r sou l s, but their w orsh ip, too. Tho usands o f y ears aft er he
was c ast out o f Heav en, he’s sti ll t ryin g to ”play G od,” and find people who
will w orship hi m. The mask i s off, luc ifer! y ou are b eing expo sed!

Why i s thi s h appening, n ow, mo re than ever? Th ere are two main reason s:
1) It i s n earing ti me for J esu s to Retu rn, and 2) Peopl e are n ot will ing t o
pay th e p ri ce t o get their liv es i n o rder befo re t he Lo rd. Thi s leaves th em
with un resolv ed i ssu es th at blo ck them from rec ei ving God’s Highest and
Best. S in blo ck s bl essi ngs. Y es, Jesu s F org ave u s our si ns, p ast, presen t
and futu re, but He Expect s u s to tu rn fro m our fo rmer ways, weeding si n
out con tinu all y. He S til l Wan ts a ho ly peopl e, t o w orship Him, with hon or,
respect and rev erenc e.

In so me chu rc hes, th e ligh t s are turn ed off du ring wo rship. Wh y would

Jesu s Want a dark ened chu rch? A nswer: He Wouldn ’t. But, the g reat
dec eiv er w ould. In o ther church es, th e wo rsh ip t eam has gained ro ck -star
fame and recogn iti on. Thi s i s of th e human flesh, o r ego. T oo o ft en,
worship h as b ec ome all abou t perfo rmanc e. Th e mu sic ian s t hen, are
seeki ng and tak ing the gl ory t hat b elon gs to God. Thi s opens a do or fo r the
demo nic.

Then, there i s ano ther si tuation th at needs to be addressed. Sw ept up in a

tide of warm and fu zzy feeling s du ring worship, very few take th e t ime t o
disc ern. F al se do ct rin es, fal se p roph ets and fal se signs and wond ers are
everywh ere. Lik e inno cen t l ambs led t o slaugh ter, are the c ongregan ts o f
so me o f t he chu rch es t oday.

What pasto r has been train ed to kn ow the fal se fro m th e Real? Wh at past or
underst and s th e mechani sms, pl oy s and tacti c s o f th e evi l? Where and
when h ave th ese thi ngs b een t aught to your av erag e pasto r?

There are oth er reason s as wel l. In tel evi sion p rog rams and th e movi es,
psych ic skil ls, wit chc raft and sorc ery are being t aught at an ever -al armi ng
rate. On sat an’s high est feast day o f Hallow een, p arent s are dressin g th ei r
child ren up as w it ches and so rc erers. Th ey buy scho ol and every day
clo thing, acc esso ri es and paraph ern al ia covered with skull s and c ro ssbon es,
demo ns and oth er satan ic images. Video g ames today, are fil led w ith
demo nic creatures, and abj ect v iol en ce. Th e Harry Pot ter boo k s h av e
beco me a huge phen omen on, with a theme park now open at Un iversal
Studio s in O rl ando.

Why i s t hi s a p robl em? Th ese t hing s in dicate an align men t with th e sat ani c
fo rc es. T hat means, an acc eptan c e o f t hem. I t must b e s t at ed c learly h ere,
that such an alignment o r ac cep tan ce, i s a rej ec tion o f Jesu s C hri st and Hi s
Salv ati on.

We m ust wake up, church. We must become aw are of t he false , so t hat we do

not fa ll prey to it. I'm going to g ive y ou three se parat e examples of t h e fa lse
light of lucife r. The church t oday , is be ing de ce ive d into acce pt ing the fa lse
light and t hink ing it is God. The re are many manifest at ions of this light. The
Lord Te lls us t hat His P eople pe rish for lack of k nowledg e. Let t hes e ex amples
be a beg inning guide for y ou.


I walke d int o a church that w as in the middle of w orshipping. The church

seeme d t o be filled w it h g olde n light. The at mos phe re see me d all warm and
fuz zy, and inv it ing. Finding a se at , I stood t o w orship, but eve ryt hing i n m e
just stoppe d. I just “s hut dow n.”

