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SMA / MA : SMA NU 2 Gresik

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : XI / I (Ganjil)
Pertemuan ke : 1
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 Menit
I. Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan
1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan
transaksional dan interpersonal resmi dan
berlanjut (sustained) dalam konteks
kehidupan sehari-hari

II. Kompetensi Dasar : 1.1

Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam
percakapan transaksional (to get things
done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi)
resmi dan berlanjut (sustained) secara
akurat, lancar dan berterima yang
menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam
konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan
melibatkan tindak tutur: menyampaikan
pendapat, meminta pendapat, menyatakan
puas, dan menyatakan tidak puas.

III. Indikator :
- Melengkapi isi dialog dengan kata-kata yang benar.
- Memahami isi dialog dengan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang
diberikan oleh guru.

IV. Jenis Text : Teks Transaksional and Interpersonal

V. Tujuan Pembelajaran
- Siswa dapat menyampaikan pendapat
- Siswa dapat meminta pendapat
- Siswa dapat menyatakan puas
- Siswa dapat menyatakan tidak puas

VI. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Teks dan video percakapan tentang expression Giving opinion,

Asking opinion, Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction
2. Penjelasan dan memberi contoh kalimat expression

Expression example
Giving opinion A: I think this is great
B: I think so / too

Asking opinion What do you think about it? B:

What is your opinion about …

Satisfaction A: I am satisfied with …

B: I am very pleased with …

Dissatisfaction A: I’m not happy about it

B: I am disappointed with …

VII. Metode Pembel


VII. Metode pengajaran

GBA (Genre Based Approach)

VIII. Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

Pertemuan 1

No. Kegiatan Waktu

 Salam dan tegur sapa menit
 Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran kepada siswa


 Warming up ( small conversation about the expression ) 10

 Memberikan penjelasan tentang expression serta memberi contoh
percakapan sederhana dari beberapa expression. 15
Giving opinion
A: What do you think about my new mobile phone?
B: I think this is great
new hair style?
new hair style?


A: what do you feel about the concert last night?

B: I am satisfied with it


A: how do you feel with her?

B: I am disappointed with her performance

 Guru me- review materi yang di ajarkan secara satu persatu siswa
5 menit
 Guru membagi soal kepada siswa sebelum memutar kaset
5 menit
 Mendengarkan teks yang diputar melalui kaset . Sambil mendengarkan
dialog dalam lembaran kertas, siswa melengkapi data-data sesuai dengan 15
teks. menit
Text 1

Listening (Asking and giving opinion)

X : Retno, what do you think is the best ________(6) to reduce global


Y : I think everyone should start ________________(7) their way of


X : What do you __________(8)?

Y : Well, we have to start to do what we can, to help _____________(9)

global warming.

X : What do you suggest that we should do?

Y : Well, there are lots of things that we can do. We should start

_________(10) electricity, start ________________(11) things,

start using public transport means, buying and _____________(12) as

much as we need only, etc. Basically, just save ____________(13) that

we can.

X : Wow, you know a lot of things about reducing global

___________(14). Where did you _________(15) all of that from?

Y : Well, I read newspapers, ___________(16), and also search for

information in the ________(17). Actually, I want to ________(18)

what I’ve learned to everyone so that everybody can start

________(19) to save our mother nature.

X : You’re so awesome. How about if you write it in our school magazine

next month?

Y : That’s a _________(20) idea. I’ll do that.

X : OK, I’ve got to go now.

Y : Bye…
Text 2

Listening (Expressing Satisfaction)

X : How’s your _____________(1) in Bali?

Y : It was ___________(2)! The beaches are beautiful and the sun set

from Tanah Lot is magnificent.

X : Really? What else did you do there?

Y : Oh, I went ______________(3)! It was the most breath-taking

thing that I’ve ever done.

X : Wow, it must be a very fun _________(4) for you.

Y : Yes, I’m very ____________(5) with my vacation there. You must

go there.

X : Yes, I think I’ll do that.

Listening (Giving advice)

A: Look at these _____________(1), more drug users were caught.

B: Yeah, I think the number of drug _________(2) is increasing.

A: Yeah, it’s so bad. We have to be __________(3) not to get plunged into using

drugs. How do you think we can stop or at least decrease the number of drug


B: Well, I think beside _____________(4) everyone with the information of what

drugs are and what they can do to our body, we should also ________(5) the

drug traffic more strictly.

A: What do you mean?

B: Well, I think if we stop the drug __________(6) the drug available in our society

will decrease or even be gone.

A: Yes, you’re right. But, what do you think we should do to stop the drug traffic?

B: I think the police should increase its luggage __________(7) in airports, harbours,

city borders, etc.

A: Wouldn’t that take time? We will need more policemen then.

B: yes, of course. We will also need high technology _____________(8) too. That

way, the __________(9) checking will be much faster and thorough.

A: I agree with you, I think the ______________(10) should give a thought about

 Guru memutar ulang kaset dan membahas text 1, text 2, dan text 3
 Guru memeriksa hasil kerja siswa menit

5 menit

 Me – review hasil pembelajaran siswa menit
 Menyebutkan kesalahan – kesalahan siswa yang menonjol pada tes yang
 Salam penutup

IX. Alat/Bahan dan Sumber Belajar

a. Buku English how unit 3, p.36
b. Script rekaman percakapan
c. Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Students XI

X. Penilaian
- Tehnik : Penugasan mengisi di dalam garis yang kosong dengan
jawaban yang benar berdasarkan teks
- Bentuk : Essay
- Instrumen : (terlampir)
- Pedoman Penilaian:
Nilai maks = 5
Nilai siswa = skor perolehan / skor maks x 10 Evaluasi

Cara Penilaian :

Nilai siswa = skor perolehan / skor maks x 10

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