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PhotoShop: I used PhotoShop to create my magazine cover, contents and double page spread.

school, I used Photoshop Elements. Whereas at home, I was using PhotoShop CS4. I was able to do
more to my magazine at home as I was familiar to working with CS4 when we got given the
coursework task. I used many techniques I already knew to create my magazine. For example, on the
double page spread, I managed to have the picture in black and white, but still have the green top
(to go with the colour scheme). To do this, I duplicated the image and made one of them black and
white. Then, I put that image directly on top of the other one and rubbed out the tshirt of the black
and white image, revealing the coloured on of the other image. I used techniques, such as this, to
create my magazine.

Scribd: This was my first time using Scribd. I used it to upload my word documents to the internet so
I could embed them onto my blog. After registering to Scribd, it became easy to upload and embed
my documents. I found this very helpful as it would’ve taken much longer to copy the work from the
word document directly into Blogger. An example where I used Scribd was when I uploaded my
analysis of the 3 covers, contents’ and double page spreads.

Photobukcet: Like PhotoShop, I had past experiences of working with Photobucket. I used
Photobucket as my image uploader, uploading images so I could present them on my blog. Many of
the other students in my class used Flickr; however I found it more beneficial to me to use
Photobucket. Photobucket works like Scribd, where you upload your file (in this case an image) and
copy the HTML code into blogger.
Camera: I used one of the school supplied cameras to take the pictures for my magazine. I got this
by going to the school library and signing the camera out for the night. I quickly got to grips with how
to use the camera and managed to take many pictures which could possibly be used for my
magazine. I then used the USB cable provided to get the photos off the camera and onto the

Blogger: Blogger was the main website we used throughout the coursework process. We had
originally made a blog for all our class work, and we created a separate blog for our coursework. All
our blogs were connected to our teacher’s blog, so we could get updates about the coursework
quickly, and so we fully knew what we were to do. I used my blog to present all my coursework,
using technology such as Scribd and Photobucket (mentioned above).

Google: I used Google images to find the majority of my images. I used images to inspire me, and
giving me ideas for my own magazine. Using Google was relatively easy due to lots of experience. I
saved the images and uploaded them to my blog. I also used Google to search for websites that
could help me with my work.

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