I sat dow n and praye d in the Gift of Tongues. Within a few moments, I felt
Holy Spirit Ris ing up w it hin me , like a Fount ain. Ah, t he We ll of Liv ing Wate r!
My thoughts hadn't eve n conne cte d, but I just “ kne w” w hat t o do. Whe n t he
steps of the rig hte ous are w ell -orde re d, Holy Spirit Some times Puts you on
aut oma tic pilot , if only brie fly. At t hat mome nt , you are sure ly abiding in Him.

Just us ing my t houg hts , I took authority in t he Name of the Lord Jes us C hris t.
I cas t out t he s pirit of lucife r. Imme diately , t hat g olden cloud rolle d out of
that church. I could physically see it le ave, lik e a wave that rolled out of t he

The pastor immediate ly jumpe d up, and picke d up t he microphone. He was

complet e ly unaw are of what was g oing on. What y ou as a past or are not
awa re of..... is de adly , for y ou as t he s he pherd, for your church, and for eve ry
indiv idua l and family re present ed t he re.

That “g olde n light ” was a demonic manifestat ion. The people t houg ht they
were w orshipping the Lord Jes us Christ , and in their hearts and minds , they
proba bly we re. How eve r, t he s in t hat was pres ent there , was the ope n door
for t he demonic t o arrive. That part icular church act ive ly s oug ht
manifestat ions of g old dust , gemst one s , prophet ic w ords and more. Em pty
coffee cups , w ate r bott les and a mis ce llane ous mé lange of things we re oft en
found on t he se ats and floor of the sanct uary as pe ople le ft. Be cause t hey
were not humbled before t he Lord, satan had a fie ld day.

One thing I had notice d about t hat church, is t hat t hey we re not doing wee kly
alt ar ca lls , or we ek ly communion. They were busy chas ing the supe rnat ura l,
and t hat ’s w hat t hey found. Only , it was n’t t he supe rnat ural of God t hat t hey
re ce ive d.


Som e m onths ag o, I t ook a call from a frie nd. She t old me t hat in less than
ha lf an hour, a serv ice was t o beg in just a few minutes from me. A "prophet"
ha d be en inv ite d in from anot he r stat e. She fe lt t hat I nee de d to g o, and t ha t
pe rhaps t he re w ould b e a w ord for me and t he minist ry. Re luctant ly , I got
myself t oget he r and we nt t o find t his place. I was lee ry , hav ing see n so much
fa lse prophe cy. G od Works in Myste rious Ways , s o I w ent , wat ching for Him.

As I e nte re d the darke ne d room, t he oppressive n ess was ove rw he lm ing.

Som eone w as be ating on a large drum. I t seeme d more like a pag an gat he ring
tha n a church. Again, I ask: “Why , are past ors t urning the lig hts off in
churches t oday? ” Some of t hem look more like a se edy night club t ha n a
House of Go d! The re is neve r, ever, a reas on to turn the lights off! Is this
be ing done t o "highlig ht" t he w ors hip t e am? NO!!!! They are not t o be ma de
idols ! The only "at mos phe re" y ou nee d is that of t he P rese nce of HOLY Spirit!
Let me say that again, "HOLY Spir it."

I took a seat , and again, sat and pray ed in Holy Spirit's G ift of Tongues.
Immediate ly , I was doing s pirit ual warfare , tak ing authority ove r, and cast ing
out t he demonic that had invaded and pe rvaded t he “atmos phe re.” sata n is
the prince of t he air.
For seve ral minutes , I cont inue d on, unt il t he re was a break ing up of w hat was
ha ppe ning in the spirit re alms. They knew I me ant bus iness. They le ft , more
in bits and drov es, t han like a cloud rolling out. The "at mosphe re" ha d
cha nge d. But , t he pastor t ook the mic, and said, "It see ms that Holy Spirit Has
Arrive d, let us beg in."

In this case , she was n't expe rie ncing t he P rese nce of Holy Spirit , but t he
abse nce of the demonic! They had le ft. The room ret urned t o neut ral. This
was not Holy Spirit at a ll.

She int roduce d t he prophet , who was give n g reat accolades. Ev idently , this
prophet pe riodically vis it ed this small g athe ring, coming from anot he r st ate.
He procee de d t o g ive messages t o just about eve ry one there. I was t empte d
to be liev e that at le ast , he w as work ing with G od. That is , unt il I saw him
giv ing out prophe cy afte r prophecy afte r prophecy. There is NO PREC ED ENT
for t hat in the Bible. The prophets of God ty pically came and gave A SING LE
message , us ually of re pe ntance , t o a s ing le pers o n or a city.

Uncomfortable t hroughout the evening , I cont inued t o seek t he Lord and

dis ce rn. Fait hful G od, t he answ er w as Give n. Tow ards t he ve ry e nd of t he
nig ht , the prophet aske d if any one had gold dus t on t hem. Gold dus t is a
manifestat ion of the demonic. I le ft. That w as all I ne eded t o he ar.

That prophet , and t hat past or we re deceiv ed by lucifer. They probably

thoug ht t hey we re acting corre ct ly. The problem is , t hat the people acce pte d
lucife r's prese nce. Oh, my! Not only that, but t hey re ce ive d "messages " from
this prophet. Whe n lucife r g ives a mess age, do y ou re ally t hink it is of trut h?
It us ua lly sounds g ood, but has a hook in t he re s omew he re. Thos e mess ages
can dest roy lives , and le ad people in the w rong direction and w rong choices
for many years. The w orst part is, the y "fe el g ood. " Why ? We know t hat
lucife r fee ds and puffs up t he fles h.

During his preaching , and prophesy ing , it seeme d at t imes t hat Holy Spirit Was
Prese nt. On clos er ex aminat ion…….. and afte r praye r and discernment , I knew
othe rw ise.

We M US T C OMPARE eve ry t houg ht , w ord, deed, sit uation and at mos phe re t o
the Word of G od, t he I nfallible Authority !


There have bee n times I've gone int o worship or praise in my own hom e or
even ca r, whe n a “g lorious light ” appe ars. We must be constant ly on g ua rd!
Do NOT a cce pt eve ry s pirit that comes t o you, eve n if it “ looks like” it is Holy
Spirit. Be love d, t ry eve ry spirit!

1 John 4: 1
Belove d, believe n ot ev ery s pirit, b u t tr y th e spi rits whe the r they ar e of G od :
becaus e m any f alse p ro phe ts a re gon e ou t i nto the wo rld.

Don't j ust acce pt t hat w he n you see t hat lig ht , or golde n lig ht , t hat it is of
God. Test t hat s pirit ! How? "Holy Spirit , is this of You? I f so, G ive me pe ace.
If not , t ake it away. " Or, as the Bible Teaches us,

1 John 4: 3
And every s piri t tha t con fess eth no t tha t Jes us C hris t is come in the fle sh is
no t of G od : a nd this is tha t spi rit of an ti ch rist , whe reo f ye hav e hea rd tha t it
sho uld come ; an d even now al rea dy i s i t in the w orl d.

2 John 1: 7
For ma ny de ceive rs ar e en tere d in to the w or ld, wh o con fes s no t tha t Jes us
Chris t is com e i n the fles h. This i s a de ceiver a nd an an tichris t.

If a light ente rs t he room y ou are in, or the car, ask t hat spirit if Jes us Christ
Has C ome in the Flesh. Many times , y ou will s ee the m leave.

The evil ones have had thousands of ye ars to pract ice. We , have had but a
few. We mus t use w is dom! D o NOT acc ept eve ryt hing y ou he ar in spirit ! D o
NOT acce pt eve ry prese nce that prese nts itse lf! The cons eque nces are g re at!

Matthe w 1 0:1 6
Behol d , I se nd y ou f or th a s she ep in the mid st o f wolve s: b e y e th ere for e wi se
as ser pen ts , a nd h armles s as d oves.

Cert ainly , I have experience d t he Unde niable P resence of my Holy God. The re
have bee n t imes , w hen I couldn’t stand for t he she er Holiness of Him. The re
have been t imes, w hen I crie d for day s afte rwards from be ing near to His
Holiness. His Light, Ex pos es those dark e ne d areas of our flesh, t hat each of us
has. It is v ery , ve ry humbling.

Perha ps , you are not a past or or minis t er, but s imply s ome one w ho atte nds
church. Use thes e same principles , and do praye rful int ercess ion for t he
past or and the church.
A No te To Pastor s

Do not be so naiv e, or arrogant , as to t hink satan has ignore d your church. If

the re a re pe ople the re , there are demons as we ll. Is there adult ery , divorce ,
div is ion, s ick ness , strife , cont ent iousnes s amongst y our congreg at ion? These
things a re not of God. They are demonic afflict ions on the unsus pecting , and
unt raine d. Jesus IS t he Fruit of t he Spirit !

There are many t oday , who are able to s ee into t he spiritual realms. God Has
Pla ce d them in y our church for a re ason. Use t hem t o “ke ep w at ch” be fore
and during y our s erv ices. Set up teams and committees t hat w ill s it in various
places in y our church to k eep w atch.

The t imes that a church is most v ulne rable:

 During wors hip

 During pray er lines
 Through “P rophet ic” Words

These demonic be ings o nly have t he rig ht to ent er your church, if the re is sin.
Make s ure t he s ins of pride , g ree d, and s exual s in have been dealt w it h.

Do you reme mbe r t he passages in Ezek ie l, whe re G od Revealed t he things tha t

were going on in t he Te mple ? These t hings we r e an abominat ion t o Him. Our
churches t oday , are filled w ith idolat ry , ce le brat ion of pag an fest ivals, y oga
whos e pos it ions are offe rings t o pag an g ods , and more. They are a n
abom inat ion to G od. But, bow ing t o lucife r, and w orshipping his prese nce?
That has t o be such a s lap in the face t o God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Eve n w hen
our hea rts and our int ents are corre ct , w e k now not w hat w e do.

Ezekiel 8:8-17

Then said he unto me, Son of man, dig now in the wall: and when I had digged in the
wall, behold a door.

And he said unto me, Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do here.

So I went in and saw; and behold every form of creeping things, and abominable
beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel, pourtrayed upon the wall round about.

And there stood before them seventy men of the ancients of the house of Israel, and in
the midst of them stood Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan, with every man his censer in his
hand; and a thick cloud of incense went up.

Then said he unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen what the ancients of the house of

Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? for they say, the LORD
seeth us not; the LORD hath forsaken the earth.
He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations

that they do.

Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD's house which was toward the
north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.

Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? turn thee yet again, and
thou shalt see greater abominations than these.

And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD's house, and, behold, at the door

of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty
men, with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east;
and they worshipped the sun toward the east.

Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? Is it a light thing to the

house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here? for they
have filled the land with violence, and have returned to provoke me to anger: and, lo,
they put the branch to their nose.

If you, as a past or are in s in while standing in the pulpit , y ou’v e ope ne d huge
doors for satan t o attack y our church and your cong regat ion, as we ll as y our
own life. You w ere Anointe d and Appoint ed to be t he s he phe rd of God’s
pe ople. Lead them in w is dom, holiness and purity. Be t he Example Jes us Was
and Is.

Be sure to check the website and look for the blogtalkradio series on “Witchcraft In The
Church.” The Lord Said, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” Don’t let you, your family,
or your congregation be among them!

Be Blessed of the Lord this day!

Patty Thomas-The Miracles Of Jesus Ministry

Patty is finishing a 1200 page book entitled "Pastor Perfect." Meant for both
pastors and the church as a whole, it is a True Word of God. God Wants His
Church united, under the original Teachings Of Jesus Christ. He Wants an end to
the 2,000 divisions in the church. The book is not Patty's opinions, but based
soundly upon Scripture. It is a call to restoring holiness, respect and reverence in
the church. Look for it this fall!

Patty is available to travel and speak at your conferences, churches and meetings.
Please contact her at patty@pattythomas. com

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